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Level 331

Police Information
This thread will cover most concerns relating to police work from an in-character and out-of-character standpoint. Make sure to read this if you have interacted with the police force as a citizen, as it will help you understand how to react to specific situations with them.

Custody Information
If you have been put under police custody, please note that there's a list of rules and points that must be taken into account in order to make roleplay as smooth as possible:

1. Once you are sent to the prison cells, all items in your character's possession are taken from you and can be used by any officer from the department. (NOTE: Police will not usually take your items directly from you, in order to avoid losing items, unless it is what precisely incriminated you, such as a weapon, or a suspicious mask)

2. Once you are /jail'd all of your In-Character personal information is automatically stored in the KPD's database. This means police officers are allowed to tell if an individual has a fake I.D on them should they be detained/arrested. Therefore, police will know the following character information if they are arrested:

- 2.1. Full name
- 2.2. Phone Number
- 2.3. Actual age
- 2.4. Address
- * Police may raid your property if you are found to have weapons / if they possess a warrant given by a Judge
- ** Police may also raid your alternative account's properties if you are found to be using it to loophole the property raid procedure

3. Your bail will be based on the sentence you have been arrested for.
- 3.1. You may not have your character bailed immediately after being arrested. You will need to wait out a specific bail time, which can range from 3 OOC Days to 5 OOC days, depending on your sentence.
- 3.2. You may not bail your own character out; you will need to get someone else to do it for you.
- 3.3. In some cases, your character won't be offered the possibility of being bailed out.
- * If you plead not guilty to your charges, you won't be able to bail your character out until a Judge has reviewed your case.

4. After being arrested, you will be given all the information related to your arrest, including your jail time, your bail time, and your bail, if any. Once police is done talking to you, you will be teleported out of the holding cells.
* If a considerable amount of time has passed and you are still stuck in jail, you will need to contact staff/officers to release you

5. Even if you are teleported out of your holding cell, this does not mean that you have been ICly released. If you have been arrested, you are expected to change characters before being released from your cell. You can always check the
Arrest Spreadsheet to know if your character is under arrest or not.
* Your new character must not have any relations or interactions with any of your previously lost character. This means that you may not go to your property to take out weapons on your new character before it gets raided by police.

6. When taking part in interrogations, you are not allowed to discuss in LOOC. If you believe an officer/detective is breaking a rule (such as Meta-gaming), inform staff and proceed with the instructions the staff member provides you.

7. You may not communicate/send information OOCly to other players (e.g. Streaming your screen), in order to ask for advice when being interrogated.

8. Officers have the right to tell whether or not your character can be visited.

9. Police may confiscate your baseball bats or ballistic masks under specific circumstance(s):

- 9.1. If there are any unusual dents or blood on the bat or mask, officers may detain your character and confiscate their mask
- 9.2. If your character has a criminal record with at least one felony charge, officers may seize your character's mask and fine them.
- 9.3. If police has arrested your character for a felony or for an assault charge, they may seize your mask.

Additional Information
The following information describes other miscellaneous points related to police interactions and CombatRP. Do note, however, that when it comes to arrest permissions, you will only gain these on the arresting officer (the character that placed the cuffs on your wrists).
10. Depending on your arrest, the permissions that you gain on the officer that has arrested you will be the following:
- 10.1. If you have been arrested for a misdemeanour (minor offense), it results in minor assault permissions on the arresting officer.
- 10.2. If you have been arrested for a felony (major offense), it results in major assault permissions on the arresting officer.
- 10.3. If you have been arrested for life (with or without bail), it results in kill permissions on the arresting officer.

11. If an officer has detained you, you will not gain any permissions on them unless you physically retaliate.

12. You are not allowed to bait police officers out of the station
by acting recklessly (putting on a mask, drinking alcohol, or intentionally beeping and running off in front of a police officer).
- 12.1. You may only try to lure police officers via "bait calls" to the emergency hotline.

Police Equipment
This section will cover all the pieces of equipment that police officers have access to, as well as related information concerning their abilities and requirements.

Police Baton
- A steel baton used by police officers apprehend criminals.

