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NotJadeshl || Psychiatrist Application


Level 3
Untitled Project (3).jpg

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯

IGN (In-Game Name):

NotJadeshl, but my main account is Jadeshl

What is your Discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I am extremely active on the server. To describe my activity on a scale of 1 to 10, I would say I’m at a strong 9. I don’t have many OOC commitments at the moment so a lot of my time is dedicated to being online either playing SRP or another game. I am usually on all day and at some pretty crazy hours in the night and can be on whenever you need me to be.
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​
12 PM - 5 AM​

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Spanish App | Accepted

List your current roles on the server:
On my main account, I have a College Cheer Captain role, a grade 12, and a bird role. However, on my alt account, I only have a Raccoon role and a Grade 7.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My roleplay experience began about 3 years ago in 2021 on SRP. Honestly, I was completely clueless on how to create a character, properly communicate with others, or how to even think for my character. I can't lie, my writing overall was hot garbage. I was fortunate enough to somehow make friends on the server who gave me a tutorial on how everything works on the server. During this time, I also picked up playing Dungeons and Dragons with some friends. While this didn't help improve my writing skills, it did teach me how to properly create characters: Giving them a backstory, how it affects them in their current situation, and how to react as my characters to the world and environment around them. In December of 2022, I was fortunate enough to make my first-ever team on the server, College Cheer. During my brief time on the team, I was able to learn how to improve my writing and roleplay overall to the point where I felt comfortable exploring roleplay as a Raccoon. I eventually took a break from SRP in 2023 for school and mental health reasons. I continued creating characters and making silly little backstories for them until I returned recently in April of 2024. I returned to College Cheer in May, learning more about JockRP. I know there are still plenty of things to learn and grow as a writer, which I'm very excited to learn.

What is your motivation for applying?
I have many reasons for applying this wave. I want to start by saying that this faction has always been one that I wanted to be a part of since I joined the server. However, I never did apply due to anxiety and the fact that I didn’t believe my roleplay and writing were good enough. Over the years, I have worked on both of those things greatly. So, when I saw that the applications were open I thought it was about time I finally put my application in. Although I didn’t believe I should submit my application this wave, I was encouraged by many of my friends on the teams and KPD that I should at least try. Their support and encouragement are one of the main reasons why I chose to apply. Another reason is that I wish to broaden my experience through the server. I have, for some time now, admired this faction and the things that everyone does for it. Becoming a part of this faction would be such a fun learning experience for me. The chance to learn more about MedicalRP would help me grow as a player on this server and refine my writing skills altogether.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

I am applying for the Psychiatrist role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
While I don't know a lot about what the Hospital faction is, here is my basic knowledge of the different roles that exist within the faction.
DirectorThe Director is the head of the faction. They oversee the hospital departments, the policies, and the procedures that are set in place. They are essentially at the top of the chain and have the most authority in the hospital.
Clinical ManagerThey are the right hand of the Director. They oversee the employees, making sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to do and that everything is running smoothly. They may also act as management if the Director is not around.
Clinical LeadThese are their departments' leaders, one for the doctors and the other for the psychiatrists. They take on some managerial and clinical responsibilities, leading their department to ensure everyone is properly trained and that patients are in the best care possible.
Clinical SupervisorThis profession guides their departments, ensuring that the staff are giving the best possible care to their patients.
DoctorDoctors are medical physicians who tend to the physical conditions of patients. Their responsibilities include diagnosing, tending to injuries and illness, and prescribing medications to patients.
PsychiatristPsychiatrists are medical professionals who tend to the mental conditions of patients. Their responsibilities include diagnosing and prescribing medications to help patients struggling with their mental health.
ParamedicParamedics are the first responders who can attend calls outside of the hospital. They can go on patrol in groups as most of their patients would most likely need treatment on the scene and not be able to get to the hospital on their own. To gain the title of a paramedic, EMS workers must gain training certification. I feel like this role is best suited for Doctors or Surgeons.
VeterinariansVeterinarians are certified medical professionals who tend to the sick and injured animals in the town. To become a Veterinarian, an EMS worker must gain certification. I feel like this is more open to all of the EMS faction compared to the paramedic certification.

