Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): Newspeak (yet I think that I want my police-officer role on my alt, (Scrouge) if possible.)
Previous bans: 1 Ban for 4 warnings, and another for bypassing, which was a misunderstanding and i was unbanned.
Describe your activity on the server: I am very active on the server, online most of the time, ranging from 2-5 hours on weekdays, to 7-12 hours on weekends.
Which timezone are you in?: CST
Do you have Discord?: Yes, I do.
Do you have a microphone?: No, yet I plan on getting one very soon.
List your current and past applications:
Spanish Language [Accepted]
Russian Language [Accepted]
Janitor Application [No Response] *This was around a month and a half ago or something*
What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying is mostly getting both sides of the story, as I've been a gangrper for a while, I want to really try CopRP. Another reason for this is I really enjoyed GuardRP, as it was a mix of CopRP and a little bit of MedicalRP. (before Prison Nurses were added) I have also been interested in how police officers work and have been watching Police Series's on Youtube.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: I have recently looked over the Japanese laws and I know basic conduct.
What are the Police ranks?:
Cadet - This is the first ranking in the police department, they are not allowed to leave the police station and this is mainly the training phase for them, as they are learning how to deal with situations and how to operate in the police force itself.
Patrol Officer - This is the second ranking in the police department, they are allowed to leave the police station, and are mostly done with training but they are still learning about how to operate. It is risky for them to leave the police station as they are still new police officers, and have much to learn.
Police Corporal - This is the third ranking in the police department, this is mostly like the Patrol Officer ranking except the Police Corporals are more experienced than the officers, and are in general a higher ranking.
Sergeant - This ranking comes after Corporal but there isn't much more to it, essentially this ranking is more respected, more experienced, and in general a higher ranking than the corporal. These officers are skilled in what they do, and know what they are doing.
Lieutenant - In this ranking, you are one of the police higher-ups and higher than the sergeant rank. This rank has in general, more authority than most of the police force and they are more armed than the lower rankings, possessing a glock to use if needed.
Head Lieutenant - This ranking is higher than the previous Lieutenant ranking, as it is essentially the leader/ head of them, who gives commands to them. This is one of the highest police rankings and would be a true honor to achieve.
Captain - At the 2nd highest ranking, we have the captain. This ranking essentially is the underboss to the commissioner themselves, assisting them with their task of leading the force.
Commissioner - The highest ranking, Commissioner leads the entire police force, overlooking the department. This rank makes all of the commands and in general is the boss of everything.
There is also the investigator roles, such as:
Trainee Investigator - This is the lowest ranking in the investigator branch of the department. Here, you are learning how investigators operate and how things work in this branch, similar to cadet.
Investigator - This is the main ranking itself, which is used to some up the branch. Essentially investigators have the task of investigating crimes, by linking things together and figuring out 'unsubs' (unknown subjects) or essentially who did the crime they are investigating, as well as the details of it.
Head Investigator - This ranking essentially leads the investigator branch, although it is lower than Lieutenant in general ranking.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: I have done 'GangRP' for a while and observed the police and how they operate, as well as i have a month of experience with GuardRP or being a prison guard, which is similar to CopRP in most aspects, as we investigated crimes, arrested culprits, searched people, did the procedures, and everything like that. I also have been watching many police series on YouTube and have learned a lot from them. So essentially to some it up I know:
- Most of the procedures, searching, arresting, fighting, etc
- How to patrol areas, and take care of people committing crimes.
- How bails are calculated, as well as how sentences are determined.
- Most of the laws.
- How to investigate crimes.
- How to search/find people.
- How to deal with reports.
- How to stay composed under pressuring situations.
- And more.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?: Police are one of the most important if not the most important to SRP, they keep everything safe in Karakura, arresting the criminals who often kill or put characters at risk of dying.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?: I acknowledge it, yes.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?: I agree to this term and will be committed to it.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?: Yes, I acknowledge this term and will fully make sure that i abide by it.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?: Yes, I do, and I will make sure I keep myself collected and composed, to not take things ICLY into OOC.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?: My character is 6'0" and weighs around 195lbs. His build is very muscular and toned due to his hard training for the police force and he would have on his body from fighting off assailants during his time in Chicago. His hair would be a very dark brown and his skin would be black. His eyes would also be a very dark blue/green. He gives off a quite intimidating appearance as his voice would be very deep. Yet he could appear very calm and appealing when he needs to. His scent would be of Prada Black fragrance.
