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P3bblebra1n's Librarian Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
My discord is the same as my username, p3bblebra1n.

How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity isn’t as insane as some others, but it’s very consistent. I log on often and stick around for a few hours. Whenever I’m on I don’t just afk the whole time either. I engage with quite a few people and play a variety of different characters. This allows me to have more fun getting on and staying engaged, hence my activity isn’t completely down in the dumps. If I were to get into this faction, I’d definitely be able to reach my quota without worry.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No! I’ve never been banned before and obviously I’m not planning on getting banned anytime soon either. I’m a pretty casual roleplayer so there aren’t really any opportunities for things to escalate so far. I’m well informed about the rules and have friends who keep me updated on them anyway.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yup! I completely understand that. There are limited spots in the faction so expecting activity is completely understandable. I can guarantee you I’ll be around.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
From what I’ve been able to find out personally, I know librarians are expected to mostly sit at their stations so they can keep watch over the library and help out students who may be interested in checking out different books in different genres. They’re those who guide the students into choosing what’s right for them whilst maintaining a safe and comfortable environment in the library. Keeping everything organized is also necessary for the library to make it look neat and tidy, to fit in with the calm and organized feel. As well as selling library cards and allowing them to borrow books. They also have responsibilities like other faculty members to help each other out and keep students in check. But of course, nothing beats over watching the library as that is the most important aspect of their position.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’m gonna be completely transparent, I don’t have much roleplaying experience outside of SRP itself. But SRP has taught me a lot about role playing properly and how to make it fun. Over the years I have been an active roleplayer and with time you learn quite a few things. I also have friends who are a lot more experienced than me who have been teaching me and showing me things that I’d like to implement into my own roleplay. I have mostly been engaging with regular school roleplaying, I’ve been in a few family’s that I’ve actively been roleplaying in and I have friends who I interact with almost on a daily basis. I’m not incredibly experienced but I am confident enough to say that I’ve got what it takes for this faction. And I’ll be able to get more experience from it too. I’ve also roleplayed out multiple bird characters with different stories.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
School employee faction has always caught my eye, if it wasn’t for my lack of confidence in writing applications I would’ve applied a long time ago already. But especially recently I’ve been growing more interested in the faction. Part of it is also looking for something else to do. Even though I’m quite active, doing only classes or hanging out with people gets quite boring. I’m looking for something where I’m actually expected to do something. As a librarian it isn’t only fun faculty roleplay. You also have certain responsibilities that I just look quite forward to. I’ve also made a few faculty friends recently that have encouraged me and motivated me to try and apply. So I decided to just go for it.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Denied German Application:

Accepted Dutch Application

Accepted JSL Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

My character is a very calm person, not easily bothered by any verbal insults people may throw at her. Something like this basically happens on the daily to faculty members. Students mess around with them all the time, verbal insults being the main go to. My character would correct their language, hoping they’d just let it go. In some scenarios though, they’d obviously keep going. By then she’ll try to understand them and where it was coming from. Hoping to maybe find a solution to this without having the need for any further consequences. Most of the time, it’s just silly behavior. But by doing this she might even find some more people for the counselors to deal with. And if all goes wrong, she can simply go through the normal process of warning and punishing them. Teaching them their actions have consequences.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
As mentioned in the last answer, my character doesn’t like to react dramatically to these things. Especially seeing how common they are. With multiple punches being thrown she had no choice but to intervene. She'd practically throw herself in between the students, making sure that they could not possibly hit each other again. At the worst, she could get hurt herself. But in a moment like this it wouldn’t matter that much anyway.

Obviously stopping them wouldn’t be good enough. Seeing the students were fighting, they needed to be punished accordingly. With no hesitation in mind she would give them their detention slips and tell them she was expecting them to be there. Obviously also check them for any injuries in case they needed to go to the nurses office. From there on she’d entrust them with the nurses or simply make them separate and walk off.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As mentioned beforehand, my character doesn’t really pay much mind to these things. But that doesn’t stop her from doing the right thing. First thing she would do is observe whatever the employee is doing to make sure if she needs to intervene or not. In this case, intervention is pretty much necessary. So she’ll try to verbally warn them to stop what they’re doing, hoping they’d get nervous and stop. In most scenarios, something like this would most likely do the job. But sometimes people are too stubborn to listen. So, she’ll have to get serious. Inform them that keeping this behavior up is setting a bad example to the students and could even get them fired eventually. If nothing works, she’ll have to write a report to SLT.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
My character likes to sit by herself and drink a cup of coffee or enjoy a hotdog when given the chance to do so. However, if anyone wishes to socialize with her she’ll gladly have a chat with the other employees who’d be in the break room. Maybe have a chat with some of the other librarians about their jobs, or simply just stare out the windows in case someone is being thrown in a pool again.
Unless she’s there for another reason. Like putting items she’s confiscated into the chest, or when she’s being called over. In these situations she’d be a lot more professional rather than relaxed.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Sat quietly behind the desk as she waited for students to come up. It was a quiet day today, so she just kept tapping her fingers on the desk. Counting the seconds, her expression grew more bored as the clock ticked by. Knowing the Library needed to be taken care of, she decided to stand up and go towards the nearest bookshelves, bringing a duster with her. With duster in hand, she was ready to start getting rid of dust around the place. As a lot had built up by now, she went from one bookshelf to another until she was eventually done. Satisfied, she walked back over to her post and put everything back in its place. Once again just waiting for the time to pass.

