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Accepted munchkina | Event Team Application


Level 11
Passionated's (2).gif

IGN: munckins / munchkina

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: Recently, I took a break from SchoolRP. In doing this, I resigned from all of my positions such as Club Leader to open the roster for an active leader. However, after my break, I have decided to fully come back to the server and start applying for things again now that my schedule is cleared up and missing schoolwork and grades have also been worked on. Personally, I'd say I try to be as active as I can now that I have returned. Obviously, without being a club leader or shop manager my time is cleared up so I’m usually seen with friends and am pretty available. Though, hopefully, that changes at least a bit as I plan to apply for IC things soon. This is due to owning a club and other responsibilities such as shop manager. Similarly to before my break, I'm obviously not on every hour of the day due to playing other games and such when there’s nothing to do ICly and obviously having my OOC activities, friends, and school work. Nonetheless, I'm always on Discord to receive DMs in case I need to log on and be aware of my friends logging on as well. Lastly, occasionally I may be super busy OOCly but I ensure that my tasks and promises are followed through with. I also make sure to keep whom It concerns updated instead of just going MIA and giving excuses later.

DOXXING 06/19/20 - This incident occurred two years ago, I can completely account for my actions and say what I did was immature and entirely out of line which has been proven as I haven’t been banned since.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:



Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
I do, and my discord account is bells#4319.

What is your time zone and country of residence?:
I live in the USA/NA and am in the PST time zone.

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?:
Yes, and I fully accept and understand if this were to happen.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:

IC Sports Team:
I was on the HS Volleyball team for 11 months. I am no longer on said team, but my time on the team was fantastic and the group truly felt like a real team. Having to work together on our playstyles and helping each other improve for tournaments was one of the most educational experiences I’ve had on SRP. What I mean by this is, even in real life adjusting your style and comfort to work around others is extremely beneficial to learn. I truly believe our captain, FancyLyricz, had taught us all how to work together and how to make adjustments to how we play to improve for the better of the team. In summary, this team taught me that improving is not just about helping yourself. How you improve should help everyone around you as well, especially in a group or team.

OOC Sports Team:
I was also on my school's Volleyball team. Much like digital volleyball, we all had to make adjustments to how we played. These were individual and co-adjustments. Again, much like on SRP, this team taught me not only how to play volleyball but it taught me that how you play as a team and communication is the key. If you aren’t able to communicate with someone passively, it can mess the whole team up.

Factions and Shops:
As I have stated in many applications, I used to be the Co-Owner of a cafe. This experience helped me learn how to work around other people’s time zones and make sure everyone had the opportunity to learn and work. In other words, in a small way, it showed me how to be a leader in a faction like this. We had a lot of relatively new players and teaching them how to be better workers was a prominent opportunity for me because it taught me how to train workers. It also helped me prepare subconsciously to become a manager at other shops in the future because I already knew how to work with trainees and work with customers. Adding on, I used to be on EMS and that time also really showed me a more professional side of SchoolRP and it was honestly an honor to work with such intelligent people.

I was the club manager of the Literature Club, a role I was very thankful to Reinah for giving me. This experience prepared me for the leadership position of a club. I truly think that having that short experience of talking during meetings, planning events, and communicating with the club really readied me to apply and execute the position of club leader of the Literature Club.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?: N/A

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:

TITLE: Mermaids
“What is that melody?”

