Level 2
IGN: FuzzyChinchilla
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lemon earrings, blue ribbon sunhat, pink bicycle, white ribbon backpack, cherry blossom umbrella, Lightning DSLR, Lightning laptop, Silver smartphone, George's binocular's, moon earrings
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was running through the gym to go watch the college track tryouts. I ran across a basketball court, and the server severely lagged, after which all the items from my inventory were missing, replaced solely by the armor from basketball. I've included the most recent screenshot I have of my inventory, circling the 10 items I'm hoping to recover. I tried my best to remember the specific names above.
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lemon earrings, blue ribbon sunhat, pink bicycle, white ribbon backpack, cherry blossom umbrella, Lightning DSLR, Lightning laptop, Silver smartphone, George's binocular's, moon earrings
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was running through the gym to go watch the college track tryouts. I ran across a basketball court, and the server severely lagged, after which all the items from my inventory were missing, replaced solely by the armor from basketball. I've included the most recent screenshot I have of my inventory, circling the 10 items I'm hoping to recover. I tried my best to remember the specific names above.