/me Sat down in the breakroom, its quiet vibe releasing her from the stress she had built up over the day. Before immediately realizing she had forgotten to get herself a cup of coffee. So, she stood up from her chair and walked over to the machine. Pressing all the buttons she needed to press to fill up that cup. Upon retrieving her coffee, she waddled over back to her chair to sit down once again. This time, being able to just fully relax. As if the world moved in slow motion, she raised the cup of coffee towards her mouth, and drank from it.

/me Patrolled around the library, looking for anything that may be out of place or someone who might be messing around or in need of help. She knew how students were.. She wouldn’t be surprised if she saw one moving books around right now. She looked over to the left, where a few bookshelves stood. They looked beautiful. They were clean and organized. Something she personally felt the urge to maintain at all times. She walked over to it, her footsteps quiet and gentle, swiping her fingers across the shelf. Only a slight bit of dust had built up, nothing she was really concerned about. She simply smiled and kept walking.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
“Shēng-Yuè Feng”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
“Shēng or Yuè”

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:
“Bachelor Degree.”

“Library Science”

“Literature, Information Technology”


Known Languages:
“I know Chinese, JSL, Dutch, obviously Japanese and somewhat English.”


Growing up,

Shēng-Yuè Feng was a girl born and raised in China, where she was taken care of by a lovely couple. (Also known as her parents.) She didn’t really struggle much through her first years of life. Honestly, some could say she had it the best she could have. Her family absolutely adored her and visited often. Bringing gifts to both her and her mother after birth. Her father was a hardworking man, who knew how to make time for his family. She did have a few hiccups when her parents were teaching her the Chinese language, but that wasn’t uncommon. She just kept growing, and growing until eventually she had gotten old enough to go to school.

School was amazing for her. She was quite a nerd, really. She made friends quite quickly and the teachers absolutely loved her personality. Eventually, as all children do, she grew old enough and started to read. This opened up a whole new world for her. She really started to enjoy reading a lot. I mean, her parents used to read books to her all the time. But just picking one up and reading through it was a whole different experience to her. This interest of her only grew as she grew herself. Often indulging in a book every so often. Her parents had to occasionally stop her from spending too much time on them so she could do her homework.

Growing older,
She had to start thinking about her future and what she wanted to do. In reality, she had absolutely no idea what would even be interesting to her. Yet people always seemed to ask and want to know, it was tiring. At first, she wanted to become a writer. As she has loved books throughout her childhood. But that seemed far fetched and she never even gave it a try. A pity really. So, one day, she decided to just go online and look up a couple of jobs in hopes of expanding from there. That’s when she stumbled across her first job. She was going to be an assistant in a library, mostly in charge of doing small things that needed to be done, so that the Librarian could have more time doing other things. She never guessed how much she would actually love it here. Sure, the pay wasn’t really that great as it isn’t a very demanding job, but it gave her a vision of what she may want to do in the future. So, having decided, she kept doing this job on the side as she started studying to become a Librarian herself. Being motivated as the years went by. Of course she didn’t keep this job forever. She did eventually have to move to something else so she could earn enough money and live.

She had her ups and downs during her studies. People weren’t as nice to her as they used to be, and the people educating her couldn’t really care less about their jobs. This was strange to her, honestly even slightly bothered. Why would they do this job anyway if they didn’t enjoy it at all? Not like the pay here is good too. Still, she mostly just focused on herself during these years. She did make a few friends on the side, due to her friendliness. They never really stuck around though and she always seemed to end up alone anyway. Until eventually, she graduated. When she graduated, she also made the impulsive decision to move to Japan. She didn’t have much to lose, other than leaving behind her family of whom also have grown older at this time. But this was a decision she wouldn't regret at all. As this has improved her daily life greatly.

Grown up,
She was ready to pursue a real job. She’s had a few part time jobs on the side to keep paying for necessities, but now it was time to actually go out there and do something full time. Of course, she already knew what she wanted to do. Just not yet where. Until eventually, she had heard the highschool somewhere on an island needed new Librarians. Of course, she knew of this location. It was one of the biggest schools Japan had to offer. But the idea somehow never really crossed her mind. But, in need of a job, she applied.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“Well, I do have previous experience in these kinds of environments. I mean, I worked in a library and I went to school. Seems fine to me. But truly, this is where I feel like I belong. I’ve dedicated many of my years to my studies for a job like this. And what this place is offering is just too good to pass by. Although I will admit that I’m not used to working around the kids as I’ve spent a lot of time avoiding them during my time at school. But that’s something I feel like I can, and want to learn. But yeah, my biggest motivation is a simple one. I need a job.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I believe I am hardworking, dedicated and always willing to put in the time required for jobs like these. I see how unappreciated this line of work is, often shoved away to the side as people often only really see it as an easy job. I have a great feeling towards this job, genuinely having built a passion during my studies. I think I’d just be more beneficial to you compared to other people that you might be considering at this moment. I’m also fun to work together with. I’m able to socialize quite a bit without it distracting me from my shift, which I feel like is quite a positive trait to have. Of course those are all personal opinions, of which I am also not afraid to share. Plenty of reasons really.”


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:

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