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Denied PeKae5772's Teaching Application


Level 1

Out-Of-Character Information​

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, pekae5772

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do.

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a very active member of the server. I usually log on for at least an hour every day, unless I am out of town. I am usually not out of town for more than 2 ooc weeks at a time.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Russian Language Applications:
1. (Denied)
2. (Denied)
3. (Accepted)
JSL Language Application:
1. (Accepted)
What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I only play Grade-12 students currently.


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I would like to teach Performing Arts, History, or Science. But Performing Arts would be the one I would be the best suited for and most qualified to teach.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I plan to be a teacher in my real life. I have a passion for working with people with special needs and those who need extra help and attention in general. I love helping people and volunteering my time to those with mental and physical disabilities. I am an extrovert who loves working with people, and although I play several mean-spirited characters, I consider myself a patient and kind person. I am a fast learner, and I know a lot about performing arts because of my previous experience being in shows, taking multiple drama classes, and my experience with roleplay.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teacher logs are an important part of the school system. They are used to track teacher activity, such as teaching classes. This system is important for making paychecks accurate and fair.
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  • Being Kind! Using kind words to our peers and to faculty is an important factor to a healthy and professional classroom environment. Using kind body language, such as keeping hands to yourself and your own property is just as important if not more important than using appropriate language in class.
  • Being Focused. Being tuned in to the lesson and conversations in class is an incredibly beneficial part of learning and growing in the classroom! This includes being quiet and respectful when someone is speaking, keeping cellular devices and other distractions put away, being engaged with the lesson and conversations happening in class, and being awake!
  • Being respectful. To have a proper classroom environment, everyone should be following the rules and be using common sense to treat everyone with the respect they deserve. This rule means following directions, respecting the adult in the room, and staying focused!

    What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have spent a very long time doing roleplay both online and in my ooc life. I have played many different characters over the years. I have played on SRP for a long time in total adding up to a few years. I have always had a passion for roleplay and acting. I have done multiple physical roleplays, such as larping. As well as online on different servers on Minecraft, Roblox, and on chat sites.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description: The Head of Department is a very experienced individual in teaching and being school faculty. This is the person who knows exactly what to do in almost all situations. The HD is also the one training new teachers. Being a leader, experienced, and professional, the HD is a great role model for what kind of person to be.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The QT is someone who has been teaching long enough to be a trusted member of faculty. This person has shown that they know how to run a classroom and show great leadership. They have taught many many classes, making them an experienced educator.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A NQT is someone who has been teaching long enough to know how to handle a room full of students. While this person may require help from another member of faculty on the occasional rambunctious group of students, they have shown that they can be trusted to appropriately deal with most situations.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Untrained Teacher
↳ Description: Someone who is a NT is someone who has just recently began their teaching journey. They have yet to have the experience to know how to handle many different situations. These members of faculty may have questions for their co-workers and may require guidance. The potential is there!

Teacher Knowledge​

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers are incredible members of society. These are the people who shape young people into the (hopefully) functioning members of society they may become. Everywhere in the world, teachers spend their day to day mentoring youngins on not just the subject they teach, but also how to be a good person in general. The teachers of Karakura have a special opportunity to try and help teens going down the wrong path. Believe it or not, outside of their jobs. . . Teachers are NORMAL people too! Outside of their work, teachers often have families, hobbies, and things they are passionate about! As for wages, a salary of a teacher can vary from ¥350k-¥500k a month (ICLY of course.) Depending on your teaching level, and how many classes you have taught!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are important to a SchoolRp server because. . . well, its in the name! It is a SCHOOL roleplay! What kind of school doesn’t have teachers? Teachers are super important to the maintenance of the school and classroom environment. Teachers as well as other school faculty make sure that everyone at school is safe, comfortable, and happy! Having teachers to teach classes makes the school day flow well. Teachers are important to educate the students of any school!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
(I read another application to figure out what the answer to this one was and I actually cannot figure it out)

