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NotAnto_'s KPD application (Return?)


Level 4
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

GMT +1

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
- First KPD application : Denied
- Second KPD application : Denied
- Third KPD application : Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
I went more in detail in my previous application in this regard, however since the application format requires me to describe my activity on the server, I'll describe it all over again trying to be brief, but not too much. I first joined in September of 2019, I was 13 years old and looking for more places to roleplay on other than. . Well I used to do that on Hypixel Housing, finding this server out was a breath of fresh air as it had many features I've never seen in a Minecraft roleplay server before, it was very professional to say the least, and that really drew me in. The first months were a little turbulent as I didn't really read any of the rules and sometimes I just improvised stuff on the spot that wasn't really permitted by the server's rules (i.e ItemRP guns) and sometimes I just walked out of difficult situations ICly committing AvoidRP and FailRP in one shot (Great job 13 year old Anto) and so I received my only ban, it was really short though, like a one day ban. 2020 was one of my most active years if not the most active year for me (for obvious reasons, we all know that), same as 2021, while school was mostly online and I couldn't really go outside I managed to make so many friends on the server : Some still talk to me, some completely quit, but the point is it became some sort of second virtual life to escape the misery of the pandemic that was really taking a toll on my mental health, and playing on the server with my friends between other things like online school and other forms of gaming really helped with keeping me relieved, not to mention the sort of relationship i fostered with my own character, which is over 5 years old now and was a self-insert at first, before I gained more self-awareness and maturity. 2022 was a balanced-out year, I've been playing less on the server because the pandemic was finally over, and I could finally go out, focusing more on hanging out with my friends in real life, however those friendships I made on the server lasted and I was still really active nonetheless, not to mention how the ICly situation with my character and his relationships had built up to such an interesting point, so I managed to make sure to log in very often to not miss any of it. 2023 was my least active year, I didn't really have a reason to play anymore because the friends I used to roleplay with either quit or moved to other characters, leaving the cool story built up till then completely behind. I wasn't really having fun anymore until I got accepted into KPD, and that was some really great time : The people are nice cuties, they never made me feel left out and I always made sure to take notes from more experienced KPD members whenever I was unsure of what to do in a certain situations, It's thanks to them that I managed to gain experience in the faction but also a lot more things I didn't know about CombatRP. I resigned from KPD at the end of August after messing up something ICly, at the moment I was struggling with mental health and I didn't wanna mess things up ICly as well because of my personal problems, so I thought it through and resigned, it was a hard decision I've been considering for a while, however I don't regret taking it because in the meantime I took my time to fix my personal life a little.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well, I really enjoyed working in the KPD : It was fun, engaging, the community was nice and most of the time you could never get bored, whether you were on your own or in the company of others, however it was most fun when it was most of us on, cause that was when wild stuff would go on. I miss the community and I miss doing police work ICly, it was so satisfying to see my character grow more and more and gain experience as he went on, but it was also satisfying to see him get appreciation for showing compassion and respect towards co-workers and suspects alike. I resigned to better my mental health, and if it weren't for that I would've stuck around for way longer, but now that the issue won't persist for a long while, I'm ready to get back at it again and do the best I can to engage in PoliceRP and show everyone the best of what I can offer in this sector.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Having been in the faction before for 6 months, I have extensive knowledge on what the KPD does, it's protocols and how they react depending on the sort of situation they're dealing with. KPD's composesd of 25 (or more) officers, 11 ranks spread out evenly in 2 divisions : Main Division and Detective Division. The Main Division is in charge of performing general law-enforcement duties within Karakura : Patrols, Responding to emergencies (Although even Detectives can respond as well, same goes for apartment raids), taking reports (Detectives can too), Apartment raids, answering to questions at the front desk and oversee Karakura through CCTV, most of the time to pursue a suspect or to look for a wanted individual. The Detective Division does more specialized tasks : Like interrogating detained suspects, forenzics, surveilance logs and stakeouts, other than that they may also perform Main Division duties. I'll be quickly going over the divisions, their ranks and equipment down below.

Main Division
Cadet : The lowest rank within the whole faction, it is given to new recruits when accepted into the KPD. They receive a 2 week long training followed by an exam, if passed they get promoted to POs, if not they receive additional training and, granted they pass, they'll be promoted. After having been promoted to POs they may also choose to get transferred to the Detective Division to become a Constable. Also, during their time as a Cadet they may not leave the station without being accompanied by Officers with a higher rank, and without permission.

Patrol Officer : The PO is responsible for performing regular main division duties, they're not as limited as the cadets and they may leave the station with permission from Higher-ups to patrol.

