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New Journalist Application for DelinquencyRp


Level 3
[OOC Section]

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

I have two known bans that I have been appealed for, one being... "OOC Harassment"

and the other for being "sexual with a minor," which sounds worse than what actually happened. I was also a minor and still am. Although despite that I was accepted both times - So don't think I did not learn from these mistakes.

Describe your activity on the server:

When I can actually log into the server and not just have the "Disconnected" Glitch, I am on almost at least 4 hours a day. Most of the time about 6 or 8 hours.

Do you have Discord?:

Yes! it's Daltron#7673

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a microphone.

List your current and past applications:

Japanese Sign Language [Denied]

Japanese Sign language (again) [Accepted]

College application [Accepted]

Height request application [Denied]

What is your motivation for applying?:

Journalism just seems like something that I would find very fun. Nothing really big, I've been thinking about this for a while and I feel like I could really be good at. It also gives me more reasons to talk to people on RP and not be afraid of just getting the whiplash from talking to people that normal players would get. I know it will really make me come out of my shell.

What knowledge do you have of journalist's work?:

Generally, the tasks of a journalist include: searching out a scenario and gathering information regarding it, making a news story about it, and presenting it to the public, often in the form of entertainment. The job of a journalist is often frowned upon as they come off as “nosy,” or “biased.” This does not stop a journalist, however, as they believe that news must make it to the public, no matter what.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?:

The number one reason is the flow of information. Like a club or sports team is hosting tryouts?! If only there was a school reporter to spread the information! Not to mention, endangering scenarios constantly play out in SchoolRP, so there is a lot of information to base a report off of. I personally think it's an important job and also really think it'll be a fun role to play.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

My characters description reads "Kozeeku Makita [炬軸愈 蒔帝囲] - A modern Japanese Delinquent. His build is that of a lean muscle build, but you can't tell from the clothes he is wearing. At the height of 6'5" he towers over most. He smells like men's cologne and a slight scent of cigarettes." His hair is a dyed blizzard white, Although he'll also dye it black occasionally. (Note: I am getting a skin made... So the Skin I have right now does not have the White hair. Although the skin I am renting has black hair right now.) Kozeeku is a rather handsome fellow (Like everyone else in the server). He might be a delinquent, but he is rather well mannered to people who have a higher rank than him or are his elder (Usually..) Although he won't take random unearned crap, making him hard to work with sometimes. Off the job, he might as well be a jerk. He'll do anything to get information out of people. Sometimes working on his own to get the job done. He is frightening while angry though. Which usually works in his favour since people are so scared that they give out the info he is looking for.



Kozeeku was born into a middle-class family from Tokyo. He wasn't really special in any case. He was just the type of boy who had anger problems and needed an attitude. He was the bully on the playground. He had a major soft spot for women though...- When he was around 7 his parents put him in a dojo for martial arts to hopefully let some of his pent-up frustration could be let out in training and not beating up any of the kids on the playground. Although that ended poorly with him just beating the Children more. After finding out how violent Kozeeku had become. His Sensei named "Eijirō Hano" beat most of the misconduct and attitude out of him in the form of harsh training. Because of that, Kozeeku is much more docile than he once was. Fast forward when he was 15, Kozeeku had moved from Tokyo to Karukura with his Sensei about 6 years ago from this point in Kozeeku's story. Kozeeku Moved with his Sensei to Karukura because it was his Sensei's hometown. While walking his Sensei's Dog Kozeeku met a deaf girl who was being harassed and bullied by some brute. After protecting her from the bigger male they became close friends. Kozeeku later swore to protect and love her in the most embarrassing way he could... Even learning Japanese sign language for her! Although after Kozeeku could just finally speak Sign language fluently, his girlfriend was sadly killed in an unfortunate gang relation incident shortly after he just turned 17 at the time. After that Kozeeku moved back to Tokyo with his Mother and Father for about a year, later returning alone because his Sensei was deathly sick. Kozeeku was with his sensei for the final moments of the old man's life. Kozeeku, Sad and grieving while walking around his Sensei's old apartment for days he decided to visit his dead Girlfriend's grave after never visiting it even after one year. Where Kozeeku swears he heard the voices of his Girlfriend and his Sensei telling him to say in Karukura. Feeling compelled to honour their memory he stays and takes over his Sensei's old apartment. This brings him to the age of 20, where he has been living in Karakura for over two years.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:
Kozeeku Makita


My second year at college

Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:

Makita (Formally)

Kozeeku (Casually)





Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Japanese Sign Language.



Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

Phone Number:


Other notes:

Just because I have the "Disconnected" glitch does not mean I will be absent, I will still attempt to log in whenever I can. I actually found a loophole around not having to be constantly /spawned. So I should be at least once a day. Although I do have a part-time job IRL so I might not be able to come on for very long every day but I will try my best! I should be active about 7/7 days a week at the least.
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Level 185
News Lead
Once your read this, contact me through discord to receive your roles etc. Aania#1997
Welcome to the club!


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