✿ Miyako Sakai ✿
"Dedication will see me through."
Family Name:
酒井 (Sakai)
Given Name:
宮子 (Miyako)
Miya (Close Friends)
Ginger (Disrespectful)
25 Years
Karakura Police Department (Main Division - Corporal)
5'2" (159cm)
60kg (132lbs)
Slight Triangle/Pear emphasis, strongly athletic
Skin Color:
Warm, Light Olive
Eye Color:
Hazel Brown
Hair Style:
Midback, long waves and flicks; somewhat unkempt
Hair Color:
Fiery ginger
Absurdly uptight and formal. Her dress sense is meticulous; the peak of self scrutinising perfection, ensuring that not a thread would be out of place. Typically Miyako is seen wearing her uniform, though is sometimes seen in various other fits - seeming to prefer long clothing styles that cover up most of her body. This is not necessarily out of insecurity, but simply personal comfort.
Date of Birth:
January 5th
Place of Birth:
Hakone, Japan
East Asian
Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual, bi-curious
Religious Beliefs:
Shinto, loosely practiced; Kuzuryū worship within family
Date of Birth:
January 5th
Place of Birth:
Hakone, Japan
East Asian
Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual, bi-curious
Religious Beliefs:
Shinto, loosely practiced; Kuzuryū worship within family
Miyako is a 5'2" Japanese woman with lengthy, fiery ginger hair that carries herself with a reserved and noticeably disciplined disposition; a clear effort put into a pristine and orderly presentation. Her face is lightly freckled, skin a pale olive tone befitting of her heritage. Showcasing a near militaristic level of rigidity in her body language, her build appears athletic and rather tone, suggestive of an intense commitment to physical fitness. Her features are completely free of any modification, no piercings, tattoos or even jewellery in sight. Those dark hazel eyes of hers appear piercing, sharp, alert... Yet, deep within, radiated warmth toward most she interacts with; appearing hopeful.
Once particularly stern and exceptionally stubborn, Miyako is now much more level-headed and openly compassionate person: Still weighed down by her crushing desire to keep moving forward with steps for self improvement, yet much more selective of who she will dig her feet into the ground over. Innately, she holds a strong desire to help people be the best they can be and to stay out of trouble, extending to 'tough love' if need be... Though her patience for those that do not reciprocate her efforts has diminished significantly since her days in school and college. The woman's longing to see a better Karakura reflects in her quickness to grow agitated in the face of criminal, callous behaviours; clashing with those that hold no regard for others fiercely. Even so, having had many years to reflect on herself and grow as an individual, Sakai's ability to regulate her emotion and uphold her own values in the face of so much opposition remains infallible. Those that are able to get particularly close to her will also know just how warm and caring she can be, striving to do everything she can for those she holds dear and adapting her approach to individuals to fit their needs as much as possible. All in all - she is typically tranquil, selfless and strongly driven by her emotion. Under the surface, she remains crippled by anxieties of her own performance... Though this is rarely reflected in her outward demeanour.
Character Voice:
Somewhat on the deeper side for a girl, but still soft. When frustrated or angered, it becomes slightly more hoarse, however.
Usually, a smart phone is kept on her person, along with an omamori and ofuda for the sake of personal protection and precaution when it comes to spiritual activity. She also has her credit and ID cards, along with her police badge typically in an easily accessible place. Her keys for her family home, police bike and apartment in Karakura are additionally kept secure, with a purse containing a hefty sum of yen. Additionally, she has a tendency to carry cat themed items for absolutely professional purposes - along with a... potato? A cadet potato. ...Don't question that. Other than those things, standard issue police equipment are what occupy the rest of her 'inventory' of items.
Miyako is a 5'2" Japanese woman with lengthy, fiery ginger hair that carries herself with a reserved and noticeably disciplined disposition; a clear effort put into a pristine and orderly presentation. Her face is lightly freckled, skin a pale olive tone befitting of her heritage. Showcasing a near militaristic level of rigidity in her body language, her build appears athletic and rather tone, suggestive of an intense commitment to physical fitness. Her features are completely free of any modification, no piercings, tattoos or even jewellery in sight. Those dark hazel eyes of hers appear piercing, sharp, alert... Yet, deep within, radiated warmth toward most she interacts with; appearing hopeful.
