Level 0
my bali mask was in my inv like normal I go to put it on and I also hold the catholic rosarie in my hand and I clicked to open a door and it was gone idk what I did to glitch it and i also lost my catholic rosarie chain i hold on normally aswell i tried to get my stuff back by reloging and nothing worked i tried putting on a hat and nothing worked that way either this has happened before with a pair of kanna horns iv hand before but i alr got them back my proof of me having it i have a photo i took of it bc these things happen i didn't know it would with the chain in my hand but it has
I suppose I should also add on that I haven't ever been returned my katana yet that I lost in my old apartment bc I lost the rent time by a minute and someone got it ;( proof is also down here
I suppose I should also add on that I haven't ever been returned my katana yet that I lost in my old apartment bc I lost the rent time by a minute and someone got it ;( proof is also down here
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