IGN: CombatRP
The rainbow lollipop
Heisenberg hat and glasses
Striped bunny hat
Bunny Baby Bottle
The Microphone
Spangler Candy Cane
4 kitchen knife headbands (next to the mic in the first image)
and Yonio gave me a Gucci bag and a god mode helmet last time which I already have. Also I don't want to make more than one ticket so I'll just put it here, there's items suddenly disappeared and idk why (Helmet and 3 cameras in second image). There's also the wooden bat I got, but it's broken and now it's a diamond sword; please fix it (I placed everything in a chest at auction house second floor). All my vehicles are gone too for some reason and I can't call them back (1964 Volkswagen 1200 & PinkBug & Pink Bike)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Yonio returned the items before, however a few remain missing. I lost them because my school locker broke with 1.19 update.
The rainbow lollipop
Heisenberg hat and glasses
Striped bunny hat
Bunny Baby Bottle
The Microphone
Spangler Candy Cane
4 kitchen knife headbands (next to the mic in the first image)
and Yonio gave me a Gucci bag and a god mode helmet last time which I already have. Also I don't want to make more than one ticket so I'll just put it here, there's items suddenly disappeared and idk why (Helmet and 3 cameras in second image). There's also the wooden bat I got, but it's broken and now it's a diamond sword; please fix it (I placed everything in a chest at auction house second floor). All my vehicles are gone too for some reason and I can't call them back (1964 Volkswagen 1200 & PinkBug & Pink Bike)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Yonio returned the items before, however a few remain missing. I lost them because my school locker broke with 1.19 update.
IGN: CombatRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: School locker EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Why has my school locker vanished? and it won't allow me get a new one after I lost ¥20k while attempting to do this.
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