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Neko Kurosawa | The Yakuza Cat Girl??


Level 15
Neko Kurosawa

"Are people able to change from bad to good, or do they stay the same..?"

Listen to this song when you're reading through everything, sometimes it helps with the right feeling.
Night Core - FireHawk

2025 - 2021
Visual Information
(Physical changes on body can be seen in description)

LIVE personality status:
Healthy, Mentally stable

She drove herself mad and had already suggested a fatal end for Rye Chusi and Yurii Everett Akiyama. She was simply too motivated to take revenge on the wrong people. Killing them, she thinks it would solve her own problems because the death of Rye and Yurii would be a blessing in her eyes.

She couldn't help it and stabbed Rye and Yurii together, but realized that she would regret it... So much so that she couldn't help it and saved them both by anonymously passing on the dead bodies of the girls.

They weren't dead yet.

She feels pain... pain that she herself cannot bear, which made her afraid of losing what she still has to love... And this love is no longer Emiko Miyazawa, but Yurii and Rye. It is a kind of deadly love that she spreads with her presence that makes everyone despise her.

A psycho.

She has no family, no friends, she is on her own and is looking for hope for or against her psychosis that is driving her mad, making it seem as though harm is good for her.


Original Name:

Used Name:


Ma'am, Stalker, Psycho

Place and date of birth:
Hakone, 03.05.2006




121lbs (55kg)

Quite slim with a clean physique

Skin color:
Pale white skin tone

Eye color:
Brightly blue

Hair color:
Natural bright blond hair
Dyed Black
Dyed one side white, the other black, seems cut through colors

Hair style:
Long smooth hair, sometimes short haired by braiding two hanging hair buns in the back.

Fashion style:
Streetcore, dresses, Girly look, Punk, Biker fashion, Edgy, Casual

Most favorite song:
(Devics - Salty seas)

Her right leg is completely missing, she was carved three times. A slightly bigger carving on the back of her neck reading "WHORE". One carving on her left shoulder resembling enough to be a "Flower". Another "Flower" was also carved onto the upper thigh of her left leg, this one seems more messed up though. A slight scar under her right eye directly over her cheek. A sitched bear bite on her left arm.


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
"Nothing for me to believe in anymore, it's all just lies and false believes."

General Appearence

She can behave decently depending on the situation. She looks rather sad and negative. But the reality can always be different. If you talk to her or attract her attention, it is either negative to the worst case or she does not accept being alone. She can get mad if she is slightly provoked into something, and she wouldn't like that either, she could launch a physical counterattack or react differently. Her mood can change quickly from one moment to the next, but when she is in a good mood she is quite calm and relaxed and can even smile without hurting anyone... or herself. However, you can tell that she is quite unsure of the environment in which she behaves, an uncertain conscience arises and can sometimes drive her crazy. She is reckless but strong in defending her words.

You could describe her personality as being a psycho girl. Not just her appearence reveals her past, but also the way she visibly shows the desire to harm.​

Art by Oliverum​

A case of PTSD, delusions, anxiety and psychosis.

Character Voice:
Neko sounds quite energetic and strong-willed on the one hand, but she can also be quite calm with the words she spits out.
(Clementine Marsh from the walking dead the final season)

Character Theme Songs


(Created by myself - Memory Timeline)
This is based on Neko's IC lore!

This is based on Neko and all of those's involved within this Era and events for IC lore!

An Acoustic guitar, piecing set, a yellow handbag, car keys of a BMW e39 M5 1998, Car keys of a BMW M5 CS-GTR, a black cowboy hat and cat ears.

When she was still small she often helped her mother with the sewing, from thread to needle, from needle to sewing machine, she became more and more interested in the art of sewing and created something herself from her own ideas for dresses, skirts, shorts, outerwear for girls. She can thank her mother for teaching her the ability to make clothes according to her taste and the right material, be it leather, fabric, wool or even metal. She also drew a lot with the ideas she wrote down and painted. Not every idea seemed perfect, however, but she loved how much she can create to get a result at the end, which can be either negative or positive. Depending on the motif and color, she has mastered the art of making one or two items of clothing at a time and then going out and showing her creations to the world so that others can take an interest in her. She has not been able to build a real business, however, and continues to sew for herself instead of buying her own clothes in shops. At least she is not the only one wearing her creations, but she shares them with her friends for money or without.

Since she started high school, she has been learning to swim properly in different ways. She has practiced diving, swimming breaststroke and crawl quite often and other exercises to improve her "life in the water". Even since her leg was cut off, she still swims in the water with a prosthesis and acts as if her leg is still real...

Singing/playing the guitar
Ever since her sister Ayame started playing the flute at the age of 8, Neko wanted to master an instrument too. She wanted to master the guitar better than Ayame so that she could play with her. From classical to romantic finger games on the instruments, Neko immersed herself in the voice of the music, using her own voice to add a third sound whenever the twin sisters played together. Unfortunately, Ayame could not sing because she was mute and could neither speak nor speak, but she could listen well. Neko started playing simple songs and singing at the same time. Since both were difficult at the beginning, she remained motivated by her family.

"Don't make me show it off, beating bad people happens rarely."

Serious Problems/Flaws/addictions/Disorders/Disabilities
She is weak in any way, she can be gullible and driven to madness which led to the worst case scenario where her right leg was severed with a real machete in front of her open eyes and she was still aware of it. Her addiction to revenge still drives her mad to this day and forces her to search for those she herself hurt. Unfortunately this led to the death of those she was looking for. If you gain more power over her you have the chance to hurt her in any way you want, even if it was the carvings she received on her body which also hurt her very much. She is strong-willed so to speak, but can also reveal her weakness through certain actions. She can't stand seeing faces that have done something to her. Anger outbursts are rare at least, but can be tragic. Her PTSD can come out through words and cause you to immediately distance yourself from that person. When she's fallen deep in her fears, she might hide herself in an corner of any room just to wait out for it to stop.

Current Homes - 1 apartment

Aneko's Biggest regrets, Her Dark Side
Neko Kurosawa was never innocent. The reality has it's truths.

Trust in Scammers, leg amputation while still alive and aware
She had to live with the consequences, from being there for criminals to having her leg cut off with a machete while she was still suffering, while she was forced to the ground by dangerous people in black clothing and special ballistic masks and was, so to speak, executed on two sides. The tears just came out of her eyes as she watched her leg being simply chopped off, her loud, incomprehensible screams could not be heard for long. It was her worst nightmare and she can no longer live a normal life because of PSTD. She is still afraid, she may look normal and talk normally. But the truth is usually hidden behind the clichés.

