Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): Pkandaz
Previous bans: Toxicity and Lying to staff + Reaching warn limit (2 total)
Describe your activity on the server: When I play MC, I play SRP. So when I get out of school I usually play. You will see me on around 3pm-10pm
Do you have Discord? .Alex#7524
Do you have a microphone? Yes, and I always use it while in a VC.
List your current and past applications: Ban Appeal (Accepted) Police Application (It's this one)
What is your motivation for applying?: I was always incredibly surprised at the realism of the police force in Karakura, ever since I joined I've wanted to apply, and here I am.
There is so much GangRP and crime all over, my motivation for applying is because I want to serve and protect.
I feel like the GangRP is getting out of hand, and I want to help reduce it. Karakura's police force may be big, but not everyone is online. I myself will try to be active every day.
The motivation also comes partly from so many of my characters getting killed because of GangRP, and I want to try and help to make sure the killers get the consequences they deserve.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? I do indeed. I've been interested in Police and Police RP for 2 years.
What are the Police ranks? Superintendent (Lieutenant colonel), Chief Inspector (Major or Captain), Inspector (Captain or Lieutenant), Police Sergeant (Warrant Officer or Sergeant), Senior Police Officer (Corporal) Police Officer (Cadet)
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. As mentioned before, I am very interested in law enforcement and police work, I've been super interested for 2 years. I do believe I have enough knowledge of police work to be a good officer.
I've watched police shows since I was just a little boy, so I know a lot about how an officer reacts in almost every situation. I've also read up on every law in the server, and I feel that I have them all down.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police on SRP are one of the most important aspects of the server, obviously. But why? Well, they keep murderers off the streets, they keep the students safe, they keep the teachers and other adults safe, and they are a humungous help if you're having any sort of issue.
Without police, SchoolRP wouldn't be anything like what it is right now.
The second reason they are so important is that just like in real life, society can't survive, grow or function without a police force. Without them, we'd have such an unenjoyable experience. I honestly feel it's the most important aspect of the server.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I acknowledge the fact that if I do not behave, go be the rules or RP properly I can and will be demoted.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? He's a very positive, serious and strong man. He's 5"9 and weighs in at 141lbs. He has dirty blonde hair.
What makes him unique is his knowledge of crime from both his studies and real life. Growing up in a very bad part of Russia gave him a very good look at how crimes are committed, and how felons hide from the police.
What he's like on the and off the job? On the job he's a lot more serious then he is off the job. When he's on the job he doesn't joke around as much and is a lot more focused.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? He usually wants the best for his co-workers and will do whatever he can to keep them safe and not hurt them.
He dreams of living in a nice apartment and having enough money to support himself and his friends.
He had a tough uprising. He was born and raised in Moscow with the name Valentin Mikhail Haruko.
His parents both died at a young age and he was adopted into a foster family riddled with crime and abuse. He ran away from the foster family when he was 15 and started a new life in the city Omsk.
After going to school and working, Valentin decided he had to move. He sc****d up as much money as possible and bought a one-way ticket to Karakura, Japan.
When he arrived in Karakura he had a tough time learning Japanese but got it down after a few years.
He met a ton of new people and got a bunch of friends, some who sadly passed on or were murdered.
His life in Karakura varies. Some nights he's out drinking with his friends and having fun, some he sits in his house alone reading books and smoking cigarettes.
The person he is today was shaped from all the kind actions of other people around him, but also by himself. He went from a weird orphan to a strong, mentally stable and happy individual.
After a while of thinking of the summer before college started, he decided he wanted to be a police officer. He studied for 3 years and is now looking for a job within the police force.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Valentin 'Val' Haruko
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Valentin Mikhail Haruko
Preferred Name: Val Haruko
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years of training.
Working Experience: 1 year of working experience.
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation: 2019
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Science
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Japanese
IGN (In Game Name): Pkandaz
Previous bans: Toxicity and Lying to staff + Reaching warn limit (2 total)
Describe your activity on the server: When I play MC, I play SRP. So when I get out of school I usually play. You will see me on around 3pm-10pm
Do you have Discord? .Alex#7524
Do you have a microphone? Yes, and I always use it while in a VC.
List your current and past applications: Ban Appeal (Accepted) Police Application (It's this one)
What is your motivation for applying?: I was always incredibly surprised at the realism of the police force in Karakura, ever since I joined I've wanted to apply, and here I am.
There is so much GangRP and crime all over, my motivation for applying is because I want to serve and protect.
I feel like the GangRP is getting out of hand, and I want to help reduce it. Karakura's police force may be big, but not everyone is online. I myself will try to be active every day.
The motivation also comes partly from so many of my characters getting killed because of GangRP, and I want to try and help to make sure the killers get the consequences they deserve.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? I do indeed. I've been interested in Police and Police RP for 2 years.
What are the Police ranks? Superintendent (Lieutenant colonel), Chief Inspector (Major or Captain), Inspector (Captain or Lieutenant), Police Sergeant (Warrant Officer or Sergeant), Senior Police Officer (Corporal) Police Officer (Cadet)
What knowledge do you have of Police Work. As mentioned before, I am very interested in law enforcement and police work, I've been super interested for 2 years. I do believe I have enough knowledge of police work to be a good officer.
I've watched police shows since I was just a little boy, so I know a lot about how an officer reacts in almost every situation. I've also read up on every law in the server, and I feel that I have them all down.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police on SRP are one of the most important aspects of the server, obviously. But why? Well, they keep murderers off the streets, they keep the students safe, they keep the teachers and other adults safe, and they are a humungous help if you're having any sort of issue.
Without police, SchoolRP wouldn't be anything like what it is right now.
The second reason they are so important is that just like in real life, society can't survive, grow or function without a police force. Without them, we'd have such an unenjoyable experience. I honestly feel it's the most important aspect of the server.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I acknowledge the fact that if I do not behave, go be the rules or RP properly I can and will be demoted.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? He's a very positive, serious and strong man. He's 5"9 and weighs in at 141lbs. He has dirty blonde hair.
What makes him unique is his knowledge of crime from both his studies and real life. Growing up in a very bad part of Russia gave him a very good look at how crimes are committed, and how felons hide from the police.
What he's like on the and off the job? On the job he's a lot more serious then he is off the job. When he's on the job he doesn't joke around as much and is a lot more focused.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? He usually wants the best for his co-workers and will do whatever he can to keep them safe and not hurt them.
He dreams of living in a nice apartment and having enough money to support himself and his friends.
He had a tough uprising. He was born and raised in Moscow with the name Valentin Mikhail Haruko.
His parents both died at a young age and he was adopted into a foster family riddled with crime and abuse. He ran away from the foster family when he was 15 and started a new life in the city Omsk.
After going to school and working, Valentin decided he had to move. He sc****d up as much money as possible and bought a one-way ticket to Karakura, Japan.
When he arrived in Karakura he had a tough time learning Japanese but got it down after a few years.
He met a ton of new people and got a bunch of friends, some who sadly passed on or were murdered.
His life in Karakura varies. Some nights he's out drinking with his friends and having fun, some he sits in his house alone reading books and smoking cigarettes.
The person he is today was shaped from all the kind actions of other people around him, but also by himself. He went from a weird orphan to a strong, mentally stable and happy individual.
After a while of thinking of the summer before college started, he decided he wanted to be a police officer. He studied for 3 years and is now looking for a job within the police force.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Valentin 'Val' Haruko
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Valentin Mikhail Haruko
Preferred Name: Val Haruko
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 3 years of training.
Working Experience: 1 year of working experience.
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation: 2019
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Science
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Japanese
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