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number change


Level 4
What's your Minecraft Username?: The_Ray69
What's the title of your suggestion?: number change

What's your suggestion?:
the ability to change the number in question, lets say you made a mistake in your early days, you now need to change your number, pay up someone to do it for you also it will help with crimerp aspect making ppl use the numbers icly for stuff since this ability exist

How will this benefit the server and community?:
it will just make lot of stuff easier and less headchy


Level 32

I think that this is a good idea, but instead of completely changing the number, add SIM cards?

Back in my days of roleplaying on FiveM, you were able to buy SIM cards and just change your phone number, but you were still able to use your old SIM card, So you could just switch whenever you'd like to..

Of course, if SIM cards were to be added, you would be still able to be tracked down by KPD!


Level 32

I think that this is a good idea, but instead of completely changing the number, add SIM cards?

Back in my days of roleplaying on FiveM, you were able to buy SIM cards and just change your phone number, but you were still able to use your old SIM card, So you could just switch whenever you'd like to..

Of course, if SIM cards were to be added, you would be still able to be tracked down by KPD!
Wanted to add something..

The SIM cards would be a physical item, so KPD would be able to go thru your messages, contacts ect... (Of course with a warrant!), and you'd have to keep an eye on them if you lost them or not.


Level 55
Community Team
Lore Team

This is an interesting suggestion. However, I only see a point and a reason why it should exist. Typically, suggestions where a new large feature such as this is implemented, it requires development in certain aspects. Depending on the result of this, I'd 100% go on ahead and write further details just in case it's what is required.


Level 77
Community Team
Event Team

I'm assuming this is so that if you're detained/arrested, KPD won't be able to know it's you if you do crime via your phone since you changed your number! I'm not sure exactly how this would be able to be implemented or how it'd work out roleplay wise, but if it's not too hard to put in and make sense between crime, KPD, and town then +1.

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