Lies and Truths
She herself wasn't aware of who she trusted, whether there was anyone else who wouldn't leave her, the fear of being driven back into loneliness. Fear of continuing to suffer from the past and having the same thoughts every time. All because of certain people with whom she developed feelings, of being a kind of family with those who had sworn an oath, which was never the case. Knowing that someone had kept their death a secret from Neko, which she couldn't understand. Xeno Kataguri.

Neko herself was and is a liar, but she only lies to be superior to others or to do herself a favor by making sure that nothing can happen to her anymore, as a kind of protection. But it was rarely the case that people believed her. Anyone can say whatever they want about her, regardless of whether they can trust her or not. Either you accept her or she sees you as an enemy.

Neko's Criminal Existence
She started as a normal student at the KHS with her sister Ayame, but was driven to the abyss where the darkest criminals remained. She herself became a criminal with no record in the KPD. She became part of the Scorpio Juveniles, where Xeno Kataguri had, so to speak, brought her in because Neko herself wasn't exactly the smartest and tended to obey what she was told. In the end, she remained a katana swordsman who was still poorly regarded. However, she never had a chance against several people and was also disrespected.
Nowadays you have to be lucky to see whether she is still a criminal or not, it is only a question of time whether something continues or not.


It is true that in 2023 she murdered someone, someone named Muichiro Tokoyami, out of frustration at the fact that he was using her against her will. She was psycho enough to drag him up into the mountain ruins and stab him in the heart just to watch him bleed to death.

In 2025 she has murdered a girl named Kiki Vera, stabbing her neck, stabbing her heart right through her back, removing both eyes and the left pinky.

Limb Remover
Neko was a criminal and she wasn't interested in money, but rather the desire to harm other people in order to give the Scorpio Juveniles a "better reputation". She also enjoyed harming other people. She collected eyes from people herself, using either a knife or katana to poke out other people's eyes or any other limbs and keep them as trophies until they rotted.

Not only did she do bad things to other students that had to do with a bladed weapon, but she also took part in fist fights where she sometimes lost but often enough won. More and more hatred built up around her.

One of her characteristics is or was to harm people in any way she could for fun. Be it tying someone to a chair or taking them to unpleasant places to harm or use people in any way possible so that she can earn her fun, as mentioned.

Owning people as property
She gets what she wants, or at least that's what she thinks. She wants to own someone who will do things for her that she orders. And treat them like pets. But punishments can be bloody in her opinion.

How do you take care of Neko the good way? How do you help her and is that even possible?

Any other way to help her?


Acceptance. The solution is Acceptance, accepting her the way she is, letting her know that even though she's more than just guilty. She might probably get reliefed of her mental pressure caused by physical actions just from hearing that
It's okay.

Neko is only oppressed by hatred, pressure and fear which only makes her more psychotic, which she cannot stop from doing. Maybe it will help to just accept her as she is. Although she has a katana, there is still a piece of humanity in her.

Neko's fears
These keywords are her worst fears that she has, it is easy to gain enough control over her to let her fall if she is left to her own.

Overpowering Neko's will
By being strong against Neko's will, not allowing her to defend herself or anything else so that you can control her behavior more easily, makes her more likely to give up and show weakness in her emotions.

Painful suffering from her physical presence
You can tell from her physical appearance that she has been through bad situations. Especially with her leg or the bear bite. She suffers from having a restricted life and she tries to cope with this by hiding certain features such as carvings or other things so that people can think of her as "normal". Most of the time this doesn't work.

Painful suffering towards her mental existence
Because of all the negative situations and moments, she can no longer think normally and has the desire to harm people as revenge against those who have done something to her. But it doesn't work in the right way. Her thinking and behavior limits her further away from being normal every day or even hour. So to speak, her head is full of the worst events she has experienced.

Insanity expulsion to the worst
If no one takes care of her and she continues to be left alone, it is like a virus spreading inside her with the desire to harm someone. It starts with the strange behavior and the desire to remove something from any person's body, which makes her psycho. If she is given the chance to cause great harm, it becomes increasingly difficult to get her calm.

Loss of friendships
She had lost a hell of a lot of friends, not just her sister, but the entire Scorpio Juveniles Gang as a kind of family, loved ones she was involved with. People who had also driven her crazy, and who she herself hadn't even had to get away from. The loss of friends only makes things harder for her.

"Puppet named Neko"
She was taken into custody once before and used as a puppet of the Scorpio Juveniles with a katana to cause as much damage as possible by taking orders from Xeno Kataguri or other Scorpio members. She was having fun until it all came to an end. A repeat of the whole thing is possible and to control her because she is more of a caregiver, there are ways to make her listen.

Bladed weapons or blunt weapons
As a Katana criminal, she wasn't always feared, but when she was standing in front of someone with a dangerous weapon and couldn't escape, she was afraid to see something like that and had the chance of a panic attack.

Masked criminals in tie suits
"Never.. Never.. Never.. Never... Never..."

Real people losses through death or murder
She suffered real deaths in her environment in Karakura and her acquaintances, but what hit her hardest was finding out or seeing how acquaintances such as those from the Scorpio Juveniles or other people died. Seeing and knowing who is dead today is a burden like so many negative things in her head. Sometimes she babbles to herself and mentions many names that she remembers.

Without anyone to relate to, she loses hope for a better life.

Panic attacks with escalation
She still has PTSD, cannot calm herself down with words or memories and starts shaking and staring into space until she explodes like a bomb and panics, which drives her to either get far away from people or cause harm.

"I promised you my life.. When you disappear, I am gone too."

[Mother] Hana Kurosawa [Alive]

[Father] Mayo Kurosawa [Alive]

[Twin Sister] Ayame Kurosawa [Alive]
"You forgave me.."

[Older Brother] Kazumi Kurosawa [Alive]

Other Connections: (2021 - 2024)
[Good Friendship] Isabella Nevio [Alive]
"You were my first friend in Karakura.. We have done so much and now you left. I hope one day you will come back.. Auntie Isabella. You mini Troy garcia."

[Good Friendship] Hazel Nevio [Alive]
"You deserved to marry Isabella, but you both never saw eachother again."

