_Nyxx Von Barren_

First Name: Nyxx
Surname: Von Barren
Preferred Name: Nyxx / Nyxxie
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She / Her / They / Them
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Ectomorph, with a very androgynous look. She is moderately skinny and has little muscle
Skin color: Pale vanilla
Eye color: Mocha
Hair color: Light blonde with dyed black bangs
Hair style: Scruffy and tousled long hair with a messily cut emo fringe, which slopes downwards to the right
Fashion: Black everything, very emo looking
Light freckles dappling her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She also has a music note tattoo on her left cheek, and a branded scar on her right ankle.
Date of birth: June 1st, 2002
Place of birth: Karakura, Tokyo
Nationality: German
Race: Caucasian
Sexual orientation: Lesbian and demisexual
Religious beliefs: Neither believes nor doesn't believe in a higher power (forgot the word for it)
Political beliefs: Prefers to stay out of politics
Appearance to others:
Usually appears very disheveled and tired, though her makeup always slays in the most emo way possible. Her hair is usually tufted up and frizzing out randomly, though she brushes it often. Sometimes you can see smears of dirt on her face or the occasional scratch on her hand. She walks either quickly or very slowly, always avoiding eye contact with her head down. Her makeup is purposefully streaked, and there is a bold music note underneath her left eye
Cynical and quiet, and usually judgmental of others. However she often doesn't confront people, unless there's reason to. She's a quick thinker, and is usually heard giving snide remarks under her breath. Deep down, she has a kind heart, and tries her best to think about others before her. She can be a good friend, despite her critical tongue speaking before she can stop it. She attempts to stay out of fights, and prefers to stay under the radar.
To become a successful writer, and sc**** together enough money to survive due to her writing. She also wants to help victims of bullying by offering her friendship.
Character voice:
She speaks in a very quick and snarky tone. It sounds softer than an angry howl, but harder and more firm than a soft whisper.
She carries a backpack full of her notebooks and extra pencils, along with two water bottles and a large plastic baggie to carry small scraps of food.
She wears a black skull shirt, black gauge earrings, a black cat beanie, dark gray ripped jeans, and black worn out converse all stars. She also has black and white stripe arm sleeves which go all the way up both of her arms. Her makeup is black, which she uses to make skeleton-like circles around her eyes, along with creating black "tear streaks" down her eyes purposefully.
Writing is her biggest hobby, which she does while she is listening to the performances at the family shop's stage. She enjoys writing as an inexpensive past time, and tends to attempt to sell her work as a means of making money by doing something she loves.
Serious issues / Flaws:
As you've read earlier, Nyxx has quite the sharp tongue. This can often get her into trouble with the wrong people. She is also very curious, and will go out of her way to explore the more dangerous alleyways. A few gangs have found her, and as you probably guessed, it can lead to some serious consequences. She also has less money than the average person, and has resorted to the lowest means of getting what she needs to survive. Scraps from garbage bins have weakened her immune system, and she can't fight as well as she used to. Nyxx also is very light, so it doesn't take much to knock her down.
Nyxx's wit is very strong, and she can usually sweet-talk her way out of situations. She has the ability to keep her composure, even while throwing a few colorful words. Her years on the streets have hardened her pain tolerance as well, and she can take a few cuts and bruises and be relatively fine. She is also very resourceful, and has learned how to make necessities out of mundane items off of the alleys of Karakura. She has many intellectual strengths as well, and can often pass classes without really trying. This is very important for her education, for she cannot afford to lose it. Along with this, she has a certain respect for authority, and will go to great lengths to stay out of trouble.
Nyxx often will gush over certain books she is working on, and doesn't hesitate to share about her latest creation. She smiles a bit more than your average emo, and is friendly when you get to know her. Also, she'd never let anyone say it, but she freaking loves those marshmallow treats, and saves up as much money as possible so she can taste that fluffy sweet goodness as much as possible. She enjoys animals as well, and even befriended a stray cat on the street.
