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Accepted Physical Education Teacher Application | KotaLobo


Level 46
Lore Team

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I know and accept that I will be demoted if I’m inactive.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on the server every day for at least 8 hours a day, though it may be less since a new job has started for me.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Adult, Grade-12, College Bachelor, College B Football, and Shopkeeper.


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I’ll be applying to teach the Physical Education class.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
After being involved with many factions in the future, more specifically school employee once, and teacher two times, three if I get accepted this time, I find myself often to return. The last time I left was due to a lack of motivation, having too many roles to keep up with, and the fact that I wanted to try out other factions before sticking to one for a long while. This time, I hope to be welcomed back as a Physical Education teacher to hopefully bring back activity to the faction both in and out of school grounds. There are not too many reasons for my return, though I did enjoy being in the faction when I was in it all the time, I just left because I had too much on my plate, which I’ll make sure won’t happen again.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I do understand that I’m applying for the Unqualified Teacher role.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do understand the training I will have to go through upon being accepted into the faction.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are something that keeps track of the amount of classes all teachers host. Logs are personal and will be used to determine the amount of money the teacher(s) will be paid the month they worked. These are important because they help organize paychecks so everything isn’t messy and they help keep track of a teacher’s activity, assisting in the decision when it comes to promotion/demotions as well!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Though, there aren’t many strict rules when in the class, there are quite a few that seem like common sense but are usually missed among both students and staff when everything is stressful or unorganized!

My rules will include the following;

If you want to speak, you will have to raise your hand and wait to be called on in order to do so UNLESS told otherwise. This rule is set in place because if everyone just starts talking all at once, it’ll cause the classroom to be disruptive to both the class and even the classes around it! It’s also used so everyone gets to have a say in something, making sure nobody’s opinions or questions aren’t left out of a lesson or conversation. This is a helpful rule for both students and the teacher, assuring that nobody will be talked over either. Breaking this rule may cause being removed from the class and even detention to be handed out to the student(s) doing so, depending on the severity.

Remain respectful to your classmates, peers, and faculty who are in the class at the time. The rule ensures that everyone feels comfortable and happy in the classroom environment, assuring students that they’re in a supportive and open-minded area where they can share and talk without fear of being made fun of. This also builds trust between both faculty and students, showing appreciation and kindness to one another. A result of breaking this rule can be getting removed from the class and given detention if caught doing so, also depending on severity.

If you’d like to leave the classroom at any time, you’ll have to raise your hand and wait to be called on so you can ask to leave. Once you’re out of the classroom, you must do what you have to. If the class is still going on by the time you’re done, come back and have a seat until the class is finished. If you’re leaving the classroom for a field trip of any kind, depending on the situation, you’ll have to leave your items in the classroom and make sure they’re tidy. If you’re unprepared for the field trip, you could face being removed from the class or we can provide if needed.

If you’d like to sit somewhere else other than at your desk, you may, but it will have to be somewhere not distracting and not in the way of anybody else. The rule ensures that everyone is comfortable where they’re seated without being a distraction to anybody else or themselves while the teacher hosts the class. Though, if the rule was to be broken, the student may be sent back to their desk, or even removed from the class if the situation depended on it.