[Good Friendship] Kaylen Aether [Deceased]
"You were there for me, you were like a better brother and always had these funny jokes I laughed about, yet you vanished and I never saw you again.."

[Good Friendship] Yukio Kamatsu [Alive or dead]
"I fell in love with you, we almost did the thing.. It never happened."

[Good Friendship] Akihiko Hirota [Alive or dead]
"You always cared, you were serious overall but you knew feelings shouldn't be broken."

[Good Friendship] Karven Kataguri [Deceased]
"I wish you never wanted to make me take your eye.. I'm sorry Karv. I miss you my buddy, you even protected me from other criminals and thugs, you were brave as scorpion juvenile. Maybe I still have your eye somewhere..."

[Good Friendship] Meruko Kataguri [Deceased]
"I was in love with you, you Oreo head. I am just sorry, nothing was your fault, I miss you but I have someone that takes more care of me than anyone else. If I just had one more moment I could have spent with you, I would have been happier before."

[Good Friendship] Suraya Kato [Alive]
"I miss you my big sista, you were never my real sister, but you cared for me, I loved you like a mother."

[Victim][Good Friendship] HienMin Xiao [Alive]
"You were always alone, I came over to you, you were sad and felt bad, I helped you. You are too kind and yet I keep you up on your feet. I am glad you are happy that you got me. You do not deserve someone who plays with your feelings. I CARE about YOU."

[Neutral] Kitkat Lycan [Alive]
"You were the first girl I had feelings for, you were a Lycan, nobody liked Lycans."

[Neutral] AJ Karashima [Alive or dead]
"Even though I barely knew you, you were a friend of us. You were cool!.."

[Neutral] Max S. Lycan [Alive or dead]
"You were a friend, you were a scorpion, I will never forget you, Max."

[Neutral] Sana Kato [Alive or dead]
"I think you once said you wanted to protect me from those who want their mask back?.. Where were you?"

[Neutral] Teiyu Nohara [Alive]
"The best history teacher I have ever had."

[Neutral] Neo Corvid [Alive]
"The best art teacher I have ever had."

[Neutral] Sai Ryn Kataguri [Deceased]
"You were one of the weak Scorpions, I will never forget that."

[Neutral] Fiber Steward [Alive]
"You help me when I am in need, I thank you."

[Neutral] Ren Tsukumo [Deceased]
"I was there for you.. But you weren't fit for me, you pulled me to the past without realising."

[Neutral] Michael Katz [Alive]
"The reason why I never really asked you to hang out with me is because you were a thug, no matter what I don't hang out with people who were or are thugs because thugs took my leg and much more."

[Neutral] Gwen Reeves [Alive]
"Gwenny girl, you are the most funniest and happiest person within us. Without you I can't even stop thinking about the bad things, you rather bring out the funny jokes and even help the best you can.

[Neutral] Andrea D. Despasito [Alive]
"Best. But please don't bump your head against trash bins."

[Neutral] Damien T. Jäger [Alive]
"I am glad you are no trouble maker towards me."

[Negatively Neutral] Evelyn Taylor
"I cannot live with a friend that is always negative, not knowing how to talk to me or trying to find help from me. Find help from councillors or whoever else that is trustworthy. I am done with bad things now and all the negativity, it just pulls me down the pit."

[Negatively Neutral] Sam Watcher [Alive]
"Asshole, first slapping me and then you threw me into some random pool after violently picking me up. Finally wake up, YOU are the one who thinks wrong. I.. Not just I but WE wanted to help ya."

[Hostile] Zach Nevio [Deceased]
"I followed your orders, the Nevio organisation was a failure, you pulled me into crimes and now you vanished almost marking me as property to the gang."

[Hostile] Comi ??? [Deceased]
"You were always mad at me, made me cry infront of you being pinned to ground.. For what?"

[Hostile] Michael Riggs [Alive or dead]
"You were this one eyed man that was hanging out with armed criminals in masks and suits.. We almost killed you and you got away from it. Weirdo."

[Hostile] Okane A. [Alive or dead]
"Never touch Isabella again."

[Hostile, permanently hated] Xeno Kataguri [Alive]
"Where ever you are.. I will find you again, Xeno. You vanished, faked your death, let me fall to the ground after the first Scorpio Juveniles fell. So much pain and I lost my leg, you never helped or cared. You were too busy with all the things, you are THE ONE who changed my life from being a normal school student to a high risked gang member with a.. I miss you."

[Victim] [???] Muichiro Tokoyami [Murdered/Deceased]
"I will never regret what I did to you."

[Victim] [???] ??? [Deceased]
"Pretty left eye you had."

[Deadly Victim][HOSTILE] Rye Chusi [Alive]
"You still hate me, now you're using a knife against my will. . . Or did ya stop?"

[Trio-Girlfriend] Emiko Miyazawa [Alive]
"You're back, you couldn't really cope without me after your break. But you came back and almost begged me to be your wife again. I couldn't say no, you are a true love. You came back."

"But you have to understand that I'm not a good person myself, even if I try to improve my behavior. You once said nothing lasts forever. That's true. How long I can hold back from bad thoughts is also a question of time."



[Victim] [???] Sickoloski Candy [Alive]

[Victim][???] Kiki Vera [Murdered/Deceased]


[Deadly Victim][???] Yurii Everett Akiyama [Alive]
"I won't hurt you anymore."

[Deadly Victim][???] Neon Hayasaka [Alive]
"I wish you could just let me be your cat friend again. I am starting to miss these times, I know I fucked up but nothing lasts forever."

[Neutral] Adao Delarosario [Alive]
"I did not mean to stab or cut you.. Even Neon jumped infront of you.. It's all Rye's fault.."

[???] Tobiah T. Chusi [Alive]
"I hate having an supervisor that can punish me any moment at any time, no matter what bad thing I do. In the end if I do something bad, the whole Masahiko Yakuza will go after me again.."

[Hostile] Kai Amai A. Ambrosia [Alive]

[Hostile] Cyno Ma'ansha [Alive]
"I am so glad I used you for my own pleasure, you're no fucking alpha male, you're a fucking cosplayer thinking you're the best over everyone. Nah you're a piece of shit!"

[Hostile] Charlotte O'Sullivan [Alive][Maiden]
"You said I have to stay away from Yurii.. You don't accept me."

