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Onrain Profile Timeline


Level 145
What's your Minecraft Username?: UrAJinx
What's the title of your suggestion?: Onrain Profile Timeline

What's your suggestion?:
For those of you who have used Facebook before or have it right now, you know when it’s someone’s birthday and it asks if you want to wish that person a happy birthday on their profile timeline? Alright good. I believe a cool feature that works like a profile timeline on would be cool. That way people can write on your Onrain profile timeline either wishing your character a happy birthday or whatever you’d like to say to them. I also believe there should be settings with this such as:

Those who can write on my Onrain profile timeline are:
Option One: Everyone
Option Two: People I follow
Option Three: People I follow including the people they follow.
Option Four: No one.

If someone posts on your timeline you should also have the option to delete the message they posted on your profile too.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe adding this cool feature will be a unique way to make the platform more engaging.


Level 34
Personally, I feel that Onrain is fine as is, and that there are currently different things the development team should focus on (mainly fixing bugs and tackling the updates already on the Development Pipeline).

People do ask for Onrain updates with new features, so I wouldn't mind a larger update focused on just Onrain, but not right now.


Level 75
I would rather make the efforts focus on the bugs. I have reported loads of them, sometimes the website is even unusable due to the bugs. I dont want to be harsh, that is the truth. Before adding anything, I instead, suggest focusing on fixing it.


Level 217
i like the idea but as the other two replies stated, Onrain is SUPERRRRRRRRRRRR buggy and they have so much to focus on like actually fixing it and ridding of the bugs but it would be a cool feature to have in the future.


Level 180
Community Team
Lore Team
-1 to timelines, bugs and the site itself needs some updates before they add more more features like this. Robin and Mailyansa said it

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