Phones should be placed away and turned off while the class is going on. This rule has similar reasoning for number one; phones can be disruptive and distracting if used while a class is being hosted! Not only is the phone distracting to other students, but could also distract the teacher from their class since they’ll have to stop just to tell the student(s) to put the phone away in their bag. It may not be a huge issue, but it will be strictly enforced unless told otherwise. If someone breaks this rule, they could get removed from the class if necessary.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started roleplaying when I was around the age of eight. Though there were multiple Minecraft and Discord servers I started roleplaying in, I lasted in them until I was the age of fourteen or just newly fifteen before I figured out about SchoolRP through a friend of mine, which made me actively play and make new friends. I’ve been a member of the server actively for almost four years now. While I’ve been in the server, roleplaying and doing what I do, I’ve been in various factions like Crime, EMS, Shopkeeper, Reporter, Shrine Maiden, Teacher, and School Employee (Caretaker)! While being in all of these factions, I’ve been able to meet new people and gain new experiences, assisting me in my roleplay knowledge! Even though I’ve learned how to do a lot of things, I know there’s a lot more to learn in the future, so I hope I get to learn even more than I know while being back in this faction.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The head of Department is usually the most-knowledged and long-lasting member in their category when it comes to teaching. The people who hold the role of Head of Department keep track and monitor anybody else who’s teaching in their category. These members work right under the SLT and can even have a deciding opinion in promotions, demotions, etc. depending on the person who runs the faction. This role is rewarded to the person who is the most active, experienced, and even most connected person of the faculty in their category of teaching. This isn’t something that is handed out here and there, it’s something that is a reward and something the faculty member should be proud of having.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Qualified Teacher is a good place to calm down when it comes to hosting classes, especially if you know you want to stay at this rank for a while. Even though you can take a small rest, you’re still expected to work as efficiently as you can, making sure you can keep the rank you want here. However, if you decide you want to, you may work as hard as you can to get yourself up to Head of Department. It could be really difficult, but your hard work will pull through eventually.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Newly Qualified Teachers are a good step up from Unqualified Teachers. This role is another performance-based role where you can get more opportunities to get higher in the system, hopefully getting Qualified Teacher. In order to get promoted from NQT to QT, you’ll have to show how much you want that promotion, doing so by working hard to get classes up and running throughout the month.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Unqualified Teachers are workers who have just been recently accepted into the factions. This is one of the roles where workers are expected to work the hardest to earn their spot at the school. When working hard, they could be promoted to a Newly Qualified Teacher where they will have to prove themself time and time again to get themselves higher if they wish to do so. This is a moment in the entire job where they will have to go through a certain amount of training, show their true potential, and do their best to show how much they can do for the faction.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, and what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers In-Game
In-game, teachers are played by people who have applied for the role to teach people ICly, even OOCly about something they’re passionate about! Though, these people who teach in SRP can help guide new players or any other normal player, helping them with anything they can while doing something they enjoy. Even though this is a roleplay server, it doesn’t stop people from learning or from others teaching someone else about a topic they don’t know too much about.

Teachers Out-Of-Game
Teachers are somewhat similar out-of-game, though they’re required to have an actual degree when it comes to teaching another group of people what they’re passionate about. Of course, teachers aren’t roleplaying, but they are guiding students to a higher level than what they were before for 12 years. OOCly, teachers are people who are more qualified to genuinely teach others a topic, though this can be done at any time, just not professionally without some kind of degree.

There’s a huge difference between in-game salaries and out-of-game salaries. In-game, salaries depend on how many classes are hosted a month. The minimum amount of classes needed to be paid for the month is 10, which gets them to the base pay of 350,000 a month for Unqualified and Newly Qualified teachers. If a teacher is Qualified and up, their base pay will be 400,000 a month. However, if they decide they want to go above their quota, they may go five classes over to get the maximum of 500,000 in the month.

Out-of-game, salaries can be weekly, bi-weekly, or even a couple of times a month, of course, this all depends on the employer or what the employee would like. Out-of-game, salaries are based on hourly pay instead of a quota based on how many classes you host in a month. Their pay can be anything between $18 and $23 an hour, receiving the rounded-up, yearly pay which is between $39,000 and $61,000 a year.

Teaching Methods
Teaching methods are different ways to teach someone a way of doing something. Having different teaching methods can be helpful for different people. For example, if someone is more of a visual learner, the best teaching method could be something that’s a hands-on activity or something that is shown how it’s done to learn it. However, if someone learns better by hearing it, they’d be someone who can learn easier through lectures instead of something that’s hands-on and more interactive. If someone wants to have a more interactive and visual-learning way of teaching, they can use different objects to create something more interactive, making sure they can visualize it right in front of them so it’s easier to do the work than they would have to do in their head.

Free Time
What people do, especially people who work, like teachers, often depend on what they have to do, plan, or teach. If a teacher is behind in classes or their students are behind, whether it’s a whole class or one student, they’ll have to step out of their way and put some time into their off-duty hours to create a plan or multiple plans to get the student(s) ahead or up to date with their classmates inside the class. If the teacher decides, they may also take the time out of their free time to plan fun activities for their students. However, if the teacher has nothing to do, they can spend their time visiting family, hanging out with friends, basically doing whatever they’d like while they’re not on their work shift teaching students. Free time is important to take advantage of because teaching is a stressful job that takes a lot of energy out of the person who spends five days a week, eight hours a day teaching. They may love their job, but it doesn’t completely remove the stress or low energy from it.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers in SRP are players who are not only expected to host classes throughout the in-game school day, but they’re expected to set an example to players of how to act and respond to situations in a well-mannered fashion both ICly, though especially OOCly. In RP, teachers are the people who are in charge of the school, next to the SLT, though they’re the people who you’ll commonly see around the buildings, meaning they have to be the prime examples of the faction, keeping it active, and containing a healthy environment. Out of RP is similar to in RP. However, the main differences are the way that activity is kept up and running, as well as the point of the entire server. If there were no teachers in SchoolRP, then there would be no classes being hosted almost daily, resulting in it not being SchoolRP, it’d be completely different.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The planning system works on the MoSCo Method (Must have, could have, should have)