THE EVENT: From the player's point of view: You'd be sitting peacefully on the beach, it's a normal day in Karakura... Crime rate is still heightened, children are still millionaires, and jocks are still an exclusive teen social group! Though, as you're enjoying your day either alone or in a group you start to hear an ethereal and intoxicating melody. The voice of an angel it seems. However, as you frantically search for where the singing is coming from, all you can see is a woman in the distance... but not on land, floating in the sea! Where did she come from?! Is she okay?! All of these questions race through your mind, though, it seems you're in some kind of trance, you can't help but aimlessly stare at her in awe. As time goes on her singing seems to get louder, though she is just harmonizing with other women who seem to pop their heads out of the ocean, expanding to the ears of everyone in Karakura. If you hear them, you get pulled in too. Everyone makes their way to the ocean where the song is coming from, or they simply ignore it by putting on headphones. To those who rushed to the beach and searched for the melody's precise location, you find exactly what you came for. Eventually, the water starts to spread, so you walk as close as you can and follow the opening in the sea. Eventually, you get pulled into the sound and the mermaids either gift you the ability to remain underwater for an everlasting period of time and follow them to their home or... you get pulled into DEATH! If you were taken down the path of anything other than death, that means you would have been seemingly teleported to some underwater city. A paradise. As you snap out of the trance, you travel around this city, where you are allowed so to speak. With pockets full of the money you somehow acquired, you buy countless accessories and clothing. You play with the children and their sea friends in a game of what appears to be their version of volleyball. You get invited by the locals on a sea-horse ride and take turns with your friends in this activity, enthralled by their animals that you've never even assumed could do the things they do! You then go to a stage where a mermaid who appears old and wise shares stories of the sea beasts and creatures with you and the other tourists. As the day goes on, everyone seems to be having fun! Eventually, you all hear a... DING! DING!!! DING!! You snap your head to the sound of the bell and you see what appears to be the royalty of this city, they yell out an invitation into the palace for a feast in hopes to convince you to give your life to this city and stay forever. You probably won't, but you decide to dine anyways! You swim into the palace's ballroom, and exactly what was promised is inside!! A huge feast of... SEAFOOD?! You never knew mermaids would betray themselves like that but... not your issue! You feast with your friends from back home and see some people talking to the royalty, agreeing to stay and gaining mermaid tails! However, most are like you and are unsettled by the seafood. You all gather up and request to be returned home... will they allow you? Or will they want humans for their next feast?!

The event will be an AU flash event to a small seemingly underwater city with players wearing mermaid skins and fun experiences everyone wanted to experience when they first watched Ariel. Though, I left the end at a fork road because I think it would be fun for it to go either way!

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE EVENT: Of course, activities and customs appealing to the mermaid shopkeepers and a seafood feast would be needed for the event. Next, as always Builders are needed, this time for the ballroom and small city, as well as the water opening, would be needed. Lastly, the event team as always!

LOCATION, TIME, SEASON, AND SIMILAR DETAILS: The beach would be the only place we could do this event realistically, though after a while everyone will be told to join the event server if they chose to come to the beach anyways.


TITLE: Alien Sightings

THE EVENT: I’m not sure about everybody else, but besides the super big few-hour-long events we have I think another type of event is my favorite. The ones that are a bit smaller and not announced. The ones that you come across if you do and if you don't you'll likely hear about it on Ikigai or through the g****vine. So, that’s why I planned the Alien Sightings be to exactly fitted to these sorts of events. Over the course of a singular month or multiple, supernatural things will start happening in Karakura. Many people walking alone or running around bored may notice an unusual flashing light in the sky, they stop and stare in wonder, curious as to if this is mechanics from space or a passing airline. Are they really seeing an alien right now? Pfft- No way! Most people go on with their days laughing about such absurdity their minds came up with. Though, as time goes on things get weirder. Some people may see the saucer daring too close. These people begin to have their minds forever polluted by aliens, they start to parade the shopping district chanting about aliens and hoping to spread the message that they are coming. They even gain some followers of this message and people who agree with such words. Alien conspiracists that most assume are mentally unwell. However, one day one of them seems to crash into the forest. A huge burst of flames comes from the crash and lights the forest into flames. The police quickly close off the fire but some sneak their way to the crash and some police are also forced to go to the crash themselves to put out the fire. This will lead to a small group of people and police, seeing the saucer and maybe even seeing an alien or two fleeing from the crash. Of course, if they get photos or any form of evidence it can always be played off as photoshop which I think will be the best part of this. Never knowing if it’s real or not. Though, anyone willing to speak out will be seen as insane. If they are forced to get help this can either be seen as positive mental health awareness… But, are they finally being silent or being silenced? Either way, I think this small little overtime event will be super fun and entertaining for people to come across ICly or read stories about it either in reports, Onrain or Ikigaim and make their own little idea of it for their character.

