Level 4

IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Describe your activity on the server:
Today marks my one year anniversary of playing on SRP! I found SRP due to a friend and started playing on a different account, of which I lost due to hacking. Which caused me to take a really long break. But over time, I decided to come back and I have been playing ever since! My activity, if I were to rate it on a one to ten scale, would be around a six or seven. I was active around seven to eight when I was in the teacher faction due to having to meet quota and host classes. But I recently left the Teacher faction because I didn’t find it as enjoyable as I did and started to take an interest in Shrine.

IGN (In-Game Name):
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Describe your activity on the server:
Today marks my one year anniversary of playing on SRP! I found SRP due to a friend and started playing on a different account, of which I lost due to hacking. Which caused me to take a really long break. But over time, I decided to come back and I have been playing ever since! My activity, if I were to rate it on a one to ten scale, would be around a six or seven. I was active around seven to eight when I was in the teacher faction due to having to meet quota and host classes. But I recently left the Teacher faction because I didn’t find it as enjoyable as I did and started to take an interest in Shrine.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
7AM to 11PM | 9AM to 12 AM | 7AM to 11AM | 7AM to 10PM | 10AM to 9PM | 7AM to 11PM | 9AM to 11PM |
List your current roles on the server:
Adult Tag on my main slot
Fox Whitelist
Bird Whitelist
Grade 12 x3
Link any previous applications:
Teacher Application
Other Language Application
Spanish Language Application
Russian Language Application
Japanese Sign Language Application
EMS Doctor Application
Shrine Maiden Application
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I am applying for Maiden!
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is in hopes to regain my motivation and love for playing on SRP. As SRP is the server where I met and made most of my friends! But my motivation also comes from wanting to learn more about the Shrine Faction and to take part. Since I’ve been visiting Shrine more and reading more on the Lore, I’ve always enjoyed learning about other Religions and the past and how they’ve come to be. And sure, it may be a block game, but the Religion is real, and seeing people study and share it even on a server, is amazing to me!
I wish to be in Shrine to be in a faction where I can be comfortable and not be so stressed out. But also, to teach others about the Religions and the lore of the Shrine and its faction.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
To be completely honest, I am still learning about it. My knowledge of Shintoism is very, and I mean VERY low. But I have a few friends in the Shrine faction that usually discuss it OOCLY and ICLY with me. Since starting to learn about it, I’ve been hooked and started to read all the updates on the forums and even continue to study about Shintoism when I have the free time or discuss it with friends.

Character Full Name:
“Eiken Döring. If you need help spelling that, please let me know.”
Character Title:
“Any are fine. Miss, Mrs, Mister. I’m not picky.”
Character Age:
“I am 25 years old. Turning 26 soon.”
Character Marital Status:
“I am- single. Mostly focused on family and providing for them.”
Character Nationality:
“Ah- My family is mostly German. With a teaspoon of Japanese. Comes from our mother’s side.”
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
“I have an associate’s degree in religious studies. And a bachelor's in psychology.”
Born and raised as the oldest in Leipzig, Germany, Eiken had to play the parent figure role rather soon. Being the eldest sister of six younger siblings, three of them being triplets, it was a hard role to play. But one that was needed. With their father playing into a game of life and death, finding himself in crime almost constantly. And their mother, working in the Church. Their parents were always busy and pushed the kids onto Eiken. Which she had no problem with as right away, she had started to grow a bond with the little ones since she witnessed all their births. Plus, living in Leipzig at a young age, Eiken had high expectations as the eldest. To bring the family wealth and fame.
Which over time, she brought the family wealth but never fame.
As Eiken got older, she picked up at least a full-time job and a half time job in order to provide gifts, food and help pay the bills for the family. Which of course, their father helped. But the money he brought was always dirty. Eiken never wanted that money traced back to her family or her father in hopes to keep him out of jail. So, she picked up whatever jobs she needed. Even house cleaning for neighbors, mowing the lawns. Anything.
Until one day- their mother was murdered in the Leipzig Cathedral during a ceremony. And their father went missing the next day. Many believed and tied it to Mr. Döring. Saying that he killed his wife for wealth, for fame, or due to jealousy. Eiken, now left with six younger siblings under her care, and in fear of them being separated. She tried to hide with them at friends' houses, or close relatives. But nothing seemed to work. The Government put all six kids in foster care, and left Eiken alone as around this time, she was nineteen.
Alone, and the feeling of guilt weighing down her chest, Eiken felt hollow. But she continued to work her jobs, rented a place and decided she was going to go through foster care and adopt her siblings.
Going through visitation, making sure her place was livable, showing she could afford groceries, bills, schooling and whatever she needed. It wasn’t until she was twenty-three that she finally got to go to court and adopt all six of her siblings. Reunited, Eiken started to feel relaxed and at home once more. Then she received a letter. Reading, it explained she needed to move to Karakura, Japan for a family emergency, and it would be safer for her and the kids there then it would be in Germany. Only to realize that the reason why Germany was no longer safe, were due to the ties their father had made.
Packing, and saying their final goodbyes, they traveled to Japan and made their way to Karakura for a fresh start of their lives. Hoping to never be traced.

How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Eiken is respectable, and rather talkative with all her co-workers. Giving friendly advice when needed, updates on all her siblings and continuing to learn from other staff members about the Shintoism Religion and the past of the shrine.
With guests, she is kind and gentle when she talks. Greeting with a smile on her face and offering any help at any time. Or offering nice warm tea for the winter days coming ahead.
/me &oEiken would be sweeping around the stone walkways, humming softly as she made sure all mud and leaves were cleared of the way before hearing footsteps slowly climb up the stone steps and across the bridge. Turning her head, she smiled at the guests as they bowed at the Torii gate and she bowed in return, speaking kindly. “Hello and Welcome to Shinei Seinaru Monastary. Please feel free to roam around and let me know if you need anything.”
/me &oEiken would be listening to the other maidens and priests discuss their days and their families as she started a new pot of tea for the visiting guests. Turning, she listened in to the conversation and tilted her head as she kept her hands clasped together in front of her, listening to the stories that were being told.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
If they were disrespecting the Shrine grounds, Eiken would ask the first time kindly yet sternly for them to stop. That would be the first warning as she would explain that it’s not allowed for the behaviors and things that they are showing and saying. If they continued, Eiken would try her best to give at least two- three warnings before threatening to blacklist them or call KPD to remove them. As it’s rude and disrespectful to treat a place of worship as they were.
/me &oEiken would be conversing with a guest before seeing them point to the roof, turning her head, she would sigh. Her gaze was stern, but her voice was calm and a little loud so the visitor on the roof could hear her. “Please get down from the roof! It’s highly disrespectful.” She would call out and watched as they started to make their way down.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Eiken would want to become a Shrine Maiden in order to continue the tradition of their mother being in Religion and learning about the Religions of the places they lived at. But to also show their devotion. Though for the longest time, she wasn’t a big believer in Religion, but after praying for help to be able to adopt her siblings under her care, she started to believe and she had made a promise to whatever Gods that were listening, that if they helped in her favor in order to reunite her family, she would show her thanks and gratitude and place herself into Religion as her mother did and change her ways in life.
After moving to Karakura, she believed that joining the Shrine as a maiden would be the best way to show her thanks to the Gods/Kamis for helping her gain custody of her siblings and not leaving her alone in the world.
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