[Neutral] Damien T. Jäger [Alive]
"I am glad you are no trouble maker towards me."

Miray Miyagawa [Alive]
"You've actually helped me and yet after my actions you're keeping me up. Even with a little business."

[Friend] Cian Ó'Ceithearnaigh [Alive]
"Such a good and loyal friend and helper."

[Hostile] Any other Hater involved with Neko [Alive]
"I have changed, I have Improved. Please accept it."

Neko Kurosawa [Herself]
"You're weak now, look at you. Look at you sitting there on the edge. You're on your own.. Ruined yourself, nobody will help ya. Neon wanted to end you with your own Katana but left you alive to change? You know you'll be hurt badly by those who despise you for stabbing Rye Chusi and Yurii Everett Akiyama. And the moment you stabbed Yurii the last where she kissed ya.. Did you think she wanted that? Or do you think she kissed you to fullfill you a wish you always had? She probably did that so you would STOP being such Psycho. Your Katana is gone, it's over. You can't hide yourself."

"Neon is limiting you at this point. You are weak. you'll be hurt.. Be hurt.. Be hurt... You can't fix what you've done, you should have ended Yurii and Rye directly but you didn't and saved their lives by bringing them to the surface."

"You can't be fixed, you're a whore, it reads it on your neck."

"You've lost everyone, Neon is only your 'holder' keeping yourself far away from your crazyness or your other leg will be removed. Ya think you can get away from Neon? Nah."

"A cat girl huh. More like a monster on one leg."

"Sad, you won't find any proper love anymore. You have lost Emiko Miyazawa from your crazyness that took over you because of a blade, rather tied Yurii on a chair and thought you could own her. Look at you.. Look at yourself. She's terrified. Dark or Bright, Black or White side. It doesn't matter anymore, you're lost."

"You're lost, you're fast but is it worth escaping with all the pressure put by good people? You're not good yourself, You're a murderer"

"Give up, let someone end you.. Just let it happen so you don't have to suffer. Neko Kurosawa. You're on your own. Half of Karakura knows how psychotic you are. Go hide, go cry, do whatever that makes you feel bad."

"Nobody will forgive me.."


Neko's current Life decision

Words of the Split Kitsune

Neko Kurosawa the beautiful blonde girl

Her katana will lose its ability to have a high value for Neko, but she will also get rid of it and decide to change back to the point where she becomes a good girl again

She will more likely ask for forgiveness, the guilt of her worst actions will still remain in her mind.

She will stay away from arguments and stress as much as possible and change so that she is no longer a threat to herself.
Neko the psycho-murder girl

The katana is used more and more and only lets Neko get carried away with doing as much damage as possible to people or something else.

She continues to be driven by her psychosis stays to be driven crazy, in which it is difficult for her to stay out of it

She won't be able to think normally without pressure and stress and will have to constantly suppress any inaudible melodies that she imagines herself.

She becomes a double or even triple murderer.

She will lose the ability to want to live because she will only be obsessed with the katana and her psychosis.

Fears will become more and more real for her and she will have more panic attacks

Sadness will increase and cause her to cry constantly as she is on her own.

Put into different chapters, it is not 100% fullfilled

1. Karakura's arrival

It was the year 2006, the year Aneko and Ayame Kurosawa were born on their way to a local National Hakone Hospital in Odawara. The wrong time for a difficult birth in a hospital ambulance. Ayame was born first, before Aneko, but they both made it to the hospital safely. Those who saw the babies were puzzled as to why they looked so similar... Twins? Both cried at the same time, if only by coincidence. Aneko, or also known as "Neko" meaning cat, always imitated her sister as a very young girl, be it crying, screaming... However, when it came to screaming, Ayame couldn't even scream... Neko was still the one who screamed for her mother as a child. Overall, Neko continued to imitate Ayame over the years. Be it eating or anything else, she was the more playful one, Ayame was more calm and relaxed than usual. They were both sisters but some things changed. At just 5 years old, Neko could already speak, but Ayame had to learn sign language to do so. So Hana, the sisters' mother, asked them both to learn Japanese sign language together. At least this helped after a certain amount of time, but Neko was not necessarily smarter than her siblings. She was already somewhat retarded in elementary school. It wasn't necessarily difficult for her, she just had too many thoughts at once, which led her to get more help from Ayame than to help herself. She was, so to speak, in need of something to get ahead, otherwise she would feel wrong. Neko was, so to speak, normal in the sense, but was less able to progress in life without help; the wrong thoughts were always popping into her head. The beginning of the end of elementary school had already begun, the time when Neko became a musician and was taught to sew by her mother, at least suitable hobbies. High school also started again, still in the same place but it was smaller than usual and didn't have many teachers, which meant that she hardly got any lessons, just like her sister, and after a few years Ayame, Kazumi and Aneko (Neko) Kurosawa had to move to Karakura. Their parents Hana and Mayo Kurosawa had put apartments together for them to live in. They did this even when they were still young. Whether that was smart enough is debatable. Unfortunately the parents of the Kurosawa siblings didn't know that Karakura was already quite dangerous with criminals at that time. Everything was planned by the parents of the Kurosawa siblings.

2. The Katana Felon
They went to school normally, met new friends and studied normally, but after a few years Neko suddenly changed. (2021) Neko went from being a normal schoolchild to a criminal offender in an instant. It was clear from childhood that she was reckless, captivating and believed everything. Thinking that crime would bring her victory in life was useless. Zach Nevio invited her to his organization where she was trained to become stronger, even Ayame and Kazumi didn't know about it. It all started easily, but there were already the first incidents of criminals fighting. Neko was a bystander for support, she watched someone being stabbed with a tactical knife, but it was clear that she showed weakness and fear. She was already obsessed with working for Nevio, Isabella was also a Nevio and together they were a kind of pact that didn't last long. Nevio fell apart after a while when Zach Nevio disappeared or was murdered. Neko was now on her own, but there were certain other "friends" who had become involved in crime, but were not in any gang. It was a mashup of different people like a flash mob that came quickly and disappeared quickly to change something. For example, a person's death. Neko had always been there and saw that situation while she had to physically use her hands to do it. Things got even worse when Xeno Kataguri met her, everything changed, she became a criminal, got hold of a real katana and ballistic mask with her hands, which made her the riskiest, she pulled it off with the new Scorpio juveniles gang. Truths and duties were a forced favor, the bond lasted quite a long time, there were stressful situations and Neko's behavior deteriorated, she felt obsessed with these things to the point where she still regrets being a criminal to this day. She was scammed in a deal that was illegal. She knocked out a scammer who knew her well enough that she ended up being too gullible and was forced to the ground, driven insane by 3 criminals and given the agony of a lifetime by a machete. Neko was from this point the human she never was before.