Once particularly stern and exceptionally stubborn, Miyako is now much more level-headed and openly compassionate person: Still weighed down by her crushing desire to keep moving forward with steps for self improvement, yet much more selective of who she will dig her feet into the ground over. Innately, she holds a strong desire to help people be the best they can be and to stay out of trouble, extending to 'tough love' if need be... Though her patience for those that do not reciprocate her efforts has diminished significantly since her days in school and college. The woman's longing to see a better Karakura reflects in her quickness to grow agitated in the face of criminal, callous behaviours; clashing with those that hold no regard for others fiercely. Even so, having had many years to reflect on herself and grow as an individual, Sakai's ability to regulate her emotion and uphold her own values in the face of so much opposition remains infallible. Those that are able to get particularly close to her will also know just how warm and caring she can be, striving to do everything she can for those she holds dear and adapting her approach to individuals to fit their needs as much as possible. All in all - she is typically tranquil, selfless and strongly driven by her emotion. Under the surface, she remains crippled by anxieties of her own performance... Though this is rarely reflected in her outward demeanour.
Character Voice:
Somewhat on the deeper side for a girl, but still soft. When frustrated or angered, it becomes slightly more hoarse, however.
Usually, a smart phone is kept on her person, along with an omamori and ofuda for the sake of personal protection and precaution when it comes to spiritual activity. She also has her credit and ID cards, along with her police badge typically in an easily accessible place. Her keys for her family home, police bike and apartment in Karakura are additionally kept secure, with a purse containing a hefty sum of yen. Additionally, she has a tendency to carry cat themed items for absolutely professional purposes - along with a... potato? A cadet potato. ...Don't question that. Other than those things, standard issue police equipment are what occupy the rest of her 'inventory' of items.
Reading manga/books, poetry, stacking things neatly, chess.
Stubbornness - Miyako is still quite stubborn and hard to sway once she has her mind set on something. It takes GREAT amounts of logic and reasoning to get her to stand down if she has a strong belief in a particular approach, even if it may seem outright foolish to some. This leads to her being a bit unpleasant or perhaps even petty; she WILL see things through.
Perfectionism - Much too harsh on herself, Miyako is burdened with self expectation and ****ysation. Striving to constantly make steps in life and remain on the right path as flawlessly as possible, the idea of failure is something that genuinely upsets the girl; mistakes being something she will beat herself up continuously over for many days, even weeks, following it.
Non-Swimmer - Never having made time to learn, Miyako is unable to swim even a stroke, leading to a deep rooted sense of inferiority.
Emotional - While a boon in some aspects, Miyako's emotions are very strong fairly often, leading to issues with her conduct, as she will often times speak her mind about a problem even if it isn't necessarily the best time for it.
Anxiety - While she does a fantastic job of concealing it and acting as though she does not particularly resonate with those that are burdened with it, Miyako is wracked with anxiety due to insurmountable pressures to succeed; anxiety for her classmates, anxiety for her work, you name it and she likely overthinks it. Easy irritability is something she deals with as a consequence, that being the sole symptom that shines through clearly for any onlookers. Exceptionally rarely, Miyako can be struck by a panic attack if the stress peaks, resulting in an extreme reaction.
Empathy - Despite her fairly critical nature, Miyako is actually rather empathetic and able to understand people relatively well should they talk to her properly - of course, provided she is not actively angry and through with them.
Confidence - Miyako is able to keep composure and have confidence in herself outwardly. Inside she may be anxious, but outside she is very good at regulating this, especially with public speaking or the likes.
Determination - Able to create goals and pursue them with adamant focus, Miyako is gifted with the ability to reach for dreams that are within her grasp through hard work that others may struggle to keep up.
Reading manga/books, poetry, stacking things neatly, chess.