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
With one glance, there’s a lot people can tell when it comes to Calico’s physical features. Her eyes and right hand are some type of prosthetic, allowing her to live halfway normal like she used to before she was hurt. Looking closer, Calico had been missing her left ring finger, covered from head to toe in dark scars that seemed to be permanent. With an even better look, tattoos were hidden on her right wrist and on the left side of her neck, ones that seemed to fade as time went on, only touched up once every five or more years. Calico wears a heart locket necklace around her neck, but it looks old and rusted, almost as if she hadn’t taken it off for years, which she probably hasn’t.

Even though Calico may look intimidating upon seeing her, she’s someone who will step out of her way to protect somebody else no matter who they are. Calico’s a caring person with a bigger heart than it seems, someone she’s always been but never really cared to show it until she became older. Now with kids, Calico acts like a mother figure to many, happy when anybody sees her as someone they trust and love almost like a mother. Even if she can get stressed out and take too much onto her plate at once, she will eventually figure out how to get past anything or anybody stopping her from doing the best she can in her career or a dream she’s been doing her best to follow. She’s someone who cares a lot about her family, friends, and anybody who she sees as close to her and trusts. She may be introverted at times, but Calico relies on people to keep her happy and entertained, something that will be sure to get her extroverted side out of her.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
For her students, Calico wants every single one of them to have a bright future like any good teacher would want. Though she wants more than that, Calico wants them to have a better opportunity to have a well-planned future compared to what she used to have. When Calico was younger, she was suspended multiple times, even expelled at one point, which causes her to want her students to have a plan for the future they want to have, hoping that it’s a very good one instead of something like she’s had. Even though there may be tough times, Calico knows that her students will be able to get through any low point of their lives if they try their best.

Calico thinks very highly of her co-workers, hoping to work with them for as long as she can while she works at the school. Even if she may not know all of them super well, Calico will offer a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on to help them through any point of their lives, wanting only the best for them all. They may already have a plan for their future, but if they can go above and beyond to do something else they want to do in their life, Calico will be on the sidelines, cheering them on and supporting them as much as she possibly can.

What are their plans for the future?
Calico plans to stay in Karakura for the rest of her days, continuing to build her family and its reputation from the ground up. She will do her best to change what she had been in the past, doing anything to keep herself from going back to it, even if the urge is strong. Even if Calico doesn’t find her permanent job now, she knows she’ll have a place permanently somewhere, she’ll do anything to find her home, something she truly loves doing while making money to support her family, friends, and loved ones no matter what happens to her or anybody else. Calico plans on saving up all of her money to buy herself and her family a nice home, wanting them all and the future members to live in comfort, even when she passes on to a different life, she knows she’ll want to see her family happy and comfortable in the home she worked so hard to get for all of them.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Upon seeing the group who are actively breaking rules, I’d first politely ask them to stop. Of course, if this fails to change their behavior at all, a verbal warning will be given to them, even a threat of detention because they won’t listen. If they continue to misbehave, continue to swear, and curse, a detention will be handed to each person in the group if they participated in the act.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
First, I’d clap my hands two or three times to catch the attention of the class, waiting a moment. If it doesn’t seem to work, I’d do it again and start speaking so they can hear me loud and clear. If this doesn’t work and students continue to speak, they will be verbally warned two times before being removed from the class for that period before continuing on with the class.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
While in the teacher’s lounge, if she’s alone, Calico will use it as a time to catch up on work in peace and quiet. If she has no work to catch up on, she’ll grab herself a snack or even a coffee to get her through the day, using this free time to relax and take a break so she can regain her thoughts so can get herself ready for her next class(es)

However, if somebody else is in the lounge with her, she’ll take the time to try and create a bond with her co-worker. Interactions like this are important for all faculty have so they can get to know each other both on and off the job, especially since they will all eventually be working with one another. This could be of good use because working together means they’ll have to get through really stressful situations with each other’s help, even if it isn’t often, it’s still a good thing to rely on someone you work with.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

waited for the bell to ring before she walked over to her desk, waving to the class with a smile on her lips. “Good morning everybody, I hope you’re all well! Today, we’ll be learning about self-defense and when it’s appropriate to use it.” walked around the room and pulled out the mats, laying them around the room so they were spaced out neatly. “Set yourself up on a mat and we’ll start shortly.”

