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Accepted omuku | lore team application


Level 4
Community Team
Lore Team
IGN: omuku

List your discord name and tag (name#0000): daijobuokay

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?: Yes.

Your time zone and current country of residence: EDT - Canada

Link any previous community team applications if applicable: N/A

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?: Yes.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team: I work full time and can only be active on my PC (I am able to be on my phone during the day) after 4pm EST on weekdays. I am free on weekends. On top of that, I do have a medical issue that I need to attend to every now and then, but I will be sure to update my state of activity.

What makes you passionate about writing?: I’ve been writing for about 7 years now, I enjoy making characters, story lines, and of course, roleplaying. It’s more of a personal hobby for me and I like to do it for fun as I thrive in my passion whenever I’m given the chance to. I have always been attracted to the arts as I’m able to express my creativity the most in this subject, let it be drawing or sculpting, but I’ve always been attracted to literature in different forms, like; roleplaying, lore building, and poetry.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?: Yes! I did not start writing on SRP, but most of my skills come from Discord Roleplay servers. I have created and helped with many roleplay servers all holding different concepts, stories, and characters.

In your own words, give your definition of lore: I believe that the general definition of “lore” can be simplified to a “backstory” of sorts. It can also be a description or an explanation that holds details to the present; person, place, thing, or concept. The overall core of lore isn’t limited to just one genre, either. Since lore tends to be driven toward fictional stories, people can create just about anything let it be deriving from fantasy, sci-fi, or even twisting a real-life place, person, or thing to make something fun out of it.


  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.


Every breath sent the sharpest of pains into the dainty girl’s chest, every huff was laced with fear and desperation. That tattered back of hers pressed against the wall, as the room felt as if it was getting smaller. The tips of her fingers tightly grasped the source of this dread stirring within her. It was the Takei Staff, a renowned item of the Shrine; used to discard one of the many plagues of Karakura - “Spirits”... And Asahise Taiyo was the current holder of said item.

While it was just a piece of wood, it had a commanding presence, didn’t it? This didn’t belong to her, it didn’t feel right in her hands, but yet, the guilt refused to seep into cold shivers that danced upon her skin. In her honey-brown eyes, a task was fulfilled, her side of the deal was completed..and it was time for the payment.

A wavered groan goes past her chapped lips, and she picks herself up off the wall. “Are -” A stutter, the girl swallows the swelling lump in her throat before continuing, “Are you there?” Taiyo called out, eyes that glistened with distress stared into the open air. “I did it, I stole the staff just like you asked, see?” The staff was lazily waved around as she pleaded, and in an instant, the air went still. The thin hairs that sit upon her arms rise as a soft yet threatening voice fills the now, abnormal atmosphere.

“Oh, you did it.” It went by the name of Seino, a beacon of mischief who had a way with words; using people's desires to get whatever it wanted. Both of Asahise’s shoulders would tense up, both of her hands clasping around the wooden stick as she looked around in a panic - she’d never get used to this. “Well, yeah - of... Of course, I did. We had a deal, a promise.” And who is she, to break such a promise?

A moment of silence fills the room, and that hushed whisper fills Taiyo’s ears once more. “Okay, fine. I didn’t expect you to pull it off, but I guess a deal is a deal.” Seino wasn’t finished, he forced the delicate girl to purse her lips, “However,”

“You must keep the staff with you, hidden away. Do not let Shoji Kosuki get his hands on it again. Do you understand?” There it is, again. It wasn’t guilt she felt, perhaps it was just a tinge of regret, but she’d gain nothing by looking back on what could’ve been. “..Yes, I understand.” Just a hint of reluctance in that frail voice, she takes a sharp breath afterward to prepare for the unknown.


The rhythmic thumping in her chest begins to slow down, and the battle of heat and chills within her bodice ceases to exist. Heavy breaths that escaped the girl are no longer driven by panic, but there is no sense of relief behind them either. It’s a veil of serenity, Asahise appeared to be “at peace”, or she moreso felt like it. Thoughts that tortured her mind, and worries that swirled in her stomach had dwindled into nothing - and so did she. Her eyes softened, but not in the way you think they should. The luminous aura that surrounded her figure had dimmed, Taiyo is now barren - a sack of flesh that breathes.

“There, now keep your end of the deal or I break this off.” Seino ended, the atmosphere no longer weighed on Asahise’s chest, and the Spirit left as did her capability to ever feel again. “Alright.” The Cheer Captain whispered to herself, slowly descending onto her knees and resting the Takei Staff within her lap. Taiyo allowed the pearly orb at the head of staff to hold her attention, staring into it as the corners of her lips curved into the slightest of crescents; nothing existed behind that grin, “Thank you.”

A singular petal from a daisy that adorned her hair slowly fell onto the floor. It’s withering.

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.


The pools of the Jinsei Zen Garden have a calming atmosphere, it lays undisturbed; the sound of its pittering paired with the rustling cherry blossoms create a natural melody. Though looks can be deceiving, the waters of this garden may be the prettiest poison anyone has ever seen.

Over several years, the admirers of the garden slowly dwindled; the only onlookers being the staff of the garden, sweeping the concrete and swaying dust bunnies away – but the pond, oh…the pond, It breathed. The warm embers of the day made the ripples sparkle, but the moon brought forth a terrifying truth.

Rumors of the ponds being cursed have circulated the city for years, and Karakura is no stranger to the mystics, so, many believed the myth of Jinsei’s waters. They just disappear, the people. The small, blue waves entrance any that dare to look, it illuminates in such a way that a victim shall act as a moth – being drawn in so close until they fall. Their bodies sink into the cold basin, becoming one with the water - one with the garden.

And people have wondered why the flora always remained so vibrant.

For, what could shine brighter than a soul?

Those who have trapped themselves within the pools of Jinsei become the very life force of all that breathes, the grass never dulls and the rosy hue from the cherry blossoms maintains an alluring blush. A sickening fate, but a beautiful truth.

However, while the garden feeds, not even the mythical can remain unscathed from the circle of life, and the natural laws of Karakura itself. October is always a fearful month, Spirits come out to play, but the trapped souls? They beg, they cry - they scream. Some call it a yearly attraction to draw visitors in, but others keep the myth of the pond plagued in their minds. The believers are convinced that the ripples of the night form mouths, mouths that call out for their loved ones, or anyone dense enough to help. They only desire to be saved, to be free from the shackles of Jinsei, but mistakes cannot be undone. Eventually, their souls wither away, and the water waits for new life to return.

It’s a never-ending cycle.

And the garden workers? They watch from a distance and continue to sweep.
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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
After discussing with the team, you have been chosen for the Lore Team. Please DM rexypoo on Discord to get your roles set up.
Congratulations, and welcome to Lore’s Court.​

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