Corporal : CPLs perform the same tasks as POs or anyone in the main division really, they may also issue orders to POs and cadets and supervise them, CPLs may also take the duty of training said cadets for their upcoming exams.

Sergeant : SGTs are a rank above CPLs, so they may Issue orders to them, POs and cadets, also handing out punishments when necessary, and in case of a hostage situation, they may take a role as a mediator between the police and the hostage-taker. They're also equipped with a Tranquilizer dart-gun to neutralize long-range threats, these pieces of equipment become crucial during said hostage situations OR situations with wild dangerous animals like bears.

Lieutenant : LTs as Higher-ups are in charge of overseeing cadet training and exams, as well as having authority over SGTs and under, they also have thier own offices in the station. As a SGT+ rank they're also equipped with tranquilizer dart-guns

Captain : The Captain is in charge of managing Units, strategic planning and contributing to decision-making within the faction at a higher level.

Commissioner : Highest Rank not only in the division but the faction in general, oversees the entire department, sets policies, resources and handles community relations in a more political manner.

Detective Division
Constable : The lowest rank within the division, equivalent to PO in the main division, can perform main division duties as well as Detective-reserved duties like interrogations and evidence-gathering. This after having gone through training and subsequent exam to transfer from Main to Detective division.

Detective Sergeant : Equivalent to CPL in the Main Division, Detective Sergeants are in charge of overseeing Constables.

Inspector : Equivalent to SGT in the Main Division, Inspectors oversee DCs and Constables. Due to them being the same as SGTs within the Main Division, they're also equipped with the Tranquilizer dart-gun, same goes for any rank above them.

Chief-Inspector : Equivalent to LT, they're a Higher-up within the faction and are in charge of overseeing the work of ranks below them.

Superintendent : The highest rank within the division, equivalent to CPT and is in charge of overseeing and managing the entire division.

Police Equipment
Baton : A steel baton used by officers as a self-defense tool in areas where the stun-guns can't be utilized (i.e sewers), or as a close range weapon in situations where using the taser would be too risky and could potentially hit friendlies. It's issued to all officers and can be mugged with proper mugging permissions, it requires 2 hits to the head to K.O. the target, with an effective range of 2 blocks.

Handcuffs :
A pair of steel handcuffs used to restrain the target's hands, issued to all officers , requires an action and a roll if the suspect is willing to resist arrest. It can't be mugged in any way, has an effective range of one block.

Police Radio : A waterproof communication device used by emergency units, issued to all officers and can't be mugged nor destroyed, unless hit with a blunt or sharp weapon.

Stun Blaster : The stun blaster, or taser, is a stun device used by officers to prevent the target from moving, whether it be because it failed to comply with in regards to safety distance or because they're evading (These are the most common scenarios it is used in, though officers may tend to fire warning shots in the sky rather than effectively tasing someone in case of a safety distance violation). It is issued to all officers and requires an action and a roll to be taken out in range. A successful hit stuns the target for 60 seconds, giving officers the time to act, no roll required. It can't be mugged and it has an effective range of 8 blocks.

Breathalyzer : A device used by emergency units to check how drunk a person is, issued to all officers and EMS workers, it's accuracy depends on it's proximity to the police station and it can't me mugged.

Pepper Spray : A 3-time use device used by officers to temporarily blind a target (Mostly used with wild animals as it's a safer option than tasing them, or in case no one responding to the animal call has a tranquilizer dart-gun), issued to all officers and EMS workers, it requires an action and a successfull roll to be taken out in range, reuires a successful hit to blind the target for 60 seconds unless the target is wearing a gas mask, it doesn't require a roll.

Tranquilizer dart-gun : The tranquilizer dart-gun, or "Tranq" as commonly referred to by officers, is a plastic device used by officers (SGT + as specified by my rank breakdown previously) to neutralize threats. It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out in range, a successful hit can knock the target unconscious for 2 minutes, does not require a roll. It requires an action to reload in range, can't be mugged. Has an effective range of 30 blocks max.

Riot Shield : A tempered glass shield used by officers for protection, issued to all officers. When used defensively, the officer won't be able to use any offensive tools and any frontal/side damage is effectively neutralized. When used offensively, it can't offer any offensive nor defensive capabilities, only allowing the officer to use offensive items such as the taser or baton. It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out and swapped from hand to hand in range, it can be mugged if the officer is knocked unconscious, with proper mug permissions of course, it can't be used offensively if not for pushing the target out of range. It has an effective range of one block and it's mostly used during crowd control operations (i.e. a riot) or apartment raids, mostly to block access to the entrance of the apartment that's being raided.

