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Police Application


Level 0

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which time zone are you in?
Pacific Standard Time Zone. USA West Coast. PST

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Okinasa Shop.

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been on SRP since early 2020, But ended up taking a break In Late 2022. Up until now I have found myself with a large amount of free time and wanting to comeback and to continue my dedication to this server that i once had before. often being online finding things to do with friends or simply on my own. I spread my wings to openly meet new people within the community. If someone Ask me for help in the community i would help them out to the best of my abilities.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Like wise previously stated before; I have found myself having a large amount of freetime and wanting to dedicate myself to something within the server. I have always wanted to someday be a part of KPD, not only because of the factor of the community that KPD is in itself, but also the new experiences and chances to roleplay and develop my skills but also the chance to develop friendships within my character and others. I wish to not only make new friends and memories along the way but I wish to gather new experiences and to explore new roleplay opportunities within the KPD and with the SchoolRP community My motivation for applying is high because i want to become a police officer in real life and i am coming back to the city.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Compared to other applicant's i have real life knowledge and other information of police work.
• Miranda Rights
• Completing Task and order within The Chain Of Command.
• 10 Codes Remembered By Heart
• Probable cause - Proof that is acquired By an Officer To preform their duties on what they need to do in a certain situation.
• Reasonable Suspicion - officers have an objectively reasonable basis for suspecting criminal activity before detaining someone.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Karakura is a city known for having an extremely high crime rate, and with this statement that is just saying with the KPD that we have in the city right how. could anyone ever imagine how it’d be without the Karakura Police Department? The city is mostly filled with Young Adults and other Young Citizens. The highschool and community college are found to be in the center of the town, but KPD is also there for the rest of the citizens of the city. KPD in short is Karakura's residents first line of defense against the criminals within the community.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

Full Name
/me The Male in his late 20's walks inside The interviewing room with a Masculine Posture, He would keep a serious face. The Male would speak in a Deep Toned Serious Voice. The Male would bow in a respectful manner towards The Field Training Officer.

The Male would Set down his work backpack and would gently grab the chair and would politely sit down.

/me The Male would clear his throat before he began speaking.

"Good Evening. My Name Is Bryan Vinson."

Current Age

/me The Male would Would slip out his wallet from his button up jacket pocket.
He would open the wallet and take out his 'KaraKura' City Issued I.D Stating that He was born in June 17th, 1995. and would be currently 29 Years Old. He would hand over the I.D To The Field Training Officer
After then closing back his wallet and placing it back into button up pocket.

"I am currently 29 Years Old"


"I am a Male"

Whats your highest academic role
/me The Male would reach and grab his back pack and would open a pocket on his bag and would grab a folder which held his Highschool Diploma, and he would gently place it on the table.
"I Indeed Graduated From A School in Chicago but i have my legal residentials here in KaraKura."

Do You speak other languages?

"I am Currently Learning New Languages But as of right now i only speak Japanese"

**Bryan Vison is a male with dark toned skin with spikey hair and brown eyes. The male would be In a Fit Condition and Very Athletic State.

The Male would Stand In a tall posture at 6 Foot, 2 Inches. **

What makes you unique
"What makes me unique is my darker skin tone compared to everyone else mostly everyone in the city has a lighter skin tone but for Bryan his darker skin tone
separates him from others in a unique way."

How Do you React or Act In a Professional Situation/Casual Situation.

"In others opinion's and in my opinion I would remain calm cool and collected in a professional situation. I would take the time to evaluate what is going in the situation and then I would make the effort to defuse the situation as fast as possible. In a casual situation I would make a couple of jokes here and there; But other than that: I would be serious about the task that would be handed to me and i would get the Job done."

What Is your Outlook On Teamwork/working with others.

/me Before the Male begins to start speaking again the male would repostion himself on his chair and would fix his posture and would clear his throat.

"In my personal opinion of what i have gotten done of the last few years with working with people. I have learned that one person cannot do everything that may always need to be done alone but is needed to be done by multiple people. For example In Highschool, I was a captain on the football team back then I would have leadership skills and team ethics, But some of my other teammates couldn't see that they were selfish and they always wanted to be the team player and I helped them understand and realize if they work together as a team they can overcome almost every obstacle in their way. I love the idea with working with others because of my great communication and work ethic skills with other colleagues."

What's your character's backstory?

Bryan Vinson and his little brother Ryan Vinson were two individuals from the united states. He was working for the Chicago Police department, and the violent crimes that happen there would happen almost every second it was a bad sight to see. Bryan Vinson Had to step up to take care of his little brother Ryan Vinson. The reason for this being is that both of their parents passed away in a car accident and at the time of this story Bryan was 23 years old and Ryan was 12. So every single day Bryan would be risking his life to provide for his little brother. They were barely hanging on by living in that city. In the middle of the night one time; Bryan was sleeping, and his little brother Ryan was watching TV. There was this loud engine outside coming from down the street. At the time Ryan Thought nothing of it he completely ignored the car because he was so use to all of the surroundings that would happen. But the engine got louder and louder as it was approaching his house and out of no where the sound of *BOOM BOOM BOOM* *RAAK** *RAAK* the windows would shatter behind Kid Ryan. Luckily all of the shots missed him, and he started screaming for his Big brother Bryan. Bryan Busteed out of his room and dove on his little brother. The shots started coming back at the house again. Ryan Started to cry. Bryan said "it's going to be okay hand on in there."

After this situation detectives found out that there was a bounty on the 'Vinson' Family and the detectives connected the car accident to their attack of the drive by shoot out. Bryan was devastated by the news. He went to the Head Department About the situation and luckily; the commissioner worked with Bryan about this bounty that was on the Vinson family. The Commissioner Of The Chicago Police Department offered Bryan The Young male a way out of Illinois. He gave Him and his brother enough money to move out of the country.

Bryan wanted to move as far as possible so then he decided to take his brother on a trip to "Karakura." His little brother loved the trip so much and the people around him. Bryan Thought that this was the perfect place to be instead of having to deal with a target on his back from whatever the family did back in the united states. Bryan Then told his little brother that they are going to be staying in karakura. little brother Cried Tears of joy then it made Bryan Emotional about the situation then it was finalized. Bryan Vinson And Ryan Vinson Would start their new lives in Karakura.​

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"owning a pocket knife is illegal no matter the reasoning unless for a legal reason. It Would Be counted as a felony."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

"Allergy Pills, Eye Drops, Nasal Sprays, gels, Ointments."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
/me The male would pause and take a second and would put himself in a position like that in his head. The male would gaze back at the Field Training Officer and replies.

I would try to jump IN front of my co-workers and tell them stop and try to use all of my force to break it up but if he continues to keep going; i would go silent about the approach. I would silently report my co-worker and individual and the situation and i would keep my name anonymous for safety purposes.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

I would quickly Deescalate the situation and get them off of my cow worker and use my non-lethal tazer.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would try to secretly gain evidence and enough information on them and the criminal organizations that they have been helping and then i would try to build a case then report it to the commissioner or any of the Police Department's Higher Ups. No Corruption Under my watch not TODAY!

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I would react and tell them that what they are doing is a crime and tell them that they shouldn't bribe a Law Enforcement Officer. But then they would be charged with bribery.​


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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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