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oboLneeecO | KPD Application #1


Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:


Describe your activity on the server:
I would personally believe that I am fairly active within the server. I log online for around a minimum of 10+ hours, more or less. However, this is absolutely dependent on things in my personal life as I’m fairly busy with my last year of highschool and in some time entering college adding on whether or not I am able to make free time. Should the event come up where I am unable to log online I will be sure to make an inactivity log or inform the Faction Lead of the duration of my time offline, making sure that I add an extension to it if need be. Adding a timetable to map out my activity may be efficient, but I don’t believe this would correctly display my time management due to it being fairly spread out. Despite this, I should be able to log online as frequently as possible. However I can't offer a small list of how my activity might be with its alignment, keeping in mind it may vary from this.

WEEKENDS | 7/9AM-10/11PM - 4PM-9AM

What is your motivation for applying?:
I've recently hit my five-year mark on SchoolRP and feel incredibly grateful to have had the multitude of different opportunities that I have had and been able to experience between different factions whether that's being a part of them or working alongside them. I've had the opportunity to be involved in the School Employee Faction numerous times from the months of September of 2020, May of 2022 and October of 2023. I found myself being extremely involved within the school environment and getting the opportunity to expand my roleplay experience by meeting a bunch of people. Doing this I was able to expand on the seriousness of different roles allowing me to perform acts of discipline and communication between a team, despite facing numerous difficulties whether it has been student's refusal to listen, handling detentions and even hunting down students to properly take care of situations.

However, I've finally decided it's time to apply for a different faction and try some new experiences that the server has to offer. After carefully looking at the multiple different factions and applying for a couple, I feel as though KPD is a suitable place for me. Additionally, I would like to add my passion towards helping people and creating an extremely safe environment for both those I am close to and strangers, I believe it's important for them to experience such luxuries and I believe the Police Faction is able to do that for me.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I feel as though I have a widened range of knowledge with what police work entails. That follows: protecting the public, uphold the law, catch criminals, and being honest and empathetic. Below I will list various pieces of police equipment and knowledge that showcases how experienced I am when it comes to police work followed by a shortly detailed description of what each individual equipment piece does and a task that is performed.


Patrols are a task frequently carried out by police officers to ensure safety on the streets. During patrols officers will often check key locations for possible criminal activity and use training to handle situations if they happen to come across any this can include people misbehaving or causing issues in public or in residents.

Raiding Residents
Oftentimes after making an arrest with an individual carrying a weapon or receiving a report about a citizen allegedly owning one in their property, officers are able to request a search warrant from the Town Hall. If such a warrant has been granted a group of police officers will prepare themselves with gear and head over to the property where they'll then search for weapons throughout the apartment/house.

Inmate Care
After being arrested inmates are allowed to request in-station activities from an officer. These activities consist of playing sports or they are able to request food from the cafeteria, officers will take them down, seat them in a chair and proceed to cuff them to the table whilst they retrieve food and a drink for them chosen by the inmate from the selection they offer. Additionally, inmates are allowed to do community services such as finding a teddy bear, cleaning the gravestones outside the station in their personal court area.

Government Events
Once government or server wide events are taking place officers may be requested to guard them to ensure that the law is being maintained by citizens and government officials, taking care of misbehaving citizens and animals if required.

Arrests & Fines
If an individual is misbehaving and disobeying the law and officers receive a call or are witness to this, citizens are subject to being arrested or fined for their crimes depending how serious the actions may be otherwise letting them off with a warning.


Riot Shield
A lighter weighted piece of equipment compared to a ballistic shield. Riot shields are most commonly used by military organisations and police officers, these shields are long enough to cover the average sized person from head to knee and are usually intended to be used during a riot for crowd control by protecting their users from melee attacks, blunt or edged weapons and can include projectile objects. Additionally, they can be used as a melee weapon to push back increasing crowds and do not offer ballistic protection to their users.

An item shaped similar to a pool noodle and is commonly made out of a selection of materials such as wood, rubber, plastic and metal. A piece of equipment used by military personnel, correctional staff, security guards and police officers to ensure one's safety when dealing with situations. It can be used as a defensive item to block attacks and can be used to strike or jab in a retaliative way. Much like a riot shield however much more uncommon to clear paths in larger crowds.

