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My character Bio- Namiko Bigacz


Level 0
Namiko Bigacz
[Currently only a skin, a normal artwork is still in progress]View attachment 66327

Basic Information

First Name:Namiko

Preferred Name:
Namiko, sometimes "Nami"

Aliases: [gonna figure out something later]

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Build:slim, kind of athletic

Skin Color: Something between a healthy and pale white skin

Eye Color: blue

Hair Style:usually tied up in buns

Hair Color: Aquamarine- light blue (dyed)

Fashion: Sporty,but also likes more cozy things like sweaters

Date of Birth:2008,04.08 (4 th of august)

Place of Birth:somewhere in Japan



Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Philosophical Beliefs Nihilism

Political Beliefs: Prefers to stay far from politics

General Appearance

Appearance:Namiko has a slim and somewhat athletic body figure, even though she isnt very muscular, with a rather pale skin color.
Her tied up in a bun hair is actually brown but was dyed to her current almost ghost like, bright aquamarine.Nami has monlid shaped, amber eyes.
She usually wears a running jacket with shorts and fingerless gloves but sometimes you can see her in a more comfy-looking hoodie/sweater and skirt.

Personality:Timid,unconfident and generally socially anxious, tends to stutter. Also uncompetetive

Character Voice: Meek and stammering, TL;DR always sounds unconfident

A Watch, a stopwatch hanging from her neck, Duffel bag and some books

Clothes:(most of the time)A blue running jacket, shorts, Trainers and a green top/shirt

Hobbies:Running, Reading

Serious Problems/Flaws: is bad at social situations

Skills as i said, she runs quite well and she is good with biology

Examples of things that she doesnt like/know how to do- Hates math,sucks at cooking

Quirks:Event though she likes sports like running, sprinting she doesnt like actually competing

Family:Namiko doesnt have any siblings and her only family are her parents since. a generation or two ago her grandfather moved from Poland to Japan, Thus she has a japanese name and polish surname, and doesnt know polish exepct for a few words she heard.

Backstory: no idea, head empty, gonna put something here laterscreenshot-1719913903357.png

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