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NEWS REPORT | How Teachers Feel


Level 80


As someone who’s new to the Journalist Club, I’m new to a lot of things, but have you ever thought of how teachers felt about their way of teaching? And their personal thoughts on particular students? That is what my first report is all about!

Good <?> to you, a fellow walking citizen of Karakura...City… Anywho. Reporting to you as of this VERY moment, is Roseanne Marie van Dalen, a newly added member of the Journalist Club.

What we see on the surface, Teachers often have a smile on their face, and a professional upfront. However, once you enter the “battlegrounds” more known as their classroom, things escalate quickly.

As some of you know, or you may not, One of the strictest and extreme teachers that are legally teaching you, Physical instructor, Zhang Haechi. It was a bit- hard for me to interview him but I started getting interested.

Here’s how it went.

: - a recording would start to play. ~ ~

As she shuffled around her skirt pocket, she’d take out a recording device. Pressing: “RECORD”

"Right so... I'd like to introduce myself first. My name is Roseanne Marie van Dalen, I'm a brand new member of the Journalist club."
"Hello Roseanne, my name is Zhang Haechi and I am the Head Department of Physical Education in Karakura High School. A pleasure conducting this interview with you.”
"It’s an honor... To meet you, Sir.. err-Uhm, Instructor-Haechi... I see as many students know in Karakura, you're a different teacher from the rest, as... I heard myself personally and experienced, you go to an extreme point that excels well in your teaching, right?"
"Looks like you've been doing your research! Also yes, a lot of times I'm always giving some hard discipline towards my students. Whether I have to raise my voice on certain points if they're not focused or just blatantly causing issues in my class."
"Sounds.. tough. So, Instructor-Haechi, why have you chosen this way of teaching?"
"To try to be specific about this topic, mainly because some students like to go out acting like delinquents or just giving problems to us teachers in general for whatever reason. For my class, it's either attend or don't attend at all. If you're just going to sit or stand there being lazy without doing anything calling my class boring. I'll make them do something that they'll not want to experience in their life. Even if one student screws up, I punish the whole class because that specific person isn't working as a team player."
"That sounds about right.., Adding onto this, What do the other teachers think of the way you teach your students? Do they disagree on how you teach or do they support your way of teaching?"
"Tell you the truth, I hardly receive a view back from other teachers, about my teaching methods from other Teachers or Faculties. They do, however, visit my class from time to time just to see what's going on inside the gymnasium. From their faces from what I've witnessed... They are a bit amused or just speechless on how tough I act towards my class."
"Is that so? As- my Japanese isn't really the best, as well as other students being mostly foreigners, How do you communicate with your students? Given most students complain a lot about things they do not want to do, ‘slash’ appreciate."
“Like I would with every other teacher, I've given them respect even if I don't like the individual- Actually to explain this briefly. Even if I don't like you at all but you have some certain talent you're good at, I would tell other people that you're good at this or that and appreciate the fact you have the talent or the skill-sets you have in you. I still respect my students even if they try to give me a hard time. I also advise my students hearing this interview to not try to give me a hard time. I seriously don't recommend it at all..."
"I-I’ll... Take note?.. So for the semi-final part of this interview, would you have chosen a different job from teaching children? from your way of teaching, I assume you served in the military?"
"To answer about serving in the Military, yes. I was active duty personnel from late 2008 to early 2016. Serving in the US Army, 2nd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment, Echo Platoon as a 1st Lieutenant. I've attended and graduated from college, first before enlisting into the Army. Also, I would've done a different job on the other side from teaching but Japan has a strict gun policy due to World War II."
"Scary... Yet fascinating, Now, final question... erm.., do you love teaching? With your unique skills and system, I take it you enjoy teaching and perhaps.. hypothetically, torturing.. your students?"
"Oh, I enjoy teaching the new generations of kids these days. It's really a privilege to be a part of the school and lecturing students who don't understand the outside world and how harsh reality could be. No one is the hulk, everyone bleeds no matter how tough you stand. Also one major rule about being in my class... DON'T QUIT! Easy as it is... I am Instructor Zhang Haechi and signing off from this Interview."

~ ~ You would hear a clap in the recording. ~ ~
Arigato..-gozai..mase..--? For letting me in your spare time. I learned more about you, Instructor... Err, Haechi. Also, I hope you don’t mind, I’ve recorded this.”
“It’s no problem at all, Roseanne. I suppose most students know how I teach and I won’t change the way it goes, thank you for interviewing me. Do not hesitate to come to ask me for more, I have a lot more to talk about.”
“Yes of course... Instructor Haechi.”

She’d shuffle around her skirt pocket, reaching for the recording device, hitting: ‘END’

: - the recording would end.

And there you have it, how one specific teacher feels about their students and how they teach. I hope he doesn’t go... To a much more extreme point. I feel sort of bad for the students who have to go through that. And I’m pretty sure I see him more than just intimidating...

Once more, This is Roseanne van Dalen, a newbie from the Journalist Club, as this is my first report, you’ll hear more of me this month!


(kiss him not me, serinuma kae)
Wow! As a Journalist, I am proud! <3

( P.S. If you want any tips on reports you can look at my report, or you can DM on Discord! aziwazi#7152 )1536332620_giphy-downsized (2).gif
Gapples are tasty :)))

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