Level 0
WARNING: This contains disorders such as social anxiety, anorexia nervosa and abandonment issues. If this triggers you please don't read further.
(image W.I.P)
Basic Information
First Name:
Preferred Name:
Momo (only use if you can befriend her)
Underweight (W.I.P)
She maintains a stick-like figure.
Skin Color:
Pale ivory
Eye Color:
One of her eyes of cyan while the other is black
Hair Style:
Her hair is naturally curly and is usually down. However, she does like to style it and usually has her hair up more in the summer and spring.
Hair Color:
Originally black but she dyed it blonde to have the outer appearance of a delinquent.
Prefers dark colours but isn't picky. Likes to wear oversized jumpers (sweaters), hoodies, shirts etc. There is an exception to button-up shirts or anything smart.
Date of Birth:
18th November 2004
(Psst! I used a random generator because I had no ideas!)
Place of Birth:
English, Japanese
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefs:
She doesn't care about politics.
General Appearance
(image W.I.P)
Pale ivory skin,
She's cowardly despite her delinquent-like appearance. She's isn't the best with small talk and is less likely to approach you first.
During classes, she just sits in her seat quietly. She won't raise her hand because she's too scared and will most likely see teachers after class for questions.
Once you get to know her she still won't be open like a book. You've got to earn her trust 100% which is difficult since she has trust issues.
Character Voice:
I went through the entire video to find only her speaking parts I suggest watching the anime first to prevent spoilers (it's pretty underrated sadly no season 2 so suffer with me). Also, you don't need to go to every single part I put in.
(I put in every single bit she speaks in and no I'm not going to make a video or anything like that because 1. idk how and 2. cbb)
Casual: 0:00 - 0:05, 0:12 - 0:15, 1:19 - 1:25, 5:41 - 5:46, 6:06 - 6:08, 6:25 - 6:29, 7:58 - 8:00, 8:27 - 8:33, 9:30 - 9:33
Annoyed: 0:17 - 0:23, 8:36 - 8:38
Determined: 0:53 - 0:56
Shy/Tsundere (best way I could describe it): 1:00 - 1:07
Scared: 1:25 - 1:45
Sad: 1:51 - 1:57
(image W.I.P)
Usually wears darker colours to "better match her soul" but favours red the most.
Usually wears dark blue, grey or black denim jeans and shorts. Has no preference, wears skirts and dresses more in the summer.
Has a variety of black and white striped socks, scarves, gloves etc.
Singing (alone), wandering around town, reading.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Social anxiety- is a disorder that makes her unable to be in huge crowds of people/do things that cause her to worry. If she's forced into a situation she doesn't like or is surrounded without an escape she'll run off and have a panic attack or try to calm down, depending on how well she handled the situation.
Anorexia nervosa- is a disorder that causes her to limit her energy intake i.e food. Whilst restricting the amount of energy intake she also does a lot of exercises to get rid of what she ate.
Creative, making up stories and universes, singing.
Has one black eye, is always looking around the room (except exams, find out in backstory)
Will walk with her head looking at the floor when other people are around to avoid eye contact.
Likes to wear glasses with dark lenses/sunglasses to hide both eyes because she's self-conscious of them.
Mr Goro Tadao and Miss Amaya Haruka
(Although for pretty much everyone this isn't well-known information, find out in backstory)
Her current foster family is (W.I.P)
If abandonment issues or anything related to panic disorders e.g. social anxiety etc. triggers you then don't read further.
(image W.I.P)
My Beginning
(image W.I.P)
18th November 2004 - 1 day old
Momoko Hiro was born to Amaya Haruka and Goro Tadao who were in love the moment they saw her, while they remained unmarried they were still happy to finally meet their daughter.
All the plans that they had for her... the same plans anyone else would have.
(image W.I.P)
16th January 2007 - 2 years old
Momoko was dropped off at a foster care centre with a letter attached.
(image W.I.P)

Basic Information
First Name:
Preferred Name:
Momo (only use if you can befriend her)
Underweight (W.I.P)
She maintains a stick-like figure.
Skin Color:
Pale ivory
Eye Color:
One of her eyes of cyan while the other is black
Hair Style:
Her hair is naturally curly and is usually down. However, she does like to style it and usually has her hair up more in the summer and spring.
Hair Color:
Originally black but she dyed it blonde to have the outer appearance of a delinquent.
Prefers dark colours but isn't picky. Likes to wear oversized jumpers (sweaters), hoodies, shirts etc. There is an exception to button-up shirts or anything smart.
Date of Birth:
18th November 2004
(Psst! I used a random generator because I had no ideas!)
Place of Birth:
English, Japanese
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefs:
She doesn't care about politics.

General Appearance
(image W.I.P)
Pale ivory skin,
She's cowardly despite her delinquent-like appearance. She's isn't the best with small talk and is less likely to approach you first.
During classes, she just sits in her seat quietly. She won't raise her hand because she's too scared and will most likely see teachers after class for questions.
Once you get to know her she still won't be open like a book. You've got to earn her trust 100% which is difficult since she has trust issues.
