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Neko Kurosawa the Cat Lady?


Level 8
Neko Kurosawa (Aneko Kurosawa)
"How far have I come, how far will I go.. But will I keep going?"

2024 - 2021
Visual Information

Original Name:

Used Name:


"Oreo", "Koko", "Nekowa", "Maneko"

Place and date of birth:
Hakone, 03.05.2006



5'5ft (1,64m)

121lbs (55kg)

Quite slim with a clean physique

Skin color:
Pale white skin tone

Eye color:
Brightly blue

Hair color:
Natural bright blond hair
Dyed Black
Dyed one side white, the other black, seems cut through colors

Hair style:
Long smooth hair, sometimes short haired by braiding two hanging hair buns in the back.

Fashion style:
Streetcore, dresses, Girly look, Punk, Biker fashion, Edgy, Casual

Most favorite song:
(Devics - Salty seas)

Her right leg is completely missing, she was carved three times. A slightly bigger carving on the back of her neck reading "WHORE". One carving on her left shoulder resembling enough to be a "Flower". Another "Flower" was also carved onto the upper thigh of her left leg, this one seems more messed up though. A slight scar under her right eye directly over her cheek.


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
"Nothing for me to believe in anymore, it's all just lies and false believes."

General Appearence

She can behave decently depending on the situation. She looks rather sad and negative. But the reality can always be different. If you talk to her or attract her attention, it is either negative to the worst case or she does not accept being alone. She can get mad if she is slightly provoked into something, and she wouldn't like that either, she could launch a physical counterattack or react differently. Her mood can change quickly from one moment to the next, but when she is in a good mood she is quite calm and relaxed and can even smile without hurting anyone... or herself. However, you can tell that she is quite unsure of the environment in which she behaves, an uncertain conscience arises and can sometimes drive her crazy. She is reckless but strong in defending her words.
You could describe her personality as being a psycho girl. (Why? It can be found out ICly)

A case of PTSD and delusions

Character Voice:
Neko sounds quite energetic and strong-willed on the one hand, but she can also be quite calm with the words she spits out.
(Clementine Marsh from the walking dead the final season)

An Acoustic guitar, piecing set, a yellow handbag, car keys of a BMW e39 M5 1998, Car keys of a BMW M5 CS-GTR, a black cowboy hat and cat ears.

When she was still small she often helped her mother with the sewing, from thread to needle, from needle to sewing machine, she became more and more interested in the art of sewing and created something herself from her own ideas for dresses, skirts, shorts, outerwear for girls. She can thank her mother for teaching her the ability to make clothes according to her taste and the right material, be it leather, fabric, wool or even metal. She also drew a lot with the ideas she wrote down and painted. Not every idea seemed perfect, however, but she loved how much she can create to get a result at the end, which can be either negative or positive. Depending on the motif and color, she has mastered the art of making one or two items of clothing at a time and then going out and showing her creations to the world so that others can take an interest in her. She has not been able to build a real business, however, and continues to sew for herself instead of buying her own clothes in shops. At least she is not the only one wearing her creations, but she shares them with her friends for money or without.

Since she started high school, she has been learning to swim properly in different ways. She has practiced diving, swimming breaststroke and crawl quite often and other exercises to improve her "life in the water". Even since her leg was cut off, she still swims in the water with a prosthesis and acts as if her leg is still real...

Singing/playing the guitar
Ever since her sister Ayame started playing the flute at the age of 8, Neko wanted to master an instrument too. She wanted to master the guitar better than Ayame so that she could play with her. From classical to romantic finger games on the instruments, Neko immersed herself in the voice of the music, using her own voice to add a third sound whenever the twin sisters played together. Unfortunately, Ayame could not sing because she was mute and could neither speak nor speak, but she could listen well. Neko started playing simple songs and singing at the same time. Since both were difficult at the beginning, she remained motivated by her family.

"Don't make me show it off, beating bad people happens rarely."

Serious Problems/Flaws/addictions/Disorders/Disabilities
She is weak in any way, she can be gullible and driven to madness which led to the worst case scenario where her right leg was severed with a real machete in front of her open eyes and she was still aware of it. Her addiction to revenge still drives her mad to this day and forces her to search for those she herself hurt. Unfortunately this led to the death of those she was looking for. If you gain more power over her you have the chance to hurt her in any way you want, even if it was the carvings she received on her body which also hurt her very much. She is strong-willed so to speak, but can also reveal her weakness through certain actions. She can't stand seeing faces that have done something to her. Anger outbursts are rare at least, but can be tragic. Her PTSD can come out through words and cause you to immediately distance yourself from that person

[Mother] Hana Kurosawa [Alive]
"Mother, you raised me like you should, I messed up after I had to leave you and Mayo along with Ayame. Karakura High School was supposed to educate us... I have failed, I am a failure, I ruined my life."

