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momsfrootloops | Doctor App Pt2!!

Ash :)

Level 5


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

ashchu_ (previously AshIsASimp) [main]
momsfrootloops [alt, the account I'm applying on]

What is your discord username?

My discord username is @eveloraa

Describe your activity on the server:
I'd like to think that I'm a pretty active player within the server. I'm typically on during the day, and even super late at night. Along with this, I'm taking a break from school so my schedule is very open, allowing me to get a lot of playtime and being able to get on whenever needed. There are very few times as to when I'm not available, such as 3-6pm EST on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Sundays due to me being on a bobcat team. But, other than that, I'm usually free. Sometimes my activity dips a tiny bit but I am still a relatively active person, honestly usually hyperfixating on SRP as silly as that is.

My current playtime on my main:


What is your timezone?:
As shown above, my timezone is Eastern Standard Time [EST].

List your current and past applications:
Staff Application [Denied]
Language App #1 [Accepted]
Language App #2 [Accepted]
Language App #3 [Accepted]
Language App #4 [Accepted]
Language App #5 [Accepted]
Language App #6 [Accepted]
EMS Application [Denied]

List your current roles on the server:
momsfrootloops [Grade-8] Valeska LaFleur
ashisasimp [Grade-12][Volleyball] Xochitl Vázquez

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Roleplaying is something that I've enjoyed since I was super young. It may sound silly, but I started by roleplaying on Minecraft school servers on my little iPad when I was around eight or so. From then, I moved on to roleplaying on other Minecraft servers and even some Roblox servers throughout middle school, improving and finding my roleplaying style. Earlier in high school, I began to roleplay in bigger Discord servers which is where most of my roleplaying ability comes from, due to the lack of a real word limit for my actions. Around 2020-2021, I thankfully found SRP which I've been playing on a regular basis with a few month or two long breaks. If I'm being fully honest, despite the discord roleplaying and my previous years of doing it, I was NOT very good at roleplay... until a year or so ago when I began to take roleplaying more seriously because of it being one of my main hobbies. I quickly began to put more detail into my roleplay, even trying out for bobcat swim and staying on the team for a few months which furthered my detailrp ability. Now, here I am.. with a silly love for detailrp!

What is your motivation for applying?
I honestly have A LOT of reasons as to why I'm applying. First, I'll begin with the main one. As I got more involved within SRP, I developed a huge interest in EMS. I'm not entirely sure why, it may be because of my interest in the hospital system in real life. Regardless, I've always kind of decided that eventually, I'd apply for EMS, wanting to experience what it's like to be in the faction. I had originally considered applying for KPD in the future, which I do want to do, but for now KPD and other factions don't really appeal to me the way EMS does. I actually applied in the previous wave and was denied, and when I saw the announcement for this wave, I decided almost immediately that I was going to come back and shoot my shot with applying again, so here I am! Moving on to another reason I have, as I said before, I have a big interest in the hospital system in real life. Despite EMS being much different from real life, I think it my interest in the realistic aspects of it will give me the motivation to first off, be extremely active, and find it even more enjoyable. Lastly my final motivation for applying is honestly just the roleplay experience. I've learned how to detailrp and enjoy doing it but I think being in EMS would open me to a lot more roleplay, especially roleplay that requires me to be detailed and in-depth.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
I'm applying for the doctor role within EMS.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Truthfully, I don't know too much but here is what I do know!

Doctors usually treat patients who come to the hospital for help. They can preform things from surgeries to simply giving a cast to a patient with a broken limb. Along with this, they can sign or provide prescriptions for some medicines or medical equipment that isn't fully open to the public without reasoning.

Paramedics are the ones who respond to things like emergency calls. They can go out and help people who aren't at the hospital, assessing what is wrong and transporting them to the hospital for whatever treatment is needed.

Veterinarians are essentially animal doctors. They treat animals who are brought to the hospital for help. Just as doctors, they can assess what is wrong and give whatever treatment is needed for the animal, going as far as intense surgeries to make sure the animal is doing its best.

A Psychiatrist is essentially a doctor for mental health or behavioral issues. They tend to offer therapy as an option, even mental health-related medicines to ensure their patient is getting the best care they could get.

