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PeakRP's Physical Education Teacher Application

About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?: PeakRP
What's your Discord username?: ichris1234
What's your Time Zone?: Mountain Standard Time (MST) - 7:00

Provide any link(s) to previous applications:
The links that I have given are both a language and shopkeeper application. From these applications, I have learned from time and time again of my mistakes, so that I can approve in other future applications such as this one.

What are your current roles on the server?:
PeakRP (My only main account) Characters:
Yusef "Yu" A. Fujimoto (12th Grade) - Applying for Teacher Application
Felipe "Ipe" A. Fujimoto (12th Grade) - Alternative Character
'Milo' Akamine (Bird) - Alternative Character
'Husk' Fujimoto (Dog) - Alternative Character
'Lowe' (Goat) - Alternative Character

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:
Teachers are an important aspect of SchoolRP because they give their students a future to be successful in, an education that can get them somewhere in the life of Karakura. Adding on, teachers are also very important to SchoolRP because they give and/or provide the necessary knowledge for their students. In addition, teachers are required to help other faculty with things such as detentions, fights, or just things that get student(s) in trouble. Their duty is to keep the school grounds safe and clean. In conclusion, teachers are important to SchoolRP because they give a good education, provide the necessary knowledge, and they keep the school safe and clean.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?: Yes
Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?: Yes

In-Character Section

What's your character's full name?: Yusef "Yu" A. Fujimoto
What is your character's nationality?: German/Korean
What is your preferred subject to teach?: Physical Education

Describe your character:
Yusef "Yu" A. Fujimoto is a 6'3 tall man, with a warm smile always on him. Yusef has the look of "The kindest person in the world", as that is who he strives to be. As Yusef "Yu" A. Fujimoto is a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong work ethic. He is mostly known for his creativity, problem-solving skills, and ability to think outside the box. Yusef is a great person to work with and always willing to go the extra mile to achieve success. His positive attitude and friendly demeanor make him a pleasure to work with.

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:
My character's outlook on students is that they are growing individuals that have potential in life. So, as they put in the work to achieve their goals, my character is also willing to help them achieve their goals in his best ability to give them a good career. As for co-workers, my character sees that they are close to their goal and that he still sees them as his own. So, as any other teacher would, my character will help them to the best of his ability as well, as they are still students and still growing. To conclude, my character's perspective or outlook on students and co-workers, he sees that they have potential in growth and life, and that he wants to help them achieve that growth and goal.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:
My characters motivation for teaching is that when he was a kid like the rest of the school, he enjoyed going to Physical Education classes, in his eyes, that was the best class he has ever attended. So, he made a goal to become a Physical Education teacher, so that he can give the courage to his students that Physical Education isn't that bad at all, sure it's hard and difficult, but you can still make it as long as you try.

Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:
If a student was struggling with the work or content that the class is working on, Yusef, my character would go help him because he/she/they are struggling. For example, we are given a scenario that the student is raising their hand and asks for help. "Mr. Fujimoto, I need help learning the rules of this game, can you teach me?" /Me Yusef notices the student struggling or confused about what is happening and the game rules, the teacher would answer the student back kindly. "The name of the game is dodgeball, and the rule for the game is quite and very simple. As the game requires you to throw the ball and run around the court so that you don't get hit and get out. So, first rule of this game is to wait 15 seconds, as the game starts, you have to run and grab a ball, then try to aim and throw it at your target. Once you follow-up with that, you try to avoid the other dodgeballs being thrown at you, the main point of this game is to not get hit but also hit the opposing team. As it is a multitask game, do you understand?" In conclusion, when a student is struggling to understand the game, my character will help them out in the best way possible.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:
If a student is acting out of hand in class, talking out of turn, goofing off when it's class time, and proceeds to turn to their classmates to get others in trouble. My character would give them 3 warnings, if they continue to disobey the class rules after the 3rd warning. They will be given detention, if they can't behave any further than that, my character will report this behavior to SLT. As my character doesn't play around when its class time, class time is precious to others and to my character, as he thinks they have a future ahead of them that needs to be well achieved. To conclude, my character will give 3 warnings before detention, if they continue this in my characters class, he will report them to SLT then SLT will handle that.

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:
The first idea I had in mind for my preferred subject to teach is dodgeball, as I find dodgeball a fun sport to play and is not given enough credit for how good the sport really is. The second idea I had in mind was volleyball, as volleyball is Yusef's favorite sport, he would also like to teach it to his class and others as well. It is a very fun sport to play.

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread? Yes

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