Gas Mask : A gas mask, issued to all on-duty officers, used to protect themselves against biological threats or to protect their identities in dangerous operations which require the use of SWAT gear. It can be stolen with proper mug permissions.

Crowbar : A crowbar used to pry doors and containers open during an apartment raid (mostly), now accessible to all officers, it can be stolen with an action and a successful roll with proper mug permissions.

Luminol Spray (ItemRP) : A substance container used to identify blood on surfaces, mainly on weapons unless cleaned with bleach, issued to all on-duty officers and can be stolen with an action and a successful roll with proper mug permissions.

Fingerprint Scanner (ItemRP) : Used to scan a suspect's fingerprints, it can be used to tell if a fingerprint sample has matched a target's results, accessible to all officers but mainly utilized by the Detective Division.

First-Aid Kit (ItemRP) : A small-sized kit used when an ambulance or EMS isn't available for the time being. When used, it adds 5 additional minutes to the bleed-out timer, issued to all on-duty officers.

Body Camera (ItemRP) : The Body Camera, or Bodycam, is a constantly recording and live-streaming waterproof camera that's attached to the front of an officer's vest, the camera can't be removed or turned off in any way but can be destroyed with the use of a blunt or sharp weapon. Two blunt hits or one stab hit. It's issued to all on-duty officers and has the same properties as CCTV, anything from the player's POV will count as recorded.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
My opinion on the KPD hasn't changed throughout these months, I still think it's important to Karakura because it maintains order in an. . Almost anarchic city where more and more wild stuff happens every hour it seems. The KPD is responsible for peacekeeping and law-enforcement in this chaotic, unstable city. Speaking of instability, knowing a gang war or another potential city-level threat could arise at any moment, it still remains crucial for there to be a stable police presence : a beacon of stability, a beacon of hope, it lets these wrongdoers know that their actions won't go unpunished and sooner or later they will be caught, doesn't matter if that comes immediately or with time, they won't escape. Also, the presence of a Police Faction with carefully studied roles, duties and mechanics, done with proper research, adds further realism to the world-building of Karakura, it makes the city feel more alive with ecosystems and factions that exist within it's confines, as well as the small amount of politics and it's consequent debates ICly, it really feels like a real city that could exist. (Minus all the fooling around coming from some players, but hey it's expected when it's a game and not real life)

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Akira Toyoshima

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors Degree

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Akira stands tall at an imposing 6'3'' of height, his muscular build contributing to his intimidating presence. Messy black hair would be falling from his head, framing a square-jawed face, partially obscuring his ocean blue eyes that stare deep into nothingness. The intense gaze coming from his eyes speak volumes of what he went through and the trauma he processed. Perhaps his more standing out feature would be the scar on his abdomen, stretching from a side of his abdomen to the other, a scar that comes from his past as a Marine in the JMSDF.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional environment, he would approach any task given with methodicality and efficiency, trying to find the least resource-wasting idea with the best outcome, always making up plan Bs in case the first one doesn't go right. He would have a very remarkable respect towards hierarchy and authority figures, understanding the importance of following orders, especially if it comes from someone with more experience than him. Communication is another area where his military background would show and allow him to deliver informations briefly but precisely at the same time, letting everyone on the radio know exactly with what situations they'll be dealing with. When it comes to more risky situations, he would quickly ****yze the situation and all the possible outcomes that situation could end up in, decising to intervene when the conditions are right, taking risks only if strictly necessary, in order to respect the priorities he was instructed to follow : Officer safety first, then the victim's safety, and then the suspect's safety. In more relaxed settings, Akira's a friendly lad, open to have brief conversations, sometimes even longer philosophical and emotional topics when the time is right or when he's in a certain mood. He likes to make everyone feel respected and at ease when speaking to him, making sure they put as much trust into him as he does with his colleagues or friends. He's a great listener and a keen observer, empathetic enough to give everyone the respect they deserve : Treating everyone well and making sure to understand their point of view whenever they're talking about something important for them.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
His ideas on co-workers and teamwork is really positive, seeing them as essential and integral to success. He'd view colleagues like his fellow privates back in the military, understanding that cooperation brings nothing but positive results. He'd expect his colleagues to be able to use their heads and intellect correctly during difficult situations, with trust being the most important factor. There is no teamwork without any trust, and if you don't trust your teammates, you can't expect them nor to trust you nor for them to do a good job, or even for them to follow correctly your orders. He'd place a huge amount of trust on his colleagues, expecting that trust back, and if not reciprocated, he'd try to open up and understand why this mutuality isn't there and work to fix it as soon as possible, because a fracture within the whole team wouldn't be good at all in the grand scheme of things and could potentially open up opportunities for criminals to exploit that weakness to work against the KPD. In short, his outlook on the idea of teamwork and colleagues is very positive and founded on trust, without mutual trust there can be no teamwork.