[Father] Mayo Kurosawa [Alive]
"Father, you were always busy with your office work, never really had time for your daughters. Now you watched us leave home for a new life, I have failed you right after that.."

[Twin Sister] Ayame Kurosawa [Alive]
" Sister, you graded up faster than me, I was left behind.. We barely saw eachother.. I thought you would take care of me!"

[Older Brother] Kazumi Kurosawa [Alive]
"... Brother, why have you joined the Hanazono Yakuza clan... I haven't seen you for very long."

Other Connections: (2021 - 2024)

Isabella Nevio [Alive]
"You were my first friend in Karakura.. We have done so much and now you left. I hope one day you will come back.. Auntie Isabella. You mini Troy garcia."

Hazel Nevio [Alive]
"You deserved to marry Isabella, but you both never saw eachother again."

Zach Nevio [Deceased]
"I followed your orders, the Nevio organisation was a failure, you pulled me into crimes and now you vanished almost marking me as property to the gang."

Kaylen Aether [Alive or dead]
"You were there for me, you were like a better brother and always had these funny jokes I laughed about, yet you vanished and I never saw you again.."

Comi ??? [Deceased]
"You were always mad at me, made me cry infront of you being pinned to ground.. For what?"

Kitkat Lycan [Alive]
"You were the first girl I had feelings for, you were a Lycan, nobody liked Lycans."

Michael Riggs [Alive or dead]
"You were this one eyed man that was hanging out with armed criminals in masks and suits.. We almost killed you and you got away from it. Weirdo."

AJ Karashima [Alive or dead]
"Even though I barely knew you, you were a friend of us. You were cool!.."

Okane A. [Alive or dead]
"Never touch Isabella again."

Yukio Kamatsu [Alive or dead]
"I fell in love with you, we almost did the thing.. It never happened."

Akihiko Hirota [Alive or dead]
"You always cared, you were serious overall but you knew feelings shouldn't be broken."

Xeno Kataguri [Alive]
"Where ever you are.. I will find you again, Xeno. You vanished, faked your death, let me fall to the ground after the first Scorpio Juveniles fell. So much pain and I lost my leg, you never helped or cared. You were too busy with all the things, you are THE ONE who changed my life from being a normal school student to a high risked gang member with a.. I miss you."

Max S. Lycan [Alive or dead]
"You were a friend, you were a scorpion, I will never forget you, Max."

Karven ??? [Deceased]
"I wish you never wanted to make me take your eye.. I'm sorry Karv. I miss you my buddy, you even protected me from other criminals and thugs, you were brave as scorpion juvenile. Maybe I still have your eye somewhere..."

Suraya Kato [Alive]
"I miss you my big sista, you were never my real sister, but you cared for me, I loved you like a mother."

Sana Kato [Alive or dead]
"I think you once said you wanted to protect me from those who want their mask back?.. Where were you?"

Teiyu Nohara [Alive]
"The best history teacher I have ever had."

Neo Corvid [Alive]
"The best art teacher I have ever had."

Sai Ryn Kataguri [Deceased]
"You were one of the weak Scorpions, I will never forget that."

Cyno Khalid [Alive]
"I hope you will stay stupid for the rest of your life, stay weak, never talk to me, player."

Fiber Steward [Alive]
"You help me when I am in need, I thank you."

Cu Chulainn [Alive]
"I hope you rott in hell, you are weaker than a pea, betrayed me for your own pleasure, stay lost and your blue hair is ugly, your toy spear is a fucking joke!"

Muichiro Tokoyami [Deceased]
"I will never regret what I did to you."

Chara Dyllamore [Alive]
"Your words cannot harm, you used me for your own pleasure, pretending to be innocent all the time and now you banged constantly on my own doors. Stop stalking my friends or me, keep yourself away from HienMin, she doesn't deserve someone like you who only uses people against your boredom. Finally wake up, you are no psycho, you were weak and can't even harm me or anyone."

HienMin Xiao [Alive]
"You were always alone, I came over to you, you were sad and felt bad, I helped you. You are too kind and yet I keep you up on your feet. I am glad you are happy that you got me. You do not deserve someone who plays with your feelings. I CARE about YOU."

Ren Tsukumo [Alive]
"I was there for you.. But you weren't fit for me, you pulled me to the past without realising."

