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New Version of | Aurelia Pinnae


Level 4
Aurelia Pinnae | College Bachelor

(Template structure made by Allen Black)
(Forever WIP, Last Edited June 12th)
(This is the newer version of her biography since she had an arc.)

[Older version can be found here.]

[She may not always be ready to talk, so give her some time.]


Basic Information​

First Name: Aurelia
Surname: Pinnae
・┇Preferred Name: Aurelia
・┇Nicknames: Aura, Auri, Aure, Aurea*
・┇Gender: Female

・┇Age: 20
・┇Height: 4'11
・┇Weight: 150
・┇Build: Short and curvey

・┇Skin Color: She's relatively pale but not pasty white.
・┇Eye Color: Dark brown, tends to look pure black in low light.
・┇Hair Style: She has long brown hair that is always kept up in a messy bun. It's rare to see her hair down.
・┇Hair Color: Dark brown, looks black in low light, just like her eyes.
・┇Fashion: She has a school uniform but is almost always wearing high heels, a skirt that hugs her waist, and a blouse.
・┇Abnormalities: She has bruises on both sides of her cheeks. Both are black that seem to fade into the face, indicating they are years old, probably close to a decade old.

・┇Date of Birth: May 17th
・┇Place of Birth: Flagstaff, Arizona
・┇Nationality: American
・┇Ethnicity: German and Irish
・┇Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
・┇Religious Beliefs: Aurelia has a strange definition of what she'd call her religious belief. However, it's better to consider her beliefs spiritual instead of religious ones. Poly-agnostic is the best way to describe it.
・┇Political Beliefs: Aurelia won't talk much about politics depending on the group. In the right group, she can talk about environmental problems to economic or social. She varies widely in all aspects of conversation but isn't scared to put her two cents in. Her main topics are equality, laws, technology, and marine environmental protection.

Character Voice:

[ This voice may change over time ]
・┇"From the Ground Up" - An Original Minecraft Song by Laura Shigihara
・┇Everything's Alright- Laura Shigihara
・┇【FULL BAND COVER】TRIALS - Starset // Calling From The Reach


・┇English | Proficiency 5
・┇German | Proficiency 5

General Appearance​


・┇ Aurelia is very short, 4'11 (149cm), and has a slim figure. Her hair is always up in a bun, no matter what outfit she's in. The bun is always messy but doesn't keep her bangs contained, which rest on her forehead. Rarely will she be seen with her hair down and loose. She's also constantly seen with glasses but when taken off she has clear and deep eye bags. With her hair and eyes being a deep and dark brown, in low light, they have been mistaken for black. Overall, she doesn't have any defining traits and doesn't consider herself pretty. The only exception is the bruises on both sides of her face. They're faded, probably over a decade old but permanent which can be seen most of the time unless her hair is down.


・┇ She used to be super casual in terms of clothing, wearing soft and comfortable hoodies, jeans, and boots. But more recently something changed drastically and now she wears very formal and 'uptight' clothing. It would be common to assume she's a teacher maybe, or even a secretary though both are incorrect.


・┇Aurelia can be hard to describe since her recent change. She used to be mostly calm and casual with hints of anger and a controlling complication. Now, it seems she's very strict and controlling, using a very stern type of anger to get her point across to even old friends and colleagues. Doesn't matter who you are. She's still very quiet and keeps to herself, but if you put yourself into her circle be prepared for whatever hellfire you've got yourself into. She doesn't hold back punches, keeping very strict, and stern, but overall hurtful. This is in deep contrast to her previously who was overall helpful, nerdy, and honestly fun. Something must have happened.

・┇Her default state hasn't changed too much honestly. She's still closed off, but when someone even dares to try to get into her good graces, she can be harsh and mean. Aurelia has a knack to pick people apart and catch others in lies if she's looking for it. Due to her paranoia, she mostly is always looking for someone lying to her, even if that isn't happening. She's still known to scare people when angry and has an overpowering aura on those sensitive to atmospheres.

・┇If you've done the impossible and gotten past her wall, her soft side is still there. It's all bottled of course but if she cares about you she will drop herself to help you. However, this goes beyond dangerous levels. She's the type to say 'I'm fine' even if she very clearly isn't. Newly though she won't be stepped over unless she lets the other person do so. She's a giver and sometimes still shy, but if you become a jackass in her life, expect to be completely locked out. On her romantic side, she's very sweet and affectionate, but she won't take any affection or romance.

