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NEWS REPORT | Karakura's High School Popularity


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Karakura Highschool population.png Karakura’s High School Popularity

[Lucien Maddox]

Greetings citizens of Karakura City, it’s your host Lucien Maddox talking, here with the most latest news available. Today I will inform you guys about the popularity that is now going on within Karakura’s High School.

In the past 2 to 3 months, almost 150 new students have attended Karakura High School. That’s a lot, isn’t it?

Anyways, let’s see how popular Karakura High School has been, and how much students joined in the past months:

As you can see, it first started in May with almost 45 students joined the Karakura High School for the first time. And as you can see, it increases every month.

But why did it become so popular in August?

Well, there is no actual explanation for that, but I honestly think because of all the events that have been currently going on within Karakura High School, check the most recent event that just happened here:

Anyways, let’s continue. In the beginning of June, Karakura High School reached over 50 new students in 1 month. It was not something special, since it was not that much. But changes suddenly happen when we look at July.

The number of students in June got doubled in July. Now that, that’s special.

Almost 120+ students joined in 2 months, anyways, let’s continue to the next month.

And as you can see, in August, Karakura High School finally reached 150+ students! That’s a lot, it hasn't changed since August, so that’s a good thing.

And as always, I have 1 interview ready for you guys from a new student who recently joined the Karakura High School, and what they think of it.

Listen for youself.

recording starts playing]

Hey! Thank you for participating in this interview. What is your name if I may ask?

Of course, my name is Linda.

Well hello Linda, I’m Lucien Maddox, News-Reporter for the Karakura News Club, do you mind if I ask you some questions about your recent attendance in Karakura High School?

I don’t mind, go for it.

Alright perfect, so my first question is: when did you join Karakura High School?

Well, I joined Karakura High School exactly 1 month ago.

Oh wow, that’s recent. What was your first opinion when you entered this school?

At first, I really did not like this school, but after making friends, and having fun on it, I really began liking it.

Ah, that’s good to hear.

Yeah it is. She’d laugh.

Anyways, I won’t make it that long, this will be the last question for today, are you ready?

I was born ready.

What do you like the most about, or at this school?

What I like about this school is that they have very, very good education. I learn a lot from this school and I just like the way the teachers explain.

That’s good to hear. Anyways, this was it for today, would you like to add something to the viewers who are listening right now?

Yes, stay in school, and for whoever is not a member of the Karakura High School, be a member now!

[recording stops playing]

That was the interview, I only have 1 interview today, sadly.
I hope I gave you guys as much information about the Highschool’s population even though this report was kind of short.

Anyways, I’ll leave it from here on,
have a good day everyone, and stay safe.

DISCORD - Subject#4191
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