players online

Note to all staff

Hello, I've played this server for a few hours or so and I don't think I'll be returning. However, I would like to give a general note of sorts to the staff and owners of the server. I will be remaining anonymous, as well as keeping all other names anonymous. My goal behind this isn't to remove someone from a staff position or force a player to be banned, but simply to be a tip from one seasoned roleplayer to another.

My reason for visiting this server in the first place was for a bit of a rp "break". I have spent hundreds of hours roleplaying in extremely stilted and lore-saturated environments, on and off of minecraft servers. I have been lore master of a medieval-themed server, staffed others, and been a regular player on countless. To be blunt, I am experienced in what I do and take everything seriously. When I found and joined this server, I had assumed it to be a "whatever floats your boat within reason" environment. I do admit it was a mistake on my part for having assumed that, but to me it was a much more relaxed way of roleplaying than the lore-heavy structure I'm accustomed to. I understand metagaming and powergaming, I myself have banned or muted players in the past for it. However, before a ban is distributed the mod or admin must have a full understanding of the situation and give a verbal warning before taking action. In every experience I've had with staff on this particular server, they have been cold, blunt, and to be frank, rude.

A server is only as good as it's staff, and although the builds are gorgeous and the items are creative, I have to say that I found it disappointing as a whole. I've had three bad one-on-one experiences with the staff, and none good. With all due respect, I felt a general animosity from staff simply because I was a new player. That in itself makes me sick, as staff should be dedicated to new players before many other things. I can understand their point of view, this server receives probably hundreds of new players a month that barely stick around for an hour. It would become tiring after awhile. In all instances, however, I saw time and time again staff members jumping to conclusions according to the title before their name. (Freshman, Sophomore, you get it) For now I'm going to relate two bad experiences that I had that should NOT have happened. I understand how tiring staffing can be at times, however the behavior that was exhibited just isn't acceptable.

Example 1: This was within my first few hours on the server, and I didn't quite know what to expect when class time rolled around. Period 1 began, and I simply wandered a little bit and found a room where some other students had sat down. With /ooc, several of us asked in chat "We have a full room, could a teacher come to x classroom?" No teacher showed up, and we just sat there looking around wondering what we were supposed to do. When period 2 started, a student (we'll refer to them as student A) stood up and decided that they would rp as the teacher. I had no idea what to do, so I just sort of sat there and went along with it. Once again, I believed it was a free roleplay environment so I thought it would have been all right. ONLY because someone who wasn't a teacher roleplayed as one, two qualified teachers walked in the room and threatened to ban all of us. Not just student A. Student A stepped down, and the teacher got up on the podium. Instead of just teaching the class, here is an approximate to what they said: "You want a real teacher? Ok. Class dismissed. Get out". Blunt, cold, and rude.

I can agree with the fact that this next example was partially due to my own misunderstanding of the server itself, but it still doesn't excuse the staff behavior. I've become extremely accustomed to in-human characters over the years and made a werewolf character. I made a few IC friends, keeping them anonymous, and they all accepted the idea of a werewolf student. Having played several half human half creature characters in the past, I've had experience in keeping a realistic character that serves as a mixture between human and animal. Especially on this server in particular, I kept the character completely void of any supernatural power. In all honesty, it was a normal human with a tail and ears. However, I still can understand the staff's view on that character choice.

Example 2: Using the situation and character I set up in the previous paragraph, my character referred to their friends as a "pack", keeping species realism. My character and their pack all went to the pizza parlor together, and they simply sat at the table and were talking to pass the time until morning. A person, (whom I will refer to as student B) came up to our table and began bullying another student. Keeping true to my character's personality and short temper, my character became slightly hostile and warned student B to back away from their "pack". Student B proceeded to bite the friend without reason and run away. At this point in time my character leaped up from the table with the intent of protecting their friend. That is when two teachers arrived at the scene. Keeping true to my character's personality, I typed: "Get back here and face me like a man!" *snarls*. Teacher A asked: "Snarling? What's going on here?" remaining in character, I responded: "Student B bit a member of my pack!" Teacher A: "Pack?" I decided to come out of character until the problem had been resolved and responded: "I'm a werewolf" Teacher A simply responded "No you aren't kid" The next thing I saw? BANNED for Powergaming. I received no warning, no explanation. Had the staff member bothered to understand the situation or even tell me "You aren't allowed to roleplay a werewolf" I would have responded "I understand, I'm sorry" and proceeded to drop the whole werewolf character thing. However, I was promptly brushed aside with a "I don't want to deal with this" attitude. Every other roleplay server I've been on, when I've made a mistake and violated lore, staff give me a verbal warning and I change that aspect that violates lore, everybody's happy. What could have been solved by just a sentence was instead solved by kicking me off the server without care to deal with me.

Probably what bothers me the most is "No you aren't kid". That single sentence is so high and mighty to a new player it makes me sick. In all of my staff experience, I only resort to that when a player has spammed nonsense for upwards to an hour or more. The person with the spelling mistakes, all caps, GET REKT LOOOOOL, spamming one word at a time, save hostility for players who deserve it. In a roleplay sense, I have in fact used that sentence before. However, that was after the third time of "No, you aren't allowed to make a sword of fire from your bare hands because your great-great-grandaddy made a deal with the devil"

I understand that this is a very lengthy thread, and I applaud you if you actually took the time to read it all. The staff base on this server in particular makes what could be a very fun place to roleplay seem hostile to me. In fact, I have little doubt that this thread is going to be locked or deleted. That is the impression from the staff I have gotten anyway.

Oh, by the way, fun fact. After several years of minecraft this is my first time ever being banned. I've never even been muted before. If staff is banning and kicking players like that, what kind of staff do you have?

Player base, 8/10. Builds, 10/10. Lore, 7/10. Roleplay, 10/10. Staff, 3/10

I will not be posting any negative comments on any server sites, you don't have to worry about that. Just hopefully this will make you think about revising your staff behavior.

I will not be coming on this website again and such will not be responding to any comments.

Thank you


Level 145
So i Tempban you for powergaming. and you waste your time making a nine paragraph statement. GG


Level 13
We have great staff thank you, it's part of their job to ban and kick people who are Breaking The Rules. It's your responsibility to read them and role-play realistically. So don't go complaining with your 9 paragraph statement (which was a waste of time) about how you can't accept your fate and that are staff needs to change just because they banned you...

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