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noodlething | Priest Application


Level 2
IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Often I am online after 12 PM or so. Depending on the day or events I could stay on for a long while or get after a few hours. (Unless I am not available due to oocly issues)I am also online after 12 PM but due to some oocly issues I may not be on too much compared to Weekdays.

List your current roles on the server:
Nu Dells [College][B]
'Dude' [Bird]
Nigiri Shushimi [Grade-12]
Ra Minn-Hattori [Grade-12]
Sushie Dawson [Grade-12]
Yu Don [Grade-11]

Link any previous applications:

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

What is your motivation for applying?
I have always been incredible curious in what the Shrine offered and how the processes were done. I often enjoy the atmosphere and how the Maidens and Priests are often very fun to talk to. I have also been interested in learning more about the Shrine lore as a whole and more. During Feburary I have become a Intern for the shrine and whenever I go over it has been quite fun to talk to guests or interact with fellow Interns, Maidens and Priests.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
Even though I was a Intern during Feburary, I don't know too much overall but I know some.

What is Shintoism? Shintoism "The Way of the Kami" is the indigenous religion of Japan and is heavily associated in the countries culture, history and traditions. Shintoism is also a polytheistic belief system that is revolved around the worship of Kami.

What is a Kami? Kami's are often translated as God in English but Kami is actually not just God. They can be spirits or even sacred forces that exist in nature, ancestors, and objects.

Mythological History of Shintoism?

In the beginning the universe was a chaotic mass until slowly the light of purity seperated from the darkness and impurity, forming Heaven and the earth below. The First Kami would emerge, Ame-no-Minak****hi, after sometime two divine beings, Izanagi and Izanami were born and they were tasked with shaping the land below. Izanagi and Izanami stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven and stirred the ocean with a heavenly spear. This is when the first island was formed. They would descend upon the island and performed a marriage ritual. They would both walk around a sacred pillar and Izanami would speak first which created their first child who was deformed. They would try again but Izanagi would speak and they would successfully give birth to the islands of Japan. After creating the land they would go on and birth various Kami, such as, Kami of the Wind and Kami of Fire. Which the Kami of Fire burned so hot it burned Izanami to death. Izanami would descend into Yomi and Izanagi would slay the Kami of Fire the pieces of the Kami of fire would become the volcanos Japan.

Izanagi would travel to Yomi to find Izanami in which her body was decaying and horrible. Izanagi would flee as Izanami would send the demons of Yomi after him. Izanagi would manage to seal the entrance of Yomi with a giant boulder. Izanami would swore to Izanagi that they would kill 1000 people per day and Izanagi would counter Izanami that 1,500 would be born daily. Izanagi would after decide to perform a purification ritual in a river which is caled Misogi and during this act the three most important Kami, Amaterasu the Kami of the Sun, Tsukuyomi the Kami of the Moon and Susanoo the Kami of Storm.


Character Full Name:

Nigiri Shushimi

Character Title:

Character Age:

Character Marital Status:
Unmarried and single

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):


Nigiri Shushimi was born into a pretty well off Japanese family that followed the beliefs of Shintoism rather moderately. His family may have not been very heavily in the Shintoism culture but he was always interested by the culture and Priests. Often being quite happy going to a shrine or praying to Kami. Ever since he was a young child he always wanted everything to be, uneventful or rather not that tedious. He would rather relax and do work to the minimum to conserve energy or do what he is told without any objections to avoid more issues and was rather quiet. He wasn't one for attention as well. often aiming to be as mediocre as possible. Never achieving too high or too low to be noticed by everyone and it worked, not many people really noticed him in his early childhood and he was happy like that until one afternoon in highschool.

He was relaxing in class alone, reading a book in peace until an extroverted peer would walk up to him. This particular individual was pale but they had albinism which was what he noted at first. This 'Friend' of his often dragged Nigiri around whenever he wanted away from people. It didn't help how compared to Nigiri this 'Friend; was far more sociable and noticeable. (But Nigiri has his wacky hair situation) Nigiri would eventually learn to slowly live with this. Not really finding a reason to ever go against them as well they aren't doing anything bad.

Eventually Nigiri would grow up and graduate High School, he would attend College but eventually as he did he felt as if this wasn't right. Everyday he kept typing on his computer and what for? He disliked this but what could he do? His mental ideals that he held up for so long would suddenly begin to crack in his mind as he continued to progress in college but even after that he landed a mediocre job in an office. Everyday it was not relaxing, this was not what he yearned for until eventually he would visit a shrine. His mental mindset would rebuild itself as he saw the Priests and Maidens all around. They didn't seem stressed at all, they felt so relaxed. At that moment, with his mental remade he would leave his average office job and pursue his new goal. Becoming a Priest and strengthen his new mentality


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

On Shrine Grounds he would be reasonably respectful to all those around him and the shrine grounds. He would be willing to do any job. He may be lazy but he will do what he must. Sometimes at a minimum but he will always try and get them done on time to not make it an issue for him and anyone else later. When no one is around he may sit in peace and relax with maybe a cup of tea or waiting for people to arrive, or even decide to sweep the shrine grounds.
He would offer a gentle smile to Guests and welcome them with a polite bow or ask if they need assistance if they seemed troubled or not. If any issues arise from guests he will do what I can in my power to handle it. He will be accepting of perhaps a tarot reading, making tea or even chatting with guests if requested.
Around the other staff he wouldn't initially be as talkative as the others but this doesn't mean he is disrespectful. He feels as if he doesn't want people to waste their breath on him so he would often stay alone but overall be respectful with other staff unless they feel friendly enough with each other.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Nigiri would first offer to politely ask them to promptly stop with a simple "Ah, may you please get off the Roof? The action is frowned upon by the Kami" or "Please refrain from how you are acting in the shrine grounds, remember to be respectful as the Kami is watching"
If this does not work he would begin to perhaps speak more firmly or ask for other shrine staff for assistance. Or he would tell the individual to leave at once as he does not wish for trouble to be spread on shrine grounds.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?
Nigiri has always had a large interest in Shintoism and Priests. Seeing it as a way to connect to his heritage deeply or looking into the culture that has made up his country. Nigiri himself is also an individual who doesn't yearn for too much and doesn't want to do stuff that is TOO tedious. He is willing to help people but with the relaxing energy the shrine radiates this makes him far more willing to do what he needs. He wishes to become a Priest so he could experience what he has admired since childhood and to strengthen his mentality of being someone who doesn't want to make things into a large issue.

What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)
tranquility, moderation, and purpose

Tranquility: He values a life that is free of all unnessary stress or complications, he wishes to avoid making large conflicts and His heavy interest to Shinto priesthood comes from his desire to cultivate inner peace.
Moderation: Nigiri prefers to stay in the middle, never standing out too much but also never falling behind, this makes him not strive for greatness or failure but a steady existence and this makes him adaptable but also vulnerable to passive complacency
Purpose: The traditions of Shintoism gave him a sense of direction without overwhelming him with the modern societies' pressure and becoming a priest would allow him to maintain his value of peace while stillbeing able to be contributing to something grand.

Additional Information:
If the Shrine Role is on my primary slot, I wish for my College role to be moved to my third character slot. Thank you for reading.
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