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My item just disapear.

Suko Matsuo

Level 1
IGN: Mariosacks
Item names: Toy scythe 'Star stealer', Toy Quinque, Toy Galaxy scythe and flip phones
Evidence: 1692902326244.png1692902345925.png1692902336972.png

Additional Information: I have lost 3 Flip phones, 2 Toy scythe 'star stealer', 2 quinque and 3 galaxy scythe. Why do i have this much? I like to collect scythe and when i saw that it was cheap i always tried to buy it and i have 4 flipphones because it for emergency like am in a fight and sometimes i give it to my greenie friends and another reason is that i saw it in auction for 15k so i though it was gonna be a good idea to buy it anyway. Can you give if back to me please? I love my scythe more than my friend :d. Also i saw my stuff disapear right in front of me while i was opening my inv one by one. (edit: i carried so much scythe cuz it just feel nice to have them and sometimes i could flex on people. I was in a process tryna collect all the scythe again but 2 scythe of all kind so i could hold in both hand for fun.)
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Level 328
Your item request has been denied!

We're afraid to see that you are having difficulties when playing SchoolRP,
but we have decided to deny your request due to the following reason(s)

- Unfortunately, after checking your item logs, we found some irregularities
that prevented us from being able to return your items. Make sure you
haven't left the items you're requesting in the auction house or in the
post office.​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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