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Denied *Musical Departmant Teacher Application*

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Level 0
IGN (In Game Name):


Previous bans:


Describe your activity on the server:

Daily, 3+ hours a day

Do you have TeamSpeak3?


Do you have a microphone?


List your current and past applications:

Art Teacher (Denied) and Cheerleading, (Just Posted, Check it out :3)

What is your motivation for applying?:

I normally don't apply for these kind of things, but I thought about how much I love to learn and help others! So I decided that I should give it a shot for the chance to actually help someone out and maybe help them grow as a person! I also would pride myself in being able to help this great server grow, with people who have a passion for what they believe in and what they do. This would mean a lot for me to think these words every single day!

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
Well, I started in the summer of 2016, In the beginning, I thought I would come really popular on this server by middle school, I was going into 6th. I met awesome people, They were really cool too, they owned houses and lots of things that I could never do. But that wasn't the reason why I still play. I loved 5th grade and thought my music teacher was amazing. She always taught the right things and never gave a hassle, she was my favorite teacher. I thought instead of learning the things I already know, I thought I would have a chance of teaching my experience in music. When it comes to instruments to singing, I'm the person people come to. I've played for a while now, and I enjoy being normal, but I just wish I can make a difference around this server by sharing my thoughts and knowledge with everyone on my favorite topic, music.

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevent to your Minecraft Name):
Miss HarlyMay

Your Teachers In Game Age: 22 years old please
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