Stubbornness - Miyako is still quite stubborn and hard to sway once she has her mind set on something. It takes GREAT amounts of logic and reasoning to get her to stand down if she has a strong belief in a particular approach, even if it may seem outright foolish to some. This leads to her being a bit unpleasant or perhaps even petty; she WILL see things through.
Perfectionism - Much too harsh on herself, Miyako is burdened with self expectation and ****ysation. Striving to constantly make steps in life and remain on the right path as flawlessly as possible, the idea of failure is something that genuinely upsets the girl; mistakes being something she will beat herself up continuously over for many days, even weeks, following it.
Non-Swimmer - Never having made time to learn, Miyako is unable to swim even a stroke, leading to a deep rooted sense of inferiority.
Emotional - While a boon in some aspects, Miyako's emotions are very strong fairly often, leading to issues with her conduct, as she will often times speak her mind about a problem even if it isn't necessarily the best time for it.
Anxiety - While she does a fantastic job of concealing it and acting as though she does not particularly resonate with those that are burdened with it, Miyako is wracked with anxiety due to insurmountable pressures to succeed; anxiety for her classmates, anxiety for her work, you name it and she likely overthinks it. Easy irritability is something she deals with as a consequence, that being the sole symptom that shines through clearly for any onlookers. Exceptionally rarely, Miyako can be struck by a panic attack if the stress peaks, resulting in an extreme reaction.
Empathy - Despite her fairly critical nature, Miyako is actually rather empathetic and able to understand people relatively well should they talk to her properly - of course, provided she is not actively angry and through with them.
Confidence - Miyako is able to keep composure and have confidence in herself outwardly. Inside she may be anxious, but outside she is very good at regulating this, especially with public speaking or the likes.
Determination - Able to create goals and pursue them with adamant focus, Miyako is gifted with the ability to reach for dreams that are within her grasp through hard work that others may struggle to keep up.
Born and raised in the mountainous town of Hakone, Miyako Sakai was brought up by her mother and father in a particularly quiet home, diligently raised and praised by the family as their only child. Her parents had wanted to try for another child, but finance concerns and the instability of her mother's health were factors that opted to result in the decision for them to avoid it. Thus, Miyako was barraged with the love of both parents - their world, their focus. Someone that was destined for greatness, Miyako was planted with the small seeds of grandeur from a young age, the young girl not quite shifting as a result of it. Not just yet. Instead, life was good. Simple, steady, perhaps a bit tight on money and not all too luxurious... But happy. The small household had each other, the Sakai home was a warm and cosy environment.
With ties to the rest of the Sakai family in the case of true emergency, things were good. Great, even: The house was never in any serious financial trouble, it would be perfectly capable of supporting itself. Though, her parents were fairly prideful and wished to be able to support themselves, particularly her father. Alas, none of them had any issues with it - Miyako was brought into a house with very little in the means of technology, but that was fine by her. A simple television was more than enough for her in the main room to occasionally watch some shows, otherwise she got into reading. Secluding herself a bit in her room to read, constantly. Growing up, she would see her grandparents often and engage with the local shrine regularly. It was from here that she got her sense of commitment. The seeds planted in her mind of her capability grew into buds of confidence and she found a desire to take what her mother had showed her over the years to get herself out there. To volunteer, to give extra to the community out of a sense of honest care.
The young Sakai didn't stop there, the constant praise was simply fuel for the fire to keep going. She adored praise, always, her beliefs in traditional values cemented by her family ties. Her school life was the next big step in this field: Studious, she took the knack she had for reading and taking information in to hone skills at a rapid pace. A reputation was quickly garnered by the Sakai for her diligence and know-it-all nature. Applying herself, she grew to become fairly suffocating, having had no real resistance to avoid doing so, the fire was starting to grow a bit too hot. Leading to her being the one to chastise others, to getting people in trouble. A teacher's pet, to say the very least, as she had garnered an iron-clad sense of duty to her peers.