- Accessible to all officers

- Requires two hits to the head in order to knock the target out.

- Can be stolen from the hands with proper Mug Permissions.

- Close-range tool [TWO BLOCKS]

- A pair of steel handcuffs used to restrain the target's hands.

- Accessible to all officers

- Requires an action and a roll should the target resist.

- Can't be stolen.

- Immediate-range tool [ONE BLOCK]

Police Radio
- A waterproof communication device used by emergency units.

- Accessible to all officers

- Requires a blunt or sharp weapon to destroy.

- Can't be stolen.

- Can't be used offensively.

Stun Blaster
- A stun device used by officers to prevent the target from moving.

- Accessible to all officers

- Requires an action and a succesfull roll to be taken out in range.

- Requires a successful hit to stun for 60 seconds. No roll required.

- Can't be stolen.

- Long-range tool [8 BLOCKS]

- A device used by emergency units to check how drunk a person is.

- Accessible to all officers and EMS workers.

- Its accuracy varies depending on its proximity to the KPD station.

- Can't be stolen.

- Can't be used offensively.

Pepper Spray
- A 3-time use device used by emergency units to temporarily blind a target.

- Accessible to all officers and EMS workers.

- Requires an action and a succesfull roll to be taken out in range.

- Requires a successful hit to blind for 60 seconds unless the target
is wearing a Gas Mask. No roll required.

- Can't be stolen.

- Mid-range weapon [TWO BLOCKS]

- A plastic device used by police officers to neutralize threats.

- Accessible to Police Sergeants and Detective Inspectors.

- Requires an action and a succesfull roll to be taken out in range.

- Requires a successful hit to make the target unconscious for 2
minutes. No roll required.

- Requires an action and a roll to reload (2 darts) if in range.

- Can't be stolen.

- Long-range weapon [~30 BLOCKS]

Riot Shield
- A tempered-glass shield used by police officers for protection.

- Accessible to all officers

- When used defensively (main-hand), the officer won't be able to
use offensive tools. In this mode, any frontal/side damage will be
neutralized. If their back is covered, the officer can be pulled away
from it with an action and a roll

- When used offensively (off-hand), the shield won't provide any
defensive nor offensive properties. However, this mode will allow
the wielder to use offensive tools against a target.

- Requires an action and a succesfull roll to be taken out and swapped
from hand to hand in range.

- Can be stolen if officer is unconscious with proper Mug Permissions.

- Can't be used offensively (except to push a target out of range).

- Immediate-range weapon [ONE BLOCK]


Gas Mask

- Accessible to all on-duty officers.
- A police-issued gas mask used to protect themelves from biological threats.
- Can be stolen with an action and successful /roll with proper Mug Permissions.

- Accessible to Police Corporals.
- A police-issued crowbar used to pry open doors and containers.
- Can be stolen with an action and successful /roll with proper Mug Permissions.

Luminol Spray (ItemRP)
- Accessible to all on-duty officers.
- A substance container used to identify blood on surfaces, mainly on weapons unless cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or bleach and water.
- Can't be stolen.

Disposable Latex Gloves (ItemRP)
- Accessible to all on-duty officers
- Disposable non-fingerprint-proof gloves worn by all officers. All on-duty police uniforms carry these by default.
- Can't be stolen.

Fingerprint Scanner (ItemRP)
- This tool is part of the ItemRP police equipment
- Accessible to all officers
- Used to scan a suspect's fingerints. It can be used to tell if a fingerprint sample has matched a target's results.

First-Aid Kit (ItemRP)
- This tool is part of the ItemRP police equipment
- Accessible to all on-duty officers
- A small-sized kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn't available. When used, it will grant 5 additional minutes to the bleed-out timer.

Body Camera (ItemRP)
- This tool is part of the ItemRP police equipment
- Accessible to all on-duty officers
- A constantly recording and live-streaming waterproof camera is attached to the front of an officer's uniform that is stored and accessed from a cloud database. The camera is not able to be removed but can be destroyed (2 hits with blunt force / 1 stab hit). The camera has the same properties as a CCTV and can view anything from the player's point of view.
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