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE EVENT: Builders will be needed as well as staff to copy and paste the saucer crash and other little details, the event team, and one or two players to play as the aliens.


TITLE: Karakura’s Love Resort
"Who will you pick?"

THE EVENT: One thing we can all agree on, is the yearning for Karakura to find ANY solution to the increasing percentage of single and lonely adults within the city. How can we do this with all the millennial anxiety? A DATING SHOW! That’s right, a way to bring love into people’s lives at the expense of being on television. Or, as close as we can get to a television show. Let me explain. An ad will be sent out advertising this reality show, explaining the love gist of it which will OBVIOUSLY cause dozens of applications from adults who wish to be on the show and find love. Eventually, 15 or fewer adults will be picked for the show. What now? Obviously, an area for the show to take place will be set up. Challenges will be chosen. Maybe even scripts will be written… That’s for News Reporters to speculate! Onto the real stuff. All contestants will be brought to wherever the resort happens to be, this can either be a private place on a distant beach or wherever is cheapest. Now, these “episodes” will all be filmed privately away from the public until all episodes have been recorded. Only then, the show will publicly be announced. This is to prevent spoilers and weird time gaps where the players obviously still play their characters on the server. On this show, challenges will be thought of for the contestants to play. Much like American Dating shows every mother watches, these adults will need to pick someone to be in a “couple” with for challenges and date rewards. In these challenges, the couples will get to work together and learn their compatibility through intense codependent activities. Then, after 3 challenges there will be one singular independent challenge. This will be a simple challenge to get, in the case of 15 contestants, half of them to win. Why? Well, we need winners for the pre-date night. This night all contestants will come together and the winners of the independent challenge will get to pick someone to go on a private luxury date with to either further grow their ongoing relationship, or spark a new one. In the first episode, this night will be done before the challenges after the contestants meet to get couples for the eventual challenges. After the first episode and couples have been chosen… challenges have been done and won… picking a date may cause drama, or it may cause love. Of course, whoever is picked cannot fully oppose. Unless, someone who won the “Date Steal” through a puzzle that has to be looked for and solved during the intermission periods, such as eating times or sleeping times, and solved to obtain it uses it on their previous or new partner. Again, more drama! On every other episode, likely the 3, the best and worst couple will be chosen after a contestant vote. The worst couple? They obviously get removed. There’s a twist though… if you happen to find the “Save” puzzle and solve it… you can choose to use it if you feel you may get voted off. The downside? Even if you happen to be wrong, your partner still has to leave. This causes an odd number of people, and after someone uses the save and causes an odd number of contestants will then vote a player off instead of a couple. In the end, the two remaining couples… or three people… must do the final and most intense challenge alone. After this, the winner(s) have to pick their person. One final twist though, before the whole show, if somebody picked to steal the money instead of steal someone’s love… They take the 400K cash prize instead of splitting it. If they choose to love, the two will split the cash prize and can live a life of trust where they may choose to date after the show or go their separate ways. Now, due to there being stealers and lovers… This can be a potential cause of vote-off during the challenges. Lastly, the show will be uploaded for all to see the drama and romance.

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE EVENT: As I said before, challenges and puzzles will need to be thought of. This calls for the ET and lastly builders for the resort. Now, this show can either be recorded using spectator mode with several helpers, or it can be simply recorded from each person's POV. HOWEVER, everything will be recorded besides people sleeping. Though, if you're looking for a puzzle of course that MUST be recorded for entertainment purposes, if boring it can just be cut out later. This show can either have a mic when recorded from each person if they accept it with things or clients such as feather in case of the spectator option, or it can just have CC and/or other various options. Lastly, this all can be uploaded VIA youtube or thread.
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Level 211

- Congratulations, you have been accepted! Please ping me (mariav#6666) on RPH | School RP with this application so I can set up your roles!

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