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ponderiing's Physical Education Teacher Application


Level 0
About Me

What's your Minecraft Username?:


What's your Discord username?:


What's your Time Zone?:


Provide any link(s) to previous applications:

What are your current roles on the server?:

‘Boo’ - Cat.
Heidi Bates - High School, Grade 12.

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on the server is increasing everyday, as I am finding more people to roleplay with. I have been on this server for quite some time, but I am only just coming back from a year's break. New account and everything. To make a prediction, I’m probably on about 4 hours a day.

Why are Teachers so important to SchoolRP?:

In Karakura teachers are seen as the architects of the future, weaving the threads of knowledge and creativity that will help Japan flourish. Through their unwavering commitment and profound impact, they brighten the path forward - making sure that the bright minds of today will become the changemakers of tomorrow. Without the teachers, there would be no such thing as 'SchoolRP'.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you may lose your role?:

Yes, I do.

Do you agree to undergo teacher training if your application is successful?:

Yes, I do.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

Yes, I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Teacher logs are where the person behind roleplaying the classes takes a screenshot and posts it into the daily quota. It is to show proof of ‘said classes’ and to show the time frames that they have been held for the end of the month pay.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Classroom rules are such a fundamental part of any classroom. Especially with Karakura’s delinquents. Some of the most important rules are;

Absolutely no eating in classes.

I don't need to clean up your messes, particularly when you had your lunch, morning breaks to do such things. I am not the caretaker, be responsible for your own messes.

Phones away! Also musical instruments and any game devices away!

This is such an important one for me, as I have seen other teachers get exasperated by the amount of disruption this causes for both teachers and students who’re trying to focus.

Raise a hand, rather than shouting so it doesn’t become a chain reaction.

A bunch of shouting will just be chaos. Think of the other professors or teachers that are helding classes nearby, they do not necessarily need to hear such disruptive noises.

Absolutely no harassing other students.

Harassment not only disrupts the educational atmosphere, buuuttt will also create a climate of pure fear and anxiety - which can impede personal growth and academic achievement amongst eachother. Refrain from any form of provocation or ill intended intentions. This is not allowed, whatsoever.

No cursing.

Profanity is a definite no go. Not only does it make you appear disrespectful, but it also can cause altercations- which I will not condemn. Keep that vulgar language out of your mouth in my classroom.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have an abundance of roleplay experience up my sleeves, heh. I have been on numerous, different categories of roleplaying servers - stretching across different platforms. With that said, I'm very knowledgeable on many aspects. You name it! I know it! My extensive experience leads up to around six to seven years, in total of pure roleplay. Different types of roleplay, at that. Medieval Fantasy Servers (MC) , RDO RP (PC), GTARP (PC), etc etc. Although both GTARP n’ RDORP requires microphones, but atlas, same thing. To summarise it all, I am astonishingly knowledgeable. I would love to put it to good use on this server.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

The Head of Department (HoD) in Karakura serves as a pivotal figure in the academic and administrative structure - overseeing a specific subject area and to share their knowledge with the teachers that are underneath them in the ranking system. They generally hold the most amount of experience and knowledge.

- QT

A Qualified Teacher (QT) in Karakura is a teacher who has been in their position for an indefinitely long period. With a wealth of knowledge gathered from years of practice, they possess an innate ability to engage and inspire their students and other teachers, displaying the correct way of performing.


A Newly Qualified Teacher in Karakura is a teacher who has recently been promoted from being an Unqualified Teacher. They are able to host their own classes with independence and with gathered wisdom from Qualified Teachers and The Head of Departments. Qualified Teachers are given the permission to act according to their new found freedom, however are still learning as they go.

- UT

An Unqualified Teacher is often seen shadowing seasoned teachers, observing their techniques, classroom management strategies, and the art of engaging students with their classes. They are all about growing, adapting and discovering their own teaching style amidst the challenges of their new role whilst being seen by more experienced teachers.

Roleplay Scenarios

A student in class is struggling to understand the content, what would your character do?:

With a gentle smile, Shigeo would decide to pivot his approach. Instead of repeating the same information, he took a moment to assess the student’s learning style that would fit them best in his opinion. He would approach the student with a somewhat easier way of learning. However, if this ceases to show much impact, he'd allow the student to see him after class to provide a better environment without the other students. From this, it'll allow the student a moment to actually be able to comprehend the material that was given to them and let Shigeo learn how to handle different ways of teaching.

A student is continuously being disruptive in class, talking out of turn, and making jokes with classmates. What would your character do?:

Shigeo's demeanor would be firm but fair, embodying the balance of authority and understanding. He would warn them, although if they would not listen, he would threaten them with detention. Hopefully by warning them, the classroom would transform into a more relaxed space, letting Shigeo's strictness soften.