・┇Almost no one knows this, but she is a hopeless romantic. She can find crushes in a lot of people because of her deep want to be taken care of and it can lead to destruction or unhealthy love. However, she doesn't go full-on lovey-dovey mode, not even if she was dating them. It takes a lot for Aurelia to be pushed out of her shell and be deeply sweet or intimate with a person. However she may act, she isn't the communicator anymore in relationships. Be wary.

・┇She still thrives for knowledge but isn't as inclined to be helpful and give that out to people.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

[ I have studied these topics quite heavily and have had some of them. ]
[ Trigger warning: Child abuse/abuse ]


・┇ Aurelia suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and can slip into strange habits when under extreme stress such as acting insane or particularly violent. While most develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol, Aurelia isn't like that. In fact, she avoids those stimuli in hopes of not getting an addiction. That doesn't mean she doesn't have her own, however. Instead, she immerses herself in daydreams to feel any peace or love and care. Often falling in love with situations that didn't happen. Her triggers are known to be genuine, angry screaming directed at her and 'threatening' men.

・┇ The exact reasons for her PTSD she'll keep mostly secret, but in basics, Aurelia used to be abused as a child and the pain never truly left. Her older siblings would do actions that could hurt or do worse to her. Aurelia's mother would play favoritism as they were the children of her first husband and not her second like Aurelia had been. Her mother would simply pretend to not know what they were doing and feign ignorance. Especially with Aurelia's inability to learn German initially. Everyone in the Pinnae/Fischer name knew German except for her and when she left for Karakura it was still something completely unknown to her. Her mother even threatened to disown Aurelia if she couldn't learn the language. While this was happening her father was completely oblivious to the situations going on and when her mother left them at the age of 10 with the other kids, he never bothered asking about it either. In fact, she was expected to behave and be a perfect child while he would heavily complain about how awful the marriage had been. This only served to drive a wedge between him and Aurelia more as he thought that only he had it so bad and Aurelia couldn't compare. He would even shut her down if she did talk about it and claim she was making tall tales.

・┇ Anhedonia is characterized by a reduced ability to experience pleasure, such as happiness, and something she struggles with a lot. Anhedonia is also a symptom of depression, but it's unknown if Aurelia has any something like that. Her understanding of happy emotions is she should feel a certain way and tries to achieve that as much as possible instead of letting her emotions speak for themselves. Aurelia is also a logical thinker but not a feeler. While this does make it easier to understand others, it makes it harder for her to be understood. Sometimes she won't bother explaining herself to some people as there is no point.

・┇ This condition is also why she tends to turn towards finding love so much. If she is loved she feels love, or so in theory. Being in love would help her feel more happy-like emotions and satisfy the craving for being wanted. There's only one man she knows that has ever scratched the itch. But most make it so much harder for her to get out her feelings as she's caring for them instead. Not entirely her friends' fault for not caring for her though, she hasn't exactly made it clear what her boundaries are, but to her, it feels like they don't try to understand her at all, and thus she will not try to explain.

・┇ Psychosis is a symptom of schizophrenia, but not schizophrenia itself. People with psychosis can have hallucinations or estranged thoughts too, but the major difference is knowing between fantasy and reality. While Aurelia does slip into fantasy to avoid her problems or could start experiencing hallucinations she comes out of it knowing it wasn't real. The addiction to being most happy in that state is what keeps bringing her back to that place mentally and often leaves her hollow afterward as none of it actually happened.

・┇ Under stress she will also hallucinate less friendly things. Sometimes she'll hear people call her at random from around her and feel as if she's being watched or seeing red eyes stare her down. If things have gone really poorly she'll start blaming herself for being so unlucky and bringing everyone down with her. If her psychosis plays in with it, it gets worse. She can get lost deeply and repeat to herself over and over things like; "Let the play end." or "Stop pretending." It comes from her belief that she has no say in her own reality and no real grip on her life but instead the unfortunate actress of a tragedy play. Under this lens, everyone around her is pretending to play a role to continue the story and she's begging them to stop because she can't handle the play anymore. She "Just wants out of it." as she'll explain. If it's not under the play theory she becomes paranoid of the world being against her and asks what people actually want of her in a deep cynical thought that she has something they want—an item, her skills, or her body, but not 'her' as a person.

