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Nixi "Nixi Six" Panic


Level 5
Nixi "Nixi Six" Panic

Music that may fit in with Nixi:

Basic Information

First Name: Nixi
Surname: Panic

Preferred Name: Nix

Aliases: Nixi Six

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 150 lbs

Build: Slim thick with muscles

Skin Color: Pale ivory

Eye Color: Grassy Green

Hair Style: Long and unkempt

Hair Color: Dyed Powder Blue

Fashion: Anything alternative

Abnormalities: She has a series of face tattoos and a tongue piercing.

Date of Birth: April 15th

Place of Birth: New York

Nationality: American

Race: White

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: None

Political Beliefs: Her fists

General Appearance

Appearance: Nixi is a rather tough yet pretty girl who always seems to have a deep scowl. She has long, powdery blue hair and hateful, vindictive green hues. She has tattoos on both sides of her face under her eyes, one of the Roman numeral of eight and the other side has Poker card houses (ie spades, club, diamond, and a heart.) She has a curvy yet skinny build, her body also having the appropriate amount of muscles to it to be able to successfully fight.

Personality: Nixi is an absolute hot head, and much like her twin brother, a hot head. She won't approach you and be mean like Jones would, but if you come up to her and try to talk to her she may just pick a rather violent fight. She is also rather stubborn, and would soon rather die than admit she is ever wrong. She can be a tad bit nicer than her brother Jones, but is over all the textbook definition of a physical bully. She loves to bare fist brawl...

Diseases/Illness: none

Character Voice:

•A metal baseball bat
•Her shared cellphone

Clothes: Nixi is always seen in different clothes, but the factor that stays the same is her favorite beanie that she is never seen without. God forbid you touch her beanie...

•Fist fighting
•Cussing her brother out
•Listening to Rap
•Surprisingly enough, knitting

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She has a VERY short fuse...

•Intimidating others
•Beating information out of people

Querks: Nixi has this thing when she gets around people she likes, she actually gets a hell of a lot meaner, especially to them...

Family: Jones Panic (Panic Family Coming Soon!)

Nixi grew up in the Bronx, and lived with her brother and deadbeat father for the longest time. She had to scrap together food for the three of them, by illegally street fighting and robbing people of their belongings. Jones always made issues for Nixi, constantly getting her riled up and ready to fight other people. Jones always got a kick out of this, especially if Nixi lost a fight. Nixi still managed to sc**** by, eventually joining a gang called the Seven Sins and being dubbed the sixth sin of Wrath due to her angry nature. That is where she got the nickname Nixi Six, however the gang has long been disbanded and Nixi is still angry over it. While in the gang, Nixi had robbed so many people and put them in the hospital for even attempting to fight back against her. She was dubbed on the streets as a heavy hitter, and was feared among her peers. She was one of the most hated people among the civilians, which was ok because Nixi tends to hate people anyway. When the gang disbanded, it didn't matter anyway, because one day Jones had picked a fight with their deadbeat dad and caused Nixi to jump in and beat their father nearly to death. Now on the run from the consequences of their actions, the Panics have found themselves in the middle of Japan. It's a very good thing Jones is kind of a anime freak, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to teach Nixi the Japanese he knows...
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