What's your character's backstory?

(Buckle up, you'll cry)

Early Life (0 - 12)


Akira was born in Ashika, Japan, a rural town in the outskirts of Kyoto. His early life was characterized by this green and vibrant environment, where he would usually adventure with his siblings to catch fireflies and other types of small wildlife surrounding the town. He was raised along with his two other siblings : Momoka and Hiroshi, by a single mother, his father had abandoned them to their fate right after Momoka was born, where he went is still unknown to this day. Akira experienced the struggles faced by his mother, who worked tirelessly to provide for her family without a fatherly figure.. And as the costs of life kept rising, Akira matured and realized more and more the situation they were in, wanting to ease her mother's burden as he grew up. Elementary school was a good time for him : he was a very enthusiastic child who wanted to learn more and more about every subject he studied, teachers appreciated his thirst for knowledge and rewarded him with very good grades, while the other kids looked up to him for his intelligence and maturity for his age.

Adolescence (13 - 18)


Middle school was a little more hard for him, as he was going through puberty at the time, suffering from acne, some kids picked on him for his looks, which made him really insecure, this slightly impacted his performance as many kids thought he was a "smartass" or a nerd, however this was also when his sister picked up a passion for gymnastics, and he was fascinated by it, so much so he went to every competition she was participating in, wanting to support her further. High school was much better for him, as he found new opportunities to discover himself and grow as a person, he wasn't as studious as he previously was, due to fear he would be made fun of again for being a nerd, but he was still a good student nonetheless. He discovered a passion for fitness and sports, similiarly to his sister, and it was also a great opportunity to show support for her as they practiced at the same time in the gymnasium, he picked up basketball. On the court, he was a beast, with demonic speed and agility, some even daring to call him the best sharpshooter in the school.

Military Life (18 - 21)


However, as he graduated, he had to fully embrace the responsibility and consequences of becoming an adult, and he couldn't help but notice his mother was getting exhausted with the growing cost of their life, determined to ease the weight on her back. He had made the decision to enlist in the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF), a choice not only driven by personal ambition, but by a deep sense of duty and responsibility to his family. His mother wasn't too fond of the decision, protesting tearfully until the very last moment, with Momoka wanting to change his mind as well, but without no avail. Hiroshi hasn't been around them since he turned 18, they didn't want to lose Akira as well after Hiroshi and their father, however, Akira assured them he would've been safe, that he would be back, and that he would've provided for them. His mother and Momoka cried as he left, unsure of how it would go without him. Military life was a big change from his civilian life, this decision was about to shape him deeply as a person and test his resolve in ways he could've never imagined. He had proved himself to be a standout recruit right from the start, demostrating exceptional skill and dedication to every aspect of his training, what kept him going was thinking about his family and their struggle. He had natural aptitude for marksmanship and tactics, which gained him recognition amongst his superiors, especially to the Unit Commander, who quickly promoted him to private. In the firing range, his steady and sharp eye made him and excellent sharpshooter, hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy and mechanical precision, on par with even the most seasoned veterans. In war games and training excersises, his strategic ability and quick thinking set him apart from his peers, earning him a reputation as a natural born leader, being considered for another promotion, he excelled with ease in simulated combat scenarios, and in navigating through complex combat situations. His ability to remain calm under pressure and adapt to constantly changing situations gained him a reputation, with his officers considering him a very valuable asset to his unit, this caught once again the eye of the Unit Commander, which promoted him to Private First Class. He had an unwavering dedication to duty and commitment to excellence, which earned him admiration and respect to those around him, peers and officers alike, his comrades were like brothers to him, he had forged innumerous bonds of camaraderie with his unit, camaraderie that carried over to his civilian life. Despite the enormous success he was facing, he kept grounded to his motives, driven not by personal ambition but by a deep sense of duty and responsibility to his family. He called his mother and Momoka every day to let them know he was safe and sound, never forgetting about them, his family's support and the memory of his mother's sacrifice drove him further to succeed against all odds.