Senior Resident
These are doctors and psychs who have shown that they know what they are doing during their time as a resident. They have been working at the hospital for a decent amount of time, with and without supervision. They are able to do things alone and such.

A resident are doctors and psychiatrists who have passed their exams and are official workers at the hospital. Despite this, they are still supervised a decent amount before they can move up to a senior resident.

These are doctors and psychs who have their application accepted BUT have not taken the exam yet to become a resident. They are typically seen being surprised, taught, and shadowing senior residents or people higher up within the hospital. Eventually, when they are ready and have been fully trained, they will take their exam to move to residents if they pass!

Clinical Manager
A clinical manager takes care of the staff, making sure the quality of care within the hospital is good, and that everything is moving smoothly. Along with this, they are responsible for making schedules for the workers, making sure quota is met, and more.

Hospital Director
Lastly, a hospital director is responsible for almost all of the hospital. They set goals for the hospital, supervise when needed, manage finances and quota related things, and even more.

Pharmacy things
No Prescription NeededPrescribed by DoctorPrescribed by PsychiatristPrescribed by Doctor OR Psychiatrist
Paracetamol, Multivitamins, Iron Supplements, Melatonin, Cough Syrup, Wooden Cane, Unbranded Bandage, Eyepatch, GlassesAsprin, Tramadol, Hydrocodone, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Oseltamivir, Cetirizine, Januvia, Insulin Pen, Accupril, Atenolol, Amiodarone, White Cane, Crutches, Epi-Pen, Asthma Inhaler, Cochlear ImplantsAripiprazole, Paliperidone, Fluphenazine, Olanzapine, Fluoexetine, Citalopram, Sertaline, Cymbalta, Parnate, Zolpidem, Ativan, Alprazolam, Vyvanse, Adderall, Solriamfetol, NaltrexoneCarbamazepine

It's important to note that all of these medicines/medical things are used for very different things and have very different side effects. All of which can be found in the official Hospital | Pharmacy, Legality Documents, & Prescriptions forum.

Along with that, there are medical logs within the discord, which consists of recovery times and the logs for who has received prosthetics.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I understand that if training is held while I'm online, I am expected to attend or there will be repercussions.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Valeska LaFleur

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
She's a female and prefers she/her pronouns.

Character’s Age (if accepted):
30 years old.

Character’s Academic Background:
Doctor of Medicine Degree.

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:
She's currently unmarried with no history of marriage.

Character’s Religious Denomination:
She's not fully sure of where her religious beliefs belong, typically seeing herself as an omnist.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, English, French, and JSL (Still need to apply for both of these last two)

