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oxyed | Hospital Doctor Application


Level 2



Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name)


What is your discord username?


What is your time zone?


Describe your activity on the server

My activity on the server is pretty consistent throughout the week, I’d describe myself as moderately active. I log in regularly, though the extent of my activity varies depending on my schedule and current events in the game or my personal life.

On some days, I’m able to dedicate longer periods, while on other days, I might only be online for brief casual, and shorter conversations/ interactions within ingame.

My overall score of being online, I would say is an 8/10.
Despite my schedule down below, I still make time to be active on the server.

[The following timetable is in EST/EDT timezone format]

Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
Busy from
11:45 pm - 1 pm

Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
In classes from
10 am - 7 pm

Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
Unset timing, could change depending on the week;

11 AM - 12:30 pm OR
12 PM - 1:30 pm

Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
In classes from
10 am - 7 pm

Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm
Free until
6:45 pm - 7 or 8 pm



List your current and past applications

[0XED_ is an old IGN]

0XED_ Maiden Application

0XED_ Language Application

List your current roles on the server

[Grade 12] Yang Tokmakov

[HS] Mascot [Grade 12] Enlai Chang

What experiences do you have with roleplay?

My overall experience with roleplaying with others has consistently been about hanging out with friends, creating small, personal events to interact with other ICLY members, having friendly interactions with others around me, and generally building closer relationships with those around me.

Although I was mainly involved with DeliquentRP and GangRP, I have to admit that my involvement with those communities has helped me to broaden my knowledge and skills during DetailRP, as I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that I have been given.

What is your motivation for applying?

In spite of my active involvement in DeqliuentRP and GangRP, I have noticed an increasing interest in Karakura Hospital and its inner workings. For my character Ben, exploring the role of a doctor has not only have the greatest potential to develop her character, but could also help shed a positive light on the roleplaying community and the art of roleplaying in general.

By delving into the intricate dynamics of a medical setting, I anticipate composing a captivating narrative that is challenging not only Ben as a character but also brings a unique perspective on the medical profession and hospital community. The opportunity to embrace this new storyline could potentially open up exciting opportunities for character development and interaction, enabling me to explore Ben's personality and motivations in greater depth.

Which role are you applying for?

(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

Applying for Doctor role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?


The veterinarian uses a variety of medical equipment to treat injuries and illnesses of pets and other animals, such as surgical tools, x-ray machines, and ultrasound machines, to treat their injuries and illnesses. It is their job to provide the same type of treatment as a physician does for their patients, as a veterinarian will do for their animals.


In emergencies, paramedic workers provide essential medical aid, even though they are not physicians or nurses. Their skills include administering immediate care, stabilizing patients, and transporting them to health facilities. In critical situations, these skilled individuals often serve as the first line of defense, quickly assessing and addressing medical needs to ensure well-being and safety.


Doctors are highly skilled professionals dedicated to studying medicine. They undergo rigorous education, training, and certification. They continuously learn to provide quality care and collaborate with other healthcare professionals, advocating for health and well-being.


Psychiatrists are medical professionals who diagnose and treat mental illnesses, playing a key role in understanding the complex interactions that involve mental health disorders. They see patients regarding this issue, helping them improve their mental well-being through various sessions of therapy, managing medication, and being in research-based interventions.

Psychiatrist/Doctor Trainee


Trainee Psychiatrists also develop clinical skills and knowledge. To gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and mental illness, they are exposed to various psychiatric cases and clinical scenarios through a carefully structured training program.


In addition, to doctor trainees, follow-up to classroom learning, clinical rotations, and hands-on experience, doctor trainees are committed to honing their expertise. As medical students, they transition to becoming independent practitioners capable of making critical decisions and providing quality healthcare.

Psychiatrist/Doctor Resident


Including training in psychotherapy, family counseling, referral, clinical diagnosis, and practice management. A psychiatrist resident prepares physicians to diagnose, treat, and prevent mental, emotional, behavioral, and neurological disorders.


Having graduated from medical school, doctor residents have earned an M.D. degree, but are still studying to become a certain type of doctor, such as a pediatrician or surgeon. Doctor residents are sometimes referred to as interns during their first year of training.

Psychiatrist/Doctor Senior Resident

Residents who are classified as senior residents are those who have passed their master's exam and joined as senior residents to polish their knowledge and skills acquired in junior residency. In contrast to junior residents, who receive a degree after the course, they only receive an experience certificate.

