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Denied NINJY_FN'S Shop application


Level 2
What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Describe your activity on the server:

I've been active every day for 10 to 15 hours since I first started playing SchoolRP a year ago. It was a way for me to improve my English and help me achieve my goals, and I've met people who were nice and people who were not friendly, but I've moved on. Other than that, I enjoy playing with these types of people and it could never get boring! Roleplaying became a part of my new life because it is a fun method to learn English while playing a game, and it has demonstrated to me that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Jsl Language: Accepted

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

My character "Jake K, Ace" Has a bachelor's degree in college.


What shop are you applying for?:

A classy restaurant

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

My character has always wanted to run a shop and have some responsibility, despite the financial constraints, so when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at it. My character enjoys social interaction and helping people/providing so he often admires the shopkeepers and employees. I'd also like this shop to aid my family, and occasionally my friends, as well as give the citizens the opportunity to work from a young age and acquire responsibility and independence while working for our shop. I've recently seen a lot of people take interests in the shop community including myself, I believe it would not only aid in my character's growth to learning more about how the city works but also create hard to gain opportunities for all of those involved to grow and develop their characters further throughout their Karakura life. Lastly, I think it would be just an all-around fun experience, and it would give employees and others involved something to look forward to IC and OOC.

What do you plan to do with the shop?

I plan on making this shop a one of kind sort of nighttime resort where characters can have some fun but also relax and maybe have a nice meal if chosen to do so. Primarily open later in the day, this shop would often be a rendezvous for those who have nothing to do and are just looking for something to cure their boredom. With this there will be a couple of games that people can simply walk in and begin to play with each other, we of course encourage friendly competition! Our business will also host celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, new year's eve, and much more! We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere that will attract and entice all the citizens of Karakura, making this place a second home to all.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I plan on differentiating the store in a number of ways. The first is to provide citizens with a one-of-a-kind experience at my shop; I believe that this shop will be the first to offer one-of-a-kind bottles of alcohol from the other side of the world, and my shop's design will be unlike any other; it will resemble " The Carousel Bar " which is a famous circular like bar located in New Orleans. I also would love to get employees to host holiday events where customers can participate and earn fun and festive rewards all the whilst socializing and sparking new friendships. This idea is still in the works but if the store becomes a reality I would like to get the customer's feedback and mold to the store to be a 50/50 conjunction where adults and teenagers alike can enjoy themselves. An array of food items would be available for purchase as well as a unique range of alcohol.


Wagyu Steak
French Fries

Red wine
Absolut Vodka

How many employees are you planning to have?

I intend to hire approximately 6-8 people, including myself. This is to make things basic and uncomplicated, as well as to avoid any complications over conflicting schedules. Depending on the growth rate of the store the number of required employees may be subject to change, there will be a number of positions to apply for.


Shopkeeper 1/1

The shopkeeper's work entails not only owning but also completely maintaining the shop. They must pay taxes, replenish, and add merchandise, among other things. The most crucial job is that of a shopkeeper. Not only running the store from behind the scenes but also interacting with customers and making sure everyone is having a positive experience. The shopkeeper should have a good/decent reputation and strive to continue to better their services.

Manager 1/1

The Manager position is likewise quite essential, but it is slightly below that of the Shopkeeper. They are responsible for keeping the business running when the shopkeeper is away or unavailable, as well as assisting with the employment of new employees. They must also ensure that the workers are performing their duties and immediately notify the shopkeeper if something goes wrong and or if assistance is required.

Bartenders 3/0 - Waiter/waitresses 3/0

The Bartenders are the ones who make this profession possible in the first place. They greet guests politely and inquire about the Drinks they like to purchase from our store, occasionally demonstrating or exhibiting the item when asked. They must give the Drinks to the client once they have been paid, and thank them for their contributions to the store!

( They both perform the same thing, but the bartenders stay in one spot while the waiters roam about asking for orders. )

Sales Associate 1/0

The sales associate is a part-time job whose goal is to persuade customers to buy something from the store. They aren't critical, yet they are required and appreciated in the job. I believe it would be fantastic if we had one, and it would greatly benefit the store.

Additional notes about your application:

it would be named, Kanpeki Vocatus: Kanpeki is the word to describe perfection in the Japanese language. And the word Vocatus means alcohol in Latin. I chose this name because I want to strive for a fancy and flawless bar that leaves customers wooed as soon as they walk in, first impressions can sometimes make or break a business.

Thank you!
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Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! Your application is a little short in compared to other applicants. There is nothing unique about your shop that stands out from the others. I'd love to see some ideas for events for your shop or ideas that only your shop can provide for the playerbase. I encourage you to reapply in the future.

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