・┇ She's functioning, at least from an outside perspective. Aurelia doesn't even realize it herself but even if she does function by society's standard, she's deeply, mentally troubled. Pushing aside thoughts or emotions for those around her or the tasks at hand. Her logical outlook makes her overthink everything in a perfectionist light. She will mostly not berate others for not being like herself, but she will berate herself for not being like others. Such as the inability to just let go of all the stress that surrounds her and relax or having more feelings for others as she's found it difficult to empathize with people. Aurelia blames herself for it all but also can have deeply seeded jealousy of others for what they get without trying. She's trying so hard to be liked, to be loved but always falls short of someone else who puts in less effort. It's heartbreaking to her and exhausting.

・┇ She also won't prioritize herself over anything. Aurelia is very guilt-riddled constantly for every little thing. She will do things that are incredibly difficult or even out of her scope of possibility just so she can live with herself. Even lying about who she really is inside to make the guilt better. Aurelia views herself as incredibly lazy and like she doesn't try hard at anything. True or not, she will break herself apart for the smallest mistake. Anything can set her off without someone realizing why due to mistakes or self-problems.

・┇ Despite everything, she'll try for everyone else. Even if it's incredibly painful or if she can't empathize with them. She doesn't want to feel like a monster due to her inability to care for or connect to people. Still, Aurelia thinks of herself as a guardian and protector, just someone who inherently isn't meant to be helped. Where this idea stems from comes a lot from her childhood to her teen life. No one really stopped to help her when she needed it, so her assumption was fate didn't want her to be. Maybe not even loved as well.

・┇ There is a rare reaction to her mental health when it's gotten to the lowest point. What Aurelia refers to as her 'blackout state'. It's an event that happens to her that makes her withdraw from everything, even herself. She shuts down and won't acknowledge anything or anyone. Aurelia will also not react to anyone fighting her. Self-preservation has no longer become a concern. If she speaks, it's slurred and hard to understand while she tries her hardest to think and speak. This tends to happen as she leaves the state. You may know this as a catatonic state.

・┇ Music calms her down. She also has a music box on her sometimes when she's incredibly stressed to get through the day.
・┇ Be advised if she has gotten to her catatonic state, something(s) has(have) gone terribly wrong. She may not even remember what it was and trying to force her memory may result in a heavy mental fog.
・┇ It's incredibly difficult to know what's going up with her due to her ability to improv out of anything and lie believably. If she tells you the truth she trusts you. Don't break it. (Or let someone else break it for you.)


・┇ Aurelia has been known to be a jack of all trades type but in information. She knows at least something about almost every topic. She's a well of information but is less inclined to give that out nowadays.
・┇ Her primary skills are in the arts. She's quite a musician and plays the clarinet but sings mostly. She also draws some but her main skill is writing. It's the main reason she enjoys English so much, aside from just enjoying school in general.
・┇ From the top of her head, she can improvise super well. She's into theatre a lot and likes to roleplay. This also means she can come up with stories from nowhere and is often good at telling them too.
・┇ Oddly enough Aurelia is super good with plants and often studies herbology in the school's garden. She can suggest from one herb or plant to another on almost everything. It can't replace modern medicine or even compare and she won't pretend her solutions are the 'end all be all', but for basic around-the-house needs, she's pretty handy.


・┇ She has many weird and fun stories of stuff that's happened to her in her life. Rarely she may share some of these stories.
・┇ Aurelia hates people talking over her or cutting her off. If there's a faster way of pissing her off, it's unknown compared to this.
・┇ She can sometimes try way too hard to fit in or impress people. She works better in strange crowds but wants to seem normal despite how difficult that is for her.
・┇ She's a caffeine addict but hates most coffees. Her choices of poison are vanilla/strawberry frappes and soda.
・┇ Aurelia has never had any illegal drugs, surprisingly. She has gotten drunk at parties though.
・┇ She needs glasses to see but has difficulty seeing up close rather than far away. Basically, far-sighted.
・┇ Aurelia has the smell of vanilla and citrus. This is due to the fact that she carries around vanilla tootsie rolls but her soaps and perfumes are citrus scented.
・┇ She knows barely any celebrities and can't name most.
・┇ Fuckin' loves potatoes.


・┇ Main items: She carries an umbrella, phone, credit card, ID, and car keys.
・┇ She will sometimes carry a notebook that she uses to take down notes of events happening around her in Karakura. She strives for knowledge and seeks answers in unlikely places.
・┇ While not always on her, she sometimes has a blue toy lightsaber. She's a former Star Wars fan, but more recently has deemed it too childish for her to enjoy.
・┇ Aurelia also sometimes carries her music box. It's a Pinnae heirloom that the family almost tossed out but she kept. While she doesn't see much honor in keeping family stuff together, she does honor history and didn't want to let such a pretty music box get destroyed. It's not shiny nor in a proper box as it was in a snow globe, but it functions and she likes the music.