Deployment to Kazanami Island (20 - 21)


While getting used to military life, Akira thought to himself that it couldn't go better than this. Sure, the rhythms were frenetic and his career was really physically demanding, but he enjoyed doing what he did, little did he know, things were about to go downhill for him. Kazanami Island, an Island in the pacific known for it's proximity to Russia, it's always been at the center of disputes between the japanese government and the Kremlin, however things never took a serious turn as the japanese government never really saw it as an important geopolitical debacle to solve, and left it to it's fate. However, one day, Japan was quickly reminded of the harsh realities of war, the same war it believed to have left in the past, after the 40s, surely nothing similiar was about to happen to the land of the rising sun ever again right? Turns out Kazanami Island's capital, Kamigorod, (inhabited by 30% ethnic russians) was occupied by violent russian separatists, who have quickly expanded westward in the island, seemingly unstoppable. The UN security council swiftly decided to intervene by establishing a safe zone within the north side of the island, where they would welcome refugees and soon, injured japanese soldiers. Akira followed this whole crisis unfolding on the news in the weeks prior to his deployment, he found himself increasingly drawn to the news report detailing the unfolding situation on the island. When the call to arms finally came, Akira answered without hesitation, although he felt a little scared like everybody else for his own life, he phoned his family before departing for Kazanami Island, his mother and sister begged for him not to go, but he reassured them he would be alright, nothing would go wrong as soon as he followed training, right? Upon arriving on the island, he was immediately struck by the contrast between the island's natural beauty and the harsh reality of war, the once calm and peaceful shores were now marred by sand bags, howitzers, barriers, barbed wire, tents and the loud buzzing of helicopter blades. As part of a Japanese Task Force, his initial deployment was something he could've never imagined, it wasn't long before he found himself into the thick of the air of war he had took a breath out of as soon as he touched down on the island. His unit was pinned down by insurgents in a hellish urban battleground, there were no heroes here, no glory or honor, just survival, Akira understood that very quickly, and althought it was a shock for him.. He decided to adapt to the environment so he could return to see his family again. In those moments of chaos and carnage, he had to do what he had to do in order to stay alive. During the chaos of urban warfare, and the rain of machine gun fire and explosions raging upon him and his unit, the same raging rain that led to the Staff Sergeant's ending, something inside him switched on, and he managed to formulate a clever plan to infiltrate the insurgent-held building on their 12 and eliminate the threat. He managed to create a distraction by ordering one of his fellow soldiers to fire a rocket from an RPG found on the ground, directly at the window they were getting fired from, if they evaded before they could get struck, it would buy them enough time to run out of cover and infiltrate in an alleyway closeby. His plan succeeded and, with stealth and precision, he managed to lead what was left of his unit through the labyrinthine streets, evading enemy fire and IEDs along the way. As they closed in on their target, Akira's unit came under fire again, one of them was shot in the head right in front of him, the sight of one of his men dying right in front of him scarred him deeply, to this day he still cannot forget the expression his comrade had before his brain matter was scattered on the floor right in front of him. He stopped for a good moment, staring at his dead body right in front of him before being shook back to reality by another one of his comrades "WE HAVE TO GO, NOW" he said, Akira didn't reply, he simply got up and followed the rest of his unit while still looking at the corpse in shock. Despite the intense resistance, Akira and the rest of his unit kept closing in, until they finally breached into the enemy outpost and cleared it corner by corner. Akira led the group into this close quarters battle, there were around two dozens of insurgents, he used all he could to gain the upper hand, each downed insurgent was just another target to him, however to this day, much similiar to his now dead comrade, he still cannot forget the expressions they had before they exhaled their last breath, but now, it was his fault. When the smoke and the dust finally cleared up, Akira emerged from the wreckage as a ghost of his former self, the memories of those 16 insurgents he shot haunted him like ghosts, their accusing stares burning holes into his soul, and as he marched through the blood-soaked streets, he knew that the scars of war would never truly heal. On a routine mission on this war-torn island, months after his arrival, he ventured deep into enemy territory with his new assigned unit, they navigated through dense jungles and rugged terrain, their every move guided by the need to remain unseen and undetected, with enemy patrols lurking around every corner, they moved with caution, keeping alert by the constant threat of danger. It was during this routine reconnaissance mission that disaster struck, while surveying enemy positions from a vantage point on top of a hill, his unit came under sudden and intense fire, caught off guard by the unforeseen ferocity of this attack, they were forced to retreat under another rain of heavy fire. In this chaos, Akira found himself separated from his unit, his only thought to survive and regroup with his comrades. Desperately avoiding capture, he navigated through a dense jungle evinronment and treacherous terrain, he was on high alert as he fought to stay one step ahead of the enemy. However, fate had other plans for Akira, as he attempted to make his way back to friendly lines, a sudden artillery barrage rained down upon his position, unleashing a devastating chaos of explosions and shrapnel, the shockwave broke his legs and the shrapnel was sent right into his abdomen, but he still managed to drag himself close to friendly lines, before blacking out completely.