Haruka Sakura-Ki [Alive]
"Best maiden, but slightly too busy.."

Emiko A. Munakata [Alive]
"Miko Miko, I am glad you are my girlfriend forever. You made me stand up, changed my life and you still care for me. This is true love. I love you, you love me. I share with you, you share with me. You don't care what I was or am, you still love me. Miko, I want to marry you when we're both older, I want a daughter or a son with you.. But we will see, we are still young and there is time left.
I also love it when you carry me around so I don't have to suffer from walking with a fake leg and a real one, it just doesn't feel good with that. But you are what I need, better than every other person I met in my life. You aren't angel or devil, you are Emiko, my girlfriend. Ah and you pulled me away from boys, they betray literally everyone no matter who it is.."

Neko Kurosawa and Emiko A. Munakata
"You are the end of the beginning, the change, no more crimes, no more hate. I leave everything behind and walk my path with you, Emiko."

It was the year 2006, the year Aneko and Ayame Kurosawa were born on their way to a local National Hakone Hospital in Odawara. The wrong time for a difficult birth in a hospital ambulance. Ayame was born first, before Aneko, but they both made it to the hospital safely. Those who saw the babies were puzzled as to why they looked so similar... Twins? Both cried at the same time, if only by coincidence. Aneko, or also known as "Neko" meaning cat, always imitated her sister as a very young girl, be it crying, screaming... However, when it came to screaming, Ayame couldn't even scream... Neko was still the one who screamed for her mother as a child. Overall, Neko continued to imitate Ayame over the years. Be it eating or anything else, she was the more playful one, Ayame was more calm and relaxed than usual. They were both sisters but some things changed. At just 5 years old, Neko could already speak, but Ayame had to learn sign language to do so. So Hana, the sisters' mother, asked them both to learn Japanese sign language together. At least this helped after a certain amount of time, but Neko was not necessarily smarter than her siblings. She was already somewhat retarded in elementary school. It wasn't necessarily difficult for her, she just had too many thoughts at once, which led her to get more help from Ayame than to help herself. She was, so to speak, in need of something to get ahead, otherwise she would feel wrong. Neko was, so to speak, normal in the sense, but was less able to progress in life without help; the wrong thoughts were always popping into her head. The beginning of the end of elementary school had already begun, the time when Neko became a musician and was taught to sew by her mother, at least suitable hobbies. High school also started again, still in the same place but it was smaller than usual and didn't have many teachers, which meant that she hardly got any lessons, just like her sister, and after a few years Ayame, Kazumi and Aneko (Neko) Kurosawa had to move to Karakura. Their parents Hana and Mayo Kurosawa had put apartments together for them to live in. They did this even when they were still young. Whether that was smart enough is debatable. Unfortunately the parents of the Kurosawa siblings didn't know that Karakura was already quite dangerous with criminals at that time. Everything was planned by the parents of the Kurosawa siblings.

They went to school normally, met new friends and studied normally, but after a few years Neko suddenly changed. (2021) Neko went from being a normal schoolchild to a criminal offender in an instant. It was clear from childhood that she was reckless, captivating and believed everything. Thinking that crime would bring her victory in life was useless. Zach Nevio invited her to his organization where she was trained to become stronger, even Ayame and Kazumi didn't know about it. It all started easily, but there were already the first incidents of criminals fighting. Neko was a bystander for support, she watched someone being stabbed with a tactical knife, but it was clear that she showed weakness and fear. She was already obsessed with working for Nevio, Isabella was also a Nevio and together they were a kind of pact that didn't last long. Nevio fell apart after a while when Zach Nevio disappeared or was murdered. Neko was now on her own, but there were certain other "friends" who had become involved in crime, but were not in any gang. It was a mashup of different people like a flash mob that came quickly and disappeared quickly to change something. For example, a person's death. Neko had always been there and saw that situation while she had to physically use her hands to do it. Things got even worse when Xeno Kataguri met her, everything changed, she became a criminal, got hold of a real katana and ballistic mask with her hands, which made her the riskiest, she pulled it off with the new Scorpio juveniles gang. Truths and duties were a forced favor, the bond lasted quite a long time, there were stressful situations and Neko's behavior deteriorated, she felt obsessed with these things to the point where she still regrets being a criminal to this day. She was scammed in a deal that was illegal. She knocked out a scammer who knew her well enough that she ended up being too gullible and was forced to the ground, driven insane by 3 criminals and given the agony of a lifetime by a machete. Neko was from this point the human she never was before.
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Level 8
Thread starter
When it's the perfect timing, I will continue this and add the adult section of her with more backstory that included more IC situations that happened

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