What he's like on and off the job?: Off the job he's like your typical normal guy, he talks to his friends and hangs out with them. And overall enjoys his life, taking normal walks around Karakura, however if there is a crime off the job, he will step in to put a stop to it. On the job he takes his work strictly serious, He is constantly looking for ways to help out the police force and ways to contribute. He has a good eye and pays attention to detail, as well as taking orders in good manner.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?: He is determined to become a great police officer and put in his best efforts, working for the police department for as long as possible.
BACKSTORY: Maurice was born in 1993, July 6th in the United States of America. His family was lower-middle class. He grew up in Chicago most of his life, having to deal with the criminal injustice of his area, often witnessing many crimes in his daily life. From a young age he wanted to combat this, so he put work into his academics to get good grades throughout his life. When he was 17 years of age he moved to Karakura, Japan, to continue his academic studies as a Junior in Highschool. (Year 11) After he graduated, he worked for a Bachelor's degree with a Major in Criminal Justice, and a minor in Police Science. During his time in college he worked for around 4 years at various establishments, being a security guard. As well as trying his hardest in his academic studies. In year 2018 he graduated from college with his degrees and began to train for the Karakura Police Department. Currently he is applying to be in the police force and hopes to join the team. Only time will tell what happens later in his life.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Maurice J.J Green
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): ''Maurice '
Preferred Name: 'Maurice'
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Believes in God, yet isn't fully belonging to a religion.
Marital Status: Dating
Nationality: Japanese (but is African American)
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 years (I assume you choose this number.)
Working Experience: 4 years
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree
Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Police Science
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Spanish, Russian, Japanese.
FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]
How old can my character be?
The minimum age of a person applying to become an Officer is Twenty-Five (25) years of age.
This means you can be currently a different age, but when applying you must choose an age between 25 and older.
Who do I send my application to?
- Simply post a thread containing your application in this section.
What's the current status of Police Applications?
- Police Applications are currently OPEN.
IGN (In-Game Name): Newspeak (yet I think that I want my police-officer role on my alt, (Scrouge) if possible.)
Previous bans: 1 Ban for 4 warnings, and another for bypassing, which was a misunderstanding and i was unbanned.
Describe your activity on the server: I am very active on the server, online most of the time, ranging from 2-5 hours on weekdays, to 7-12 hours on weekends.
Which timezone are you in?: CST
Do you have Discord?: Yes, I do.
Do you have a microphone?: No, yet I plan on getting one very soon.
List your current and past applications:
Spanish Language [Accepted]
Russian Language [Accepted]
Janitor Application [No Response] *This was around a month and a half ago or something*
What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying is mostly getting both sides of the story, as I've been a gangrper for a while, I want to really try CopRP. Another reason for this is I really enjoyed GuardRP, as it was a mix of CopRP and a little bit of MedicalRP. (before Prison Nurses were added) I have also been interested in how police officers work and have been watching Police Series's on Youtube.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: I have recently looked over the Japanese laws and I know basic conduct.
What are the Police ranks?:
Cadet - This is the first ranking in the police department, they are not allowed to leave the police station and this is mainly the training phase for them, as they are learning how to deal with situations and how to operate in the police force itself.
Patrol Officer - This is the second ranking in the police department, they are allowed to leave the police station, and are mostly done with training but they are still learning about how to operate. It is risky for them to leave the police station as they are still new police officers, and have much to learn.
Police Corporal - This is the third ranking in the police department, this is mostly like the Patrol Officer ranking except the Police Corporals are more experienced than the officers, and are in general a higher ranking.
Sergeant - This ranking comes after Corporal but there isn't much more to it, essentially this ranking is more respected, more experienced, and in general a higher ranking than the corporal. These officers are skilled in what they do, and know what they are doing.
Lieutenant - In this ranking, you are one of the police higher-ups and higher than the sergeant rank. This rank has in general, more authority than most of the police force and they are more armed than the lower rankings, possessing a glock to use if needed.
Head Lieutenant - This ranking is higher than the previous Lieutenant ranking, as it is essentially the leader/ head of them, who gives commands to them. This is one of the highest police rankings and would be a true honor to achieve.