Tranquiliser Gun
A slightly more lethal piece of equipment similar to an air rifle due to its build, tranquillisers are equipped with a sedative dart that is used to strike animals or humans into a temporary state of sleep when misbehaving or causing trouble for the item's users. The item allows officers to safely arrest citizens or peacefully move animals at the cost of them being aggressive. Although, they'll have to be quick before the 2 minutes run out and their arrestee wakes up.

Stun Gun
A device used to momentarily disable dangerous individuals or to capture suspects from escaping without the requirement of lethal force. This item uses electricity that sends an electric current that will interfere with the body's neuromuscular system that can cause muscle spasms, pain and incapacitation. It is equipped with a singular shot when fired.

Pepper Spray
An item used most commonly by police officers allowing them to suppress, disperse, detain or arrest individuals who may be causing problems to themselves, acting out to the officers and endangering them. After being used this item will cause irritation to the eyes accompanied by burning and pain sensations, alongside temporary blindness to those affected by it.

An item used by officers of the law to restrain an individual's wrists at a safe distance to one another while being detained and or arrested. They're commonly used to keep control of them, avoid the chance of them escaping and having to use lethal force. More modern handcuffs are made only out of steel and are easily adjustable to fit wrist size equipped with an automatic locking device. However, older handcuffs were made out of a various list of different metals, this includes carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium

Upon being accepted into the police department there are many different roles/titles that the police force has to offer that individuals are able to work up to. First we divulge into the Main Division of the force, these roles consist of Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol-Officer and lastly Cadet. However, I will provide a detailed description of what the cadet role consists of and can offer upon being accepted. Eventually we move into the Defective Division of the force and these roles consist of Detective Superintendent, Detective Chief Inspector, Detective Inspector, Detective Constable.

Upon being accepted into the police force new officers will be placed in ranking as a cadet, performing a multitude of different tasks. They'll also undergo a set amount of training involving informational and physical in the span of a few weeks, (approximately 2 OOC weeks). Those that complete their training will then be moved to the police officer rank whereas those who fail twice are let go.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP
A main reason as to why the police department is an incredibly important necessity to SchoolRP is due to the excessive amount of crime and its growing levels as the days continue to pass by. The police force is a large asset to the server as much as the crime faction and gangs are, they allow either side to interact in a multitude of different roleplay scenarios and events that are hosted throughout the server.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes! I completely acknowledge and will make sure I can attend training so long as I am online.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Akari Schwarz

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | Any pronouns.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Associate Degree in Criminal Justice, Criminology and Psychology. Bachelors, College.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
German (Applying)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Akari Schwarz is a younger woman who carries an athletic physique, despite her view being on the heavier side than most. Her face often possessed a delicate beauty, but her eyes were like tired stones oftentimes laying calmly low in their looks, forever carrying an air of weariness to her figure. Her expression seemed eternally fatigued, this is due to focusing consistently on her current way of making money by working in two tailoring businesses being Misfits Corp and FJ Tailoring. Oftentimes she is seen moving at a leisurely pace, but is more than able to move faster when absolutely necessary, usually maintaining a quiet and standoffish demeanour towards newer people while being able to swiftly become closer without them. Her voice would always be d****d in a mellow tone. Something that maybe makes her unique would be the striking claw-like scar stretched across the left side of her cheek, which added an air of mystery to her countenance. Additionally, she stands approximately at five foot three in height whenever seen in public.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Whilst working in professional situations Akari can be incredibly silent but this shouldn't be viewed as though ignoring the situation at hand. You see, it can depend on the situation if it's one that requires immediate action. Akari is more than happy to take action and properly deal with the problem. However if the situation is something such as a meeting she would prefer to ****yse and listen in before finally adding in her input.

Whilst in non-professional situations Akari is more out-going and more than willing to interact with citizens and co-workers as long as she's introduced to them with someone she feels most comfortable around, her great sense of humour and natural will to give out to others is something that shines through most interactions. Oftentimes she is more than willing to have people walk up to her with the kind approach she has to offer.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Akari would still stand at a fairly neutral level with both of these options not particularly minding if a team is working alongside her or not though it can depend specifically on the situation alone to whether or not she would actually need anyone else with her.

