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Denied Performing Arts Teacher Application | Funneh_Fan34 | :)

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Funneh_Fan125344#2486

How old are you? (Optional): 15

What is your timezone?: GMT

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I may not be mostly available I'll try my best to be online every day.

Describe your activity on the server: I'm online about 5-10 hours per day. I'm on for the entire day from Friday-Sunday.

Do you have any previous bans?:
No, I've been kicked 2 times but only for an animal whitelist and relog to change my grade due to it glitching and a few warns that have expired.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I can only find 2 previous applications I've done, I've also done 2 previous art teacher applications which were denied. 4th | Service dog | Funneh_Fan34 | (⌐■_■) | SchoolRP ( Denied ) |:| 5th or 6th | Service dog Application | Funneh_Fan34 | (⌐■_■) | SchoolRP ( Accepted )

What is your current role(s) on the server? (If you're a college, specify your degree level): I am currently in Grade 12.


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation is that the only thing that is blocking you from success is effort. Not for copying someone else's work. You are probably wondering what I mean and I mean copying and pasting someone else's application isn't from the heart but doing something that you have created yourself comes from the heart within perhaps like this small motivation to become a teacher because I believe I can become a teacher on SRP and I won't stop until I get there. This is what came from the heart.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs are to check the activity of teachers, maybe like when teachers are earning their payments you can check if they have done 15 classes within a month or just to check how active teachers are per day.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
If you want to start a field trip you would ask the Principal or the Vice-Principal if they approve. Then you make sure the students will behave and have utmost respect where the field trip will take place. You must ask for help from another staff member for the trip. Then you and the staff member will pick the place to go. Pick about 2 other teachers to come along on the trip for supervision and make sure everyone is safe and having a great time on the trip.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

1. Make sure all students are doing what they should be and make sure they understand the given task or assignment.

2. Be polite and respectful to all other teachers, your peers, and the other staff members.

3. Teachers are to use grammar when on the school campus.

4. Teachers are to use Detailrp and explain things that could be hard for some other students who may struggle.

5. All students must be doing their assigned task and any messing around in a lesson can result in consequences.

6. Teachers are to be strict about the usage of any toys, phones, Gameboys, and gadgets that may interrupt the class or lesson.

7. Students are to listen to the instructions given to them and if they will not participate it can result in a detention.

8. Students must come prepared for class and ready to work hard!

9. students are to go to class in proper clothing and footwear and masks are to be taken off during lessons and around the school campus.

10. All students must try to the best of their ability. As a teacher, you would want to see your students succeed in their goals and earn achievements.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I understand I can get demoted for not reading the code of conduct for SRP teachers, not using detail Rp, and not being active, I feel like I've adapted to roleplay and completely respect it. I have read the code of conduct and I understand the use of detailed RP.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD:
HD is the head of the job it stands for “Head Of Department” they are the most important people when it comes to teachers. The HD is there to help other teachers and staff.

- QT:
Qualified Teacher. This role is given to those who are certainly capable of teaching efficiently to their students. They are trusted by the Karakura High-School team and can teach lessons without needing assistance.

- NQT:
Newly Qualified Teacher. This is the role given to the new teachers that have just been accepted in, It’s the first rank so Newly Qualified Teachers are not as trusted as those who have been working for a long time which is self-explanatory.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general:
Becoming a teacher means you'll go the extra mile to make sure your students can relate to you as an educator, mentor, and friend. Teachers must be approachable so students feel comfortable talking to them about their academic progress, peer-to-peer relationships, and classroom needs. students who have a favorable relationship with their teachers are more likely to exhibit positive classroom behavior, study hard, and persevere than those who don't have a supportive teacher-student relationship. They help their students succeed academically, even when that takes extra time to alter a lesson, one-on-one time teaching the student, or staying after hours to make sure they understand everything. Teachers dedicate their lives to work hard and in Karakura teachers earn a salary of 450,000 yen for completing 15 classes within a month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server to make sure everyone understands the consequences of breaking rules and being reckless on the school campus. It is also more fun with teachers on a SchoolRP server because everyone would ruin others' experience playing on SchoolRP.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: “Must have, could have and should have” is the school system.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?:

