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Police Application


Level 248
Council Lead
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): Jaeyla

Previous bans: I have had no previous bans.

Describe your activity on the server: I am for about 7-8 hours a day and every day of

Which timezone are you in? EST (GMT-4)

Do you have Discord? Yes. My discord is waitjayla#1128

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes

List your current and past applications: - Spanish Application (Accepted) - French Application (

What is your motivation for applying?: I have experience almost all parts of SchoolRP, and I wish to dapple into PoliceRP. Also, I have always been interested in police work, in real life or mostly the outcome police work brings such as the justice they provide to the people.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I have a basic understanding of the laws.

What are the Police ranks?
The ranks of the police are Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Trainee Investigator, Investigator, Head Investigator, Lieutenant, Head Lieutenant, Captain, and Commissioner.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I have a basic understanding of police work, but I do have extensive knowledge of how certain things work within a police department.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? The Police are very important to the key survival of SchoolRP. Looking at it in a logical sense, Karakura has a high population count of teenagers, especially orphan teenagers. This means these children are more likely to enter gangs, which would create a high crime rate. But looking at it from a normal standpoint, Police are those that keep order and regulate the rules and laws. They are a requirement for a successful society or government system.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I do acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Yes, I do acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes, I do acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes, I do acknowledge this.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Malachi is a male that would stand at 6'. He would have curly, dark brown hair that would match his playful manner. His face would be decorated with freckles and moles, and he would also have full lips. His defined jawline would compliment his symmetrical face. His distinct eyes would strike any person that met him. Malachi is unique due to his history, as he knows what the life of a cop looks like, from the perspective of a child. He also is highly motivated due to what happened to his father, at a young age.

What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, Malachi is a very dedicated worker and actually takes pleasure in his work. He enjoys cracking jokes at a sinister tone but knows when to get serious. Malachi knows what it takes to be a police officer since his father was one. Though when he is off the job, Malachi is a very charismatic male and loves to 'compliment' people; though he prefers to never take it too far. He also loves to joke around and make people laugh. He also loves talking with people and meeting new people, when he is not talking with people, he usually working out, due to his athletic nature.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Malachi loves having co-workers, as it provides another point of view to a situation. He loves having fresh perspectives on possible outcomes. He treats co-workers' opinions with the utmost respect. He also hopes that his co-workers could become more than co-workers and actually become friends. Malachi plans to have a normal life with friends, and family, but he wants to work up to work on the case his father was on, and really find out; What happened.

Malachi "Lee" Moralez was born on June 7th, 1997, with his twin sister, obviously. He was born in West Garfield Park, the west side of Chicago and Illinois located in North America. He was born to a Hispanic caring but strict Hispanic mother, and a loving and caring, Father that was Austronesian which was native to the Indonesian province of West Java and Banten, but came to America as a young boy. Malachi had an older brother, named Matteo and before the tragedy; they always seemed closed but when Matteo had to take leadership in the family, they became distant, especially because Malachi always thought he was big enough to govern himself and especially his twin sister, Mariana. Growing up, Malachi had a great childhood, as his mother was a nurse and always caring for her children when he was sick; and their father was a police officer, always ready to defend the law, and tell the children stories of what went on in his day. But when Malachi and Mariana were 14, tragedy struck the family. Lee Moralez was arrested on charges of murder. It all started when their father would come home stress about a "new" case and talk about how it seemed very suspicious. Days went on as their father continued to express concern, saying how evidence seemed to have gone 'missing'. Malachi brushed it off as any other case, his father used to tell him, but he was wrong. Lee Moralaz was charged for murder, but with little to no evidence pointing to him. All three siblings were fueled with anger, to find out the injustice their father was given. While Mariana took a more academic approach to the problem, Matteo preferred going to the streets and finding out in the root of the crime, what happened. But Malachi preferred burying himself in his room, studying his father's case. It studied everything he could find about the case, his room would be decorated with sticky notes and papers would scatter everywhere. To this day, they are still working to find out what happened to his father, and who tried to pin a murder on his father. Due to this Malachi is very inquisitive and meticulous about what he does, and tends to overthink any possibilities. Though he always has his sister to reground him back to reality.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Malachi Lee Moralez

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): Malachi

Preferred Name: Malachi

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Christian

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: American and Japanese

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 2

Working Experience: Malachi has had an internship with the KPD.

Academic Degree: Bachelor Degree

Year of Graduation: 2023

Major(s): Criminal Justice

Minor(s): Forensic Science

Native Languages: English, Spanish

Other Languages: Japanese, and Sundanese.​
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Level 135

- After discussing your application with other officers of the KPD, we’ve come to a decision that you’re suitable for the police officer role. You will start your journey as a Police-Cadet and we all hope to see you rise in the rankings.

- DM Loooper#8469 once you see this.

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