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Nicolai Volkov's Biography


Level 5
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

Nicolai Volkov

Favorite Quote:
"Моя цель не быть лучше, чем кто-либо другой, а быть лучше, чем я был раньше."
"My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I was before."

Nicolai Volkov (1).png

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪

Basic Information


"Yep, that's me."

"This is nice, sounds fresh."

"This is alright. I still prefer Volt."


"I am not a shoe."

P e r s o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n

G E N D E R |
♂ Male ♂
A G E | 18
H E I G H T | 6'0, or 182.88 cm
W E I G H T | 180 lbs or 81.64 kg
B I R T H D A T E | October 14th
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Yekaterinburg
R A C E | Caucasian / Russian
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single
L A N G U A G E S | Russian, Japanese (default)
A L I G N M E N T | Neutral Good
"Sometimes the law isn't the best thing for us."

S E X U A L I T Y | Straight
O C C U P A T I O N S |

R a n d o m F a c t: Nicolai's middle name is Leonidovich!

H a n d w r i t i n g :

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog (1).png

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H

[Diagnosed and Dealt With!] Appendicitis

Appendicitis is a painful swelling of the appendix. Appendicitis typically starts with a pain in the middle of your tummy (abdomen) that may come and go. Within hours, the pain travels to the lower right-hand side, where the appendix usually lies, and becomes constant and severe. Pressing on this area, coughing, or walking may all make the pain worse. You may lose your appetite, feel sick, and occasionally experience diarrhea.

{Click for more information on Appendicitis}

[Undiagnosed, personally tested by taking an iron supplement] Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia — a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body's tissues.
As the name implies, iron deficiency anemia is due to insufficient iron. Without enough iron, your body can't produce enough of a substance in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen (hemoglobin). As a result, iron deficiency anemia may leave you tired and short of breath.
You can usually correct iron deficiency anemia with iron supplementation.

Symptoms that affect Nicolai:

Headache, dizziness or lightheadedness
Cold hands and feet
Occasional unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice

{Click for more information on Iron Deficiency}

N o t a b l e • F e a t u r e s

A small scar on his right eyebrow, that resembles an eyebrow slit, as well as a small scar that forms a vertical line on his bottom lip that's barely visible unless pointed out.


Character Description

Physical Description

He stands at 6 foot even, seeming to weigh around 180 pounds. His fluffy black hair accompanies a piercing blue-gray gaze, as well as a thick Russian accent and the scent of fresh rain.

O V E R A L L: 99 / 130

Credit: @Totoro_Sam

S T R E N G T H –
How strong the character is physically:
[ 1 = probably break a bone from a short fall ]
[ 5 = normal]
[ 10 = Do you even lift, bro? ]

P E R C E P T I O N –
[How well they can see/sense/imagine things
[1 = Yikes]
[ 5 = normal]
[10 = Eyes everywhere]

E N D U R A N C E-
How long they can go on for physically – such as running or being hit
[1 = paper cut wimp ]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = TANK ]

C H A R I S M A -
Character's charm (How well they can charm others/ affability)
[ 1 = Disgusting ]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = Probably an Angel or Demon in disguise ]

I N T E L L I G E N C E -
Character's intellect (educationally and socially)
[ 1 = Probably will die ]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = FULLY Experienced / Educated ]

A G I L I T Y -
How quick and easily your character is able to move
[1 = Lethargic]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = Ninja ]

L U C K -
Character's luck (Able to get out of tough situations coincidentally, high scores on tests w/o studying, etc…)
[ 1 = Has to work hard for a good life]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = Could be a god at gambling ]

H E A L T H -
[ 1 = Ailing ]
[ 10 = Normal ]

M O R A L I T Y -
[ 1 = Psychotic (Ib rules over super ego) ]
[ 5 = Learning (Children/Teens range average in this number) ]
[ 10 = Normal (adults/teens/children) ]

P R I V I L E D G E -
How difficult the character's life has been
[ 1 = Character has had a harsh life – lived in poverty/orphaned & homeless, bullied or harassed ]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = Hasn't had to work much/at all for what they have ]

O B J E C T I V I T Y -
Character's impulse / focus
[ 1 = Has the impulse of an addict ]
[ 5 = normal / Can get distracted from time to time ]
[ 10 = Knows what they want, sticks to what they want ]
S A N I T Y - [Insert # out of 1-10]

Character's mental health |
[ 1 = Severe Schizophrenia/Dementia– would need full time monitoring or is ultimately disabled ]
[ 5 = PTSD / Medicated ]
[ 10 = Normal ]

S O C I A L -
How well your character interacts with other people
[ 1 = Pretty bad ]
[ 5 = Normal ]
[ 10 = Socialite– Too good to be true ]


Nicolai prefers to wear casual clothes, however won't be seen outside wearing pajamas. If it's a special occasion, he'll put on a suit and a tie with a trinity knot he just watched a YouTube video on how to tie.

His current favorite outfit is a white T-shirt, layered with an unbuttoned green flannel, and some light colored jeans.

Character Voice / Mannerisms



Relationships and Family W.I.P

In Karakura:

[Very Positive, Friend]
Kenji Akiyama [Alive]
"I wonder if I can get her to stop being a hermit."

[Positive, Friend] Haruo Akiyama [Alive]
"It's nice to have met the guy, I hope to know him better."

[Positive, Friend] Aki Akiyama [Alive]
"I'm glad to finally meet Kenji's sister, I've heard many things about her."

[Positive, Cousin] Yasuko Something [Alive]
"I still can't believe she's been living in Karakura this whole time."

[Positive, Friend] Arisu Something [Alive]
"She seemed distracted, I hope she's alright."

[Positive, Friend] Kahili Ginger [Alive]
"She better not say a word about me being a gremlin."