Clinical Manager

A Clinical Manager oversees the daily operations of a healthcare facility by managing both medical and administrative matters. Their main responsibilities include managing budgets, hiring team members, and scheduling other employees.

Hospital Director

The hospital director's designee takes over leadership and management when they are absent. A hospital's designee is typically chosen based on their qualifications, experience, and understanding of hospital policies. As hospital directors and their designees, they oversee department heads, manage budgets, and implement strategic initiatives to improve patient outcomes.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I fully acknowledge the expectations for attending training, while online and in general.
Especially with the chances of punishment, if not following to do so.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name

Her full name is Bennie-Mani Amézquita, but wishes to only be called ‘Ben’

Character’s Gender and Pronouns

Female, she-her pronouns.

Character’s Age (if accepted)

She will be 29 years old.

Character’s Academic Background


She earned a Highschool Diploma from Karakura High
Completed an Undergraduate Degree in Inorganic Chemistry

Gained experience during her time as an undergrad;
Joining a pre-vet club in the area of her university, volunteering at shelters, and also working in pet care.

Completed her DVM Degree
Completed her veterinarian residency program

Character’s Nationality


Character’s Race

Hispanic & Chinese

Character’s Marital Status

Single, never married.

Character’s Religious Denomination

Catholic & “Somewhat” Christian

Character’s Spoken Languages

Spanish, Chinese & Russian.

Character Backstory

Bennie-Mani Amézquita, known as Ben, is of mixed Latina and Chinese heritage. She was raised in Huancavelica, Peru, by her mother and grandmother, both heavily involved in criminal activities. Her grandmother's home served as a refuge for criminal groups, making her early childhood an environment of secrecy and caution.

Ben’s early life was marked by a tragic event when her mother was jailed for twelve years for killing her abusive father.

Her father, a broken man manipulated by his hitman father, became increasingly violent due to stress and alcoholism. One winter night, when Ben was just five, her father attempted to strike her older sister Keke.

In a moment of protection, their mother intervened, locked them in a room, and later shot him to protect her children. That night ended with their mother in jail and Ben and Keke fleeing to a neighbor's house in the cold.

With their mother incarcerated, Ben and Keke were sent to live with their grandmother in Peru, surrounded by older female family members. This move was a major shift for Ben, who was still a child, grappling with the trauma of her past and trying to adapt to her new surroundings. Despite the hardships, Ben was naturally nurturing and found solace in caring for animals during her free time. Whether it was a stray dog wandering through the neighborhood or a bird with a broken wing, Ben became the go-to helper for any animal in need.

One of the most meaningful experiences for Ben was when her ex-boyfriend entrusted her with his bird. Despite the eventual fallout of their relationship, Ben took meticulous care of the bird, patching up its injuries and ensuring it was well-fed. This experience, along with her consistent efforts to help other injured animals in her neighborhood, shaped her nurturing instincts and gave her a sense of purpose. Ben became skilled in patching up wounds, providing comfort to the animals, and developing a quiet sense of responsibility toward those weaker than her.

While her connection with animals brought her peace, Ben's school life was far more challenging. Bullies often targeted her for being the younger sibling of Keke, who was harassed by jealous girls at school. Despite the trauma of being bullied herself, Ben's relationship with her sister remained unbreakable. She admired Keke's strength, particularly when Keke protected her by becoming the focus of the bullies’ torment. Ben, though wanting to defend her sister, often felt powerless. She witnessed Keke’s struggles and silently vowed to remain strong for her.

As Ben grew older, her focus shifted toward academics, allowing her to graduate early at sixteen with high honors. After graduating, Ben made the difficult decision to leave her family and move to Karakura, Japan. This decision caused a rift within her family, as they disowned her for cultural reasons and her decision to pursue a romantic relationship. However, Keke, ever supportive of her sister, also chose to leave the family and join Ben in Japan.

Despite the hardships Ben faced, family rejection, bullying, and her own lingering trauma, she remained resilient. Her deep love for animals continued to grow, and her skills in nurturing and protecting those around her became integral to her identity.

Even after reuniting with her mother after her release from jail, Ben stayed true to herself, always finding time to care for the creatures that crossed her path.


