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Accepted Performing Arts Application.

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Level 28

IGN (In Game Name): FallenDemocracy
Previous bans: None.

Describe your activity on the server: I'll be online for 2-3 hours on weekdays, and 4+ hours on weekends if I don't have any plans. Overall, I'll be online in my free time.

Do you have TeamSpeak3?: I do have TeamSpeak3 and use it regularly.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

List your current and past applications: My past application include Private Tutor, which was accepted. However, I resigned due to personal issues.

What is your motivation for applying?: At school, Performing Arts was one of my favourite subjects to learn before I picked my GCSE options. We used to get into groups of four and just improvise scenes and act them out in front of the class whilst our teacher praised us. For once in my life, I would love to experience being a teacher and seeing the children thrive and become good at one subject they like. I'm also applying since I miss the feeling of teaching students.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise): My previous experience includes being the Private Tutor of Taketatsu High. Technically, I was teaching the students that asked for my help which gives me help in that department.

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevent to your Minecraft Name): Ms. Wren Democracy
Your Teachers In Game Age: 25
Teachers Subject: Performing Arts (P.A. for short)

Have you read & understood the megathread?: Yes, I have read the megathread throughly and understood it.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?: I wouldn't change a thing about the Teacher Group. It is perfectly fine the way it is currently.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in game and out of game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in there spare time in general.

Teachers are there to teach students information necessary for their future. They're also there to motivate students to want to to well. Their a vital part of a student's school life. Without the exception of TLR1 and TLR2, teachers normally get paid around 250000 yen (around £1991).
All teachers have their own unique way of teaching. However, most teachers use a teaching method called TEEP.
In most of teachers free times, they'll be marking homework, work and planning lessons. Other than that, they have pretty normal lives outside of school; looking after their families, seeing friends.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:
Teachers are vital to the SchoolRP server. They teach students information which will stay with them throughout their life and would help them get a career in the future. Teachers are also important since they can be looked up to as a role model for most students. Without teachers, the school would be a disaster and everything would be unorganised. Not to mention the fact that no valuable learning would be taking place.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?:


Wren Democracy is a 5'3" woman who is quite slim and flat chested. She has maroon coloured hair which is quite short and also big, blue eyes. Wren is mostly seen with her glasses however she only needs to them read. She has a little birthmark by the side of her left eye which is barely visible anymore due to her skin wrinkling from lack of sleep. Her skin is slightly smooth and pale.

Ms. Democracy normally wears a bright red pencil skirt, black belt, white blouse and dark brown cardigan. She also wears some white, flat pumps. If her class are acting that day, she would wear her tracksuit bottoms, black cardigan and beige top.


Ms. Democracy sends to be stubborn, strict and also very serious. She would never put up with misbehaving students or students who do not want to take part in her lessons. She wants to be flawless in everything that she does however being a little bit of a cluts gets in the way of things. She tends to shout a lot when she is annoyed or flustered. On the over hand, if students are obedient in lessons she will be very happy and cheery although she may be bossy.

Outlooks on Others
Wren thinks that students should only care about learning when they're on the school grounds. However, she also believes that they are allowed to have fun, but only when they're allowed to do so. Most students to her are "nuisances" and that they don't care about their future.
However, with teachers she thinks that they're confident and are a role model to all students who want to do well in school. Like students, they should only care about learning when they're on school grounds.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I simply warn them. If they do continue, I would simply give those students who are cursing and swearing a 10 minute detention with me after school on that day.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Calmly, I would ask the class to be quiet. I don't want to loose my temper in front of the class since it would make me look bad. If they don't stop, even with having a verbal warning, I'll keep them behind for a couple of minutes after the bell to talk about the classroom standards.

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?:
Well, Ms. Democracy won't interact with other teachers and will just get on with her marking. She finds it right if she leaves everyone alone to do their own thing. So there Wren will be, drinking her daily black coffee whilst marking her books over in the corner.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.

/me hands out the script to "Macbeth"
/me demonstrates a freeze frame to the class
/me praises (player name) for an excellent performance
/me hands out the "Monologue" homework to the class
/me carefully sips her coffee whilst watching the students practise their performances


Wren Democracy was born in Karuizawa, Japan in the year of 1991. Her mother Madeline and her father Lucian were originally from England and moved to Japan just before her birth to create a new life. At the time, Madeline was having an affair with her father and this led to a divorce when she wasn't even 1. So, she went to live with her father since her mother didn't want her no more.
Lucian decided that Wren should be homeschooled instead of going to public school since he feared that Madeline's new child would go to the same school than her. Wren didn't understand this and followed her father's decisions to avoid arguments. She was homeschooled from the age of 3, doing exceptionally well in English. She was around 6 when her love for acting grew. She used to play with her dolls all day and reenact scenes with them from TV shows she had watched. Lucian saw this and decided to take her to a theatre club in their local area.
It wasn't long until her mother, Madeline wanted to see Wren and how she had grown up to be this confident girl. Wren would of been forced to go on shopping trips and restaurants with her; and then she became stubborn. She refused to see her mother and to accept the gifts that were given to her by Madeline. She even lied about her mother's new partner abusing her, so that she could just get away from the fact that her mother abandoned her.
She went to the club for about 7 years before she finally got her "big break". A well known theatre group, The Pioneers, was at her club's latest show and saw potential in Wren. They wanted her to go on tour with them across Japan and perform some sort of play with them. Being the type of person she is, she refused the offer and continued to act.
It wasn't until she was around 16 that she moved to England to pursue her acting career. She attended Furness Academy, a school with lots of potential. She graduated and began to go on show after show with a touring company of actors, dancers and singers. However, Wren missed home and decided to quit her new job to look after her father, since he had recently had a heart attack.
A couple of years later, she saw that Taketatsu High School was hiring a Performing Arts teacher and she decided to go for it. Several weeks later, she received confirmation of her place at the school.

She is now a Performing Arts teacher at Taketatsu High whilst being a carer for her father, Lucian. She also hasn't seen her mother since she was younger.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Thank you for taking your time to read this, since it took me a couple of days to get it to the standards I wanted. My personal issues have now been dealt with, meaning that I'll be committed to this role. I also may be going away from the 14/10 - 16/10.
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Level 124
You have been moved to P.A as a Trainee.
As a Trainee you will not have access to anything just yet, I'll talk to you futher on the server.
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