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New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu)


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: Neeryu
What's the title of your suggestion?: New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu)

What's your suggestion?:
I believe a short explanation about Ainuic would be helpful!

About Ainuic
The Ainu languages (/ˈaɪnuː/ EYE-noo), sometimes known as Ainuic, are a small language family, often regarded as a language isolate, historically spoken by the Ainu people of northern Japan and neighboring islands.
The primary varieties of Ainu are alternately considered a group of closely related languages or divergent dialects of a single language isolate. The only surviving variety is Hokkaido Ainu, which UNESCO lists as critically endangered. Sakhalin Ainu and Kuril Ainu are now extinct.

Wouldn't characters intuitively know the language since it originates from Japan?
In a nutshell, Ainuic (referring only to the Hokkaido variety, as Sakhalin and Kuril are now extinct) is a critically endangered language considered as a "language isolate", meaning it has no demonstrable genetic relationship with any other languages.
As such, despite being spoken in northern Japan, Ainuic is a language completely different from japanese except for forms of writing. Speaking japanese would not help in understanding Ainuic, only the written letters would be common to both languages (as much as latin letters are common to many languages).

Wikipedia references:
- [Ainuic]
- [Hokkaido Ainu]

Is it realistic for characters to learn about this language?
Despite being critically endangered or nearly extinct, it is realistic for characters to learn the language if they seek to do so. Hokkaido Ainu has been a surviving language thanks to community efforts towards passing on the language's legacy. Surveys made in 2006, 2013 and 2017 show a growing interest in the younger generations, and classes are held to teach Hokkaido Ainu.

60s age group2.3%1.9%0.4%
30s age group0%0%2.3%

Data source: [2017 Hokkaido Ainu Life Survey Report] (PDF). Hokkaidō Government. 北 海 道 環 境 生 活 部. Retrieved 1 October 2022.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe adding Ainuic (once again, only the Hokkaido variety) would allow to develop a very interesting aspect of the roleplay on SchoolRP, mostly the kind linked to folklore and historic events (old lore in general).
This language would be typically spoken by characters who took a keen interest in Japanese linguistics, folklore or history.


Level 35

I see no harm in adding this and you made sense in for WHY it should be added if its japans like ancient language, meaning that characters that intertwine with the occult may realise this language as icly they dive into japans history etc, therefore I feel like you put a decent recent into why people could know It too :))


Level 107
coming out of my hidey hole to +1 this all the way. this is the best language suggestion i think i've ever seen? it makes sense and would be very interesting to see more characters in Karakura connecting with the history of Japan (and more specifically seeing some characters around learning this language)

on the note of languages, the list is definitely lacking in some departments (for example, oceania has.. one language. there are definitely more. and north and south america only have esperanta.)


Level 119
While I agree with this suggestion, as with tons of other language suggestions I dont think it would get added, but hey even though it doesnt have alot of speakers, it would be fun in karakura.

Also, this is the first language suggestion I saw throughout my entire time on SRP that makes sense.


Level 103
+1 for sure, I’d love to see more languages on this server (such as Bulgarian and Brazilian, for example) and this is a great place to start!


Level 181
Community Team
Lore Team
As much as I would love to +1 this.

I am going to have to -1 this, its been said many times that no other languages will be added


Level 12
+1/-1, Neutral !!

+ I'd love this being added... it makes sense! || - as DarkEclipic said, others have been denied

sir meow

Level 42
+1 I love suggestions regarding the Japanese aspect of this server, and personally I think this language would be fun to see, specially when used between the shrine members (Of course only if they wish to have it!).

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