Miss. Mitsuki's name is Aiko. She has dark blonde hair and her eye color was amber. Raven thinks that because she is kind, loving, and tries her best to make people smile is what makes her unique. Miss. Mitsuki's outlook on students is that they should push on and never stop trying their hardest and achieve the satisfaction of a happy life. Miss. Mitsuki also respects the other teachers, their Idea's and their personal space. Miss. Mitsuki's future plan is to get an apartment with the money she achieves from working at KHS and continue working at the school for students to be creative and have fun with Performing on stage.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Miss. Mitsuki would walk towards the gang, "Can you please stop cursing, this is not the language we use at Karakura High School, if you don't stop you will each have detention, and failure to attend will just make things harder for you." If the gang wouldn't stop and continued that would be the moment Miss. Mitsuki would give them a stern look as if to tell them that she wasn't going to ask again and she wasn't going to move along unless they stopped.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Miss. Mitsuki would create a small rhyme for her class to remember, "Count to 3, eyes on me everyone!" she would yell through the classroom to quiet everyone. Miss. Mitsuki would lower her voice to announce, "Performing arts is an important subject. The next person to speak will have their phone confiscated." Miss. Mitsuki would continue explaining after her short announcement.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Miss. Mitsuki acts respectful and cautious of her surroundings and area. She would be writing in her notebook about what to do for the next lessons or chatting with the other teachers about how everyone acted in class and what they did for their lessons. After writing or chatting, Miss. Mitsuki would exit peacefully and not disturb anyone.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me walked to a pile of books sitting on her desk. She would pick them up and walk around the classroom while handing out the books. "Today's assignment, I'm feeling a bit happy." Miss. Mitsuki would take a deep breath, "The person beside you will be your project partner, Yes we are doing projects! you are to make your own play script! Use correct theatre terminology. Failure to do this project can result in detention. Hand it in on Friday."

/me walked around the room to see how everyone was getting along with the work. She would take a deep breath. "Everyone is doing good?" she asked the whole class waiting to hear, 'Yes Miss. Mitsuki!'

/me would smile, "Ethereal" she called to the class and gave the class a smile "I am going to call up people 1 by 1 and they are going to act as ethereal as they can!" she would walk back to her desk sitting down as she began calling out names.

/me sat on her chair, she clicked her pen multiple times and she chewed the top of it. she seemed to be struggling. "What to do for the next lesson?" she whispered to herself. She sighed and whispered again, "Maybe I can surprise the children with a field trip. I better go ask for permission first."


Aiko was 13 she moved to Karakura. She enjoyed her life and her stay. Her family lived with her until they all left her. Her 4 brothers and elder sister and her dad! Poor Aiko." no!" she thought to herself, "I won't let that push me down! I'll rise! I'll continue my life, It isn't game over yet.." Aiko pushed on and didn't stop. Aiko continued and continued, she went on... she lived her dream! It was your typical morning. Pancakes were being made. The smell of cinnamon filled the air and... Aiko was laying on the couch until a letter addressed to Aiko Mitsuki was pushed under the door. She went to go fetch it. She opened the letter, reading it. She jumped around in joy. She was accepted to work at Karakura high school. Aiko yelled, "Toga I've been accepted as a performing arts teacher!" Aiko waited patiently for Toga to wake up, "What. it's 8 am." said Toga staring at Aiko who was buzzing with excitement. Aiko showed Toga the letter. After 20 minutes Toga was still tired. Aiko was squealing and saying repetitively "What should I do for my first lesson?" She was also leaping around. "How about you do drama. Since you are a performing arts teacher." Toga moaned. Aiko rolled her eyes while running upstairs to pick her outfit. After deciding the 2 girls headed off to school, "I'm excited!" said Aiko. "You said that 5 minutes ago, and 10 minutes ago, did I mention you said that 20 minutes ago," said Toga who was not being supportive. Aiko took 3 deep breaths and walked in. She was standing beside the reception where she was welcomed and was directed to her classroom. Period 1 came and when everyone entered Miss. Mitsuki smiled and handed out her Work for them, "Hello everyone! I'm sure ill feel welcomed here! this is some work ill be passing to you!" Miss. Mitsuki was never happier. By the end of the day, Aiko was happy and tired. She waited for the next day ahead of her.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name:
Aiko Mitsuki
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs
Given Name(s): Aiko
Preferred Name: N/A

Age (Minimum is 27):
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Christianity
Marital Status: Married

Current Location: Japan, Karakura

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years): 2

Academic Degree:
Bachelor of performing arts.
Year of Graduation: 1994
Major(s): Master of Arts.
Minors: Visual Arts.

Native Languages: Japenese.
Other Languages: Italian and JSL.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, I do.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Drama


Additional notes about your application (if any): N/A.
Do you have any questions?: N/A.


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your Teacher application won't be accepted today.

You may re-apply 14 days.
DM me on Discord if you have any questions regarding your application: @KimiNoUso#9999

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