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Rowan is a tall and lean 6’4” Russian male (despite not speaking a word of Russian yet) He is an eye-catching guy. He has ashy brown hair that tumbles to his shoulders in loose curls. Something particularly special about Rowan is his one strip of white hair, which stems from a birthmark. He has a confident stride and relaxed demeanor. This calm gentleman instantly puts you at ease. Beyond his appearance, he exudes genuine kindness and charm. He remains a patient person despite how many people have tried to break him. Some of his hobbies include: Fishing, running track, reading, and writing poetry. This is a guy who loves school. He is the type of guy to keep to himself, but be close friends with teachers and other faculty. He has never been in trouble and never been to detention. He has a particular love for bluefin tuna. Rowan has always had a passion for learning. His love for physics, acting, and english, growing daily. Though growing up, he didn’t make many friends with peers his age. He is determined to overcome his social anxiety to guide young teens down the right path with his lessons.
What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Rowan has always been a non judgemental person. He understands that everyone is going through something, and judging someone based on their actions isn’t fair. Rowan is a very easy going person, and hard not to get along with, because of this he remains in professional but friendly relationships with his co-workers and students.

What are their plans for the future?
Rowan hopes to make it as a teacher, finding joy and contentness in his duties as a member of the Karakura High school faculty. One day he hopes to marry, and have a nice family. He plans to retire when his brain is too old and scattered to be any good at teaching anymore. Besides the far future, Rowan plans on helping those in need with time, monetary, and physical donations to charities. He hopes to help students with club management one day.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Hearing the teens using inappropriate language in the hallways, Rowan jumps into action. Reminding them to watch their language on school property. Being firm, but calm. A quick threat of a detention would also be applied.
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Seeing that the rowdy class isn’t paying any attention to the lesson he would be teaching, Rowan would raise his voice in an attempt to make the class snap back into the lesson. He would remind the class that talking over the speaker in the room is not showing them respect.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
While in the teacher’s lounge, Rowan spends his time working on grading and lesson plans. Sipping on coffee, he would mostly keep to himself, occasionally engaging in professional and friendly conversation with his co-workers.
Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me he would stand up from his desk, brushing his lap off as he stood. Clearing his throat, he would wait for his students to find a seat to start today’s lesson. He would walk up to the board. Carefully, he would write Mr. Olezka in clear letters.

/me As he taught his lesson, he would take note of who seemed to be paying attention. Scanning the room, he would keep an eye out for cell phones and other distractions. Noticing a student on their phone in the corner of the room, he would continue speaking as he walked to the desk of that student. Tapping the top of their desk as a reminder to keep their phone away during lesson time.

/me Seeing a student's hand raised, he would call that student's name. Listening to their question. He would take a moment to think about what the student asked, thinking of how to word the answer to this question. He would then slowly respond, making sure to speak at an appropriate volume.

/me Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two students passing notes in the back of his class. He would walk to the two students, holding out his hand. He would patiently wait for one of the students to place the note into his hand. Once he had the note, he read over it briefly. Not attempting to invade the students private conversation, just making sure they weren’t talking about anything violent. Once inspected, he would hand the note back to the students. “Please save your conversation until class is over, if I catch you passing notes I will have to give you both a detention.”


Rowan Olezka grew up in Karakura. Growing up he was a quiet kid. Though he kept to himself, he found himself particularly close to his peers even in his silence. Over his fairly normal childhood, he grew a passion for learning and helping others. He had a favorite teacher in middle school who he called ‘Mrs. B.’ He thought of her as a role model. Seeing her encourage young minds to love learning, he aspired to be like her. His passion for learning grew as he aged. Once reaching high school, he found himself to be more of a loner than he was before. Even though he felt a strong connection to his teachers and other members of faculty, he still felt lonely throughout high school. This loneliness reminds him to be a friend to everyone, and seek out those who are lonely like he used to be. As Rowan transitioned into an adult he began to work as a lowly fast food employee, to pay his way through college. In which he gained a BFA in Theatre Teaching. From there he felt ready to apply to the Karakura high school, where he had gone to high school.

In-Character Information​

SECTION #1 - Personal Details​

Full Name (First & Last only):
Rowan Olezka
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Olezka
Given Name(s):
Rowan Olezka
Preferred Name:
Rowan, Mr. Olezka

Age (Minimum is 25):

Religious Denomination:
Atheist (He is a man of science)
Marital Status:
Single (for now)
Current Location:
SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 5 years of non-teaching roles

Academic Degree: BFA in Theatre Teaching
Year of Graduation: 2023
Major(s): Acting, Theatre Designed
Minors: Playwriting, Musical Theatre

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.​

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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