What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Throughout her life, Ben has shown a remarkable willingness and passion for nurturing and treating animals, regardless of their size. This deep connection with animals ultimately led her to pursue a career as a veterinarian, where she can continue her mission of providing compassionate care and medical expertise to all creatures.

She decided to dedicate herself to becoming a veterinarian for two primary reasons; Firstly, she aspired to be the pioneering family member to delve into the realm of attaining a degree and engaging in professional work specifically within a hospital environment. Secondly, her profound passion was to extend unwavering support to wildlife creatures, striving to aid them to the best of her ability, even if it entailed putting her own life at risk. The fervor and dedication she possessed for aiding animals in distress motivated her to take on any challenge that came her way.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

During this intensive training process of her veterinarian residency program, she received specialized education focusing on various aspects of veterinary medicine. Engaging in clinical practices, she dedicated the majority of her time to conducting research. Working closely with seasoned veterinarians and researchers, she actively sought hands-on experience to enhance and hone her skills. She enthusiastically participated in numerous significant research initiatives related to her chosen field of study.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Regrettably, upon the culmination of her residency program, she found herself lacking substantial work experience, opting instead to dedicate the majority of her time to caring for her family. This decision was influenced by the critical health challenges faced by her mother and elder sister, necessitating frequent trips in and out of Karakura. Nonetheless, her career trajectory eventually shifted towards a renewed focus on advancing her studies in veterinary medicine.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

After refocusing herself from the challenging family situation she had been facing, she decided to pursue her passion for becoming a veterinarian even more fervently. To follow up, her dedication and willingness to gain more valuable practice experiences, she enrolled in an externship program, eagerly wanting to immerse herself in a fast-pace environment again and to relearn from different professionals. This hands-on learning experience justified her dedication and continuing to achieve her dream of being a veterinarian


Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Standing at 5’0, Ben had a petite but curved figure, being an clear view of a busty hourglass silhouette. Having an mixture of muscle and healthy fat, she weighed 115 lbs. As her long, straight royal brown hair flows down her back. It shimmered with rich silkyness to add a healthy shine. Her face was scarred with an long jagged scar that trailed down to one side of her face, while her eyes were sharp and observant, showing clear signs of toughness while hiding her true emotions of vulnerability within her eyesight.


As a class clown and tomboy stereotype in her younger years, she carried these personality traits as she matured. Despite her overall great growth, she still showed her fearless and comedian demeanor, not taking a chance to express her unfiltered thoughts. Her words still remained blunt honesty, reflecting a strong commitment to truthfulness that has only strengthened over the years.

Through the lens of her interactions with friends and acquaintances, she consistently projected an image of being a forthright and playful class clown, despite her persistent stubbornness. This persona only seemed to feed into her unyielding determination to pursue her dreams, allowing her to weave a continuous narrative of ambition and growth that she eagerly shared with those around her.

How does your character act on and off duty?


Being in a rush environment can trigger a dramatic transformation in her personality. When the pressure is on, she effortlessly transitions from a carefree class clown to a serious and focused doctor. The abrupt shift in her demeanor underscores her strong commitment to the preservation of wildlife. Any misstep that results in harm to animals would be a source of deep regret for her. This sense of responsibility serves as a powerful motivator for her to consistently deliver her best work, ensuring that all animals receive the care and support they truly deserve.


She gradually starts to reveal her natural tomboy and class clown characteristics as she gains more freedom in her private life, as she slowly sheds her strict character as she takes her education seriously. By maintaining a healthy balance between her personal and professional mindsets, she keeps in touch with those she loves, pursues her hobbies, and keeps herself fit and healthy on a daily basis by exercising calisthenics and stretching.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

Even though she has mostly taken care of animals on her own, the thought of others helping her or participating in groups that take care of animals in groups is something she is more inclined to prefer sometimes than taking care of animals alone. It was something that she had always aspired to, even if she was used to doing things alone, that she wanted to explore and branch out to as much as she could.

What plans does your character have for the future?

At this point in her time, she had already fulfilled most of her future plans; such as going to medical school for the first time in her family, gaining a better education, and being able to follow her dreams of becoming a veterinarian. As for what she would want her future to be if she could choose, she would want to be able to live a long life with her family members, as well as continue to be the main support system for everyone, including her friends, as well as her loved ones.
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