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Denied MySweetPass1on | Tarot Club Application


Level 1


IGN of Club Leader
: MySweetPass1on

RPName of Club Leader: Amy Madeleine Rose

Discord Tag: umeboshiii

Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:
Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

I plan ahead, remain organised, logical and composed when facing problems, and I aim to prevent unnecessary issues. I am a leader, and I take control when I need to, but I don't command others that often. I lead by involvement; bringing others to follow me if they wish to! I have all the skills necessary to create, grow, and maintain an inviting, active, and appealing club.
I'm creative and quick on my feet, which is very necessary and useful when using tarot cards. You need to be able to read them the way you feel suits your situation best, and if you get it wrong, you must be able to bounce back and reposition yourself, and consider other perspectives! This is a very valuable skill to have when considering who to pick for a club leader. I will maintain club activity, and no matter what problems come my way, I will face them gladly and work closely and with my Club both ICly and OOCly to build a bond with my members! I love to help others; I'd gladly teach anyone who is unaware of how Tarot Cards work about how to use them! This beneficial to the person in question and the club, as that means that anyone can join, regardless of experience!

Overall, I can work hard, solve problems calmly and logically, maintain strong and valuable bonds with others, and can lead by involvement. By making others comfortable and interested in my club, whether familiar or unfamiliar with Tarot Cards, I can lay down a strong foundation for this club, and build on it to create a flourishing, enjoyable experience for anyone and everyone!


What is the official title of the Club:
Tarot Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:

Club Leader
Amy Madeleine Rose - MySweetPass

Club Members
Usagi C. Perez - ocyeanicbliss
Ardilya Bulundokin - Rhys_Lord
Michiko Ichiyama - PookieRP
Maxima Ichiyama Carluccio - TheMuffinMam

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:

Club Supervisor

Noelle Y. Shkodra - Ivory_Bee

What is your motivation for creating this club?
My motives are fairly simple.
To start, the world of tarot is a wonderful place that prompts a unique experience every time. The process of using the cards is a very enjoyable, fun, and spiritual thing, warranting self-discovery, guidance, and connection with the world around you. I'd like to create a safe space, where those who feel vulnerable, indecisive, or unaware can bond with others over Tarot Cards. The connection with other members, and the card readings themselves, will form a deeper understanding of oneself.
Secondly, I've noticed that, in Karakura, students without proper guidance and care, often get caught in situations that feel scary and difficult. Situations like these interfere with one's judgment, clarity, assurance, and reason. Tarot cards provide guidance to those who do not know what to do, and feel stuck. For those who feel like their own intuition has failed them, for those who feel that they cannot trust themself. The mindfulness and calming sense of understanding that comes with doing a card reading may help those who need it, enlightening them.
On top of this, I would personally like to put myself out there and try more things, like starting a club! I'm confident in my roleplay abilities, enough to start taking more risks like this. And this applies to my character, Amy, too! She loves to put herself out there, and this is exactly how she'd want to do it.

In the end, this also simply provides something fun for people to do! Tarot Cards can be used in many different ways (which will be explained in the next question), and thus it creates opportunities to interact with other Clubs, use the cards in fun ways that go beyond simple readings, and involve those who don't usually partake in Tarot Cards!

What activities and events will your club do?

A deck of tarot cards don't always have to look the same.. That'd just be too boring!
So, on this day, members will design their own Tarot Cards!! They may also design their own cards with different meanings to the usual ones! Once everyone is done, everyone will vote for the best deck of cards, and the winner will win a prize!
Divination Hike

In this event, those who wish to participate will use Tarot Cards on a walk, and read them to decide where to go and what to do! This will prompt both members and non-members to interpret the cards how they wish, to guide them to their next location.
First, to find the next location a Club Member could draw, for example, the Strength card, and they would call on a non-member to interpret the card. The non-member could interpret that as, for example, the gym! The next card would be drawn to decide what they do there.
This event's duration is versatile and flexible.
Tarot Charades

In this game, the members will have to pick a card from the deck, then silently make actions to indicate what card it is! The other members will have to guess, and whoever guesses it correctly will go up next! After every 3 cards, everyone will have to contribute to interpret the cards.
Psychic Dinner

There will be a small restaurant, where you will get to have dinner with a psychic, a.k.a. your designated tarot card reader! They will do your reading, give you personal advice, and you will be able to enjoy a delectable dinner with them!

How could your club benefit the School?:
This club will bring positivity, guidance, and friendship to the School. The Tarot Club will fill a gap in the spiritually lacking Clubs, taking a deeper look at the soul within a person. Tarot cards benefit those who feel lost, sad, or alone. It also benefits those who are fine but wish to predict their future, or those who simply would like to bond with others over a fun hobby! This club will bring introspection to the table, allowing people to wholly understand their situation and spirit.
The school is meant for education, and while there is much to be learned of the external world, there is much more to be learned of the human mind, soul, and body, especially that of our own. So this club will provide guidance to those who seek it, and will create a better school community full of hard-working, opportunistic students.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?
The club room will be used for meetings, of course, however, it will also be used for storage of different tarot equipment, and be used to set a good environment for the tarot readings. To interpret the cards, one must be in the right state of mind and environment, and therefore it is necessary to have a comfortable, calm, spiritually charged environment so that the readings are done in the most optimal environment.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Any future members that wish to join MUST:

Have Discord
Must attend meetings at least once a month
Understand how to DetailRP
May not GangRP on the character that is used for the club
Must be respectful of IC staff and OOC staff, as well as fellow members of the server.

Thank you for your time!
Have a lovely day,

- MySweetPass1on


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- We believe this oversteps a little too much into Occult club territory.

- The events were quite bland and basic, work on the engagement of them.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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