Nyxx's parents, who's names are unknown, were born in Germany, and lived there until late 2001. When they found out they were having a baby, they knew they had to move to a more populated area. So, they took a boat to Karakura. Nyxx's mother gave birth in the hospital there, and thus Nyxx Von Barren was born. The family did not have a house, but they were happy. Until Nyxx turned 2, that is. Nyxx's mother was walking around the streets of the city when a hooded figure started to follow them in the shadows. The adult did not notice, until they suddenly heard a gunshot ring out. Nyxx's mom, who was carrying the child, suddenly dropped to the floor, letting out a cry of pain. The baby started sobbing as the figure grabbed Nyxx and ran off with her.
They ran to a large dilapidated garage, where there were many other people, all wearing hoods and masks. The person who seemed to be the leader stepped forwards and took the child from the other's hands, laying her on a table. They took a metal object and painfully branded Nyxx's right ankle. Then they took a makeshift tattoo gun and marked Nyxx's cheek in the shape of a music note. Looking around, it appeared that every member had this marking, and it was a shared trait throughout the gang. Nyxx grew up in this group, learning how to fight. She . spent her childhood helping mug and beat up citizens. This was the only life she had ever known. Until something changed...
One day, Nyxx overheard that the gang was planning on destroying the high school, and Nyxx knew she had to do something. So, she reported the gang to the police, telling the force where they were located, and what they were planning. She stayed with the group for a bit longer, until the gang leader was caught. A few of the other members escaped, and they all fought amongst themselves to find out who was the one who reported the gang. Eventually the truth came out, and Nyxx had no choice but to run. She took refuge across the city, hiding in garages and lurking among the shadows.
At one point, Nyxx decided that it was time to get a proper education, and saved up enough money to go to . school. She became successful in the setting, all while trying to stay under the radar of gangs and in the safety of the school staff. Since then, the gang did not appear ever again, and was not an issue. Nyxx even met a friend, in the form of a stray black cat, though the cat usually stayed away from any human, and prefers to stay in the alleyway alone. Nyxx attempts to respect authority as a way of showing progress from her old ways, and how she chooses to separate herself from her past. She now resides in an abandoned garage, and spends her days making up for the things she has done, in every way she can.

Surname: Von Barren
Preferred Name: Nyxx / Nyxxie
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She / Her / They / Them
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Ectomorph, with a very androgynous look. She is moderately skinny and has little muscle
Skin color: Pale vanilla
Eye color: Mocha
Hair color: Light blonde with dyed black bangs
Hair style: Scruffy and tousled long hair with a messily cut emo fringe, which slopes downwards to the right
Fashion: Black everything, very emo looking
Light freckles dappling her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She also has a music note tattoo on her left cheek, and a branded scar on her right ankle.
Date of birth: June 1st, 2002
Place of birth: Karakura, Tokyo
Nationality: German
Race: Caucasian
Sexual orientation: Lesbian and demisexual
Religious beliefs: Neither believes nor doesn't believe in a higher power (forgot the word for it)
Political beliefs: Prefers to stay out of politics
Appearance to others:
Usually appears very disheveled and tired, though her makeup always slays in the most emo way possible. Her hair is usually tufted up and frizzing out randomly, though she brushes it often. Sometimes you can see smears of dirt on her face or the occasional scratch on her hand. She walks either quickly or very slowly, always avoiding eye contact with her head down. Her makeup is purposefully streaked, and there is a bold music note underneath her left eye
Cynical and quiet, and usually judgmental of others. However she often doesn't confront people, unless there's reason to. She's a quick thinker, and is usually heard giving snide remarks under her breath. Deep down, she has a kind heart, and tries her best to think about others before her. She can be a good friend, despite her critical tongue speaking before she can stop it. She attempts to stay out of fights, and prefers to stay under the radar.
To become a successful writer, and sc**** together enough money to survive due to her writing. She also wants to help victims of bullying by offering her friendship.
Character voice:
She speaks in a very quick and snarky tone. It sounds softer than an angry howl, but harder and more firm than a soft whisper.
She carries a backpack full of her notebooks and extra pencils, along with two water bottles and a large plastic baggie to carry small scraps of food.
