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Level 73
[!] You are seen browsing through the web, as a certain link intrigued you; gathering your full attention. You'd click on the link, labelled as "Secrets beyond the Underground.", bringing you over to a new web page that goes in brief detail. [!]



As we all might know, based on those who have studied or focused in their history lectures and classes; Karakura's existence goes back as far as the Nara and Heian Periods, dating from 710 A.D to 1192 A.D. Karakura has always been seen as a city full of opportunities, hence the diversity in nationalities and whatnot. However, what truly lies beneath the city itself? This is what the topic at hand is about today.

Thanks @_BritishAutism_ for the screenshots!

In the Edo Period, some time around the year 1615 A.D, crime had risen at an all time high- whereas the first leftover kabukimono, a somewhat violent and ecstatic group that had put all of their focus into committing violent movements were first seen ruling and roaming the streets of Karakura back many centuries ago. This was where crime originated from, to a certain extent, however, Karakura wasn't clear of any violence in the prior periods.

Moving on to a relative topic at hand, the creation of the Karakura Police Department. This occurred by the newly formed government in the year 1945 A.D under the hand of the elected governors in the Otori corruption period. Let's not delve too far away from the main topic at hand, what is the Karakura Police Department doing? Are they truly protecting us, or is that a pretense that they are pretending to be protecting us in the first place?

The sewage system, a famous hotspot for all criminals and gangs alike to commit crimes, has existed for a prolonged duration of time. This is to the point that even the Karakura Police Department had to partake in daily patrols to shut down any sort of illegal or explicit conduct that occurs in the underground circus that we call "The Criminal Underworld.". However, not everyone goes down there, and this is why I took my time to research the underground tunnels whose maintenance were not short of ordinary.


This is a bathroom accessible by heading down the 11-7 sewer entrance, going to the left and continuing straight. There will be a dark hallway to the upcoming left that will lead you to two precise locations; this one, and the other one I will talk about in this report. Back to the topic, Karakura Police Department. Are we truly being tricked here by the department, or do they wish to protect us with all of their heart and dedication? A bathroom such as this denies the pretense of them protecting us, or wanting to serve us.

For those who have lived in Karakura for years, they might be familiar with the sewage system, albeit changing quite a lot in the past few due to renewed construction and maintenance. However, this room remains, under somewhat decent condition nevertheless. It's a really senseless predicament that faces all of us, why keep a bloodied bathroom open to the public- one, where heinous crimes may take place in the first place.

Instead of closing down the bathroom, deconstructing it, or setting it up with CCTV cameras to better catch criminals that often use this for their felony crimes; such as kidnapping, extortion, or even murder, the government alongside the department remains insistent on keeping this place open with no inevitable outcome nor any word coming out from the government officials.


This room is connected to the bloodied bathroom, a picture which was provided below, via a tunnel that seems to be out of date. However, judging from the ground covered in somewhat fresh blood; this is still a hotspot to commit even more crimes. Nevertheless, this room had served something at a point in time. The question is, what was it's service dating decades back now?

The question remains unanswered, at least according to my own research. I have not found any trail that leads back to these two rooms, however, something in particular has peeked my interest on a personal level. The random table that rests in the middle of the room, a sign hovering over it; covered in dust, and still readable.


SUBJECT 34254322. Here's the arising question, what is this supposed to be? A lot of theories can be made, my first assumption was it possibly being something linked to a phone number. However, the numbers consisted of eight digits while phone numbers only consisted of seven at least in Karakura. Another theory is that this is an encrypted code linking back to the KBM itself, the Karakura Black Market. However, the likeliness of these possibilities are low to none. Keeping a room like this open to the public, where both citizens and criminals can access it without the risk of being caught by CCTV truly baffles me to date.


This is a particularly intriguing room. This can be accessed from a tunnel that is connected to the photographed room one & two. Nothing is interesting about this room in particular, only having three entrances to it in general. One is connected to the bathroom, while one is connected to the tunnel itself. The other door is inaccessible, to a lock. However, what remains behind that said door? How come no one, neither the government nor the department of police have taken a moment to inspect these peculiar locations at hand; and instead focus on putting teenagers in jail for petty crime, which puts our city's youth to ruin?

I decided to conclude my research at that point, fearing for my life in case a bunch of gang members happened to come by and extort me of my valuable items. However, this does not lessen the evaluation of these areas in particular. What is happening in the underground tunnels of the great city, Karakura? What are the real intentions behind the Karakura Police Department, and its government. Are they truly turning a blind eye to this, when there are more than enough reasons to close these areas down?

If you have any information regarding these three areas mentioned today, do not fret to contact this number at (030)-789-3718.
Signing out, MAT.


Level 73
[!] You are seen browsing through the web, as a certain link intrigued you; gathering your full attention. You'd click on the link, labelled as "Secrets beyond the Underground.", bringing you over to a new web page that goes in brief detail. [!]