3. Crime at its peak, Aneko's worst mistake
deaths were nothing new and life became more uncertain. Not only the life of the Scorpio juveniles, but also that of Neko, as she was increasingly adapted to a new false life, there was no way back for her. After countless fights, robberies, scams, DEATHS of others and the eternal suffering that she spread, but not alone. It didn't take long for Neko's actions to end. Most of the time she worked undercover. These two colored halves showed who she was. One broken half to the other, she was white and black split in the middle as hair colors. Which she describes as negative but also positive from her memory. Her hair color was well-known enough that her victims recognized her by it, even with a mask on, it was no wonder that she was the only one who had removed body parts from them and almost committed murder.

What was important to her was family. Not the Kurosawa family, but the Scopio Juveniles themselves.

A gang of criminals who were so closely tied together that even for them there was an end after a while. Neko was not always a quarrelsome person. After all, she still had the memory of a simple student at Karakura High, which allowed her to be gentle about the person. Xeno Kataguri, however, was the person who continued to push her to gain a better reputation in the gang's criminal world. But love was an important saying for Neko. She had two or three people she was in love with. However, each of them disappeared later. There was Xeno Kataguri as the leader of the Scorpio Juveniles, Meruko Kataguri the brother and someone more neutral named Yukio Kamatsu. Starting with Yukio, he did not stay long in Karakura. He was like a close friend of Neko's, was nice and so on. Suitable for Neko, but he simply disappeared. He was one of Neko's first friends in Karakura, in the friend group of Kaylen Aether, Akihiko Hirota and so on, all normal school friends who Neko left to live a difficult life as a Katana Psycho. Which led her to develop feelings for similar looking people or strong people in the gang. Feelings for Xeno, who it turned out was already taken, and Meruko, just like Neko. He died in an act of crime, but Neko doesn't know about his death, just like many other members of the Scorpio Juveniles.

They died one after the other, the deaths piled up which made Neko think that she was on her own. Which she was in the end. She still had a home, not with her sister Ayame Kurosawa, no. But with Suraya Kato. Ayame left Karakura for unforgivable reasons, which shocked Neko, but she still had the chance to find shelter with Suraya, where she was recognized as the victim after an act of scam far away. At one point, Neko was brought to the beach in a light-minded manner, where a fake dealer offered her a gas mask. She didn't want to say no and cold-bloodedly accepted the offer and paid for the mask. It was already clear enough how stupid this act had been, but Neko was simply driven there. She paid for the mask when the dealer suddenly almost ran off with Neko's money. She hit Neko directly on it with both fists and disabled the scammer so that Neko could get away with the mask and her money. It turned out that Neko's face wasn't even covered, that she herself was recognized and was later marked as the victim in the theory. Days after the mask scam, nothing was safe for Neko anymore, she was constantly hiding, trying not to think about the fact that masked people were suddenly after her. Unfortunately, this was the case. One morning, Neko got a stranger's call. From that point on, she was right. She wasn't alone, but was constantly being followed. The caller was probably the scammer himself. He wanted his mask back and offered to spare Neko or Aneko. Her memory was so light that she went with someone named Sana Kato to the agreed meeting point between Neko and the dealer. The entrance to the beach. When they got there, about seven masked people in black suits were waiting, some of them even had blunt weapons out. It was clear enough that this was a fatal mistake. She gave the mask away. However, each of the hostile criminals approached and Neko ran. Sana Kato had also disappeared because he was no real help to Neko. They caught Neko. Three of the masked criminals grabbed her so hard and violently that she was dragged to the ground out of anger, with both legs stretched out, only to see how two people held her and a large Mechete blade removed her entire right leg at once. She screamed and screamed so painfully that she quickly lost consciousness and almost bled to death. Luckily she was taken to the hospital where she was treated. The time she spent in the hospital was much longer than planned, it turned out that Neko was developing a kind of psychosis that was affecting her life. If nothing is done.

4. Failed healing Process

Neko had already left the hospital and was back on her feet. However, she was only standing on one real leg and one plastic metal leg, made for her by the hospital. She had problems walking with her leg even during training, but with practice she adapted to her new life as a disabled person. After months in the hospital she came back to school, everything was suddenly different. New people, old and acquaintances had disappeared, the Scorpio juveniles had also become history.

Ayame Kurosawa came back, but only because of school because she was already more educated than Neko. Unfortunately she no longer cared for Neko, she was too busy on educations them selves. Well, Neko was no longer a criminal, but she was affected by PTSD, which made her afraid when certain things about the past were mentioned, such as her leg or how she had been hurt, which made her very intimidated. Overall, she was weaker than anything else, from being a katana fighter back to being a weakened student. He wasn't doing well. However, after a while back at school, she found certain friends, starting with Ren Tsukumo, who Neko met first and developed a friendship with. She was very similar to Neko in terms of personality, was also a criminal and had to go through things that would have landed her in prison and had to give up her life. But things turned out differently. Ren was a kind of soulmate for Neko, they were almost meant to be there for each other, but not only Ren Tsukumo came into play, but also Cyno Khalid, Muichiro Toyoyami and others who were no longer there later on. But how did Neko live outside of school? She used to be obsessed with being in a group or with someone, but now it was a bit more difficult in terms of her memory. Most of the time Neko spent alone at home, making nice clothes for herself, listening to music or destroying things. Sometimes her entire apartment was almost always ruined, as if an elephant had walked through it twice and trampled everything, Neko had to deal with that for a while, it was difficult for her when someone didn't take care of her. Unfortunately, it was true that she was a kind of care case who cries when no one takes care of her, it was clear from birth, in contrast to her sister Ayame. Furthermore, Neko met a very nice person at school. In terms of her interests, she was a beautiful girl, the same level as Ren Tsukumo but very close to the angel because Neko still saw Ren as a criminal and called her a "devil", while HienMin Xiao was the "angel".

