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Police Application


Level 32
IGN (In Game Name): CarnageRP

Previous bans: Never had a ban within the server only been kicked for AFK

Describe your activity on the server: I play SRP everyday when i have spare time at this moment of time i have spent 53 days 13 hours and 53mins

Do you have Discord? Yeah i have discord its Xtra#2764

Do you have a microphone? Yeah i use my microphone alot and it's in good quallitay

List your current and past applications: Here they are its alot by the way:

What is your motivation for applying?: I wish to apply to be an officer today because i know alot about being an officer as i wish to be one when i grow up soon, I love being able to have my own controll in a certain place and being an officer im sure that will help me get that and reach some amazing goals.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes i do i recently looked it up before i did this app.

What are the Police ranks? The police ranks go, Cadet, Officer, Investorgater LT, Corparl, Captain, Commander

What knowledge do you have of Police Work. I know some, Police will report to crimes that is phoned in within the state of the crime it might be sirens and speed, If its just a non high crime then mostly roll up casuall to see what the real problum is,

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police inside SRP are important because it's to provide peace and safety within the area and RP stands, Meaning if there wasn't any cops the whole place would be a war zone and heeps of gangs running around taking things over and there would be no balance within the city.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I acknowledge that alot yes and i will try not to be Demoted if i get accepted.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Varian Ito, Is a male standing at 6"2 he has long black hair with a scar across the bridge of his nose and down his left eye with his left eye being blind, He was brought up in South Korea, when he was 10 he moved up to Karakura inschooling into the highschool at the age of 13, When he hit age 18 he was placed in the football team helping the team out as much as he could, however he was dropped out the team and now he studdies as best as he could.

What he's like on the and off the job? Varian would be highly alert within the job and even on his days off, As there would be people out there planning to take officers out, Varian would try his very best to put everything into the Job and Work as hard as he possibly could.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Varian wishes to reach S.A.T before he hits age 35 as he wishes to be in a higher movement within the police force.

BACKSTORY: Varian Ito was born into a family of 3 two brothers and 1 sister with an only mother, He would normally be the one who gets himself into trouble within his peers and older siblings, At the age of 8 He lost his mother in a house fire making his siblings and him moving to Karakura to be with a cousin who was living there at the time, However the Cousin that was there for them was arrested, So Varian and his three siblings began to live in there cousins house. At the age of 11 he lost one of his older brothers in a knife attack, The older brother was attacked with a knife killing him, at the age of 13 he was enrolled into Karakura education where a few months later he lost him older brother Carnage Ito by being arrested for life, Varian still sees little of his sister however he thinks shes moved back to South korean, Varian at the age of 18 was placed onto the football team helping his way around the team getting to know them till he was dropped from the team by having his old habbits like his older brothers, However Varian wishes to change the way he is and try to make a better way for himself so he studdied hard to become a police officer which he still wishes he can be till this very day.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Varian Ito
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Varian Ito
Preferred Name: Varian
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Non Religious
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Korean
Current Location: Karakura City

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
None as of yet.
Working Experience: Worked as a scurity gaurd for a few years

Academic Degree: bachelor of arts in police science.

Year of Graduation: 2016/2017
Major(s): Mathes, English, History and P.E
Minor(s): Mathes

Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Korean


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to join the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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