Back to civilian life (21 - 25)


He woke up in the hospital, upon opening his eyes Momoka jumped onto his arms, his mother was in tears, she couldn't believe the state her son was in. They casted his legs and completely bandaged his abdomen and was 100% garanteed to make a full recovery, that day however.. Something inside him broke. Seeings his mother and sister crying for him convinced him to make a very difficult decision, he decided to cut the bright future he had ahead of him in the JMSDF to help his family in other ways. After being honorably discharged, he moved with his sister to the nearby town of Karakura, where he would attend university with his sister, working part time jobs here and there to afford tuition for both of them and fund their hobbies. This new life was calmer than what he was used to in the military, maybe the military changed him, maybe the war did.. What he knew for sure is that he could never forget the unspeakable evil he had seen. Momo noticed his change in attitude, he was simple and direct in communications and didn't speak a lot unless he was questioned, was always very vigilant, couldn't sleep at night or woke up suddenly after having terrible nightmares, as he described, could get irritable, and had frightful thoughts, she was worried for his mental health.

Officer Toyoshima (25 - 25)


After about 4 years of attempting to move on from his military past, it seemed like no matter how much he attempted to forget about his fight, no matter how much he attempted to forget the stuff he's been through, he kept getting drawn to the thrill of risk brought by being a Marine, however he knew that his family would never let him enlist ever again.. However he needed a new second family, a family that would make him feel the same way he did when he was in the military, a family that would treat him just the same. Akira noticed the absurd amount of crime in Karakura, so one day.. He made the decision to send his CV to the Karakura Police Department, so he could make a difference in the chaotic town of Karakura, while upholding the principles of duty and honor that had guided him throughout his military career, he wanted to feel like he had a purpose again. Momo asked him if he actively wished for his death, a remark to which Akira replied with : "To be honest, I don't fear the reaper". The training he underwent as a cadet fondly reminded him of his time in the military, with interesting informational training and fairly demanding physical training that taught him how to act in case of various scenarios unfolding, there really was a rigorous emphasis on discipline and teamwork too. It was a reminder of the camaraderie and sense of belonging he had felt among his fellow soldiers, a feeling he really missed since leaving the service. After passing the exam with flying colors, Akira was promoted to the rank of Patrol Officer, now feeling free to do his best to make a difference, with the new comrades he met during his time as a cadet. His military training and past expertise served him well in his new role, as he patrolled the city with vigilance and professionalism, always ready to respond to emergencies whenever they presented themselves, and it wasn't long before his performance caught the eye of the higher-ups, leading to his promotion to Corporal. Months had passed and Akira had everything he wished for in life : A wife, a supporting sisters and two girl twins on the way! Little did he know all this would be coming to an end shortly .. One faithful day, Akira was off duty, taking care of his wife and making sure she was handling her pregnancy well when, suddenly, she crumbled to the floor, Akira was shocked and scared to death, he had never been this scared since deployment. Worried sick of his wife's health, he quickly checked her pulse and breath : Her pulse was very weak and she wasn't breathing, he quickly gathered himself up and with some quick thinking he managed to pick her up and carry her FAST to the hospital, he had to act quickly or else his wife could've passed anytime. Suspecting a heart attack, he entered the hospital and YELLED OUT for EMS to help him, her pregnant wife just had a heart attack, it was an extremely dangerous situation because not only was her own safety at risk. . But their future children's as well. EMS took her to the emergency bay while another doctor encouraged Akira that it would've been fine and he could take a seat in the waiting room. Those 2 hours were absolute hell for Akira to endure, maybe even on par with the trauma he's went through during deployment. His colleagues went by to visit the hospital and found him curled up on a chair in the waiting room, naturally they worried for him, however they could've never expected why he was feeling like this : One of them has been close to him throughout the entirety of the procedure and tried to try and make him feel better the best he could, however he could've never understood and so he gave up at some point, only patting Akira's shoulder. 2 hours had passed and, sadly, Akira was given the long-awaited news he hoped to never receive in his life until now, his wife had passed away. Something broke inside him ever since that day : He wasn't able to concentrate on his daughters because of the grief so he asked his sister if he could watch over them while he worked, going to work was the only purpose in his life at the moment, it was to get enough money to raise his daughters and ensure they would be living well, but at what cost? He didn't want to be an absent father but everything was draining him. His wife's departure, his feeling of being an inadequate father, of being a bad officer, of not mattering to anyone, all of this was starting to crush him very slowly, and it would take a huge toll on his mental health, add all of this to him forgetting to buy fluoxetine for his PTSD and you got a perfect recipe for disaster. He messed up a hostage situation one day, he got lost in his thoughts and couldn't focus well on the situation, no matter how much he tried, he kept getting lost in his own thoughts, and that caused the hostage taker and the hostages to get away with riot shields and batons. Ashamed of what happened, Akira had a massive wake up call and took this situation as a signal to quit momentarily to focus on his own wellbeing and his daughters. And so on August 30th, 2024, he went to the commissioner's office and handed out his badge and equipment, wishing all his colleagues well before leaving the station, wondering if someday he'll be good enough to make a comeback.