5. Slow Return of the Katana Felon, first lesbian Relationship
A kind of group of friends had already been formed, Neko was generally better because she had friends again. Ren was in love with Neko, she was very close to her, one evening in Ren's apartment where the group gathered together with another person. Party games were played like truth or dare. Fun was the important thing, even HienMin, who turned out to be a girl... Painted a picture of Neko, a great artist for their relationship, Neko still has this picture with her to this day. But while everyone was playing truth or dare together, Ren and Neko got so close to each other that they were already encouraged to get together. There was a slight pressure between them to finally do it. Neko's first lesbian love was thus born, which was also the case when Neko took Ren up to the top floor of the school and finally asked her... "Do you want to be my girlfriend?". Answered with a classic yes and a kiss, they both melted together and were engaged. They loved each other, but the pressure in Neko's mind was increasing. The thought that not all of her crimes were over was there.

One evening, Neko finally cleaned up her apartment after the mess and came across a small cache of weapons, which was no joke... A fire axe, knuckle duster, crowbars and so on, but the only thing about the cache that drove Neko crazy the most was her real katana from the old days. She had it in her hands again... The blade clean and sharp, so long and so metallically shiny... It was no wonder then that Neko sometimes stayed at home, away from others and lusted after her katana with respect and love. She was already going crazy. If she hadn't had the katana at all, everything would probably be normal, but everything changes from that point on. When she met other people who knew about Neko's past, she was also called a mental victim, a whore and just as dangerous. Sometimes Neko was still light with her memory, which made her look stupid at times. After a while it became clear that Ren had really started to commit crimes and was putting herself at risk, which landed her in prison.

Neko was already well aware of Ren's actions, she had a knife, which was a sign that Ren had something planned with it, but was unable to escape the KPD. Only Neko and HienMin, the "Angel", were left, and it turned out that Min had developed feelings for Neko as well, feelings that were actually only supposed to trigger positive things. But Neko was still taken, but took on Min's feelings in order to destroy Ren's feelings when Neko left Ren. She didn't want to live with a plague similar to Neko, which would lead to repression. Not everything was always right in Ren and Neko's relationship, they were both almost the same people, but Ren was too involved in crime to be normal, both driven by the past and more. When Ren got out of prison, Neko and Ren didn't meet anymore. Instead, Neko broke off a relationship with Ren over the phone so that they didn't have to meet anymore. It hurt Ren to have to leave Neko, but Neko wasn't that affected. It was like a feeling of nothing that Neko felt after breaking off her love for Ren Tsukumo. Instead, she remained friends with HienMin, who passed on support to Neko.

6. Unstable, Neko Kurosawa as Murderer
What was important to Neko was true love, she was obsessed with it but needed someone suitable, someone who would give her joy and care. Neko was not happy with her "angel" at her side and the abandonment of her "devil". New goals were set for her, she wanted to find love no matter how. She didn't care how hard it might be, she needed it relentlessly. So she looked for people who would resonate with her and who would be interested in others and not just her. If she was actually found, information about her was passed from person to person. But without proof. Someone named Xiao and a person named Muichiro made their selves a property by using Neko for their own pleasure and against Neko's will to even resist. Basically a punishment for exposing herself to the truth of herself from her criminal past. Mainly Muichiro or Muichiro Tokoyami by his full name was over her underpowering her.

Used her as a cuddly pillow, even as a kind of maid cat... and more, Neko was restricted by his actions and became more and more crazy about how much her life was affected by it, which sometimes caused her to show strength against her owner for her own sake, but ended painfully for her. Torture with hands, objects thrown at her... And all of this in her own apartment. She could hardly do anything, three times she made mistakes that cost her her own skin, in which flowers were carved into her arm and real leg and to top it all off there was a cherry on top, a word engraved on her neck that everyone can read... "WHORE". That was the point where Neko really couldn't take it anymore. The way she tried to escape every time didn't help. Until she was alone in her apartment where she had no other choice but to take her katana and lure her owner Muichiro Tokoyami into a trap. Since he rarely listened to her, Neko managed to lure him to the mountain ruins. Even in her broken black kimono, she looked like she had something planned, which she did. When she arrived at an old grave in the ruins, she took out her katana and pushed Muichiro into a corner where she immediately stabbed him in the heart so that he started to bleed to death. He stabbed her even further until there was nothing left but mush. All of his blood was spread over her own body and katana, it was just chaos. Everything happened quickly and in cold blood. She murdered him and was thus freed from his actions, but the punishment for dying before her eyes was that she would be persecuted for the rest of her life and would not be able to get rid of these thoughts. She ran out of the ruins, left the rest of her body there and since she hardly had anyone left to take care of her, she ran home covered in blood…

7. Raising Insanity
Days passed after the death, HienMin was also less often there for Neko, leaving Neko alone for the fourth time. She was driven by deaths she had witnessed, by actions that went way back in time and were bad for humanity. There was a young person who loved to see Neko Kurosawa panic or harm herself. Gaining control over her was his goal in order to drive her further insane. She was no longer healthy, she was driven by stress and suffering, which led Neko to hurt people and knock them to the ground. Chara Dyllamore, got to work on Neko's actions that she really couldn't keep to herself, because she sought trust, driving him insane with the weakness of her own memory. Chara began to put pressure on her, to build false trust, to betray her when it was necessary to make others hate her. To drive her to reveal her secrets to Chara so that he could punish her, even with simple words. It made Neko hard to think. She had even developed feelings for Chara, which really just made her a doll, again.. He had cheated on Neko three times in total and tried to drive her into anger and hatred, in the end she was lured out of his house.. so that he could be alone with someone else, a sign that it was just too much. She ran away, crying like always. To calm down from her suffering she went up to the shrine to treat herself to a hot bath in the onsen.

8. Emiko A. Munakata, the True Girlfriend for Life?
Arriving after leaving Chara's view, hoping he would give up on her will, Neko stripped down to her swimming clothes and put her foot in the warm water of the hot baths at the Shinto shrine. It was like a kind of release from the pressure of the warm and pleasant water, she swam in and simply sat down in a warm corner where it was darker than usual. Her hair was black at the time. She wanted to cover up her blonde hair which reflected the light too much. In the water for a few minutes, however, another girl came near her. A girl with beautiful maroon hair, a beautiful clean body and the face of a wonderful person who she didn't want to take her eyes off of... But Neko hadn't thought much of it... She thought she was just there alone to take a bath for fun. But there was one thing that was also different about this maroon haired woman. One of her feet had a prosthesis, Neko also had a full leg prosthesis which indicated a similarity.

