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Denied Miyage-Hin Mato Shopkeeper Application


Level 4
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

My Minecraft username/ign is SamFlynn82

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

Yes I do have Discord, my discord username is Jason Todd#1196

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

I am in the EST (Eastern Standard Time) time zone.

Describe your activity on the server:

I play every day for about 6-7 hours per day during the week and typically longer on the weekends (maybe about 9-11 hours?)

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I'm honestly not quite sure, I don't believe so, but if I have received some sort of punishment in the past correct me if I'm wrong (my memory isn't the greatest at times, apologies).

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do acknowledge that I will be demoted if I am inactive.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

I am currently a college student on the server working towards attaining my Bachelor's degree.

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:

I am applying for Miyage-Hin Mato.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

I would like to become a Shopkeeper in order to fulfill people's desires and give them a place that they can enjoy.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

For my shop, I'd like to focus less on my own profit, and more on the happiness of the people of Karakura. I'd like to keep costs low for both myself and the customers to try and make items a little for accessible for the student demographic of Karakura. I'd also like to set up a lounge, arcade, or some other form of entertainment to allow people to come in and enjoy the shop with friends and other peers.

What will you sell in your shop?:

I will most likely have a rotation of stock depending on what sells and what doesn't sell; however, I would like to focus on selling items that citizens will enjoy, thus providing them with positive memories and greater satisfaction. Items such as toys, phones, plushies, and plastic masks may be seen within my shop. As mentioned though I'd like to keep an eye on what products are selling well in order to provide similar offerings while discontinuing sales of products that aren't selling as well or may not be selling at all.

How many employees do you plan to have?:

I would like to maintain a team of four during shop open hours. However, I will plan to have approximately 8 employees, possibly more that way my employees can also have time for themselves as desired. If our staffing happens to fall short on during an opening then I will work alongside my employees at the registers, but if we do have a full crew I'd like to speak with customers and see what items they'd like to see in the shop in order to assist in deciding upon product offerings.


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

I saw renaming the shop is available, but is this only at the beginning after the acquisition of the shop, or is this something I can do at some point further down the road?
Is it possible to blend have a blend of retail and gift/accessory items?
Do I solely have to stick with gifts/accessories in my shop? (I know this is how it is currently categorized, but I'd like to have an array of offerings that are appealing to people)

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