She wears a black skull shirt, black gauge earrings, a black cat beanie, dark gray ripped jeans, and black worn out converse all stars. She also has black and white stripe arm sleeves which go all the way up both of her arms. Her makeup is black, which she uses to make skeleton-like circles around her eyes, along with creating black "tear streaks" down her eyes purposefully.
Writing is her biggest hobby, which she does while she is listening to the performances at the family shop's stage. She enjoys writing as an inexpensive past time, and tends to attempt to sell her work as a means of making money by doing something she loves.
Serious issues / Flaws:
As you've read earlier, Nyxx has quite the sharp tongue. This can often get her into trouble with the wrong people. She is also very curious, and will go out of her way to explore the more dangerous alleyways. A few gangs have found her, and as you probably guessed, it can lead to some serious consequences. She also has less money than the average person, and has resorted to the lowest means of getting what she needs to survive. Scraps from garbage bins have weakened her immune system, and she can't fight as well as she used to. Nyxx also is very light, so it doesn't take much to knock her down.
Nyxx's wit is very strong, and she can usually sweet-talk her way out of situations. She has the ability to keep her composure, even while throwing a few colorful words. Her years on the streets have hardened her pain tolerance as well, and she can take a few cuts and bruises and be relatively fine. She is also very resourceful, and has learned how to make necessities out of mundane items off of the alleys of Karakura. She has many intellectual strengths as well, and can often pass classes without really trying. This is very important for her education, for she cannot afford to lose it. Along with this, she has a certain respect for authority, and will go to great lengths to stay out of trouble.
Nyxx often will gush over certain books she is working on, and doesn't hesitate to share about her latest creation. She smiles a bit more than your average emo, and is friendly when you get to know her. Also, she'd never let anyone say it, but she freaking loves those marshmallow treats, and saves up as much money as possible so she can taste that fluffy sweet goodness as much as possible. She enjoys animals as well, and even befriended a stray cat on the street.
Nyxx's parents, who's names are unknown, were born in Germany, and lived there until late 2001. When they found out they were having a baby, they knew they had to move to a more populated area. So, they took a boat to Karakura. Nyxx's mother gave birth in the hospital there, and thus Nyxx Von Barren was born. The family did not have a house, but they were happy. Until Nyxx turned 2, that is. Nyxx's mother was walking around the streets of the city when a hooded figure started to follow them in the shadows. The adult did not notice, until they suddenly heard a gunshot ring out. Nyxx's mom, who was carrying the child, suddenly dropped to the floor, letting out a cry of pain. The baby started sobbing as the figure grabbed Nyxx and ran off with her.
They ran to a large dilapidated garage, where there were many other people, all wearing hoods and masks. The person who seemed to be the leader stepped forwards and took the child from the other's hands, laying her on a table. They took a metal object and painfully branded Nyxx's right ankle. Then they took a makeshift tattoo gun and marked Nyxx's cheek in the shape of a music note. Looking around, it appeared that every member had this marking, and it was a shared trait throughout the gang. Nyxx grew up in this group, learning how to fight. She . spent her childhood helping mug and beat up citizens. This was the only life she had ever known. Until something changed...
One day, Nyxx overheard that the gang was planning on destroying the high school, and Nyxx knew she had to do something. So, she reported the gang to the police, telling the force where they were located, and what they were planning. She stayed with the group for a bit longer, until the gang leader was caught. A few of the other members escaped, and they all fought amongst themselves to find out who was the one who reported the gang. Eventually the truth came out, and Nyxx had no choice but to run. She took refuge across the city, hiding in garages and lurking among the shadows.
At one point, Nyxx decided that it was time to get a proper education, and saved up enough money to go to . school. She became successful in the setting, all while trying to stay under the radar of gangs and in the safety of the school staff. Since then, the gang did not appear ever again, and was not an issue. Nyxx even met a friend, in the form of a stray black cat, though the cat usually stayed away from any human, and prefers to stay in the alleyway alone. Nyxx attempts to respect authority as a way of showing progress from her old ways, and how she chooses to separate herself from her past. She now resides in an abandoned garage, and spends her days making up for the things she has done, in every way she can.