Continuing from this - both Doctors and Psychiatrists must start as trainees. Going through their residency before they can officially become an attending role in their department. But what does that entail?

**✿❀ Attending Doctor/Psych ❀✿**
Attending Doctors and Psychiatrists are fully trained medical professionals who have completed their training and residency. They provide efficient care to their patients as well as supervise the residents and trainees. They take on the responsibility to ensure that everyone in their department is trained.

**✿❀ Senior Resident Doctor/Psych ❀✿**
Senior Residents are the more experienced hospital staff. They have worked in the hospital for a long time and have become well-versed in their practices. They help mentor new residents, as well as, help train the new trainees so they can succeed in their exams.

**✿❀ Resident Doctor/Psych ❀✿**
Upon completing their training, doctors and psychiatrists will begin their residency where they will work under the supervision of Senior Residents and Attending Doctors or Psychs as official hospital staff.

**✿❀ Trainee ❀✿**
Trainees are the new doctors and psychiatrists who have just gotten their applications accepted by the Hospital. They will go through training, learning about their position and responsibilities within the faction. At the end of their training, Trainees will take an exam to show if they're prepared to become a resident.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I completely understand that.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* In-Character (IC) Section *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

.•*•.•*•. SECTION 1: PERSONAL DETAILS .•*•.•*•.
Character’s Full Name:

Ji-Na Wilde

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female: She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
Bachelor’s in Psychology
Master’s in Clinical Psychology
PhD in Psychiatry

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese & Korean

Character Backstory:
[Early Age]
Born and raised in Seoul, Korea, Ji-Na Minori was raised by Ae and Hwan Minori alongside her two younger siblings, Eun-Na and Na-Bi. Growing up in a powerful family, as well as being the oldest in her family, Ji-Na had felt the pressure to make her family proud from a young age. While her younger siblings explored the city and hung out with their friends, Ji-Na spent her time locked away in her room, studying, in hopes that her grades would give her some sort of recognition from her family.

[Teenager in Korea]
This trend lasted up to her teenage years - Studying, trying to get the best grades she could but still getting less than a glance from her parents. Her little sister, however, started training to be an Idol out here in Korea which only made her parents look down on Ji-Na. The rants and arguments between her and her parents only built resentment. She wanted to get away, no, she NEEDED to get away from her parents, but how? Devising a plan, she was able to become fluent in Japanese, as well as get accepted and attend college in Karakura, Japan.

While attending college, Ji-Na had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. Getting involved in school, she was able to make the College Cheer Team and even become the Captain of the team after a month. Joining the team broke Ms. Minori out of her cocoon and turned her into the beautiful social butterfly that we know and love today. Ji-Na was able to make friends: people from high school and her peers in college. Ji-Na was even able to fall in love with a boy. Building bonds with her friends, they began to trust her enough to come to her with their issues in the hope of either getting advice or just needing someone to listen as they lifted the weight off of their chests.

It wasn’t until one fateful day when the Police department and the hospital allowed tours and insight into what their jobs entail that Ji-Na finally figured out what she wanted to do with her life. She thought back to the moments when her friends poured her problems out to her as she toured the hospital walls. A new passion burned in her heart. She could help people. After the tour, she immediately changed her major to psychology and began to study her heart out to achieve her new dream.

Ji-Na had managed to balance out her academic life, alongside her social life and running her team. As she completed her Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Ji-Na got engaged and soon married to her first love. From that point on, she flew through school, Ji-Na got her Master’s in Clinical Psychology and her PhD in Psychiatry.