This woman became known to Neko as Emiko A. Munakata, later Emiko Miyazawa after leaving her adoptive family. But this was only in the later part.

Neko was driven to recover in the warm water, but was still under pressure and her emotions showed how driven she was. She did not want Emiko to help her in any way, she had given up on meeting other people anyway. But Emiko was different, she was interested in Neko herself. The sight was clear. Once someone named Cyno came into the hot bath to see Neko, he was also once Neko's love but this quickly died out when Chara was more active against Neko herself. After Emiko spoke to Neko about Neko's problems, Neko thought she was getting away from Cyno. She didn't want anything to do with him, but he was there and watching, which only made Neko angry. Emiko asked for Neko's number and they exchanged numbers. Neko had to go home, she didn't want anything to do with it anymore. Then the idea came up that Emiko should visit Neko when she had time. After a while, Neko and Emiko met up with HienMin, she was still there but not forever. They all met at Neko's new home and faced Emiko. The strange thing about Emiko was that she kept looking at Neko as if she was very interested in her. Neko was nervous at that time. It felt like something nice was about to happen, but it was the opposite because Chara Dyllamore showed up and almost made Neko attack him, which she did with a tackle. Yelled at him to leave her alone.. Unfortunately, he was only passive towards Neko, which only drove her even madder.. Neko drove herself away from Chara and ran to her balcony where she rolled up against a wall and started repeating words that said she didn't want any of this anymore.. She didn't want it anymore at all, another person came to Neko's house and banished Chara from it. At least Chara was beaten up for what he did. HienMin was helpless.

The moment that changed everything was within reach.

Emiko dared to do something that quickly changed a lot. She didn't know exactly how she could bring Neko to her senses in this state of fear and panic. But one thing became clear to her immediately, she needs love.

Emiko lifted Neko up and held her in her arms, grabbed Neko's legs to pin her in the air against the wall and Emiko leaned forward kissing Neko for the first time for minutes.

It felt like a dream, like fireworks lighting up an entire city and sparkling the night that lasted much longer. That kiss, the way Neko was kissed changed her completely in an instant. From fear and panic she was led to engagement and kissing Emiko back. It was clear this maroon haired woman was everything Neko needed for some kind of good life.

And so on Neko became normal?

9. Nemiko Relationship

The love between Neko Kurosawa and Emiko A. Munakata was bound, they were so in love with each other, it felt unbreakable. After so much time and stress, Neko needed nothing but her. The woman that Neko found to love her. They started living together, but most of the time Emiko looked after Neko like a caring mother, often enough Emiko carried her on her body or on her body to be constantly kissed or stared at like a cat, depending on her interest. Sleeping with drooling on Emiko's shoulder was also nothing new for the couple. They called their relationship Nemiko because of both names, Neko and Emiko combined, resulting in Nemiko. A simple name that they both used. To be able to live happily together. Chara dared to approach Neko less and less, Cyno was no longer a case either, HienMin disappeared as well. There were only Neko and Emiko as a couple.

They shared their time together, fooled around a lot but they needed it. They spent most of their time together hidden or in Emiko's apartment, sometimes at the beach or onsen. Sometimes even at the outdoor pool. Every moment they had enjoyed together was just full of the search for lesbian achievement. It may sound strange but neither of them wanted it any other way. Emiko made it her task to really look after Neko. Neko was mostly helpless, but stress developed anyway but never lasted long. A new kind of group of friends formed again, but this time it was all just girls and a boy.

Besides the love of Neko and Emiko, there were other people that Neko met to make friends with. A friendship with Gwen Reeves, Aura Sato and other people. This included Sam Watcher who is now known as Yuko Watcher. This group of friends served to reinforce the happiness of not being alone, often hit, unfortunately also drowned because the group never stayed together for long. Mostly they played games together as if nothing had ever happened, but Yuko Watcher was the only one in the group who behaved incorrectly and negatively. Neko tried to help him with his feelings, feelings of failure and hatred to free himself from Yuko, but Neko didn't succeed. Neko was once so angry with Yuko that she did everything she could to explain to him that he didn't have to be so bad. But it didn't help, she just let Yuko hit her. Most people say hitting a girl is very wrong. This was the right case for it. He wanted to apologize but Neko was against him. She once mocked him at the entrance to the school. Mocked him so much that he took her into custody and carried her around against her will. Gwen Reeves only watched.. Tried to help but failed like a weak person would. Yuko threw me into a pool. by some house and it was cold. enough and painful that Neko had trouble even getting out of the pool.

And her arm was still healing?

What wasn't mentioned is that Neko was badly attacked by a bear and ended up in the hospital with a broken arm and a large bite wound after being chased by a dog. It all happened in the forest, the dog lured Neko into hell so to speak where she ran into a bear cave and tried to hide there. Unfortunately, it was the case that a full grown bear rushed into the cave and crushed Neko's left arm with its sharp and hard teeth causing her to be in great agony and the screams were unexplainable. Her arm was ripped open, blood was pouring out and the bear took her to the entrance of the forest. She was lucky for her life as the bear was stunned with an arrow and thus dropped Neko. Other people had already informed the police. Neko was immediately put down by Bär and taken to the hospital, bleeding to death, where her arm was operated on. She was released with a plaster cast over her entire arm. It was hell and the beginning of Neko's fear of coming back. At least Emiko was still there, because she looked after Neko like a mother. Neko needed Emiko more than ever…

Event after event, something strange became apparent about the love between Neko and Emiko. Emiko became more and more tired, more stressed, which were signs that Neko was exhausting. Neko, however, was never aware of this. She was afraid for Emiko…

They were the most beautiful moments that Neko experienced with Emiko, moments that they were alone together, moments that remained in the memory forever and could not be forgotten. The fact that Neko loved it when Emiko was in a onesie suit... That was a peek for her. But as Neko's crazy thoughts came back, it only became more stressful for Emiko.

10. Journalism Terms, meeting Neon Hayasaka

Time passes constantly, no matter how, no matter where, no matter why. However, Neko wanted to try something new to get away from wrong thoughts. She was asked openly on the street by someone named Keio if she wanted to join the KHS journalism club. The chance for a distraction couldn't hurt, so she applied and was accepted. The first person from the club she met was a purple-haired dog woman named Neon 'Mizu' Hayasaka. Well... You could also call her 'NEEEEEEN HAYSAKA' or a crazy, obsessed dog woman with an owner named Sena Taue.