/me hummed under her breath, waiting for the class to settle down before she began to speak again. “Please quiet yourselves for a moment so I can explain this activity. I know you’re all excited, but it’ll be a shorter wait the sooner I get to explain.” flashed the room of students a warm smile to then turn around, starting to write on the board, neatly yet in a few quick motions.

/me glanced around the room, mentally counting how many students had joined, making sure to re-count to be sure of the number of students in the room. She clapped twice to get the attention of the students, smiling. “Good morning everyone! We’ll be heading out of the classroom for a field trip outside of school. Be sure to bring your water, a snack, and anything else you may need. If you’d like, you may bring all of your belongings or leave them here.” walked to the doors and opened them, allowing the students to pour outside. “Let’s go!”

/me stood at the side of the volleyball court, watching the students play as she hummed under her breath, enjoying the wind and the sun shining on her face. Even though she didn’t take her eyes off of everyone playing volleyball, she enjoyed herself, even sitting herself down with other students who chose not to play to talk with them.


Aoife C. O’Sullivan was born in Ireland. Her mother’s name was Eithne A. O’Sullivan and her father’s name was Daniel K. O’Sullivan. Aoife was named after her great-great-grandmother, Aoife O’Connor. Aoife had two brothers, one older and one younger, Aoife’s older brother had passed away in a house fire which would ruin her future. Her parents never really had the chance to take good care of Aoife and her younger brother since they had lost everything in the house fire. A while later after the house fire occurred, Aoife’s mother passed away in a fatal car accident that left four dead, and Aoife, her brother, and her father still alive to mourn over Eithne’s death.

Aoife was always a hard-working child, her parents were never harsh on her brother but were always harsh on Aoife since they wanted her to grow up and have a good life they didn’t have. Aoife practiced daily, whether it was with school work, working out to build muscle, or practicing self-defense just in case anything ever did happen to her, she’d know how to defend herself and others. She’d have 2 more years to wait until she was sent to Karakura by her father. Aoife practiced daily while being homeschooled with her younger brother by her father and her uncle.

The time had finally come for Aoife to leave her brother and leave for Karakura. Aoife had waited her whole life so far until she turned 18 to go to Karakura. Aoife was finally ready to move out of her father’s house and into her own apartment to live out her life in Karakura. Though Aoife didn’t want to leave her brother behind since he’d be the only O’Sullivan child left in Ireland, she knew that he’d be okay with their father since he was always well protected by their family members.

Aoife was finally in Karakura, she had to learn Japanese since all they spoke in Ireland was English, but she didn’t mind. She then enrolled in school where she eventually started to study in Japan, she took an interest in the subjects of art and English. While studying in Karakura, Aoife made friends and everyone started to call her Calico due to her eyes being two colored eyes and she could only see in grayscale. After staying a while in Karakura, Calico suddenly had to leave and go back home to take care of her family, she was expelled by the time she had left.

While she was back in Ireland, Aoife decided to continue her studies since she knew that she’d be going back to Karakura one day, so she studied as much as she should and every day that she could. She’d then go on to College where she would get a Master's degree, she’d also go to have an English Major and an Art Minor. Aoife wanted to be a Teacher but decided against it. She would always look for school faculty roles to apply for since she’d always wanted to work at the school, so she became a Caretaker.

After quitting her role as a Caretaker in the school faction, she wanted to continue her dreams of publishing her own writing and stories, so she applied to become a Reporter for the Karakura News! Not long after, she quit due to complications and now wants to live a peaceful and full rest of her life as a Shrine Maiden in Karakura. After weeks and months of doing research and learning about Shintoism, she’d go to apply to become a Shrine Maiden just like she wished to do for a long while.

After becoming a Shrine Maiden, leaving a while after she had endured plenty of trauma and new experiences from being in the shrine, Calico decided to try and return to the school after a long while of being a normal adult with no job. After making her decision, she went back to school in Tokyo, hiding her new interest in teaching from others until she decided to apply to the school, hoping to return once more.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Calico O’Sullivan Omori

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience:


Academic Degree:
Master’s and Bachelor’s

Year of Graduation:

Physical Education

Health Sciences

Native Languages:
Italian & French

Other Languages:
Japanese & Latin

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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