If it happens to be a stressful situation such as dealing with a fight or an inmate fussing about that they may be dealing with she would prefer to work alongside a team to avoid any overwhelming or overstressing or any injuries towards any of her co-workers. This is to ensure that the situation is dealt with properly and they're able to keep control of it. Although if it's a minor situation such as desk work or taking in a report it's more than likely she would be happy to work alone as a large group of officers isn't exactly needed for something so small, believing she would be able to keep the situation under control and hoping nothing would go wrong during the processes.

What's your character's backstory?
Akari Hangai, now known as Akari Schwarz, was born in early July of 1999 to her mother and father in Karakura, Japan. They were located in the well-off area of town and sat with comfortable earnings, they cared for Akari by teaching her basic life needs until the age of nine when their business went downhill and they hit a time of bankruptcy and decided it would be better off to kick her out so they were able to live a stable and comfortable life on their own without the means of having to care and cost for a child. During her state of homelessness, the youngling taught herself how to light bulbs, trim garden bushes, plant seeds, water them, and was able to learn how to repair door handles and reattach doors to their hinges after learning all of these tasks down to a T. Akari had managed to pick up various small jobs around Karakura for a little bit of extra money so she would be able to afford basic essentials such as toiletries and food necessities. She wasn't entirely bothered about taking on safe or dangerous jobs, as long as she was being careful about it and was able to properly get the job done. Further in her time of homelessness after being stuck continuously outside for four years at the age of thirteen, she was introduced to Lora Schwarz, partner to founder Kuro Schwarz. Akari and Lora had become incredibly close to one another after a few months of buildings their relationship with one another similar to a mother-daughter relationship and Lora had decided to have a talk with her husband in regards to adopting Akari as their own, thankfully he agreed and Akari took up the Schwarz last name.

Two years later at the age of fifteen after hearing them converse with one another in two different languages that she wasn't able to understand being German and Spanish, two common languages she had heard the most in that household. Akari had finally built up the courage to ask about the two languages and hopefully be taught them. It wasn't long before they all began collectively teaching her focusing on the German language since that's the language they spoke the most with one another. And, although she experienced trouble with the grammar rules, declinations and article's with a large amount of time and patience from both sides with help from Yonio and most specifically Kuro, who was born in Germany, textbooks and online lessons. She was able to have basic conversations with them which was suited and a comfortable fit for her. Additionally, a year later at sixteen Akari had finally decided she wanted to learn the Spanish language too and Yonio was more than willing to assist her, using textbooks, online classes and assistance from her teachers. She was able to speak the language at the same level as she was German, basic. Once turning eighteen two years later she would later decide to become far more fluent in the German language. Her passion allowed her to spend an enlarged amount of time focusing on common words that would often slip up on. Thankfully, she had the help of various school faculty workers who helped her learn the language, most specifically its expressions and rules.

Meanwhile living with the couple she was fortunate enough to meet Yonio Schwarz who she quickly formed a larger bond with the male, who was her uncle at the time. He had later through an agreement between Kuro, Lora and himself decided it would be better for him to adopt her rather than them two, due to their closer bond and how hands on he was with raising her. It wasn't long before their father-daughter relationship had become far more official and they were able to grow closer with one another and build a closer bond while they were building their relationship. It was noted to Yonio that Akari hadn't attended a school's environment and severely lacked basic learning knowledge, deciding to enrol her in Karakura High so she was able to increase her education as well as being able to help her considering he was a Tutor at the time of her enrolment. It took a few months for Akari to get comfortable in the school setting after being enrolled but she was soon able to settle in, often spending most of her time either alone or hanging around her father at the tutoring room since at the time she was cautious yet about meeting new people. Yonio had introduced her to a few students that commonly had conversations with him while he was waiting for students that required assistance with specific subjects that he specialised in, luckily Akari had formed a neutral relationship with those various students and was able to comfortably wander around with them. It wasn't until her school days took a larger turn for the worst and she had been the unfortunate victim of a group of girls. This group of girls had a specific disliking to Akari for a reason she never found out, often calling her names throughout the halls. Though, she was quick to inform Yonio of the events happening and they were dealt with accordingly by himself and this hadn't stopped them and they continued to pester her throughout the following few months, but Akari was perfectly able to ignore them and adjust her pure focus on getting better in the topics she was most passionate about, as well as having tutoring sessions from her father if she ever were to need a little bit of extra help and thankfully with the assistance of her newly close family and teachers she was able to catch up quite quickly by flying through various subjects she incredibly favoured such as Mathematics, Science, History and Physical Education.