She was nice, she was friendly. Friendly enough to make a friendship with Neko, which unfortunately would go downhill and no one would notice. They were like a cat and a dog together. Except that the dog doesn't like the cat, but the cat doesn't do the dog any favors when Neko bites Neon's hair and constantly gives him head pats and cuddles that are actually meant for Emiko. But it was okay for Neon because she acted like a dog lady with her 'Grrr' and 'Wrrrr', almost making a wonderful fool of herself. Add to that the dog tail and those fake ears. Neko felt like she behaved just like a cat. Almost as if she had adopted Neon's behavior as a cat for herself. Neko liked being near Neon, no matter how. It just gave the impression that everything was okay. And it was. They were just cat and dog, except that the dog couldn't control itself, but was driven by Sena's manipulation. Neko could see that Neon was getting stressed and was becoming more and more of a dog towards Sena in order to be everything to her and obey her. Only to then find out that they both split up and get back together after 15 minutes. Then Neko found out that Neon had kidnapped Sena because of another breakdown... This left Neko drifting further into false thoughts about others as Emiko herself needed a break, which only made it worse. But nothing was lost yet. Neon suddenly changed her hair color... Oh yes. Hair color. Since Neko got together with Emiko, Neko removed her black hair tone to look blonde and happy.

Nom Nom.. just bite into it blindly and still say that Neon's hair doesn't taste like chocolate.. Maybe Neko really isn't always smart the way she looks...

Out of nowhere, however, Neko started to have false thoughts and behavior, as if there was something there that made her remember the past. Something dangerous.. Something real.. Even Emiko noticed it in Neko when Emiko, Neon and Neko were together in one place. Emiko already knew that Neko suddenly had a katana on her.. Emiko told Neko very clearly that she didn't need that.. So clear.. So that at least Emiko gave her another chance to stay normal. However, things escalated so much in Neon's home that even Neon found out what Neko really was.. Even though she was friends with her. This situation where Neko had to take out her katana to show

that she wasn't going to do anything with it convinced Emiko.. However, it put her under a lot of stress to think about it.. But everything went back to normal after Neko hid the katana.. At least that was what was thought. A sign that she was still bound to it would have serious consequences in the progress..​

The Psychosis

11. "What is wrong with you Neko?"


Neko started to behave strangely. It started with eyes. She constantly wanted eyes... She also wanted to poke... What was wrong? There was something strange about her behavior. She started to harass people and stare, started poking their eyes with her fingers. Damn strange behavior...

This was just the beginning of the crazy stuff.

She started to lure an innocent person to the toilet and then almost drown them in the toilet water just to find out if this person was willing to let Neko take possession of their life. But this went wrong. It got worse and worse with Neko, she even started to force people to suffer against their will... Neko didn't care... She wanted to see how people suffered!?

One time it escalated completely. She met a half-blind person whose eyes she wanted to see. She practically jumped at her with violence, hitting her. She defended herself and hurt Neko in self-defense. Councilors, faculty. Everyone came to Neko, Neko of course defended one statement against another. They wanted to help her, but Neko got scared. Almost panicked, she didn't want any help at all and was told off by witnesses, which sent Neko to the detention room. At least Emiko showed up to solve the problem with Neko and her victim, it de-escalated, but it was clear that Emiko had no desire for such actions anymore. She just wanted to love.

In the detention room she didn't want to fill out an excuse. She wanted to write a story to get out of the detention room. However, what the councillor read from Neko's book was shocking.. A story about the person taking a guy up into the mountains and then ending his life.. Damn weird. She got away with it though after Neko herself was asked if that was her in the story, she didn't answer and left the school.

Days later, Neko Kurosawa became Insane.

12. Yurii Everett Akiyama and Neon Hayasaka as Victims

Clear Escalation,

Neko was slowly but surely going crazy with her actions, as if she wasn't thinking anymore, but just doing things like a doll that was being controlled.. But she wasn't being controlled. One day Neko met a taller man who looked quite strong but stupid, Sickoloski Candy. Also known as one of Neko's pets.. The man really had no choice but to obey Neko and even liked it?

Neko really hadn't been able to do anything any more to stop herself..

She once grabbed Neon by the arm and dragged her straight into one of the school's restrooms to torture her in cold blood. Neko asked strange questions... She made sure everything was fine, but in a negative way?? She grabbed Neon's head and slammed her head against the wall several times, scratched her... HUGGED HER... And not just once... Neko used Neon as a kind of doll that she could do anything with... A doll that she could hurt. Not just once... Not just twice. She hurt Neon often enough.

Much later in the Shrine she met a certain person who had completely shattered Neko's feelings.. So attracted to her.. As HARD as she was for Neko.. She couldn't resist HER.. She came closer to the girl.. That smooth long creamy hair.. And those green emerald-like eyes.. And that skin.. The glasses. Everything about her was so perfect.. Neko even smelled her hair and stood quite close. It turned out that this girl was Yurii Everett Akiyama, part of the Akiyama family.. But Neko was never aware of this. She was silent.. Completely focused on Yurii herself. And even forgot everything else. She simply took Yurii from the shrine and brought her to another high place of the bobcats. But she had help from her pet human Sickoloski.. Yurii was already scared, Neko simply took her up to this hill and couldn't resist telling Yurii that Neko would possess her.. Neko was already driven away by her insanity. Neko couldn't come to her senses and apparently wanted to see someone so beautiful suffer.. So that she could reach the same level as Neko?! She released Sickoloski when she kidnapped Yurii and then at the graves...

.. Cold-bloodedly pushed her down the stairs to a grave below to see how hard she bounced against the steps with her body... It was abnormal... it was so wrong.

Neko went down to her and pulled her by her hair over to the abandoned depot where she brought her to a very narrow place all at once and she was alone with Yurii. It felt good for Neko... But like horror for Yurii. Neko grabbed her... Threatened her in the wrong and senseless way... Even hit her!... Which caused Yurii to pass out and almost exist like a corpse. Neko also moved her across the dirty floor to her home where she..

..tied Yurii to a chair.




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Level 15
Thread starter


Keep in mind it's still not finished, more chapters are about to come together with a whole lore forums post including more than one perspective of the overhaul.


Level 116
Oh my God Zen's there

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