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My Dodge Challenger 2010 and blue jetski despawned


Level 63
IGN: EnderBubs

Vehicle: Dodge Challenger 2010 and a blue jetski

Evidence: I may possible have a clip of me parking both the vehicles but the clip is struggling to download

Additinal Info: Last night i was rp partying with some friends. I used my car, the dodge challenger 2010 to drive us around since that car has 4 seats. I parked it in front of the akihito office since we where going too the beach and i left it parked so that i wouldnt have to re-add my friends too the whitelist. We went too the beach and there i used my blue jet ski a bit and drive around then parked it at the entrance of the public yacht. Around 40 minutes later i had to log off due to parents but i forgot to pick up both of the vehicles. when i relogged this morning both items where despawned. I have a clip where you can see both he dodge challenger and the ketski in my inventory a bit before us partying, ive also created a forum in the past about my dodge challenger desprawning and such. here is the link to my old forum post about the dodge challenger despawning

if you need more info please dm me at Z Rex#2316 and i can send the clips over aswell as provide more info. Thank you!

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