Eventually, she managed to brush through highschool and had finally made her way into Karakura’s College at the age of nineteen, her aunt Lora had suggested that it was a good idea to start thinking about a career for herself in the future and despite struggling with what career she wanted Akari searched for the assistance of Yonio and peers at school. It took approximately three weeks for her to finally decide on what she wanted to do with herself in the future but she got there and at last she had decided that she wanted to apply for Karakura’s Police Department from a young age Akari had always been helping people whether that have been a way of building money she still enjoyed the rewards of being a good citizen. She would only apply once she had gone through all the necessary training and gained the correct degrees in college. Whilst in college Akari took the time to focus on getting a degree in Criminal Justice, Criminology and Psychology alongside this she took the time to continue with her learning on the German language and a year later at the age of twenty Akari was able to fluently speak the language in its proper glory. During the following months whilst finishing college Akari became far more friendly with her cousin Sakura, daughter of Kuro and Lora and a friend of Sakura’s by the name Shian. It was evident to those who paid attention to the trio that they had an extremely close bond with one another, as well that they went almost everywhere with one another. This was until Akari decided to take up a part time job as a Mechanic School, although these three subjects were hard to manage on top of working a part-time job at a local Mechanic shop but she was able to get through and often utilised the skills she had taught herself at a young age. It wasn't long before Akari had finally finished college graduating with a Bachelor's degree in criminal justice, criminology and psychology.

Nearing the age of twenty-one Akari had close conversations with her relatives about how she wished to move forward and eventually decided to continue her desire of becoming a police officer with support from her close family she travelled out of Karakura to Fuchu, Tokyo purchasing herself an apartment close by to Fuchu’s Metropolitan Police Academy soon after settling herself in with basic necessities required for her apartment such as furniture, toiletries and food. A week into staying she had begun to enrol herself into the police academy, she studied at the police department and underwent two practical training sessions for a total of two years. Despite minor struggles approaching such as failing to complete a few of the training techniques throughout her two years there, encouragement from her close family had motivated her to continue trying and eventually managed to get a swift hang of what she was supposed to do and was accepted into Fuchu’s Metropolitan Police Department. After completing her time in the police academy within those two years and reaching the age of twenty-two she decided to stay for two more years working sixteen-hour shifts in a spread out pattern of days of the week. Akari had settled down for the next two years, though unfortunately for those four years of being out of Karakura Akari had missed out on a key part of young adulthood, failing to allow her father to experience the opportunity to see her grow this had mildly struck her and after a few months of hitting the age of twenty-five in December of 2023 she had decided to return to Karakura, where she had applied for the Caretaker position at Karakura's highschool for approximately three months before quitting gaining the chance to reunite with now known as Yeager Schwarz noting that he had received a job at Karakura's Police Department after her return it had motivated her further to finally apply to Karakura's Police Department.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife. If a citizen is caught or reported to have such a weapon in their possession. They’ll be given an immediate request to face the wall, granted that they complied with my request. I would pat them down for the suspected weapon(s), confiscate them and then escort them all the way to the Police Department where they’ll then be given their charges. Possession of Illegal Weaponry which is accompanied by a bail amount of ¥150,000 and a wait time of 3 days. However, if their bail is left unpaid the culprit will remain there for 3 months.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

“There are a variety of many different medical items that don’t require the usage of a prescription. Below I will provide a list of

