Level 0
IGN: NumbingSadness
Previous Applications:
None Previous warns/kicks/bans: All of These Inactive/Warned by Jymm For Spamming in OOC/Warned By Hobbits For Metagaming IC/Warned by Tristam For Flooding OOC/Banned By Duckings for "The Ban Hammer Has Spoken"
Shop Wanted:
Shop 7
Why do you want to own a shop?:
Simply for the making of profit at the establishment. I find the quickest way to make money is by either A: Owning a shop, or B: Working at one. Another one is providing a close and easy to find hang out for any players who would want to hang with their friends. Thus also making me money while providing a simple service.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan on making a few tweeks to the shops menu. Everything on the menu is alright but i would like to add a few items,and maybe a few non edible items to really make the profit pop. It will of course only be used for the making of money.
How will your shop be unique?:
From my understanding it will be one of the two currently functioning food joints,the other being the pub. My main goal in business is to sell the food and other necessities to the public. Something of which the other shops don't seem to currently be doing.
How many workers will you have?:
I plan on having a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8. I believe that a small and family friendly work environment will improve the success rate of the establishment. I also like that number because of the work hours and have few employees they can come to an agreement on shifts.
Previous Applications:
None Previous warns/kicks/bans: All of These Inactive/Warned by Jymm For Spamming in OOC/Warned By Hobbits For Metagaming IC/Warned by Tristam For Flooding OOC/Banned By Duckings for "The Ban Hammer Has Spoken"
Shop Wanted:
Shop 7
Why do you want to own a shop?:
Simply for the making of profit at the establishment. I find the quickest way to make money is by either A: Owning a shop, or B: Working at one. Another one is providing a close and easy to find hang out for any players who would want to hang with their friends. Thus also making me money while providing a simple service.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan on making a few tweeks to the shops menu. Everything on the menu is alright but i would like to add a few items,and maybe a few non edible items to really make the profit pop. It will of course only be used for the making of money.
How will your shop be unique?:
From my understanding it will be one of the two currently functioning food joints,the other being the pub. My main goal in business is to sell the food and other necessities to the public. Something of which the other shops don't seem to currently be doing.
How many workers will you have?:
I plan on having a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8. I believe that a small and family friendly work environment will improve the success rate of the establishment. I also like that number because of the work hours and have few employees they can come to an agreement on shifts.