The family man (25 - 26)


The days that followed were some of the hardest he had ever faced. He tried to spend more time with his daughters, however every moment with them only reminded him of Ocèane, his wife, and they life they should and WOULD'VE had if only life wasn't cruel enough to take her away just before their dreams came true. Every laugh, every cry, every little gesture of his daughters made his chest ache with a grief so deep it froze him every time. His sister was trying to do the best she could to help, taking care of the twins, but Akira could see the toll it was taking on her, draining more and more of her cheerful energy. He hated himself for being so absent, he felt like he was failing his daughters when he needed them most. The night was the worst part of the day for him, the nightmares he had tried to suppress for so long came back even worse than before : all this grief mixed and depression with his PTSD only managed to worsen his mental health. The dreams weren't just about war anymore, they were about Ocèane lying on the hospital bed, lifeless. About his daughters growing up without knowing him, about his failures as an officer, as a man. It was a different inferno every night, waking up drenched in sweat, dreaming about the faces of the men he had killed flashing before his eyes, and then Ocèane's lifeless face, sometimes the dreams mutated into very different and random combination, each of them terrorizing Akira deep within with their unusualness, these weren't simple nightmares, these were night terrors. For months, he had been spiraling down, numbing his pain with alcohol, trying to shut out the memories. But it didn't work, instead everything just contributed to leaving him disconnected from everyone and everything around him, including his daughters. They were growing up so fast, and yet he felt like they were slipping out of his fingers, unable to be the father they deserved. He wanted to go after them, but he was stuck in the past, trapped in his grief and trauma, it got worse by the day. One day however, he received one hell of a wake up call. Momo confronted him after slapping him in the face so hard he still remembers how hard it burned till this day, yelling at him bluntly "AKIRA! YOU'RE SLIPPING AWAY! I DON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU ANYMORE! JUST LOOK AT YOU.. YOUR DAUGHTERS, THEY NEED YOU HERE! NOT JUST PHYSICALLY, THEY NEED THEIR FATHER! THEY'VE LOST THEIR MOTHER, THEY CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO GOD DAMN IT!".
Her words hit him hard. He realized in that very moment how much his daughters depended on him. They had already been through enough and they were barely even one year old! They needed him be the father they could lean on, not the shadow of his former self. The choice was to keep drowning in his pain, spiraling down continuously until it led to his own demise, or to fight his way out of it to grant a bright future ahead of him and his family, after all, this is what he has been doing for years. Akira chose to fight, like he always did. He went to the hospital regularly to see a the******, every day was another step foward on improving. His the****** encouraged him to start reconnecting with the things he loved, starting with his daughters. And so, slowly, Akira began to reengage with them, spending more time playing, talking, and simply being there for them. He played songs on the guitar for them, read them bedtime stories even though they could barely understand him, fed them the best he could so they would grow big and strong like him, he tried his best to make their world a little brighter, putting them in front of everything else. They were his little princesses. His the****** also recommended he go back to his fluoxetine medication to help manage his PTSD, at first he was a little reluctant, but eventually, he realized taking the medication wold only do good to him and. . After all, he would do anything to improve himself to be a better father. Gradually, the night terrors disappeared, his emotions stabilized and he began to feel more like himself again. The weight he carried for oh so long were starting to lift off, and for the first time in a long time, he finally felt like he could breathe again. His daughters seemed happier too, they laughed more, and Akira felt the connection he feared he had lost forever start to rebuild, it wasn't easy for him by all means, and the pain of Ocèane's death would always be there, but he finally learned how to live with it and accept it, instead of letting it consume him. As he spent more time with his daughters and worked out harder than before to heal himself from this pain, he started to regain some type of sense of purpose, and one evening in particular, coinciding with this reprisal, what a strange coincidence, he received a message from a former colleague in the KPD, asking how he was doing and if he'd ever consider joining back. He stared at the message for a very long time, the memories of his former job and the people he met in his time there flooding in. At first he wasn't sure if he was readym but the more he thought about it and the more he realized that being a police officer had given him a purpose in his past, joining back in would do nothing but wonders for him currently. To this day, having overtaken this pain, he feels ready to join back someday, hoping he'll be accepted again as one of them.