Wooden Canes
Cough Syrup
Iron Supplements

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“At the event that there was ever a scenario where I was a witness to my co-worker(s) physically abusing an inmate I would immediately make sure my body cam was switched on and request a nearby officer to grab the attention of a higher-ranking officer urging them to be directed towards the location of the situation and that it was an incredibly urgent situation. I would then immediately intervene with the situation at hand to avoid it escalating any further by attempting to pull each officer individually away from the inmate and then placing myself between both the officer(s) and inmate by closing the door after I had been able to move them away to avoid any further injury towards them despite risk of injury to myself until a higher-ranking officer had arrived to deal with the officers properly. After the officers were removed from the area I would inform the inmate to place their hands through the gap so I am able to handcuff them and check on their injuries without risk of causing any major harm to myself, directing them shortly after to place their back to the wall, granted that the injuries were only minor I would treat them momentarily with an ice-pack to lessen any swelling that may be approaching. After the situation had been handled, if requested I would provide a statement of the scene and what I had witnessed to further apply consequences to the officer(s) so they could be dealt with accordingly. Additionally, depending on how severe the situation was I would use my radio to inform somebody of higher-ranking about the events occurring, hoping the officer(s) in question had their radio off and weren’t able to hear my report. In other cases, it may be important for me to avoid the usage of my radio in the event that the accused officer(s) had their radios switched on and were able to seize their actions before either I was able to make sure my body cam was on, or switch it on and in the case that there was no CCTV viewing the area that the assault took place in before they were able to be dealt with properly.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I happened to witness one of my co-workers being assaulted I would begin by ****ysing the situation to gather as much information as possible whether it was a group of people or a singular individual, if they had sharp or blunt weapons. Immediately after figuring out the situation properly I would use my radio by pressing the code 0 button to notify other officers that someone was in danger. I would then intervene with the situation cautiously attempting to avoid any more injury towards the already injured office as well as making sure I was being absolutely safe. Firstly, I would demand them to face the ground otherwise they would be tased, if they failed to meet my demands and had blunt weapons on them I would use my taser on each of them individually. Secondly, I would go ahead and handcuff the individual(s) to make sure their chances at getting away were minor. Immediately after ensuring they were secure and unable to leave I would check on the injured officer applying a First-Aid Kit if I deemed their injuries absolutely necessary. Assuming other officers had arrived by now and we were all able to collectively deal with the situation as a team. I would move back over to the culprits escorting them to the police station, into a cell where they would then be given their charges of Assault on a Government Official with a bail amount of ¥300,000 and a wait time of 3-5 days and 6 months jail time if left unpaid.”

“However, I would like to add. In the event that the attackers were found to have sharp weapons on them after I ****ysed the situation and pressed my code 0 button to signal an officer was in distress. I would immediately use my tranquilliser gun against them to avoid any further injuries to the officer or any at all to myself if they happened to move their attention off of the other officer onto me. Once the culprits had fallen unconscious I would move over to handcuff them and use my foot to kick away any close by weapons to avoid another injured officer in the event that they woke up while I was mid-handcuffing them, as well as making sure their masks had been unclipped and that the attackers were in a secure location and unable to leave whilst I checked on my co-worker to apply a First-Aid to their injuries if any of them happened to be major wounds. Granted other officers had arrived by now to deal with the two unconscious culprits on the floor, I would transport the officer to the Hospital where they could be given proper medical attention. After other officers had arrived at the Hospital to question the attacked officer I’d make my way back to the Police Department assisting the officers in charging the culprits. They would be charged with Assault on a Government Official with a bail amount of ¥300,000 and a wait time of 3-5 days. In the scenario that their bail is not able to be paid, they’ll remain there for 6 months. These charges could include a potential charge of Possession of Illegal Weaponry and Assault with a Deadly Weapon making their bail amount a total of ¥1,050,000 and 21 months jail time.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“When noticing that one of my fellow co-workers were being corrupt I would immediately inform a higher-ranking officer, most specifically a higher-up or the police commissioner that I have reason to suspect one of the officers are being corrupt and helping criminal organisations at the event I have no solid evidence to accompany these allegations. Granted that I’ve received confirmation from either the commissioner or a higher-up to act out on my plans to gather as much proof as possible. I would begin to work quietly by attempting to befriend the officer in question along with gathering as much evidence as possible to back up my claims. Adding onto this I would leave it entirely down to my higher-ups and the commissioner unless asked to assist otherwise. “

“In addition to my prior statement in the event that I had crucial evidence against the officer at the beginning of my initial report, such as photographic evidence, video and audio recordings. I would instantly hand it over to one of the higher-ranking officers followed by a detailed description of the situation that took place during my gathering of evidence, a detail of the officer, the location of where it happened, and a description of the outfit the opposing group was wearing; this includes any details that the outfit may have had. After this, if asked to, I would work alongside the other officers to make sure the officer was dealt with accordingly.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I would firstly begin by refusing the individual(s) attempts and later giving a verbal warning if they continued to
cease with their offers of bribing me. If they happened to proceed with trying, I would finally hand them an immediate fine for Bribery at ¥25,000.”​


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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