Character Backstory:
Valeska's life was always relatively easy- if you looked from the outside. She was born into wealth in France, her parents being two successful doctors. Her mom was a skilled surgeon while her father was a pediatrician. They were respected within their field, expecting as much from Valeska. From a young age, she was surrounded by the pressure of succeeding, especially in some sort of medical field. Every day of her childhood was full of activities: Tutoring to make sure she stayed ahead, piano lessons, Japanese/JSL/English language classes, and even sports trainings to keep her "in shape". The only downtime she ever received was hospital-related events that her parents brought her to or parties that they had with their friends. She never really knew what it was like to really have friends or even .. a life? Valeska tended to feel like she was living in a pressure cooker, drowning in the expectations. Her whole life, the message was pretty clear: She needed to be perfect, just like her parents, and anything else would be a disappointment. At first, she truthfully had no care for the medical field. Her mind was more taken over by the idea of traveling and being an artist, painting being the only thing she had time for amidst her - busy schedule. Everything seemed to shift for her when she was around ten. Her younger brother, Lucas, was diagnosed with a rare illness causing him to be stuck in a hospital at all times. This news nearly destroyed the poor girl, her brother had been her best friend, the only friend she was ever able to have. Seeing him stuck in a hospital bed, surrounded by machines and IV drips, was - nothing short of devastating. As she spent time in the hospital room with him, watching doctors come and go, something clicked inside of her. Something about the whole situation seemed to have motivated her? Valeska began to dive into medical books. Truthfully, at first, she just wanted to understand. Understand the medicines he was prescribed. The procedures they did on him. His whole situation, all of it. As time went on, the reality of her brother's illness became more dire. The hospital became a second home for Val, living in the nightmare of it all but never finding it in her to leave her brother alone for a second within the big building. Every doctor's visit began to feel like some sort of countdown. About two years after her brother's diagnosis, her parents received - the call. As she grew older, she continued to study medical-related things, not all of it on her own accord.. but she didn't particularly hate it. Once she turned 18, graduating from a college prep high school, she moved to Japan to attend one of the most prestigious medical schools. It was a giant leap but in Japan, she could live without the nagging of her parents and hone her own love for the hospital system. She continued to drown herself in her studies until she finally graduated with honors, receiving her Doctor of Medicine degree. Eventually, she made the decision to move to Karakura instead of moving back to France to live near her parents, after a two-year residency near her college. Truthfully, she just wanted freedom and she had already been staying in Japan for years while earning her degree. She knew the language, she knew the culture. Even with that, she could be happy, her parents not looming over her anymore.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)
Valeska's medical specialty is hospital medicine. Her passion for medicine specifically stems from experiences from her childhood, things with her younger brother. When he was in the hospital, she tended to observe the care that the medicine team provided to him. Seeing the impact that hospital medicine was able to have on her brother, it kind of gave her a bit of motivation to take an interest in it as well. Most of her studies have focused on different medicines and how they work. And honestly, she loves that.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After she received her Doctor of Medicine degree, she took up a residency in a hospital near her previous college. Here, she spent two years learning the complexities of the hospital system, and somewhat forging her own path as a doctor. Her medical residency was in the specialty of internal medicine. This residency lasted around three years, in which she really excelled and learned a lot, mostly about her specialty!

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes, Val has work experience in the medical field. After her residency, she spent a few months working at the hospital, right before she moved to Karakura for a new start.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
She has not. She only received her Doctor of Medicine degree.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Screenshot 2024-09-22 163930.png

Valeska has beachy, orangeish-blonde hair that tends to remain in soft waves, with little to no effort. Her complexion her clear, with her skin tone being a light tan. She has big, dark brown eyes, framed by long eyelashes. Due to her French descent, she carries a strong French accent, though it is soft enough for her Japanese to be understood. Physically, she's very fit, clearly having a more active lifestyle.

Val's personality can be pretty complex at first glance.. mostly because it contrasts itself a lot. On one hand, she is undeniably friendly and outgoing, making it look almost effortless. She's the type of person to go up to random stranger to strike conversation out of nowhere... She almost has a natural ability to make others feel at ease, easily being able to initiate conversations and create connections. However, she's painfully blunt, which tends to catch people off guard. Truthfully, it's really only because she values honesty and straightforwardness. She isn't the type to "beat around the bush" if you get what I mean! Due to her background she's a bit - moody, she may possible have anger issues, but that's okay! Regardless, she still treats people with care despite whatever her mood is.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On Duty:
On duty, Valeska is as professional as she can be, approaching patients with genuine care and making sure they actually feel heard. She does very well when it comes to direct communications so she uses that ability to her advantage. Her outgoing personality helps her even further with patient interactions, often lightening the mood when needed. During particularly stressful shifts her moodiness can surface but she tends to keep her composure to the best of her abilities. Her attention stays work related, paying little attention to non-work related things.

Off Duty:
Off duty, Val tends to be just as outgoing and social, venturing around town and talking to people. She enjoys exploring shops, going to the shrine and conversing with its staff, and more. Along with this, she pursues her love for art, spending hours painting. Honestly, painting was her outlet and had been since she was a child. There are times where she'll spend time at home alone, having a cozy night in, but usually, she'd be seen all over town doing various activities.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Due to her outgoing personality, she works much better with others though she tends to like being in control - being the leader in a way. Which is unfortunately a pretty .. toxic trait of hers. Despite this, due to her original moodiness and her want to be a leader, she also works very well on her own, being just as efficient as she would be in a group setting.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Her main plan is to become a senior doctor who is well-known for her ability to help others. Valeska is determined to prove her skills and help create an environment where patients feel genuinely cared for, heard, and understood. Ultimately, she wants to be recognized, more specifically for her medical expertise but also for her compassionate approach to the care of the patients she receives.

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