Provide at least 2 interactive class ideas related to your preferred subject:

I believe a work-out routine would be satisfactory, offering the students to be creative and evoke excitement to their fellow peers. This would demonstrate their comprehensive abilities and to provide some physical activities too. From this, it'll allow the students to sustain both a mentally and physically demanding activity, to their advantage. Rewarded with a more ' entertaining ' activity afterwards, heh.
I also believe running the track and monitoring how long it takes them to get tired would be beneficial, as we can calculate the time-frames for the next class to see if there's any vast improvements. Rewarded, again.
There would also be more lenient activities, after the harder activities, such as Volleyball, Basketball, Dodgeball or perhaps, Football. Whichever they take a better liking too, of course. Class decision, majority votes.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

sharp eyes darted from one student to another, in search for those gazes wandered, and those whose whispers interrupted the flow of his classroom.. As the noise began to fade, he’d felt the weight of responsibility. He’d sharply inhale, straightening his posture and with purposeful clarity, he would call out to the students “Attention!” His voice rang through his own ears, placing his hands onto his hips.

/me gnawed on his bottom lip, amidst thinking, Shigeo peered at the student- figuring them out. “What brings you here?” He’d question curiously, elevating his index finger to point towards one of the vacant seats in-front of him. “Sit, please and speak to me.” Shigeo urged, his tone of voice wrapped in pure warmth and encouragement, eagerly awaiting for the student to exchange.

/me paused momentarily beside a student who was frowning in concentration, and with a gentle whisper, Shigeo offered words of encouragement. “You’re doing great,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, but filled with warmth and sincerity as he peered down at the book that was placed in-front of the student. He would briefly monitor them for a few more mere seconds, before flicking his wrist- signaling a small goodbye, moving forward to offer assistance towards the other students.

/me eyes narrowed as he swiftly turned his attention to the cluster of students huddled by the window. “Step away from the window, right now.” Shigeo’s eyebrows knitted together, forming creases across his forehead. “Dont let me ask you twice.” The sharpness of his tone silenced himself, positioning himself to face the delinquents. A few brief moments of quietness would settle upon Shigeo as his face visibly started to be fueled with frustration, his teeth gritting. "Now, or it's detention. Final warning." He managed to find himself again, instantly moving forward to display he was not kidding around.

Have you read and understand the Teacher Application Guidance thread?

Yes, I do.

Describe your character:


Standing at an impressive height, this Japanese man would command attention with his striking presence. His hair, a very dark vibrant shade of red, cascades like a fiery waterfall, framing his angular face and contrasting beautifully with his pale complexion. Hirayama Shigeo’s light brown eyes are warm and inviting, holding a depth that suggests a world of thoughts and emotions, hopefully drawing you in with his gentle yet intriguing gaze. As he moves, tthere’s an effortless grace to his long limbs, each step deliberate and confident! The combination of his unique features- again, the vivid hair, the soft, pale skin, and the thoughtful eyes, would create an unforgettable image that is Hirayama Shigeo! Although through clouds of fury, he tends to be inclined to short anger bursts. Maintained at best, but sometimes uncontrollable. No less, there's always positives to the negatives, as its seen through his desire to perform to the best of his capabilities. Not letting it escape from deep within, yet. To say the least, he remains docile and kind, not allowing himself to fall into the fiery pit. His unique style effortlessly turning heads. Clothed in a striking black and green shirt, the fabric shimmers in the sunlight, showcasing a pattern that dances between boldness and simple. The rich black serves as a perfect canvas, letting the vibrant green to pop, adding a touch of life to his look. His blue pants, well-fitted and comfortable, complements him with a cool, laid-back vibe that perfectly balances out the shirt’s vivacity. Of course, don't let his style fool you, as there's more to him, than just some silly clothes!

What is your character's outlook on students and co-workers?:

Hirayama Shigeo embodies the spirit of a dedicated educator, radiating warmth and enthusiasm that draws both his students and colleagues into his orbit. With an infectious smile and a genuine interest in their lives, he is open to where communication thrives, allowing for meaningful connections to flourish! Hirayama believes that every student has the potential to excel, and he tirelessly helps them with their growth, encouraging them to push their boundaries and strive for greatness. He would make sure it was known that his classroom would be a place of support and encouragement, where students are inspired to unlock their abilities and pursue whatever suits them.

What is your character's motivation for teaching?:

Shigeo envisions a future where he can impart knowledge and inspire into the next generation of Karkaura. His desire to become a teacher is not only a career choice, but it is a calling fueled by a deep-seated yearning to up lift Karakura's potential future. He wants to make a difference in the students and be able to shape them into respectable citizens. Given his nature, Shigeo is convinced he could make a significant impact with his determination and his eagerness. Hirayama Shigeo has boundless amounts of energy, ready to be used to assist the learning minds of Karakura. Given the chance, he will prepare himself to meet all kinds of distinct minds and to teach them different approaches. Offering guidance, but remaining just far enough to keep it professional.

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Hirayama Shigeo



Given Name(s):


Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

5 years.

Academic Degree(s):

Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Athletic Training and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.

Year of Graduation:






Native Languages:


Other Languages:

English, Spanish.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

I have a TEFL and CELTA certificate.​
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