[Back to Seoul]
Moving back to Seoul, Ji-Na began her residency at Seoul’s National University Hospital, where she tended to the mental health of children and young teenagers. After completing her residency, she worked at the same hospital for a year. During her time back in Korea, she went back home to visit her family from time to time. Eun-Na had completely abandoned the family name, leaving her mother and father in the house with their strained marriage. Ji-Na decided maybe now was the time to present the accomplishments that she’d achieved while she was gone to her parents. Even after everything she has done, they couldn’t even give her a proper congratulations. This enraged Ji-Na. She couldn’t help but scream at both of her parents before storming out of the house.

Sitting on the steps outside her family home, tears fell from Ji-Na’s eyes as she looked through old pictures on her phone. Scrolling through the memories, a small amount of laughter poured from Ji-Na’s mouth as she recapped the past year of her life. Going deeper and deeper into the camera roll, she finally found pictures from her college years in Karakura. She paused as she could hear her mother screaming from inside the home before a thought crept into the back of her mind. “I wonder if anything’s changed…” Hopping on the next flight, she makes her return to Karakura.

.•*•.•*•. SECTION 2: MEDICAL HISTORY .•*•.•*•.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)
Thinking about her early college years, Ji-Na would remember her friends coming to her and pouring their issues out to her. While this did hurt to see her friends so distraught and in pain. It was an honor that her friends trusted her enough to come to her about their issues. From her experiences, she has learned how bad mental health is among college students and high schoolers. The title of 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist' almost seemed to be too perfect for Ji-Na, a way to pay tribute to her past and to be able to help the youth of this town.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Ji-Na went to Seoul National University Hospital Residency and Fellowship for her residency for about a year after completing her PhD.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
A bit. After her residency, she stayed in Korea for a year longer at Seoul’s National University Hospital.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Fellowship Training in Seoul alongside her residency.

.•*•.•*•. SECTION 3: CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE .•*•.•*•.

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Ji-Na Wilde is a 25-year-old Korean woman who stands 5 feet tall. At first glance, you would notice her pale skin with a red hue that decorated her cheeks quite nicely. Her almost platinum blonde hair cascaded down her figure as she stood before you. Curving around her small figure, the blonde strands framed her small figure. With a slight breeze flowing through her bangs, those piercing green eyes seemed almost haunting. If looks could kill, one glare from her would put you six feet under. Ji-Na enjoys dressing to impress. Being lucky enough to catch her off duty, you would normally see her wearing one of the many dresses that she believed complimented her pale skin tone. Looking at her arms and legs, you would notice old burn scars that seem to have faded over the years. Standing close to her, you would catch the scent of a sweet and fruity perfume that seemed to linger around her.


How does your character act on and off duty?
While on the job, Ji-Na keeps everything as professional as she can. With a warm smile on her face, she's a friendly and sweet individual for coworkers and patients alike. She's a bit more tense at work, considering she wants to be respected by her peers. Matters related to her personal life and issues, she saves for after hours, or in the words of Abby Lee Miller - She saves her tears for the pillow.​
Loosening up, Ji-Na is finally able to relax and let her true colors show. While she does talk when working with her coworkers and patients, it seems this girl's ability to yap is unmatched. People would find her to be on the goofier side as she did tend to turn off her brain while off the job. Many would be able to find her strolling around town or trying to work on her tan at the beach.​

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Ji-Na has learned that working with others is a lot better than trying to do something on her own. Her ideology is that a clock can't work on its own. It needs multiple parts to function. This same ideology is applied to both her former team and her job. Every person, job, and role is crucial to ensure that everything is running smoothly.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Ji-Na hopes to make a difference in the world. While her future is unclear, if she can only help one person at a time, isn't that what matters? Bringing happiness and providing hope to those who lack is the strongest motivator in Ji-Na's life. She hopes to rise through the ranks in her field and be able to help others who hold the same dream as her. Alongside that, Ji-Na also wants to provide a good life for her family that she's building.


Additional Notes

Thank you for taking the time to read my application!​
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