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Police Application

Brownies Police Application

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name):

Previous bans:
-Lying to staff//Helping banned player bypass.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m a rather active person, although, i do have medical issues and i do work also,
School has become my number 1 Priority. But in saying this, it shouldn’t effect anything.

Do you have Discord?

Do you have a microphone?
-Yes, and i talk to people a lot.

List your current and past applications:

Spanish application: (Denied)
German application: (Accepted)
Spanish Application: (Accepted)
English teacher application: (Denied)
Maths Teacher application {Alt} (Accepted)
English Teacher application: (Accepted)
Maths Teacher application: (Accepted)
Shop #2 application (Denied)
Forensic ****yst: (Accepted)
Police Application: (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?:

I highly enjoy SRP, although theres been times i’ve screwed up a lot. As a previous Cadet i didn’t take much commitment within the force and i betrayed the force by disobeying rules. And i understood i blamed a lot of it on my Medical conditions, although it may be true i do wish to have another chance. I want to try really hard to reach far beyond my expectations. As an individual I think highly of myself, and nowadays i try to push myself, i want to help Karakura become a better environment for us roleplayers.
I believe i can push myself, i have it in me. I just need to do it, and reach tot he top!
The main reason i would like to engage myself back into the police force is because i want to expand my Roleplay experience. I'm expecting to prove myself i can do anything if i put my mind to it, and hopefully i can actually get to a patrol officer this time.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
-Yes, i have noted all the Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct.

What are the Police ranks?
The ranks are ordered from Lowest to greatest.

Cadet, The First rank in the police force. Cannot Patrol alone and still in requirement of training.

Patrol Officer, Patrol officers are able to patrol on their own and do not require training anymore.

Corporal, Trains the new Cadets in the police force. Sergeant, Watches over the lower ranks making sure
no rules have being mistreated.

Lieutenant, Can now handle firearms and can give rule over Sergeants and lower.

Captain, Second in command under Commissioner, Can take over when the commissioner is not able to be in the station.

Commissioner, The head of the police force and the law of the land.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
From my knowledge i believe police work is a frustrating and stressful job but it's also enjoyable. Police have to do so much, there are times they put their lives on the line just for the towns safety. Police must stick to their roles in the police force for obvious reasons, they must obey rules too! Obviously things like no association with gangs. (murdering, kidnap etc) Police have to deal with, yelling, bickering, disrespect, racism, explicit language and threats thrown towards themselves and other Civilians. They work so hard with keeping the town safe. They don't normally get to ‘rest’ they're usually always on their feet because
there is always some mysterious crime or a puzzle to solve. Police officers have codes which i have taken note of: Code 4 means the Situation is all clear. What’s your 20 would be what's your location, 10-4 would be classified as Affirmative, As i've used this before in my previous role. I do believe i can learn it again.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP because without police, Commitment to crime would raise, the town wouldn’t be very realistic. More so it'd be known as a crime town, nothing but crime an unsafe environment. The Police change the way GangRP and crimes are brought into the server and presented. They add more of that reality to the entire roleplay server. This brings Fear and guilt towards the player committing a crime, making an action such as murder, assault, etc; you will be jailed, more so until a bail is set, unless the crime committed is non bailable. Police are there to protect and take action to do so. If a player feels unsafe, scared, nervous because maybe perhaps someone targeting them. That's when the officers make the move to protect that player.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
-As someone who took up the chance of being demoted, i completely understand and i
Am highly alerted of my actions.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Willow Rose Nakamora, Willow is a bright and formal female. She stands at 5’5 and has bright blue eyes and freckles on top of her pale skin. Willow has long brown hair and is rather cheerful.
She’s rather Unique mostly because of her brains, she focuses really hard to get beyond perfection.

What he/she like on the and off the job?
On the job Willow tends to be the highly active one who prefers to work really hard,
She can become ‘A friend of the world’ by her social behaviours, it’s mostly the same off
Duty as well. She speaks highly of herself and others and is considerably sweet.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Willow looks highly of everyone, she does expect maturity but other than that she enjoys
Everyone's company. Her plans would be rather simple, continue working hard, she wants to achieve more than her family could ever do and prove to everyone she is strong and capable of anything.
Her standards are quite high in some cases, she dedicates herself to everything and she do hope her workers commit with bravery and perseverance.

Willow Rose was born in Berlin Hospital on 25.01.1995, Around 3am, by her mother Marie Rose. All of their family were cops. Marie Rose had given birth to her 3rd daughter, Known as Willow Rose. About 5 years later after Willow was born their father was killed on duty with a shot to the chest, Jackie was extremely close with her father. After his death she became Anti-social and her mother called her Psychotic. When Jackie was 18 she left with Naomi to Japan, as willow wanted to stay. Her Mother became a Alcoholic, and when Willows sisters left little did they know that them leaving Willow behind was a mistake, Willow had been living with her Mother and about a month later her mother had been a very addicted alcoholic and had been constantly abusing Willow, Willow was bullied at school for being the odd one out and every day she'd arrive at school with Bruising and wounds on her body. Willow would be picked on by this also, One day goes on and the Bashing became worse and worse. But one day out of any ordinary days Willow was abused and knocked out by her mother left in the gutter with ripped clothing and bloody wounds all over her body. Her Cousin had seen her on her way walking to the shop and had rushed her to hospital and she had suffered from Trauma and minor head injuries, Ever since then her Cousin Nanci Rose had taken care of her and raised her from that point on, By age 17 Willow had wanted to move to Japan to live with her Sisters Naomi and Jackie, Her cousin didn't mind at all so that's where she went.
As she arrived in Japan she was greeted by many but struggled with the Japanese language so she would come across very shy and very quiet. She would always be reading learning the Japanese Language and soon enough became quite fluent in the language, Willow would usually stick with her Big sister Jackie but that all changed when one day Jackie and her friend Nadia had been put in jail. When Jackie was released she had supposedly suicided and "Succeeded" Willow had received the news from her sister Naomi and left Willow insanely terrified and upset, By then Jackie's Boyfriend had adopted them both and left him with pressure.
Soon Enough Nanci had been shot while Willow was in Boarding school, and Naomi had succeeded in her suicide plan.
Willow had stood tall for the fact she wanted to make her lost ones proud, she attended a school where she could study as a police officer just as her parents did. She focused extremely hard in class and always was studying, Willow decided not to hang out with anyone due to the fact she just wanted to be better than everyone else. By the time she graduated the school she disappeared for a few years, before returning to another school of studies where she then graduated.
Once Willow completed all her studies she went to a Police academy for 12 months, she pushed herself past the hardest challenges of them all. When she graduated to returned back to Karakura where she applied at KPD (Karakura Police Department)
In hope to follow through to the next step of her planned career.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
-Willow Rose Nakamora

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
-Willow, Will.



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
-2 Years

Working Experience:
-3 years

Academic Degree:
-Bachelor's Degree in law enforcement

Year of Graduation:

-Crime Justice


Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to come back to the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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