Captain - At the 2nd highest ranking, we have the captain. This ranking essentially is the underboss to the commissioner themselves, assisting them with their task of leading the force.
Commissioner - The highest ranking, Commissioner leads the entire police force, overlooking the department. This rank makes all of the commands and in general is the boss of everything.
There is also the investigator roles, such as:
Trainee Investigator - This is the lowest ranking in the investigator branch of the department. Here, you are learning how investigators operate and how things work in this branch, similar to cadet.
Investigator - This is the main ranking itself, which is used to some up the branch. Essentially investigators have the task of investigating crimes, by linking things together and figuring out 'unsubs' (unknown subjects) or essentially who did the crime they are investigating, as well as the details of it.
Head Investigator - This ranking essentially leads the investigator branch, although it is lower than Lieutenant in general ranking.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: I have done 'GangRP' for a while and observed the police and how they operate, as well as i have a month of experience with GuardRP or being a prison guard, which is similar to CopRP in most aspects, as we investigated crimes, arrested culprits, searched people, did the procedures, and everything like that. I also have been watching many police series on YouTube and have learned a lot from them. So essentially to some it up I know:
- Most of the procedures, searching, arresting, fighting, etc
- How to patrol areas, and take care of people committing crimes.
- How bails are calculated, as well as how sentences are determined.
- Most of the laws.
- How to investigate crimes.
- How to search/find people.
- How to deal with reports.
- How to stay composed under pressuring situations.
- And more.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?: Police are one of the most important if not the most important to SRP, they keep everything safe in Karakura, arresting the criminals who often kill or put characters at risk of dying.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?: I acknowledge it, yes.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?: I agree to this term and will be committed to it.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?: Yes, I acknowledge this term and will fully make sure that i abide by it.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?: Yes, I do, and I will make sure I keep myself collected and composed, to not take things ICLY into OOC.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?: My character is 6'0" and weighs around 195lbs. His build is very muscular and toned due to his hard training for the police force and he would have on his body from fighting off assailants during his time in Chicago. His hair would be a very dark brown and his skin would be black. His eyes would also be a very dark blue/green. He gives off a quite intimidating appearance as his voice would be very deep. Yet he could appear very calm and appealing when he needs to. His scent would be of Prada Black fragrance.
What he's like on and off the job?: Off the job he's like your typical normal guy, he talks to his friends and hangs out with them. And overall enjoys his life, taking normal walks around Karakura, however if there is a crime off the job, he will step in to put a stop to it. On the job he takes his work strictly serious, He is constantly looking for ways to help out the police force and ways to contribute. He has a good eye and pays attention to detail, as well as taking orders in good manner.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?: He is determined to become a great police officer and put in his best efforts, working for the police department for as long as possible.
BACKSTORY: Maurice was born in 1993, July 6th in the United States of America. His family was lower-middle class. He grew up in Chicago most of his life, having to deal with the criminal injustice of his area, often witnessing many crimes in his daily life. From a young age he wanted to combat this, so he put work into his academics to get good grades throughout his life. When he was 17 years of age he moved to Karakura, Japan, to continue his academic studies as a Junior in Highschool. (Year 11) After he graduated, he worked for a Bachelor's degree with a Major in Criminal Justice, and a minor in Police Science. During his time in college he worked for around 4 years at various establishments, being a security guard. As well as trying his hardest in his academic studies. In year 2018 he graduated from college with his degrees and began to train for the Karakura Police Department. Currently he is applying to be in the police force and hopes to join the team. Only time will tell what happens later in his life.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Maurice J.J Green
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): ''Maurice '
Preferred Name: 'Maurice'
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Believes in God, yet isn't fully belonging to a religion.
Marital Status: Dating
Nationality: Japanese (but is African American)
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 years (I assume you choose this number.)
Working Experience: 4 years
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree
Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Police Science
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Spanish, Russian, Japanese.

FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]
How old can my character be?
The minimum age of a person applying to become an Officer is Twenty-Five (25) years of age.
This means you can be currently a different age, but when applying you must choose an age between 25 and older.
Who do I send my application to?
- Simply post a thread containing your application in this section.
What's the current status of Police Applications?
- Police Applications are currently OPEN.
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