View attachment 54967


As we all might know, based on those who have studied or focused in their history lectures and classes; Karakura's existence goes back as far as the Nara and Heian Periods, dating from 710 A.D to 1192 A.D. Karakura has always been seen as a city full of opportunities, hence the diversity in nationalities and whatnot. However, what truly lies beneath the city itself? This is what the topic at hand is about today.

View attachment 54969
Thanks @_BritishAutism_ for the screenshots!

In the Edo Period, some time around the year 1615 A.D, crime had risen at an all time high- whereas the first leftover kabukimono, a somewhat violent and ecstatic group that had put all of their focus into committing violent movements were first seen ruling and roaming the streets of Karakura back many centuries ago. This was where crime originated from, to a certain extent, however, Karakura wasn't clear of any violence in the prior periods.

Moving on to a relative topic at hand, the creation of the Karakura Police Department. This occurred by the newly formed government in the year 1945 A.D under the hand of the elected governors in the Otori corruption period. Let's not delve too far away from the main topic at hand, what is the Karakura Police Department doing? Are they truly protecting us, or is that a pretense that they are pretending to be protecting us in the first place?

The sewage system, a famous hotspot for all criminals and gangs alike to commit crimes, has existed for a prolonged duration of time. This is to the point that even the Karakura Police Department had to partake in daily patrols to shut down any sort of illegal or explicit conduct that occurs in the underground circus that we call "The Criminal Underworld.". However, not everyone goes down there, and this is why I took my time to research the underground tunnels whose maintenance were not short of ordinary.

View attachment 54970

This is a bathroom accessible by heading down the 11-7 sewer entrance, going to the left and continuing straight. There will be a dark hallway to the upcoming left that will lead you to two precise locations; this one, and the other one I will talk about in this report. Back to the topic, Karakura Police Department. Are we truly being tricked here by the department, or do they wish to protect us with all of their heart and dedication? A bathroom such as this denies the pretense of them protecting us, or wanting to serve us.

For those who have lived in Karakura for years, they might be familiar with the sewage system, albeit changing quite a lot in the past few due to renewed construction and maintenance. However, this room remains, under somewhat decent condition nevertheless. It's a really senseless predicament that faces all of us, why keep a bloodied bathroom open to the public- one, where heinous crimes may take place in the first place.

Instead of closing down the bathroom, deconstructing it, or setting it up with CCTV cameras to better catch criminals that often use this for their felony crimes; such as kidnapping, extortion, or even murder, the government alongside the department remains insistent on keeping this place open with no inevitable outcome nor any word coming out from the government officials.

View attachment 54971

This room is connected to the bloodied bathroom, a picture which was provided below, via a tunnel that seems to be out of date. However, judging from the ground covered in somewhat fresh blood; this is still a hotspot to commit even more crimes. Nevertheless, this room had served something at a point in time. The question is, what was it's service dating decades back now?

The question remains unanswered, at least according to my own research. I have not found any trail that leads back to these two rooms, however, something in particular has peeked my interest on a personal level. The random table that rests in the middle of the room, a sign hovering over it; covered in dust, and still readable.

View attachment 54972

SUBJECT 34254322. Here's the arising question, what is this supposed to be? A lot of theories can be made, my first assumption was it possibly being something linked to a phone number. However, the numbers consisted of eight digits while phone numbers only consisted of seven at least in Karakura. Another theory is that this is an encrypted code linking back to the KBM itself, the Karakura Black Market. However, the likeliness of these possibilities are low to none. Keeping a room like this open to the public, where both citizens and criminals can access it without the risk of being caught by CCTV truly baffles me to date.

View attachment 54973

This is a particularly intriguing room. This can be accessed from a tunnel that is connected to the photographed room one & two. Nothing is interesting about this room in particular, only having three entrances to it in general. One is connected to the bathroom, while one is connected to the tunnel itself. The other door is inaccessible, to a lock. However, what remains behind that said door? How come no one, neither the government nor the department of police have taken a moment to inspect these peculiar locations at hand; and instead focus on putting teenagers in jail for petty crime, which puts our city's youth to ruin?

I decided to conclude my research at that point, fearing for my life in case a bunch of gang members happened to come by and extort me of my valuable items. However, this does not lessen the evaluation of these areas in particular. What is happening in the underground tunnels of the great city, Karakura? What are the real intentions behind the Karakura Police Department, and its government. Are they truly turning a blind eye to this, when there are more than enough reasons to close these areas down?

If you have any information regarding these three areas mentioned today, do not fret to contact this number at (030)-789-3718.
Signing out, MAT.
i dont know how to feel.


Level 206
Thank you for bringing more peoples' attention to these things! Lost and liminal spaces are truly spectacular - and they have so much unexplored history!

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