From disciplinary committees, to the Student Councils, Miyako continued seeking perfectionism, to be the perfect ideal. From the outside, it seemed to simply be all from a good place. Sourced from an innate desire to be the best she could be. This was mostly true, but in reality, Miyako was actually quite an anxious girl. Her desire for approval was applied strongly toward her parents and peers, especially toward teachers and older figures in life, unknown to herself seeking attention that she lacked as a result of living a fairly isolated life.
Her desire has always been to be successful, to be great, in order to take the burden off of her family. Her mother and father always worked so hard and she knew it, she saw it. She didn't get to spend much time with her father because of it and she tended to be fairly lonely some days, deep down. Thus, she wanted to take that burden away from them in the best way she could, by finding the strongest success possible. Making connections, making friends and helping everyone would help with that, too, even if those mostly came from a desire to take what her mother had imparted upon her and apply it. Kindness went a long way. Alas, she grew to become a fair bit bossy, pushy, perhaps even insensitive on the surface despite every attempt to not be. A fearful reputation among troublemakers, Miyako grew to be the literal definition of an 'ideal' student.
However, due to a decline in her mother's health and a major stability dip, financial troubles arose among the family. Miyako transferred schools to help with that, something she was a bit sad to do, but the new prospect of seeing a different part of the country and spreading her wings further was enticing enough to her. The location? Karakura, of course - thus, a train ride every morning started the cycle of coming to and from Hakone to the 'humble' city of Karakura. The fees for Karakura were exceptionally cheap and the reputation was decent! ...If only the reports were actually accurate outside of the city.
Culture shock. Needless to say, Miyako was exposed to a LOT of it when she first turned up in Karakura. But, she put her mind to it, all the same - meeting a variety of different faces in her time in the city. To say that she grew up in Karakura would be a bit of an overstatement... Yet it certainly influenced her life extremely strongly, as she was humbled often out of her views and challenged by peers as opposed to uplifted.
The delinquency problem in the city was unlike anywhere she had ever seen, her first week in Karakura had her bullied relentlessly for it and resulted even in a broken leg. Her parents were adamantly horrified at her getting her leg broken in an accident outside of home, understandably so... She lied to them about what had happened in order to prevent them from worrying and having to worsen the financial situation she was much too privy to. It was always looming over her back. The loss of her mother happened not too long after these events, with her health finally deteriorating much too far to come back from. Miyako was heavily upset by it, but it only cemented her self-destructive tendencies and anxiety to support her father.
Alas, she kept working hard, making friends. It wasn't too long before she had found her place among the Student Council of Karakura's school, building a reputation once again for being a total nerd. Yet, thanks to the wisdom of a certain Tokugawa, her attitude took a change for the better - albeit a bit too late for the good of some people she used to associate with. Still, instead of being suffocating toward others, she would back off. She'd stop being as pushy to those that wouldn't listen to her. They were never worth the effort in the first place, after all.
That and with high school and soon college in the equation, she had to focus on her field of expertise - what she wanted to do in life.
Always interested in law and justice, Miyako was leaning heavily toward the more mental work based field of being a lawyer: Particularly a stickler for rules, it always made sense to her... Plus, the dangers of the police force always felt much too high to her, especially in a city like Karakura. As a result, aiming to be a lawyer: That was her focus for a few more months in Karakura, until she reached her college years and got hit by loss after loss after loss of her friends. Murders, people turning out to be the worst type of criminal, weapons, alcoholics in even the most secure of spaces and countless people she thought she could trust breaking the law. It sickened her, terrified her deep down in her core, even. Crime was everywhere in Karakura. While crime had to exist to some capacity in the world, the level of it was much too cruel, much too unchecked. Miyako grew to feel a strong resentment, a hatred, toward criminals. Her desire thus changed. Instead of becoming a lawyer, she would dedicate her time to pursuit of a role in the police force to be as directly involved with the active suppression of crime itself, out of a sense of intense desire to actively help shape the city with her own hands and stop them by pulling crime out at its roots.
No longer was she going to be a simple spectator.
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