Character Voice:
I went through the entire video to find only her speaking parts I suggest watching the anime first to prevent spoilers (it's pretty underrated sadly no season 2 so suffer with me). Also, you don't need to go to every single part I put in.
(I put in every single bit she speaks in and no I'm not going to make a video or anything like that because 1. idk how and 2. cbb)
Casual: 0:00 - 0:05, 0:12 - 0:15, 1:19 - 1:25, 5:41 - 5:46, 6:06 - 6:08, 6:25 - 6:29, 7:58 - 8:00, 8:27 - 8:33, 9:30 - 9:33
Annoyed: 0:17 - 0:23, 8:36 - 8:38
Determined: 0:53 - 0:56
Shy/Tsundere (best way I could describe it): 1:00 - 1:07
Scared: 1:25 - 1:45
Sad: 1:51 - 1:57
(image W.I.P)
Usually wears darker colours to "better match her soul" but favours red the most.
Usually wears dark blue, grey or black denim jeans and shorts. Has no preference, wears skirts and dresses more in the summer.
Has a variety of black and white striped socks, scarves, gloves etc.
Singing (alone), wandering around town, reading.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Social anxiety- is a disorder that makes her unable to be in huge crowds of people/do things that cause her to worry. If she's forced into a situation she doesn't like or is surrounded without an escape she'll run off and have a panic attack or try to calm down, depending on how well she handled the situation.
Anorexia nervosa- is a disorder that causes her to limit her energy intake i.e food. Whilst restricting the amount of energy intake she also does a lot of exercises to get rid of what she ate.
Creative, making up stories and universes, singing.
Has one black eye, is always looking around the room (except exams, find out in backstory)
Will walk with her head looking at the floor when other people are around to avoid eye contact.
Likes to wear glasses with dark lenses/sunglasses to hide both eyes because she's self-conscious of them.
Mr Goro Tadao and Miss Amaya Haruka
(Although for pretty much everyone this isn't well-known information, find out in backstory)
Her current foster family is (W.I.P)
If abandonment issues or anything related to panic disorders e.g. social anxiety etc. triggers you then don't read further.
(image W.I.P)
My Beginning
(image W.I.P)
18th November 2004 - 1 day old
Momoko Hiro was born to Amaya Haruka and Goro Tadao who were in love the moment they saw her, while they remained unmarried they were still happy to finally meet their daughter.
All the plans that they had for her... the same plans anyone else would have.
(image W.I.P)
16th January 2007 - 2 years old
Momoko was dropped off at a foster care centre with a letter attached.
"Dear Sir or Madam,
Please take care of our precious little Momoko, we're having money and... relationship trouble. This is temporary! Just until we get back on our feet.
Thank you."
Please take care of our precious little Momoko, we're having money and... relationship trouble. This is temporary! Just until we get back on our feet.
Thank you."
While left unsigned Momoko's new carer did try to find information on her but only got her first name, it was as if every trace of her and her parents was wiped.
Nonetheless, she took her in, gave her a surname and hoped someone would take her in for Momoko's sake.
Settling in
(image W.I.P)
June 2015 - 11 years old
She found it difficult to stay in one foster home so she would wreak havoc to deliberately get sent back, this happened for a few years. Starting at age 9. Eventually, she got noticed at the foster care by someone.
He did the same as her. Refusing to find a permanent home and was waiting to be kicked out at 18. And they began to bond over this very thing and found they had more in common than they originally thought.
Bad Decisions
(image W.I.P)
December 1st 2017 - 13 years old
They eventually confessed to each other and started dating. Parting ways, only to meet up to laugh and mock their previous foster families for giving up easily or the silly things they did to get kicked out.
A week after they reunited again she had her first panic attack, this continued every few weeks and finally went to a doctor and got diagnosed with social anxiety.
She was referred to a the****** to help deal with her inner turmoil and learn how to take control of anxiety.
She burnt the referral letter after ripping it to shreds. Embarrassed about needing help from someone else.
Fight or Flight
(image W.I.P)
September 2019 - 15 years old
He broke up with her a month before they were to part ways. He wanted to settle down and just deal with the foster system until he turned 18 instead of getting himself in trouble over and over again.
Offering that he'll open his heart again if she can open hers to the idea of a family.
Naturally, she refused the offer, doubting it'll happen.
She got into the car, head full of thoughts of him and a heart full of sadness, distrust and hate. She's turned all the hurt she feels into her "tough delinquent" persona, despite how unhealthy it is.
He waved goodbye and she slammed the door shut. Figuratively and literally.
Another Chance
(image W.I.P)
October 2019 - 15 years old
Momoko got told the day she was starting school and she made a plan to dye her hair before it started.
She succeeded of course. And also began her obsession with her weight, checking the number of calories she'd have to burn off, memorising the calory amount on food items she commonly sees etc.
With her current foster family. The (W.I.P). Her and Moriko are made to hangout so Momoko can feel at home, but she doubts she ever will when she considers the circumstances... or is she just assuming the worst?
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