[The song her music box plays]


・┇ Aurelia is usually too busy to have any hobbies now. Sometimes she can be caught singing or writing, those being her main.


・┇ Overall Aurelia is very strict and somewhat controlling. She isn't one for people or for friends. Her relationship with her family is even worse. She hasn't spoken to any of them in years and that isn't changing any time soon. Her siblings were awful and abusive, or sometimes worse, her dad has anger issues and her mom who was responsible for the bulk of her suffering left her when she was 10. To top it all off her uncle was a very well-known felon and would get judged based on his actions, or the actions of her older sibling who also had a lot of run-ins with the law. She avoid any conversation about her uncle anywhere to avoid being associated with him, even in Karakura now.

・┇ She wouldn't call anyone that she knows in Karakura family except for maybe one person, but has still some people she'd give certain titles too.


・┇Alice Pinnae | Mother | Alive┇・
[I don't think I'll ever forgive you.]
Her mother left 10 years ago and Aurelia
hasn't seen her since then. Better off that way.
・┇Sean Pinnae | Father | Alive┇・

[Could you ever look at the forest and not your tree?]
Her father tries to keep in contact with Aurelia but
hasn't managed to reach her.
・┇Randall Fischer | Brother | Unknown┇・

[You tried to feign ignorance. You can't hide from it.]
Her oldest brother. While she doesn't remember a
lot about him, she does remember what all of her family did.
・┇Felix Fischer | Brother | Unknown┇・

[I wonder if you're still in jail.]
The middle child of the family. His crimes weren't
just inside the Pinnae household. He's done a lot of
bad in his life.

[It's very likely someone in your friend group knows her]
[Close Friends]

・┇Daisy Lucia | Childhood friend | Alive┇・
[Do you remember the autumns we spent together?]
Daisy was Aurelia's best friend back home in the US.
While Daisy has moved away from Karakura, they still talk.
・┇Molly Oxenfree | Friend | Alive┇・

[I hope you're okay... We never speak now.]
Molly is the first friend Aurelia made in Karakura.
Very bubbly and friendly, just has a knack
for attracting bad spirits.
・┇Loof Loofssonn | Friend | Alive┇・

[You made for a funny ghost.]
Loof used to be a roommate and pulled a lot of
pranks. Being a ghost for example.
Good times...
・┇Apollo V. Wigglesworth | Friend | Alive┇・

[Still looking for your own place?]
Apollo is a classmate she met on her first days in Karakura.
Overall he's pretty chill, just doesn't always understand the conversation.
He can be a bit slow at times, but that's okay.
・┇Alexander Stone | Friend | Unknown┇・

[I wonder where you moved...]
Alexander always wears
a gas mask. Apparently, because he has 'an
incurable disease'. Whether or not that's true hasn't been
・┇Rin Hasuke | Caretakee | ?┇・

[I-I don't know what the fuck-]
Rin is decently close to Aurelia and follows her around the most.
She's always telling him to not get into trouble,
being like his big sister. He did anyways.
・┇Alex Jones | Friend | Alive┇・

[You still collecting shrimp my guy?]
Alex is a friend Aurelia also met very early on through Molly.
They collect shrimp from their own roommate for some reason.
・┇Qida Antonio Sy | Best Friend | Unknown┇・

[Where did you go Qida...? I miss you...]
Qida is a very good friend of Aurelia. Everything that
happened in Aurelia's life she told him. He used to
live in the apartment beside her. Until he went missing.
[General Friends]
・┇Marco K. Rodriguez | Friend | Deceased┇・

[Maybe if the KPD wasn't so useless...]
Marco was an okay friend. They weren't
completely close, but Marco helped her out when
she was at a really bad time. She'll never forget it.

[Aurelia can be hard to get with, but very loyal and sweet]

Johnny Reeves | Ex | Alive

Johnny was her boyfriend. He
ended up leaving her and their
adopted daughter at some point.
♡Yakov Sidorvo | Ex | Alive

[Why did I ever trust you?]
Yakov is Aurelia's ex. He cheated on her
and then cheated on his later girlfriend.
He's an absolute player and will break hearts.
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