[Positive, Acquaintance] Yeosun Something [Alive]
"I've only met her once, but I hope to meet her again sometime soon."

[Positive, Acquaintance] Alexandria Something [Alive]
"I wonder how she is."

Out of Karakura:

[Very Positive, Mother] Kaori Volkova [Alive] [Tokyo] [41]
"I'll visit her sometime soon, I wanna get settled in Karakura first."

[Very Positive, Father] Leonid Volkov [Alive] [Tokyo] [43]
"He's been a great person ever since he's laid off the drugs."

[Neutral, Acquaintance] Daisuke Sakai [Alive] [Tokyo] [17]
"He was an informant. The only thing memorable about him was his hot pink hair."

[Very Positive, Brother] Dmitri Volkov [Alive] [Kobe] [22]
"He left home when he was 16. Ma and Dad were in a rough place though, he needed out of there."

[Very Positive, Sister-in-Law] Yua Volkova [Alive] [Kobe] [23]
"I can see why Dmitri loves her. He made a good choice."

[Very Positive, Nephew] Isamu Volkov [Alive] [Kobe] [5]
"This kid is so much like Dmitri, it's unreal. He gets in so much trouble."

[Very Positive, Neice] Kimi Volkova [Alive] [Kobe] [5]
"Isamu's twin sister, but her attitude is the complete opposite. She's polite, and incredibly smart."


Born and raised until 8 years old in Yekatrinburg, Russia, Nicolai is fluent in Russian. The neighborhood he grew up in wasn't very.. nice. In fact, he never once saw a police cruiser waiting, only speeding after some idiot who doesn't acknowledge the laws. His early days in his hometown were spent hiding in the house while cops in riot gear were diffusing mobs or small gang wars. He learned early to stick to the dark places of the city, never talk to someone you don't know. Despite being told that by his parents, they never followed their own advice. He would his parents frequently talking to strange men or women in alleys or empty parking lots, his dad stuffing money into their hands while the strangers plopped a small bag of what looked like snow into Kaori's waiting palm.

Eventually, his parents were concerned for the wellbeing of their son. They knew how addictive drugs were, and they wanted to prevent Nicolai from making the same mistake they were already addicted to. Leonid moved the family, including Dmitri, to Tokyo, Japan. Adapting to the new language was hard, it was so different from Russian. Nicolai was made fun of in his new school, but he couldn't understand anything they said. Around age ten, he became determined to master Japanese. He would find books he loved reading, get them in Japanese, and read one of them every night. Some days he stayed up until 4 in the morning, reading until he reached the very last page, only to wake up two hours later and go to school. Soon, he had mastered basic conversation, ordering food, and random adjectives. At eleven years old, he borrowed a dictionary from the school library and began scanning over the characters and symbols. A friend from school was helping Nicolai translate the words, and eventually, at twelve, there were very few words he didn't know.

Just a mere few months after turning twelve, his brother took him aside after school. Dmitri firmly held Nicolai by the shoulders, and informed him that he would be leaving home. Nicolai returned home without his brother, refusing to tell his parents where Dmitri went. He was grounded for two months, yelled at plenty, and Leonid took away the books that Nicolai had come to love. This was when the young boy started getting back into his old habits, sticking to the dark places and alleys, getting involved with people he shouldn't be. But he had a purpose. His parents had talked every night since Dmitri's absence, sometimes quietly, sometimes yelling, about how they've fallen into drug abuse and what it's done to their children. They wanted to stop, but their debt to the dealers was quite large, and they couldn't muster the willpower to refuse the drugs.
Nicolai saw the defeat in his parent's eyes as they reached for the bag every time, and his heart fell. He started learning things about people, informing the others about them, and it became his after-school "job". He wanted to help his parents with their debts, and find the money to help them get into rehab. At thirteen, he started betting on fights. He figured out a way to tell who would win. He picked a place closest to the bars, and studied the look in each ones eyes. He kept track of who won what match, who was more renowned. He knew that if a big fighter with a big win streak looked even a fraction less confident than he normally does, he would most likely lose. So Nicolai began raking in the yen, keeping it stuffed under an old floorboard in his room, or inside the zipper of his mattress. At fifteen, Nicolai met a young woman by the name of Kenji looking for her sister, Natsu Akiyama. He was the same age as her, and when she told him that her sister was responsible for the death of her father, Nicolai took pity on her. He helped her without a fee, even offered to teach her Russian so that they could converse without being understood. They went bowling, and Nicolai yelled out the scores in Russian and asked Kenji to repeat what he said, followed by the score in Japanese. She asked for a Russian copy of "The Bridge to Terabithia", and he provided. They had conversations in Russian, he hand made flashcards for her, and recommended his favorite Russian song to her. Eventually, just before he turned 17, she went home. She said she lived in Karakura, and if he ever wanted to visit, he would be welcome. He continued his betting until he was 17 and a half, and he finally had enough (besides money for food or things he wanted) to pay off the dealers, and give the left overs to his parents for rehab. He personally drove them to the building, watched them hand the yen to the person, and go inside for the very first time.

At eighteen, at a loss for how to get back to safer occupations such as mechanics or even a cooking job at a fast food restaurant, he remembered Kenji's offer from long ago. He made the decision to move to Karakura, a small island off the coast of the mainland. He bid his family farewell, found his brother's number in a phone book, and sent him a text with a greeting. He wanted to visit his brother before coming to Karakura, especially when Dmitri mentioned he had a wife and kids now. He went to see his niblings, the boy named Isamu, and the girl named Kimi, and his sister-in-law, Yua Volkova.

He now plans to create a life in Karakura, settle down, and become a better person. He hopes this is the right decision, and that Kenji truly meant what she said.

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