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"Owning a pocket knife in Karakura is a felony : Possession of Illegal weaponry to be exact. If a suspect is searched and is found with a pocket knife, they'll be immediately arrested for possession of illegal weaponry. The weapon will be sprayed with luminol to check if there's blood or dents on it, if there's blood, the weapon will be kept as evidence against them and the suspect might be charged with murder or assault with a deadly weapon as well, depending on who that blood belongs to and if the person whose blood is on the weapon is deceased or disappeared. If no blood is found on it, the weapon will be burned and the fresh inmate will face 3 months in with a bail of 150k. They won't also be able to carry other potential weapons like metal bats, if found on them once they're out, now with a felony on their criminal record, the bat would be confiscated and burned, and the suspect would also have to pay a fine."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"A couple of medical items do not require a prescription, they're mostly items for basic medication, like Paracetamol, which is for temporary pain relief; Cough Syrup, used to treat coughing, colds, allergies and other breathing illnesses; Iron Supplements, used to treat iron deficiency and certain types of anemia; Melatonin, used to treat sleep problems; and Multivitamins, to treat vitamine deficensies."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"Keep calm, make sure my bodycam is fully operational and recording, keeping in mind that any small piece of evidence could help in a potential investigation against hypothetical corrupt co-workers. On the short term I would work to de-escalate the situation and put myself between the inmate and my co-workers, making sure the inmate is safe and shielding them from more potential attacks coming at their direction, during this entire encounter I'd try my best to talk my colleagues out of this situation and try to reason with them, knowing that they might be doing this because they're driven by the heat of the moment. After having defused the situation, assuming my colleagues stopped and left the area, I'd use my med-kit to treat the inmate's wounds, taking them to the infirmary if necessary. After the incident, I'd contact a higher-up, letting them know about what happened and mailing them my bodycam footage. Whether there will be a misconduct investigation or immediate punitive action, I'll be there to tell what I saw as a witness to the entire scene, cooperating the best I can."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"First of all I'd have to keep in mind the priorities : Officer's safety first, then the victim's, then the suspect's. Assuming no other colleagues are in the area I'd immediately call for backup via radio, to then step into the situation. Granted that my co-worker is being assaulted, I'd have the right to exercise the right to self-defence and so to use reasonable force. Assuming my colleague's too close to the threat, using the taser would be too risky as it's close range and I could end up hitting my colleague accidentally, so I'd step in wielding the baton. I'd get behind the suspect's back and hit them in the head with the baton, it would be too hard for the suspect to manage 2 people at the same time so it would be difficult for them to counter my move while handling my colleague at the front. After the first hit, granted they cannot turn around because they're too busy handling my colleague, I'd hit them in the head with the baton a second time, knocking them unconscious. The first priority would be to apprehend the suspect as soon as possible and not to waste any time, so that when they wake up, they can't be a threat, in the meantime backup should have arrived. I'd tell my other colleagues to check my colleague's injuries and bring them to EMS if necessary, while i drag the unconscious suspect to the nearest wall, pat them down and arrest them for assault on a government official, punishable with a 6 month jail time and a bail of 300k yen."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"If I found out my colleague was corrupt and helping criminal orgwanizations, I'd start gather as mucuh evidence as possible to then present it to a higher-up. I'd document any type of suspicious behavior, conversation or weird incident that definitely would raise a lot of suspicion towards my colleague. I'd try to take as much tangible evidence as possible, like pictures, footage or voice recordings and not only witness statements, although they would also be helpful to my case, however the most tangible proof, the better and more credible my case would be. I'd try to get the Detective Division's help with my observation and try to correct me in any mistake I might be making during my investigation. Once all the evidence is gathered in a nice file, I'd present it to a Higher-Up, letting them conduct their own investigation and provide further assistance and answers to any inquiries they may have."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

"Pretty simple, I'd refuse the bribe, however if the individual kept making attempts at bribing, I would fine them for bribery, which is 25k yen."
(P.S. If I get accepted again, could I have the role on my secondary char slot please?)

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